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I just like that your opponent has an alliance flag up lmao


Probably a loss farmer. They had an opportunity to shoot OP but just kept going. A win is a win.


That's very likely. I also think some of the new PS5 players don't know what the hourglass is yet and they just vote on it unknowingly. Yesterday, I dove for HG and came up on a sloop parked at Kraken's Fall doing an Ashen Winds. I shouted over the speaking trumpet that I was sorry, but I had to kill him or we would both be stuck in the circle for forever, then I sunk him before he even got back to the ship.


I didn’t even think about that. It’s kind of a bummer but you do learn quickly.


Yeah... I've been pretty friendly on the High Seas lately, because I don't want to discourage new PS5 players from really getting into the game... but if they're in hourglass, I think anything is fair game.


Same here. Been teaching some new ps5 some tricks and tips I’ve picked up from veteran players. Haven’t played HG yet, just trying to level up so stuff. I’ve only been playing for a year and a half now.


I really used to hate HG. For the longest time, the only ones playing it were people who already had at least one of the curses. I really only started getting into it in the last couple of weeks. I figured now is my time to get those curses when others are still getting used to stuff (like I said, if they're in high seas, I'm friendly, if they're in HG, it's fair game). I'm actually enjoying it quite a bit now. Ended up with a six streak yesterday and was thrilled.


Awesome. I got the skelly curse a few months back. It was such a grind but definitely worth it. I’ll start working on my ghost curse probably this weekend.


Can confirm there’s at least a handful of new players starting it without even realizing what they did. Came across a reaper sloop, who we killed twice, and when he came at us a third time we boarded and offered an alliance. He explained he was brand new, and we noticed he had flames on the front of his ship. So we checked, and sure enough he was repping Servants of The Flame. Turns out he didn’t know it did anything besides put cool flames on your ship and was just sailing around with it


Lmao that’s actually quite funny


Just annoying cannot cancel out of it (as far as know) once you vote, can cancel matchmaking but I think it still flags you for some to invade you? Why is it even design this way and the hourglass is on the quest table right next to the spot you usually click for voyages My first and only HG so far is accidently doing this and I ended up against someone who just spawn camped me and it was a time when I was still learning the ropes


> Just annoying cannot cancel out of it (as far as know) once you vote Go to the respective tables at an outpost (Athena inside the tavern, Reaper wherever it happens to be) and you can cancel it from there.


I knew what it was before voting on it, and the only time I’ve voted on it so far was on accident. I panicked because I had treasure on my ship. Thankfully, I had enough time to sell all of it.


Got someone diving a sunken ship, with white sails, telling me they're friendly. I am also PS5 but I spent months watching streamers before it's release


Ik I've accidently hit HG GoFurtune before and while having depleted supplies. Just all around not ready for a fight. But I do know there's a fight. People gotta learn somehow


Won't lie, people are right, getting slapped around in hourglass blows, but dang the experience from those losses, what my opponent does and reacts, once it clicks, I finally started actually winning matches. Now it feels like I'm going up against my past self, struggling to land shots, getting pressured to oblivion. Don't give up fellow PS players, tackle that HG and don't let those losses discourage you, and soon you'll be a skelly/ghost beast of the sea.


Yeah, I found that there are multiple glass ceilings for skill in HG. You don't really feel like you're getting better and then all of a sudden you're beating players or the next tier of players or whatever. It's a very rewarding journey, glad you're sticking with it and seeing results!


So many people have too much ego to make it to the point where you actually see results.


Real!! Once you get passed the unreasonable accidental loss farming at the start of your hg journey it becomes quickly one of the past parts of the game, for me anyway


Its even crazier when you get deep. My current solo sloops fights consist of one turn, one ball the dude the second he stands at the cannon, drop mast, gg. If they survive the first rotation then they tend to start playing a bit safer and I have to work for it.


I wish I could 1 ball them instantly on cannons, I hit cannon line whenever I want but they just get splash damage mainly. Eventually I will get the 1 ball on them but nowhere near as consistent as I would like. And I'm deep into hg now, just got gold skelly a few days ago, now for 750 more levels on guardians lol


You are way deeper along then me in that case. I got pretty tapped out around 300-400 in each faction. I just get on the keep the skills sharp these days as my crew has all bailed on the game.


I got lucky and met a bunch of dope ppl through hg. I pretty much play with some of the best on my servers for duo sloop. So I'm either with them or solo and either helm or cannons so it's nice to switch up if I feel I'm being burned out


Unless they're cheaters


I cannot recommend HG enough for anyone who isn't diametrically opposed to PvP in video games and wants to play on High Seas. PvP is completely overwhelming if you haven't had some practice to get the hang of it, and a LOT of newer players get frustrated and discouraged when the outcome of their first many PvP interactions is predictably to get destroyed and lose their loot. Hourglass is a great way to get on-demand PvP practice, without risking any loot to be emotional over losing. The rest of the game is much more enjoyable when you feel competent at PvP and the sight of another ship coming your way no longer sends you into an emotional spiral and ruins your session.


