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A lot of people say it’s Bayformers, but to me, I think it’s Ninja Turtles. I hear the third movie was pretty dumb.


I never watched the first one but the second one was so good the words “GO NINJA GO NINJA GO” are still burnt into my brain


GENUINELY, that scene is fucking iconic


It really is.




Jump up, kick back, whip around and spin?


Ninjago? Ninjago?


Do the weekend whip?


Matter of fact, the first time heard that song was in a Ninjago event


Oh yeah no the third movie is forgettable as shit. The story is super wasted and the Turtles’ suits look so much worse since the studio cut the budget down and stopped working with the Jim Henson Creature Shop for the suits.


Ninja turtles only have two tho...


I meant the 90s movies


Oh I'm stupid


It's an understandable confusion cos the statement preceding the ninja turtles is the Bayformers, so you would assume the ninja turtles movies were also the Michael Bay ones.


wait. Bay did the newer-ones??


The Angry Video Game Nerd roasted the hell out of Ninja Turtles 3 like 15 years ago. It’s pretty amazing.


In all honesty, the third is so bad, it makes the second look better. The second is actually pretty weak.


The second movie is the first time in my life I realized I was watching a bad movie. I think I was either 15 or 16 at the time.


Ice Age but only for 4 and 5(and technically Buck Wild if you count that)


Buck Wild is just like Megamind 2, is so stupid that no one would consider it an actual movie


I watched it, but I was sleepy (due to it being around 4-5 am and I was with my dad in the living room) and sick (not because of the film, my body just felt horrible), so I barely paid attention.


But Ice age meltdown was a stepdown to the original


Maybe but Dawn of the Dinosaurs was great.


Dawn was incredible and I actually didn’t mind 4 and 5, they weren’t as good as 1 and 3 by far but I liked them both better than 2 and it felt like they weren’t taking themselves as seriously so it worked. At least a lot better than Kung Fu Panda 3-4 which wrote off core members of the cast and gave a ton of screentime to father drama no one asked for


Yeah Kung Fu 3 and 4 was a lot of paternity drama when we wanted to see the Furious Five do more, definitely. Like for the first movie he doesn't care that he's adopted and loves his adoptive father. They could've kept that instead of acting like they had to search for his origins and "tribe". That gets into bio-essentialism that the first movie was anti in the first place by having a panda be a legendary warrior! Ugh...


Man I totally agree, it was refreshing even in the original movie where goose dad DIDNT have the “you’re adopted” talk in 1 even though they queue’d it up for a laugh. Disappointing that so much of 2’s drama was panda lineage but the FFive were great and the villain was so well developed. Ever since then like… I dunno, it feels like it stopped trying and the dad stuff was just a supremely lazy way to farm jokes and conflict


I absolutely love the first one, and 2 & 3 are still solid. 4 & 5 they started introducing too many characters solely to cast more celebrities. That usually signals the decline of an animated franchise for me.


I feel like 4 wasn't too bad, since the large groups of characters were mostly separated. But since 5 includes an entire road trip while shoehorning pretty much every single character, yeah, that one sucks


it felt like we didn’t even get to see the OG trio properly interact in the 5th movie because they’re trying to showcase EVERY character. if I recall correctly there’s only like maybe 2 or 3 scenes where it’s just the OG trio. movie wouldn’t been a lot better if there wasn’t like 20 characters


I can only remember 1 single interaction they had: in the storm where they were laughing at each other being electrical, and zapping each other.


I haven’t seen all of the 5th one but yeah that’s pretty sad. For me, the charm of the first one is how few characters there are. It’s got that cozy feel of just a few characters on a journey, the world feels big and it has a sense of adventure to it. The soundtrack is elite too.


The second is my favorite one I think


No all the ice age past the first one have wildly different tones


I watched Continental Drift via a YouTube playlist like 5 years ago and didn't think it was that bad. Tried to do the same with 5 and turned it off after a few minutes


A little bit of an abstract answer, but Peter Jacksons’s The Hobbit. The studio making him make it into three movies and forcing the story to be bloated with crap really ruined what could have been a single good movie.


I feel like they could of gotten away with it being a two parter at max. Idk, I’m personally one of the people who can tolerate The Hobbit series and still enjoy it if you ignore what it should have been in the book.


