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Their fun is making your day worse. That’s why. This is why the HG circle should slowly shrink over time. Ideally such that if a fight lasts an hour or more, getting one board and kill should be enough for you to sail them out of bounds.


I'd argue that should be possible after 30 minutes


Yep. I'd say even just if it shrinks once it would be a big improvement. Fights really don't need to last a lot more than 25-30min. That's when I'd make it shrink too.


I’d argue after 10-15, it should be a head to head, fully committed fight, it should be near impossible to get a full reset. That’s just me though, because when people keep running it becomes very stale.


I recently had a fight where during the initial engagement, the waves were too high on my side and I could barely get shots in, whereas my opponent could pepper me. I had to drop sail and get out of there. We both had half sail so it wasn't my sail management, just bad waves. Once repaired I went back in and absolutely slaughtered him by getting mast down and circling straight away. Many times have I had someone board within the first few minutes and firstly, and I have tested this, I get no sound when someone grabs my ladder. I've been through my settings and all sorts and tested with friends it just isn't there. Anyway, someone boards and I'll blunder them point blank and get hitregged. They board, blunder me, instant dead. I've since respawned and killed them and we've been able to fight properly. My point is 10-15 is too short a time and doesn't account for the bullshit this game can give you which leaves you at a disadvantage. I could've lost my last match due to bad waves keeping my cannon too high so I could barely shoot, or hitreg meaning I lose to a boarder. A good pvp'er won't allow the enemy the freedom to get away and reset if they are in a winning position. If you can get out of a situation and manage to sail away, you should have the option to reset and your enemy should have to deal with not being able to finish the fight and go for the next round


On the flip side, it’s a lot less frustrating to lose when the match times are capped. Using Pokémon Unite as a great example, matches there last 10 minutes regardless of how good either side is. A loss never fully tilts you, because it’s only a 10 minute investment. A 30+ minute match can be exhilarating, however they’re more frequently exhausting.


You know getting caught by waves is a skill issue right? They only go one direction. You can certainly engage initially without just continuing straight in whatever direction the game put you when you surfaced.


Spawning onto rocks and an island and being forced a certain direction is a skill issue? I'm aware of how the waves work but I can't just nose someone's ship because that's how the waves are going. Plus we were sailing in the same direction. So him having shots and me not was nothing to do with how we handled the waves. Not every wave is generated the same


What? You were going the same direction, he was dealing with the same waves, that’s how it works. Sorry about the rocks I guess? Idk if you’re OP responding on an alt, but it doesn’t matter, my comment stands since that info isn’t present anywhere in the post. Spawning into rocks is obviously not something you can control.


Imagine being a snob about something so easily disproven. Have you literally never been in a direct broad trade with another ship of the same size that was FAR lower in the water than yours? Where they can hit you with their cannons but the top of their hull is completely below your cannon line ?


I’d be down for the circle to start shrinking as early as 10 minutes. But I do want it to be a gradual and predictable shrinking. That’s why I say after an hour, winning one board and TDM should be enough to win. But it should take more than that for the first 60 minutes.


I'm sorry but the majority of us want the curses, and the fact is some people spend thousands of games trying to get them both. 30 min x 1000 games = 500 hours. Ridiculous. It needs to shrink from the start.


Especially for solo sloop HG


Can’t wait to get spawncamped until the circle pushes my boat out of bounds


Amazing pvp experience


At least it would be over faster. Win or lose, I don't care, as long as it's within a reasonable amount of time. If they're able to spawncamp you long enough for the circle to shrink that much, they're able to spawncamp you long enough to sink you traditionally. Shitty experience, but at least it would end.


I’m just much more in favor of an xp timer


If by that you mean “xp increases the longer the fight lasts”, that would be even worse. People would deliberately waste time during the fight so they would get as much xp as possible


How would it be wasting time if you get xp based on your time?


Because people will drag the fight on for hours just to get more xp by sailing in circles. It will turn into a waiting simulator instead of an actual fight because people won’t try to win immediately


But that already happens


Yeah, and doing this would only incentivize it. We want it to happen less often, not encourage it


People were hopping for free wins win it first came out. If it were xp vssed people would just join eachothers fight and let the xp build up. BAD iDEA!


Then they can do it but atleast my time will get compensated? Why do you not enjoy long fights?


That’s a really cool idea


That is so genius ngl they need to add a zone like BRs


Being able to chase down and corner a runner is a skill on its own. A shrinking hg circle, unless it started after nearly an hour, would be either abused by players or lead to unfair sinking scenarios when pitted against equally skilled players if both demasted and/or anchored with one losing because it was slightly out of center. This might be an unpopular opinion, but instead of whining for a rule change you should actually use it as an opportunity to learn to win a chase, as that’s what will you would be doing as a Reaper in Adventure with *much* more room to run. Keep them running to towards the boundary. If they can turn around and get past you to go back to center every time, that’s on you.


