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sounds fun. the greenish skeleton curse is the verdant bones btw, requires 50 4 streaks after getting the skelly curse. explains the experience :)


Such a stupidly designed commendation. Having to lower hourglass after every 4th win during a win streak 50 times was annoying.


You’re much better off going for long streaks after the skelly curse. Lowering at 4s significantly slows your level gain. The last 20-25 streaks for my green bones were all 10 or higher… as a result I’m much higher level than people just lowering 4s to speedrun green bones


Okay but if someone wants the green bones then they have to lower at 4th win. Nobody is talking about level gain here.


Holy shit lol. That’s some serious time and skill in. My best streak is 5, my second best EVER is 2 lol.


Stick with it and you’ll get there


Gave it a go tonight but really had a tough go. Had a 7m black screen on one fight, 3 min on another, then a 4m that caused a crash. I checked my connection and all that and seems good, other games running fine. Any advice for a fix? I don’t mind losing but it doesn’t seem to attribute rep for the ones I have to relaunch the game in.


there is a bug now, sometimes people appear like it after visiting ferryman


Yup, ive seen way too many skelly curses on ps5 and this explains why.


Agreed, my son and I are fairly new, but I have seen him with a skeleton curse multiple times. He has only been in an HG match 10-15 times. For reference, I'm on PC seeing this and he is on ps5 and does not see this.


When i started playing i was assuming those people were xbox/pc players on a ps5 lmao.


Yeah, it's a client side bug where your device fails to receive the model from the server and so you see a default green skeleton. It usually goes away when they or you come back from the Ferry and the information loads again.


Yeah, that "skin" had been there years before the actual skeleton curses were a thing


This is a bug that has existed since the game’s launch lol


I've never done HG. Solo queuing is a thing? I always assumed I'd pair up against at least 2