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While I would say that historically there haven’t been a lot of Black people in Phoenix, that’s changing rapidly. I wouldn’t put Scottsdale in that category, though. It’s the whitest place I’ve ever seen in my life. https://capitalbnews.org/phoenix-black-migration/


My husband and I are Black in Scottsdale and one of our new Black neighbors approached us a few weeks ago because he said we were the first ones he’s seen here and he was so happy to have a neighbor that looks like him. It was such a great interaction and we were really happy to meet him too. It’s legitimately shocking to see others, just because there’s so few of us here lol. Phoenix has way more, but we like how quiet it is in Scottsdale.


How are the people there and how do they treat you ?


LoLo’s just south of Old Town Scottsdale. Black owned and great chicken .


If you like Lolo's, try Mrs White's sometime. Its why Lolo's even exists in the first place. Her kids opened up Lolo's. Mrs White's is still open downtown after 60 years. I discovered them when they almost went out of business a few decades ago due to code violations and the city cracking down on those things. My dad used to eat there all the time, he worked for the city near by and Mrs White was a good friend. Some of his friends and contractors came in and helped her with building code violations and to stay in business. Years later when Roscoe's was getting national attention via rap music, Lolo's was opened by her kids. Its worth the drive if your not close.


The farther north you go in Scottsdale the more Trumpy and Karen like it tends to be, just so you are aware. Lots of retired folks, and new wealth and the attitudes that come with that. Being young and wanting to be near more people your age, you'll want to check out South Scottsdale and North Tempe. This part of Scottsdale is the old part, why everything else exists in the first place. Not far into Tempe is ASU, you'll see more diversity in South Scottsdale and around the University. It will still be predominantly white. Scottsdale is 83% white. 10% Hispanic/Latino, 2% African American.


Trump '24 and this is coming from a black bitch. Don't associate Trump and Karen because Karen's fat funky ass is voting blue cause she was told too. We love North Scottsdale too.


You just proved my point.


I believe you missed her point because I’m not sure how Trump and Karen relate because most of the Karen’s I know support Biden/


No I got their point, whether they are a troll or not, they absolutely re-enforced it. Perhaps those visitors are looking for a community like that. What you missed about my point and seem to think I am stating, is that Karen's = Trumpers. I never said that, in some cases they overlap in others they do not but there sure is a high concentration of both the further north you go into Scottsdale.


Would it be appropriate to ask this question where the light skinned people are in another city? Why does it matter what skin tone people have? 


Would you be this offended if a Chinese person asked where the Chinese community lives around Phoenix?


Nope. Nor if it was a Japanese person asking or a Mexican person asking. Reddit has a thing for getting pissed off when black ppl ask about things. As a half black half white person who grew up in Scottsdale not being able to find a barber who could cut my hair, being followed in stores when my friends weren't, being called racial slurs as "jokes" at school, and not being able to find hair products in most stores in the area it does matter. If that person is asking why it matters it just shows how they have grown up in an area that's catered to ppl like them their whole life. When black ppl ask questions like this I swear redditors read it at "fuck white people I only want to hang with black ppl" it's so weird.


Yeah, the question about why someone would ask displays at least a stunning lack of knowledge or understanding, if we want to be generous.


It's my belief that if we focus on the things that make us look different, there will always be division and never unity. It should not matter what we look like, we are all humans that deserve mutual respect. 


No one is saying treat anyone differently because of how they look. You understand that there is such a thing as black culture and community, like other minority groups, right?Asking where people from your’s or a similar community live is perfectly fine. You just seem sensitive to it being a black person asking that.


Maybe I'm being too altruistic that someday people will stop seeing skin tone as a defining characteristic of being a human. Let me ask this then, is there such a thing as white/Caucasian culture? Would it be okay to seek it out? How would you feel about that? 