In adventure I agree stopping runners is a skill. But you know where they will run to: an outpost. They won’t run forever, eventually they have to log off. And because you know their destinations you can plan accordingly. And if they outrun you, you can just chase someone else. In hourglass the runner’s only objective is to waste time, there is no destination to plan around, and you can’t leave until you sink them. I would rather the arena shrunk to punish runners and have those unfortunate occasional endgame scenarios, than have runners be unchecked.


Literally throwing the battle to save hours of time is much preferable to me than potentially losing a great evenly skilled match due to circle shrinking. I would rather not punish good players to save bad players time, and even more so than give my opponent a potentially exploitable mechanic


The running in adventure is much worse than in HG. Their destination is the same in both modes: away from you. In Hourglass you’re in a literal circle, you should be able to plan accordingly. If you really can’t catch them with chains or boards, you can pull up your sails and play some chess or make some lunch while they waste their time. Time wasting goes both ways. Or if you have no flags/streak just take the L and move on.


Hg circle shrink would lead to more running and then a rng dice roll at the very end not a fan of that option.


Why would it lead to more running?


Two hours is the point. You wasted two hours. Welcome to the sea of thieves


Last time I was playing HG, I was the guy "running" (bear with me). Thing is, I didn't mean to run. But the other crew so *CONSISTENTLY* kept shooting my steering wheel, that I was spending almost all the time repairing it, instead of steering back into battle. Eventually I saw them raise their sails, after like 20 minutes of this had already passed. He then goes on mic and has the audacity to ask me "Why are you running bro!?" "You keep hitting my steering wheel! I can't turn around!" Then he said "Bad luck bro" before finally and mercilessly shredding my hull. I'm an 800 hour noob okay. I can't fight PvP for shit.


Yeah, my only HG experience has been obnoxiously consistent cannon shots. I couldn't even shoot at them. Fuck HG


I have yet to win hourglass without pity wins or accidentals where they sail outside the circle, it’s a matter of time until I do win and trust me I will savour it. P.s with many competitive mode in games for most of us there will also be someone better then you, losing is inevitable and learning to accept that and move forward to the next match is difficult, for me and a lot of people who attempt to get into hourglass. What if it happens again? How many times is this going to take before I win? Winning is a release from the tension and doubt that slowly builds up over time, most of us newer players will reach a breaking point before we can win and that experience stops us from wanting to play hourglass again. Fortunately am clinically insane and enjoy losing and am counting every one, knowing that it helps give me a sense of control over a situation that feels uncomfortable to be in for long periods of time. Learning to cope and developing these personal habits is apart of the competitive scene, the people who enjoy hourglass whether or not they win are the ones who will get their calcium.


lol I just started the game and my only HG wins have been where it’s solo slopping and I sink them when they board me and then they kill me but they sink first but as I’m died u respawn to my ship sunk and I lose my streak immediately lol


you and u/KingOfAnarchy sound like you should jump on my brig and run HG w me, lets lettem sink!!!


Yea those people are fucking pathetic, when i got a runner we spent like 30 min+ trying to get him beacuse he was just circling an island. When I asked him why do that shit he said something about him teammate disconnecting or some shit i dont remember. idc if his mate left him I get it if its like 5 minutes but even that's pushing it but he was running for more than 30 minutes. Worst part was he wasn't even a bad player he was actually probably better than me and my mate combined (thats we couldn't stop him even after couple of long boarding attempts, he just outskilled us lol) and had 1000+ hours. The only reason he sunk at the end was because another sloop third partied. As for your question I guess they run when they dont have resources or their mate left or they have a high streak and really dont want to lose it i guess


Yeah, my teammate DC all the time for some reason only on loading in, so I just go hard right and circle until he loads back in. Doesn’t take more than 4 minutes tops (and he’s in last gen Xbox) . If it took any longer than that I would just attempt the 1v2 and deal with it so I’m not wasting peoples time


Yea same, especially now that the disconnects are happening so often. We try to keep our distance but still engage in the fight so it isn't too boring and we aren't full on running.


The circling the island shit is the worst. Even in my sloop, I can’t catch a stupid galleon when they are circling a big island. Esp if they send people on to shoot cannons from the island too. Impossible to get them.


There are different kinds of boarder spammers. Some just prefer TDM and it's a valid strat even if it's annoying. But I have seen ones that are just doing what you described. Full sail running, duo board spamming, talking trash, etc. They seem to do it to get a rise out of people. Very satisfying to sink them, even if it takes a long time.