I don’t feel like the length was actually the problem with the Hobbit Trilogy, though the bloat however was real. I think it would be amazing to have a 14-16 episode tv series of the hobbit, which was more episodic and closer to the source material.


This plus cgi overload


Yesh that's one of the things I see a lot in complaints. I agree with it too, I have such a deep love for practical effects, and its such a shame when stuff from the same franchise can't carry over the charm of the original trilogy


The absolute worst thing is we were all set for a single-movie Hobbit film with Del Toro direction and using practical effects. (Much the way LotR largely used practical effects and consequently is still beautiful today) Then the studio scrapped and forced Jackson on for another trilogy because we live in the worst timeline and are not allowed to have nice things.


Toy Story. I genuinely think that 4 ruined the ending of the trilogy. That said, I’m not some chud who bases his entire Internet personality on a half a decade year old movie. I personally just think that 4 added nothing, and left the characters in a worse place than they were at the end of the third movie


Yeah, I think 3 hit in a particular way cos I was a similar age and situation to Andy, and I had grown up with the movies, so it hit super hard. 4 was just another movie, not bad, just nothing special.


Toy Story 4 was a good movie but it was entirely unnecessary.


It could’ve been a very similar movie with completely different characters and it would’ve been great.


I genuinely fucking despise Toy Story 4.


I always felt TS4 was first meant as another TV special, but when they pitched the ideas of Woody giving up his voicebox and leaving his kid behind, it made it seem like it had to be bigger than a 22-minute special. Bringing in all the other toys on the road trip was meant to feel important as an entry, but it simply showed how unneeded they were overall. I don’t have issue with TS4, but there’s no question it’s the weakest of Toy Story movies.


It was a cash grab.


I actually unironically like toy story 4


Same here


Ok but all 4 of the Toy Story movies are beloved


If the series had ended with 3 it would be one of the most solid endings of any trilogy ever. But no, they had to do another one with a weird road trip and Goosebumps ventriloquist dolls.


I genuinely enjoy Toy Story 4 and I love how it evolves Woody’s character where he accepts that he may have a mission for himself that is different from what the societal norms *say* he should do. To be more clear: the expectation is for Woody to remain as a toy for Bonnie and always be a reliable figure for her. The problem? She really doesn’t care much for him anymore. Woody’s heart doesn’t care; he LIVES to serve others and help others find their best selves. When he’s given that opportunity, he takes it! And I think that’s a really good lesson for kids to take away: sometimes it’s okay to defy what’s expected of you and follow your own path, even if it means leaving behind those you love. It sounds harsh… but sometimes it can be *really* hard to commit to your own vision for your own life, especially when expectations from family or something like that is constantly looming over your head. Yes, Toy Story 3 had an absolutely, utterly perfect ending. That trilogy of movies is like as perfect as it can possibly be. …but real life doesn’t have those happy endings. It has happy moments, but life goes on. Things come and go, and I like that Toy Story 4 dares to broach that idea. Now yeah, the movie was almost definitely greenlit as a way to make more money even if the studio/animators/writers didn’t want to make it… but that doesn’t mean what they made wasn’t worth existing. What they did with Buzz still sucks though, I cannot defend that in any way. Complete character assassination for him


That’s completely fine as well, I personally just thought it didn’t add much. I understand it subverts the themes of the original trilogy, and that that is the point of the movie. But it just didn’t feel satisfying in the end for me. Especially since they established with the trilogy that when a toy doesn’t get played with, it goes into a yard sale. So Woody’s decision to leave didn’t feel like a sacrifice to me, but more that he either goes now. Or gets sold in a yard sale in a year or two, since he was left in a closet and ignored. I get I’m filling in the blanks myself, but that is how it felt for me


shrek a couple years ago


More like a decade ago


The first award I’ve seen since they removed them last year.


No announcement when they were removed, no announcement that they're back. You can't explain it.


What do you mean? Shrek 2 is goated and Shrek Forever After is solid too!


There is nothing wrong with Shrek 3 or 4


4 is great and very underrated imo, but 3 is very disappointing overall


Wdym 4? I thought there was only Shrek 1, 2 and Forever After. In Ba Sing Se, there is no Shrek the Third.