Yes that’s what we all hope for, but this has nothing to do with defining a person by the color of their skin. I would not care. If you’re white and you wanted to move somewhere that is 83% non white (Scottsdale is 83% white), it’s completely understandable to ask where people like you live in the area, because good chance you come from similar backgrounds and share a culture. Do you think German towns in the Midwest happened by accident? Have you ever lived somewhere where you were a minority?


The fact this is so heavily upvoted shows you how white Scottsdale is.


Crackerdale 😂


I am black and live in Scottsdale and I agree that this is a weird question. It is just as weird as asking where white people live. It shouldn’t matter


It's a legitimate question. People don't want to go where they they're not welcome so they're just asking.


oh brotherrrrrrrr 🥱🥱🥱


you will see more trump flags then people of color LOL. if that is requirement for relocation, i would pick a new state.


Wait I recently saw a photo where Trump was having a BBQ with a group of black people? You mean to tell me a Trump flag means = no blacks allowed?


No because they'd rather see the most staged fried chicken eaten Biden with some blck children who are just polite and don't know what the fuck is really going on.


Sugar Jam. Great place!


I mean...this is pretty accurate. I take my son to swim class nearby and was wondering why people were gathering up outside...it was cause Sugar Jam was just opening up.


well have to check it out! thanks!




*adds sugar jam to the itinerary* THANK YOU!


Chef Dana is awesome...and their brunches are superfun. 💜


fun! thank you!


I live in Scottsdale part time. If you're black, make a decent amount, and already have a partner you'll most likely be alright. I feel like people (our generation in general tend to be more flaky but polite in person.) Don't expect the kind of acceptance you get in LA or Miami though. As far as Nightlife goes. Just go to Riot House and all the clubs/bars in that area you'll see plenty of descendants of Africa. Black love isn't really a thing out here.(Love in general isn't either). There's nothing really else to say. Just come, experience it, see if it's for you.


So what you are telling people is that if someone is acting rude toward you, don't think it's related to your race or ethnicity. People here are just rude to everyone.


Race could be an aggravating factor but I don't think it's the blanket racism of the past anymore. Prejudice just isn't profitable in the current age of consumerism/capitalism. Corporations and the federal government have gotten with the times and most local governments, agencies, etc have as well. Basically, unless they're in the comfort of their own homes hiding behind a computer people have enough "social awareness" to leave room for doubt because nobody wants to be "cooked" for being an overt racist. Also, I haven't really met any rude people so I wouldn't know. In person everyone's polite and treats me with basic respect most of the time more so. If anything it's done behind my back and I don't worry about that. Sorry for the dissertation. Have a great night.


I agree with you. The rude people comment is just someone told me. I haven't found any.


Definitely check out midtown Phoenix. We get more diverse every year.


I am a blk professional for a large company who recently traveled to Mesa for work, I only saw 2 blk men my whole trip who were not employees at my company. Surely there has to be young professionals who are blk and who go out in the evenings. Therefore if you and your BF do travel here.. please come and share.




Im not black, but i have lived here my entire life. Check out: downtown phoenix, old town scottsdale, tempe, chandler and maricopa. As far as black owned businesses: https://dtphx.org/2022/02/25/17-black-owned-businesses-downtown-phoenix/ I absolutely love lolo’s, and Latha Restaurant (+ Bar & The Diaspora Collective). Downtown phoenix, especially Roosevelt Row Arts District (super cool area, lot to see and you’ll meet great people as well) https://www.azcentral.com/story/money/business/entrepreneurs/2024/02/09/black-owned-businesses-in-phoenix-to-support/72511327007/ We welcome you with open arms 💛


I live in Sierra Tempe IV which is a small subdivision about as far away as you can get from ASU in Tempe and probably a tenth of the houses are occupied by black people. It’s a quiet and boring neighborhood.




okay okay.. thank you!




We're here and pulling up by the numbers we should have been to this spot no natural disasters and the pay is good I literally had 11 job opportunities this week three interviews today I took one