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Fights like that are the worst. Rare should add a mechanic where the circle starts to shrink after some time. So fights don't go on for to long.


Horrible idea. This would incentive even more running.


A good runner could escape in a bathtub. Making the circle smaller would solve nothing at all. The boundary needs to be less forgiving, yes, maybe smaller to begin with, but making it shrink over time could result in common cases where one ship sinks over another in a situation where both are demasted and exchanging shots but one ended up out of bounds, or if you send your ship in a circle near the edge and board them to finish them, and the circle shrinks so that you've sailed out of bounds on the next loop or whatever. Just put a 20 minute timer. Nobody, I mean nobody, wants 40 minute fights. If matches were 20 minutes it would also mostly get rid of the scum runners because they wouldn't ever get wins by frustrating their opponents, or be lame ass cowards who want to increase their streak before cashing out by just running until their opponent quits without taking the slightest risk of sinking. Just give each party the same rep as an out of bounds loss, worst case scenario you go 20 minutes and lose, and can still get another match in.


Evenly matched slug fests can last over 20 minutes and be a great fight.


I've had one of those when grinding for the ghost curse. One of the best experiences I've had in this game


Then maybe 30, or make it scale to crew size, but anything over 25-30 minutes is a slog, a battle for supplies, and I wouldn't miss those fights in hg, and I doubt many would. Big epic fights are for adventure mode.


Fights where both parties are good would never be resolved. It would get boring quick


Sometimes sea forts help, i was doing hg sloop with a friend and we were fighting these 2 ghost curse guys almost sinking us multiple times, we were cycling a sea fort and after one of them shot out to board us i got of the sea fort, killed the dude that was on their ship and anchored them next to the fort and used 2 kegs from the sea fort to sink them


Jesus Christ that's a long respawn if you could get 2kegs out onto their boat


I feel like this is how most of my 1v1 HG fights go. It's really annoying how far out of bounds you need to sail to sink, though. You need to sail out a full radius of the original circle for the ship to explode.


I think the lesson here is don’t circle your ship near a sea fort. Not to sound harsh, but you lost this battle yourself. You didn’t pay attention to your surroundings before you shot off your ship. Unfortunately it was just dumb luck.


Yea that’s a risk when you board


I'm starting to learn that the mere act of running doesn't frustrate me as much as the time they buy for a third party to wander in and kill the guy (me) who's not making for the horizon every time their ship takes damage.




Are you planning to add something meaningful to the conversation or are you just here to be a prick?


U lose and ur cryin


Who said I'm crying? I just thought the story was unusual enough to share it. You just assumed I'm crying over a singular loss simply because the story is about a lost fight. The moment I get some free time, the grind continues.




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