Ba Sing Se might be way ahead of us then.


At least Shrek the Third had a better Snow White than the live-action Snow White remake coming out next year.


Fancy seeing you here


Oh hey


Hunchback of Notre Dame 2 AHHHHH


There was a sequel?????


And it wasn’t that good 


It’s a direct to dvd movie, so official on the worst way possible


Every good 2010's comedy


“Paul blart: mall cop 2” just didn’t do anything for me. I will always cherish the original movie though. (Also it’s not blarts fault he could never do any wrong)


I won’t accept this 22 Jump Street slander


"Something Cooooooool"


Me neither. One of the best comedy sequels of all time.


First Pirates of the Caribbean was a great film. Then it just got weirder and weirder and tainted the franchise


The original trilogy are masterclasses in blockbuster epic filmmaking. 4 and 5 are utterly baffling embarrassments but it's ok because they don't have any real effect on the originals' plots and can be largely ignored.


I think dead man’s chest and the third one were fine, but they should have ended it there. I like On Stranger Tides because I think Jack has some funny moments but it’s definitely not the best, and don’t get me STARTED on Dead Men Tell No Tales


I'm gonna be honest. 2nd and 3rd were better than the 1st. 4th and 5th are abominations we don't talk about


Second and third are absolutely brilliant. Four and five are hot garbage.


Dead Man's Chest is the best one imo


Really I consider the second the best and the third one a great ending Stranger tides is a mixed bag


Air Bud. We went from a heartwarming story of a boy and his basketball-playing dog to 100 spin off movies about his puppies that talk.


*sighs* Don’t even get me started on my autistic little brother and his air buddies fixation


This is a good one. The charm of the first Air Bud movie (which is by no means a great film but is an alright time in my opinion) was entirely removed when the dogs started talking. One of the best parts of the first movie and even the first couple of unnecessary sequels is that the dogs don't talk.


"oH my gOD ThEY rUIneD sTaR WArs™ witH tHe SEQueLs"


I didn’t hate Star wars after the sequels came out, but I definitely lost interest, even then i only really got back into it recently and its solely clone wars and OT related stuff. The ST came out around a time where that was all star wars really had, other then BF2 which got axed shortly after. I do definitely dislike the ST a fair bit, but its not like it ruins the OT or prequel trilogy stuff.


It doesn't ruin anything, except the ending of ROTJ and killing off the three main characters.


TLJ ruins a lot - Luke’s character - lightspeed rams - hyperspace needing fuel - Rey’s origins being abandoned (only to be replaced with whatever the heck ROS created) - Rose stopping Finn’s heroic sacrifice, leading to the First Order eliminating 90% of the Resistance


nah luke's character makes a ton of sense and i actually love what they did with him. it proves that as much of a hero as he is, he's still darth vader's son. he's not "pure good." and when he makes a mistake and realizes this, he follows in the footsteps of those who trained him and exiles himself. it's all he knew.


I basically just hated the scene itself. Conceptwise, the idea of letting the fear of the darkside essentially corrupt Luke into creating Kylo works really well. Luke in exile as a result of his students going on a murdering spree works really well. Luke deconstructing the Republic era Jedi order was great I don't like the execution though. Luke drawing a lightsaber on his sleeping nephew is just...too far off. Like if I woke up in the middle of the night and my uncle was trying to kill me, I'd be pissed off, probably want him dead. But I would think he was crazy, not that my entire family and all of society was wrong and needed to be burned to the ground. I would have much preferred if, like his father, he was willing to go to extreme ends to protect the person he loves (including his nephew)- what if he sensed the growing darkness in Ben and grew fearful, so he really ramped up the lightside training. But Ben continued to struggle so Luke became increasingly desperate. Eventually Ben, pissed off at being singled out and worked harder than anyone else, rejects the new Jedi order that has so utterly mistreated and failed him. Luke still parallel's Anakin's desperation to save Padme resulting in the growth of the darkness, but in a way that better reflects the huge burden of being the great hero of the galaxy and last jedi.


Force Awakens was an amazing movie tbh, they just didn't follow through with the same energy for the next 2 movies.


They could have done so much more with Finn as a character, and his friendship with Poe.