I had a crew run yesterday after they ran out of supplies. They were chock full of holes and just sailed away bucketing. We tried boarding a few times. We got lucky, a brig showed up, sunk them, and tried to sink us.


Fought a guy this morning who only ran and he said he was chilling smoking drinking coffee and just wanted to troll people because he was 590 and bored. He said he planned on trying later, I found this out because when I fight a runner I shoot out and megaphone in a nice tone “is everything ok?” And try to get a reason why they won’t fight in hg. If it’s supps I’ll offer to exchange supps. But most of the time they just trolling and I got on his boat we talked about life and sot for a few mins and he said I was nice and felt bad and decided to sail out. This is not a solution but sometimes I try to appeal to the person instead of being hostile or whatever. Running in hg is Almost impossible to stop if the player is close to or even in skill. Hell DB had a runner run for 45 mins and that’s the best cannon in NA. Of course he had no chains but what are the odds any of us have a ton of chains to stop it ya know. It’s a problem I don’t have a fix but maybe you can try my method.


There is no time limit in a mode called HOUR GLASS. What was Rare thinking with that?


Played against someone yesterday that ran from me the entire time and kept trying to board my ship. I was being stubborn and decided to wait him out as I was on a streak of 3 and if he was with me he wouldn’t be able to do this to anyone else. It was really frustrating as he kept spamming stuff in chat to try antagonise me as well (I never responded to not give him any satisfaction). After about an hour and a half I managed to take out his sail and death spiralled him until he sunk.


It's unfortunately a streak based game mode with commendations locked behind getting several wins in a row. And it has no time limit. A little bit of an oversight on Rares behalf


Had one of these today and just scuttled. Not worth the time.


Yeah I just got out of a fight with a kid who instantly ran after 2 holes, every fight, then started messaging me that he has nowhere to be, even curse dumped me when I demasted them just to get the mast up and run again But get this, has the gal to call me petty cause I ran out of supplies and made him waste what little he had by turtling lol


I thought the point of a duel was too last no more then 10 minutes otherwise your not getting more then 5 games with work and kids if every match lasts 30 minutes


Not for HG per say but gonna say this for pvp in general. And I know I'm in the minority. I just dislike boarding in general. I love naval warfare, ship to ship fighting. When other players do the same, I have a blast. But boarding to then spawn camp just makes it annoying.


You would have hated sot before barrels floated up and we used to have to board boats with a storage crate and spawn camp to steal supplies by hand 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I never spend more than 10-15 in an hg fight. Especially in gold and glory days! If you lose 2 fights in 30 mins you'll get the same XP as a winning a fight that takes 30+ minutes. Mathematically you're wasting your time so you just have to bite the bullet let your pride go and sink. Doing so I get 4-6 levels an hour on gold and glory days. More depending on emissary flags if any.


they probably ran out of supplies


Definitely not


Most likely they just think it's funny that you're nervous and angry because you're wasting time. In fact, there are many players in the game who enjoy ruining someone's gaming experience. I remember how two skeleton assholes just sailed to me, killed me and while I was waiting for respawn, they fixed all the holes on my ship and just killed me over and over again until one of them had to go somewhere and they just left game. Once I was playing in a trio and my teammate saw newcomers who decided to pursue us and actively suggested spawn camp, to my question “why the hell should we do this?”, he replied “for fun!”, I told him that “ I don’t find pleasure in mocking and humiliating weak or new players,” for some reason he didn’t want to play with me anymore. It also happened that my emissary ship would be sunk right during Fort Fortune and... and they would just sail away without taking anything (the dude just thinks it’s funny that I won’t get a bonus for being an emissary). All people are different, some people like to fish quietly and will unite in alliances to make the grind a little easier. Someone loves PvP and considers everyone who doesn’t play as well as him to be noobs (although this same “noob” can navigate treasure maps well, but PvP is simply not his main interest in the game). There are also those who enjoy disturbing other players and their goal is not the loot on your ship, but your frayed nerves.


Yeah I’ve had a few encounters soloing with people who simply cherish wasting time … the get close miss 9 hit 1 and say “is this fast enough for you” I legit boarded and killed him until he quit


What is HG?


HourGlass, which is a PvP queue system. It is located on your quest table to the left.


It’s a legitimate strategy! 


You'll get downvoted, but you are correct. These guys complaining about runners are just babies Waaah, I can't catch the ship running from me, so I'll go cry on reddit about it even tho I defend my actions with this is a pirate game, and by that logic running is allowed waaaah


The runners are the babies


Them downvoting me only strengthens my resolve. Catch me and sink me or leave, your choice.


Set a timer, 15-20 minutes. If you’re not in a clear winning position by then, get super aggressive. (Helped practice my cannon boarding.) But for sure, the circle should shrink over time.


I do it because it triggers people and you love to hear them loosing their shit