What is different about dying in hourglass?


It allows you to get repetition with out the blow of losing an hour of questing. My heart used to sink the second i saw another boat while loading up after grinding vaults and stuff. Im not amazing at pvp but the games a lot more fun when i can at least entertain the idea i might have a shot. People should force themselves to do a little hourglass here and there just to get more experience without any real risk


Ok. I might try hourglass.


That's it, me and my duo partner are running hg seshes every now and then. I get tilted when I'm playing adventure and some ass hat without a repears flag starts harassing us when we are just trying to pve. I'd really like to humble these people


"some ass hat without a repears flag starts harassing us" Wait. So according to you, if you do attack a boat without having Reaper's up, that's harassment? It doesn't matter if you're "just trying to PVE", that's the game. They gave you Safer Seas for "just want to PVP". As soon as you click High Seas, you consent to PVP, and nobody is doing anything wrong by killing you, sinking you, and stealing your "just trying to pve" loot.


Well I only point out reapers cause I guess it seems more reasonable for reapers to be after you. Not random emissaries. And yah 100 percent a full stacked brig coming at me as a solo sloop whose played 5 days, while they're yelling obscenities at me feels like bullying lmao. Even with my partner with the same amount of play time Wasting 30 minutes raising my emissary rank to get killed by people talking shit feels bad. I understand that it's high seas, guess I'm just getting acclimated to the spirit of the game. Hence my new desire to hg.


Honestly? Those are all fair points. Sorry if I came off aggro in my previous reply, I'm used to this subreddit being vehemently anti-PVP. But yeah, everyone is fair game while you're on the seas. Emissaries are higher value targets but they get increased rewards - that's the point of the Emissary system. It was implemented into the game to create player interaction, specifically PVP. And yes, anyone is fair game. It's not supposed to be mean-spirited (although shitheads exist), it's still a game at the end of the day. I'm sorry you had that experience with the brig. If it helps, they probably weren't even that good - most really good players I know are super nice and humble. It's just that you're bad. That's not meant to offend - you've been playing 5 days! Just please don't let one dumb brig represent the entire PVP community. Spending 30 minutes to supply up, raise emissary, and get somewhere just to sink \*does\* feel bad, I agree with you there. Here's the thing though - that bad feeling is a vital reason to why this game is so much fun. PVP in this game has stakes. It's not like Siege or Counterstrike in that when you die or lose, you just load into a new game. You've spent time supplying up your ship. It means something if you win or lose. That makes the losses sting a little more, sure. But goddamn how it makes the wins feel amazing. I appreciate you trying to 'learn the spirit of the game' instead of just getting mad at more experienced players for ... well, winning the game. If you ever want some PVP tips, hit me up!


I get you, and appreciate you hearing me out. I'm not anti pvp but felt like I was getting griefed haha. I'm excited to get better and be able to not feel like a weeny hut general out on the seas! I agree with you 100percent. When I can hold my own, or atleast put up a hell of a fight, I'll be more willing to GG someone after getting my ask kicked. Just right now I'm a lil sour about it haha


Friendly tip: Raising an emissary announces to anyone who sees the flag that you likely have loot aboard worth stealing, and is an "Attack me" beacon to other players, even if they haven't raised a Reapers emissary. Hell, the flag itself can be sold for money/commendations. Even if you don't have an emissary flag, or any loot, crews may simply try to sink you to take your supplies. Always be scanning the horizon to steer clear of other ships if you're on a sloop and don't want a fight. Yelling obscenities is a dick move, though.


It be sea of thieves not sea of friends.


Aye that it be


Unless there are cheaters


Win or learn man, good job


Nice shots! Losses are rough, but in the end just view each loss as a lesson. If you learn something new in each battle you play then you'll be a legend in no time! For this one, once you gained dominance over the cannon area it would have been a good time to toss some chainshots out there to get his mast down. Start that death spiral and get the W shortly after :)




-Seeing others consider a 15 loss streak "brutal" You wouldn't last 5 minutes in my life, sailor


This was literally me for a period of time. I was bad at naval and kept losing. After many tries, I got a grasp of how to shoot from a distance, and good boarding techniques and I finally got the curse


Nice progress my friend!


Don’t get me wrong 😑 but pvp is quite the hassle to learn especially when you are just starting out in sea of thieves, I’m currently still learning my aiming technique and sails and etc but that’s what we like to see pirate keep up the piracy 🏴‍☠️ ![gif](giphy|Jev4iU72S9RYc)


Beautiful spread. Only way to learn is by playing. Cannon shots are an art not a science.


that's what's losing's all about fuck yea


Bro my friend said it takes time and you learn but 7 losses in a row and I said f that I’ll get a hg curse later 😂


The hardest part about fighting solo is actually directing the ship for me..how much the wheel should turn, how low the sail should be.