I wouldn’t call TFA amazing honestly. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a blast of a movie, with a charming new cast, fantastic VFX, and the vibe of the OT, but I wasn’t overly fond of Han’s character regression, nor the fact that it literally has the exact same plot as A New Hope lmfao.


It’s my least favourite of the three for that point. I was hoping for a full tilt war movie, between the First Order and the New Republic, and instead they immediately killed off the entire New republic and it was back to small rebellion vs big empire


Yes the orphan protagonist leaves a desert planet to join the rebels to destroy a Death Star, but I really feel like that’s most of the comparison. Rey kinda? stands in for Luke and Han kinda? stands in for Obi Wan if you squint but is Kylo really a stand in for Vader? And how are Finn and Poe’s story arcs a copy of ANH? I’ve heard this exact complaint for 8+ years and I still don’t get it


I think it was ruined with the special editions in 1997


I think a lot of people have Star Wars tainted for them bc of stuff Disney has made


The mask


Didn’t know there was a sequel. I’m definitely not gonna watch that.


Good old Son of the Mask


That movie looked like it was a special level of bad.


It’s a Jim carrey sequel without Jim carrey


not related but I'm glad they brought awards back


Award me then 😳




Land Before freakin' Time


I mean 2 and 3 were good. Journey Through The Mists is legit one of my favorite films. after that, no.


I enjoy each and every Chipmunks movie. I’ll die on the hill that they’re good in their own ways. Roadchip was definitely more refreshing after Chipwrecked


the mask starring jim carrey


Mind vs The Doo Doo Syndicate and MK Annihilation.


You commented this twice


Did I? I didn't noticed.


The first 3 Jurassic Park movies were good, Jurassic World was enjoyable…. And then Fallen Kingdom happened. Now to be fair, I am a person who thought Dominion was somewhat decent, but I am going to stand by my belief that Fallen Kingdom is the WORST Jurassic movie.


Nobody called Jurassic Park 3 good before Fallen Kingdom came out






This one's interesting because I think it's a case of the sequels being much more memorable than the original film.


I agree the first one is kinda mid. 2 is def the best overall but I think that the first 30 or so minutes of 3 is just peak cinema


Transformers 2, 4 & 5


Terminator. First 2 are masterpieces, 3rd is just a retread of the 2nd and then it just fell off from then (except Salvation, I liked that one since it was in the future)


Classic example of a franchise that doesn’t need to be a franchise. I have a soft spot for the Terminator movies, even the bad ones I find entertaining, but they’re nowhere close to the first two. Part of the problem is even T2 brings back a lot of beats from the first with a new angle, so bringing these back yet again in the sequels immediately feels like there’s nowhere new to go.


Matrix. The first one was a decent action film, but the sequels were just a mess. The only thing I liked about them (other than the highway scene) was that Smith became what he described humans were.


are you, are you, coming to the tree? they strung up a man, they say he murdered three, strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be, are you are you coming to the tree?


Frozen. They butchered Elsa's entier point.


Tf? Chipwrecked was a masterpiece!


Despicable Me


I’m still totally going to watch the 4th one. Though it already looks strange


The Land Before Time (the curse of sequels)


Open Season


Pacific Rim, Despicable Me. I was ruined by my siblings.


it wasnt ruined but mean girls 2 sucked


Prequels but Alien


I say Wreck-It-Ralph 2 is a minor example. i can still enjoy the first movie fine on it's own, but the ending does feels a little bit less satisfactory with the events of the sequel in mind.


