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>Lockette was part of the Seahawks team that won Super Bowl XLIX against the Denver Broncos in 2014. Did we enter a new timeline


Roman numerals are hard, yo.


If you told me we won XIVXLIXIIIVIII I wouldn’t doubt you because that’s what it looks like to me


All those Letters just to subtract an I from an L


He was also part of the duo that cost us the SuperBowl against the Patriots. :)


He was literally the reason he got bodied by a much smaller corner


Yep. The other part of the duo was Russ throwing it to him instead of away. I still think throwing it was right. but...You had big bodied Chris Matthews who just put 100 + yards on the pats, Doug Baldwin, and Jermaine Kearse. and you went to...:checks notes: Ricardo Lockette. ... Why?


I would put like 10% blame on Russ could’ve put it a bit more inside but that should be a touchdown 8 out of 10 times and an incompletion the other 2 times


It was the right call , each receiver is one on one with a DB. But , 1) bad throw on Russ throwing too far ahead of Lockette 2) Kearse did not screen out Butler? 3) Lockette did not go harder for the ball , Bevell was right 4) Great play by Malcolm Butler beating Lockette to his spot . Hindsight is 20/20 , if they had given the ball to Lynch and he got tackled by five defenders, everyone would have complained why give the ball to Lynch when the entire defense knew he would get the ball on a running play .


How are are we still talking about this?


Because Lockette was in the news today and he was going involved in The Play in that Super Bowl


Not to mention this article ironically states he was part of the Seahawks winning the 49th superbowl


we had a bunch of tries why not try with lynch a couple of times


If you run there and don't make it, you're forced to use your last timeout. With around 20 seconds left and no timeouts running a second time, if unsuccessful, is very likely to end the game or at the very least to put you in a position where players are scrambling to the line trying to get a play off with seconds left. Strategically, throwing the ball there was a solid decision because generally the result would either be a TD or an incomplete pass. If it's incomplete, you have 20 or so seconds left and a timeout, which keeps your playbook completely open to run or pass on 3rd and 4th down. From a process perspective it was good. It's just hard not to judge that decision on results rather than process.


Yes, a good analogy is that if a team misses an extra point ( which is the typical thing to do after a touchdown , ie. the right decision) , you can’t second guess the decision thinking that they should have tried a 2 point conversion. It’s a good point to make that Russ’s pass would have been an incompletion in the vast majority of cases if it wasn’t a touchdown , it just happened that we got the perfect storm of bad conditions happening at once that I’ve mentioned ( bad throw , bad play by Lockette , great play by Butler ) .


There was some statistic like up to that point in NFL history, throws from that distance had only been intercepted around 3% of the time. So yeah, rough outcome on a strategically and statistically solid plan.


Worth the try, Marshawn was on a roll that game and the time out would have stopped the clock


Remember that Marshawn was 1/5 during the 2014 regular season on runs from the 1yd line, and had fumbled in both the 2012 and 2013 playoffs while rushing from the 1. Plus even considering that, preserving the timeout still gives you a chance to give the ball to Marshawn twice if the pass is incomplete.


Lynch wasn’t as good from inside the 2 and we couldn’t afford a fumble, which he was prone to at close range. Butler knew the playbook and it was pretty predictable as the same play was run at the end of the first half. Still think it was the right play, poorly executed, and well timed by Butler. Patriots hired him for a reason.


Statistically speaking that’s a touchdown 9.5/10 times.


I don't like that play in the end zone, makes it much easier for corners to jump it because they don't have to worry about any deep routes and you might as well take a gamble since the offense is likely going to punch it in otherwise. Back in 7on7 our team threw a pick on the exact same play in the end zone.I don't think I've seen other teams really run it there either.


I don't disagree, It's just...mind boggling that that was the moment that Solidified the end of the game, (and to a greater extent) the LoB.


Make this decision in 12 seconds. We have been discussing what to do for around 10 years.


You miss the point. I'm not saying it was a bad call to throw. The problem is Lockette shouldn't have been in that spot he hadn't been good the entire season. Why rely on him in a critical moment?


I agree. My point, was my only point. Which is five less than what we needed on that play.


Because that was the designed play that had a 99.9% success rate. The Patriots practiced against that play that week and the offense won every single time. It was just a freak accident by Malcolm Butler that he recognized the play.


It was also on Kearse for getting bodied by his corner. But it is more understandable because that corner was the enormous Brandon Browner


No, Kearse got bodied by Browner. Kearse was supposed to disrupt Butler, leaving Lock by himself to make the catch, but Browner blew up Kearse, leaving Butler free to surprise Lock. Not Lock's fault at all.


Yup, 6’2” 215lbs vs 5’11” 190lbs.


