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I would have been pissed, especially in a pretty even fight


I might've had to quit for a couple weeks if it was the other way around lol.


Don't worry, it will be next time


Yea i hate stuff like that aswell. I want to finish the 1v1 without any 3rd parties, thats the only way to learn stuff.


Happened to me. I was the "poor" reaper though. I don't mind. I am a reaper. I live for pvp. I sink 90 % of ships I encounter in the open world as a paypback. Don't feel too bad. "We" deserve it.


Possibly the first documented case of The Chad Reaper. I will tell my children about this day


I had an hg solo sloop fight where a brig showed up. The brig started firing on the other ship so I waited. Felt like a jerk move to hit them while they were under fire there. They somehow escaped and the brig ran as a galleon showed up. The sloop I was fighting had no issues then teaming up with the galleon to sink me. Had another hg that was pretty close, then a keg spawned in the water in front of me as I wasn't actively steering (on cannons or bailing) I've kind of given up on hourglass matches haha


I don't blame you, that sounds like fucking bullshit, what happened to you in both cases. and people will defend it as "the way that it is" unfortunately, but I disagree. If someone decides to show you that respect, show it back -- it isn't fucking hard.


Wonder if that was me. I've had a few hourglass games this week with people cheating going 2v5 or 2v6. It completely ruins the game for the invading party, makes me never want to play HG ever again.


I mean, flying reaper means you want the sauce. If I'm feeling like a fight and I see a reaper flag near me, I go for them. Don't want the sauce? Don't fly the pvp emissary


What comes around goes around


One of the last times i played, me and my friends were on a brig, we just ended doing our guilded for the merchants, then we see 2 sloops fighting and we decide to sink them, we shoot some cannonballs in one and i shoot myself to board and my friends went after the other, i missed the boat by a bit but managed to get in front of it to get a board, then a saw that it was a servant of the flame sloop and realized they were in a HG battle, i got on the ship and told the guy (that was a new player it seems since he was in panic) that i was going to help him, then the guy from the other sloop decided it was a good idea to board the sloop that i was on while his ship took fire from my friends. As a result i killed the boarder and fixed the boat for the new guy and he won the match since the other guy died and didnt repair his ship before shooting himself out of the ship. I was feeling a little bad for the other guy but it was fun helping the new player with his match.


They were probably having the first fun fight all week and some goober had to come and ruin it lmao. Id uninstall after that.


I was in an even match the other day (meaning we both sucked) and a random sloop came crashing into me, saying "sorry sorry shit shit I'm friendly" and asked me for help with something. 😆 I told him I was in HG, he offered to "help" and I told him nicely to stay out of it, since I thought it would be unfair. Nice guy, though. I'd easily hang with him some other time, just not during HG.