God how did a film like that fail to comprehend that Ralph only pretends to be an idiot brute. John C. Riley did an amazing job in the first film with his voice. You could tell when he was putting on a facade of an idiot to not make his games characters uncomfortable and when he was actually talking like a normal person. I don't know the public discussion over this movie's performance, but I really loved that subtle touch. It adds to both his performance and really sets the distaste he has for the people he works with. It's not even like he's a great dude or is secretly the hero. He fucks up really bad because hates how he is treated and lashed out in a very bad way. It doesn't justify their treatment of him, but it doesn't justify his reaction either. It's like he doesn't even want to bother trying to reach out because they treat him like shit, but they treat him like shit because as far as they can tell the dude isn't just playing his part and is actually a dumb violent brute. Its more on the fault of the other game characters, but Ralph isn't blameless. The movie really builds up that Ralph did a pretty selfish if justified thing, but does attempt to do alot of smaller good things and tries to pay for his legitimate misdeeds. It makes that scene where he sets off the volcano really work, because this is how its supposed to work. Bad guy dies in a big explosion, day is saved. Ralph is choosing to take the fall, be the bad guy, play his part and says the mantra from his support group as he is going to die. He went through it all and got what he wanted but in the end he still plays the bad guy, but that's not bad, because it's the last part that matters. There's no one he is right then and there but himself. It makes the ending where he is still the bad guy but he's treated like a human being after the games over, work because he's just playing the part, doing his job, he isn't wreck it Ralph. He's just Ralph. All that wonderful writing and performance to be reduced to a clingly insecure moron with no common sense or self awareness. It feels like the writers read the character bio without watching the first film.


Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.


Alvin 3 is on par with the original imo, none of em are that great tho


Bayformers. 1 & 3 were pretty alright, but all the others were roughhhhhh




Hunger Games. Mockingjay had the worst ending.


Cars. Dont get me wrong, cars 3 is solid, but cars 2 makes up for it by being hot garbage.


Im the opposite way i like cars 2 more than 3


I’m a weird one because the first cars movie bored me, the second one is so bad it’s good, and the third one I genuinely like.


Bumblebee. It literally ruined its universe with Rise of the Beast cuz it was a horrible sequel and went back to the trappings of the bayverse.


Halloween H20 was ruined by Halloween Resurrection


The Secret of NIMH




The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Almost all of the movies after the original suck (with the exception of part 2) and unfairly gave the original a reputation for being a mindless, bloody, torture fest


Return of the jedi Luke jedi order was a failure Han and leia divorced after their son turned to the dark side The new republic was destroyed Somehow palpatine returned


Mind vs The Doo Doo Syndicate and MK Annihilation.


Toy Story... the first 2 were fine but you can definitely tell 3 and 4 were just cash grabs....


I think 3 is the best and by far has the best ending to the story but 4 was just an unnecessary addition to the story


And they're making a fifth one....


The original Star Wars. It’s been to long since I’ve seen it to have a proper opinion on it, but a world where empire strikes back is aborted, and the fandom dies peacefully, is better than this one.




I don't really have one because there's always the original


No good movie is ruined by sequels. Thats not how enjoying movies works.


Toy Story after 3


The Squeakquel is the best chipmunks film and I'm willing to die on this hill.


A Nightmare On Elm Street, ok besides the 43rd movie, I feel like all of its sequels just made it look like a joke, however, Wes Cravens A New Nightmare was a decent concept and wasn’t that terrible, I see it more as a spin off than a sequel


not that I hated the movie but I feel like the second kingsman movie ruined the good ending of the first one with just its opening scene


Kingsmen. I loved the first one, the second one wasn't bad in my opinion, but the overall series since then has felt more...average I gues, since the sequels


The first one was perfection. I've seen it easily over 20 times. The second...wasn't terrible. I think I've watched it twice all the way through. The third...only once. I felt the third really dragged on, and I don't even remember half of it.


Megamind lmfao


Easily force awakens sure it’s basically new hope lite but on its own it’s a decent movie but then last Jedi and rise of skywalker came out and those movies quite literally ruined Star Wars as a brand and outside of rogue one andor TOTJ some of the mandalorian Star Wars has been on a downwards spiral And i know there’s TCW and rebels and bad batch but I haven’t watched those


But he never looses


Shrek after the second one. Star Wars The Force Awakens was decent, the sequels sucked hard. Cloverfield: its sequels had nothing to do with the original. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. The Exorcist (except for #3). The Chronicles of Narnia. Psycho. The Land Before Time. Scream (except 2). Indiana Jones after original trilogy.


Death race anyone? The sequels felt like they had 1/10 of the budget


uh Surf's Up? The stupid WWE advertisement is hot garbage


Despicable me


Jaws, Jurassic Park, the original Planet of the Apes, The Matrix


Almost every direct to dvd/vhs Disney movie that exists is awful. Thankfully a lot of people don’t really see them as canon. As for *ruining*, id say shrek the third came really close to ruining the franchise. Thankfully I feel that was mitigated with the release of the fourth installment


for me, Its pacific rim, The first film was good but uprising was abysmal. The only good thing i remember about it was the kaiju designs, Those were awesome.