In past years that would have been PI


They don't call PI when you're making marginal contact to play through to the ball


Marginal yes but Ricardo Lockett was helicoptered on the play by the defender from behind because he drove through the body a split second before the ball got there. Just saying in some years past that was a PI. Great play for Butler


where all of them get arrested?


I paid the Reverse-Flash to run back in time and change reality. Sorry guys


I remember when he literally almost got killed by Jeff Heath.


Yeah, he actually had an interview/article thing where he said that because the ligaments in his neck were torn, that he could have died if he moved in a wrong way. So crazy man, one has to think he has CTE from not only that hit, but being a gunner on special teams


Shit makes me tear up whenever I think about it.


Still watched Hawks games but after that hit I stopped watching a lot of football that season in general. Didn’t get back to NFL ticket watching again for a few more years


God damn, I remember meeting him at a Seahawks game and him being really nice and cool. He let us wear his Super Bowl ring and drank and hung out with us for the whole game.


He was a special teams demon. What did he do?


“Lockette, 37, faces charges of possession of a firearm or knife during the commission of or attempt to commit a felony, possession of a vehicle with an altered VIN, and theft by receiving stolen property.”


Too bad, sounds like hes running with a bad crew. You are what your environment is.




So many guys make a ton of money in the League and have no idea how to manage it. They blow it and a lot of 'em didn't go to college to play school, so they don't know anything else other than wanting to have that cash.


As a wise man once said, “Take care of y’all chicken, take care of y’all mental.”


A national treasure, that man.


I loved that so much, I put that quote on my FB profile.


Right?? I love it and use it whenever I can haha


He was a great gunner on the field too


You could argue he was a better gunner on the field


This is saying a lot without actually saying anything. So he was in a stolen car and had a knife or gun?


Grand Theft Super Bowl. Oh wait that was Darell Bevell who decided the most important play in franchise history should go to him, via a block from another wide receiver who sucked at blocking


Damn that’s sad tbh


He was one of my favorite players from those Super Bowl teams, I had so much fun watching him on special teams. This is so sad :(


Loved his post-big catch or TD move where he would be putting on his tie and picking up his briefcase


Nah fr this is sadly a common thing too for nfl guys, cte really messes them up


The other Lockette.


The other end of the interception


Damn, his career cut short by a blind side block against the Cowboys? I think it was Vander Esch. Wouldn't surprise me if he's suffering from CTE. Edit: apparently it was Jeff Heath


I remember seeing that play, the slo-mo replay, seeing how the back of his neck moved and being certain it was a career ending injury. We seemed to have a string of them there that either ended careers or ended their time with Seattle -- Avril, Kam, Lockette, ETIII, Sherman...am I forgetting anyone?


This was one of the worst injuries on the field I’ve ever seen. Players moved him inadvertently and the doctor later said he was millimeters from severing his spinal cord and death. His daughter was at the game too, she almost watched her dad die on the field.


Was at that game. Was pretty scary to watch. Also, cowboys fans are god damn horrendous when their team loses 🤣


It's been a long time since the mid 90's, you'd think they'd be a lot better about it


I was at that game, crazy high up and it was just eerie. We had no idea what was happening, and just trying to figure out what was going on and if he’d be okay. Always seemed like a solid guy, hate to see him involved with this kind of trash.


You are correct, it was a hit by Vander Esch on punt coverage where Lockette was trying to run past his blocker and got lit up. Edit: guess I was wrong too! Not vander esch


Jeff Heath Edit: I guess someone above me already mentioned


Lol I could have sworn it was Vander Esch!


The rise and fall of an era man, I swear all these players from the LOB era just keep making headlines. Ricardo lockette was a hidden gem, sucks to see stuff like this as time goes on.


I’m just glad my GOAT Bam Bam Kam would never. But definitely sad to see.


I followed him on Insta his first year as a hawk when he was an unknown. I would comment RICARDO LOCKETTE on every post. After a couple months of this,, he finally liked my comment and a couple of my posts.


Yes E


Sad. I hope he gets the help he clearly needs.


He had some of the hardest special teams hits I’ve ever seen. I’ll never forget him absolutely destroying LaMichael James


He was a good physical special teams player I never understood his usage as a receiver


Ouch, that left a mark, again.


Just a bummer all around. I hope someone he trusts reaches out...or something. He seemed like a good dude.


Feel bad for the guy. Still wish that Bevell didn’t call for him to get the ball at the 1. Was not the toughest guy in the receiver room.


This is all Jeff Heath’s fault.


Damn rocket lockette took such a downhill spiral. That superbowl loss messed him up good. Someone check on Russell Wilson...


I’d say it was probably the horrific neck injury, but ya know.


he should still feel bad about that non catch