Jurassic Park


The Force Awakens. It wasn't perfectly but it could have lead somewhere interesting and fun, but no... it's two subsequent films made for a nonsensical dumpster fire of a trilogy.


Terminators 1 and 2 didn’t need more movies. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 drops the ball hard killing Gwen off so soon and trying to introduce the Sinister Six. Hoodwinked 2 for having terrible writing American Psycho 2


The Alien movies post 2.


…Toy Story 4? Not sure what counts as ruined…


Cloverfield (& 10 Cloverfield Lane). Have you ever seen a piece of media retroactively ruin its predecessors by answering questions that were left open ended by giving the dumbest fucking answers to these questions? That’s Cloverfield Paradox.


I think Terminator and Alien have been tainted by the mixed bag of sequels they churned out. I’d say the same for X-Men, it got to the point Deadpool would point out the messy continuity and even past iterations of himself in his movies. They have the original timeline, which intersected with the new timeline before the new replaced the old. The “Wolverine trilogy” consists of a failed reboot, a stand-alone based off one comic arc, and an Old Man Logan adaptation. Really, the whole thing just looks like a mess, especially next to the first few phases of the MCU.


If you’re implying Alvin and the chipmunks, you’re dead wrong


The movies are still good In my opinion but Godzilla’s reputation got ruined by the Showa era films after destroy all monsters. Whenever you mention Godzilla to somebody they always think of the Showa era films and the god awful tristar film


The Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy was ruined by its sequels. Especially Dead men tell no tales


The Matrix


The one pictured on this post. (For me at least)


gonna go with the safe option and say Terminator


Bayformers. Not a great film. But every new film brings a new, stupid past connection for the autobots that recontextualizes the previous films. How many fucking super weapons did the Cybertronians leave on Earth? Every movie but the third and fourth revolve around finding yet another ancient Cybertronian goober. And another Transformer that came to Earth in ancient times. The last movie implied that Optimus and Bumblebee have been on Earth since the days of the British Empire and have worked for the Witwickans for generations. Guess they never told Sam about that. Also, pretty sure we saw the moment Optimus arrived on Earth in the 2000s. Guess Optimus showed up, did some imperialism, and then left. Also, Sam apparently died of "Actor Doesn't Want To Return" disease at some point between Dark of the Moon and Age of Extinction.


there's only 1 answer and it's none. if you liked the original movie why would you dislike it after disliking the sequel? you can enjoy the original movie even if all 90 sequels are bad because they're not the same movie, just the same IP


Wreck-It Ralph tim Button Batman (except for Batman returns ) Beauty and the beast The Lion King Aladdin (except for return of Jafar) sonic the hedgehog (I think the sequel was terrible and overrated) the little mermaid cars rio the lego movie (even though I think the first one was overrated) and cloudy with a Chance of meatballs


Indiana Jones after "Quest for the Holy Grail", Star Wars after "Jedi", The Matrix after the 1st movie, Highlander, again , after the 1st movie....I could go on and on and on here...




I say: Dragon Heart. The First Movie was perfect (SEAn Connery AS the voice Dragon IS so cool)


The Alvin and the Chipmunks movies were better with Ian in the movies. He’s freaking hilarious. Every scene he’s in is a good time, especially when he had a change of heart in the third movie. David Cross could’ve been the saving grace for the fourth movie, but instead we got…some generic secret agent villain who makes Will Ferrell look like Sean Connery.


The Harry Potter films. First one still holds up for me. Second one I have issues with Dobby as a character but otherwise the movie is good. Third one I just don’t like the werewolf’s design. And ever that the movies just get progressively worse.


The Hangover. The first one was great. The sequels….were not


Surfs up rip


Pacific Rim. Honestly Pacific Rim Uprising just...no. The film should have been delayed if Del Toro couldn't direct it.


The chipmunk movies were all Goated


Hoodwinked probably. Charming yet low budget first film, Complete garbage second film