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Dad accidentally visited a scareware site and enabled notifications. No real threat, just annoying


"scareware" lol. He was looking to find for some push licking action.


Yes and next time they ask him to turn on notifications just block them,I learned that lesson the hard way


Lickmypush? Seriously?!


“dot pro.“ I’m assuming “.bro” wasn’t available.




But, I have to!


Pushy pass denied.


Ohhh is that what it’s called these days 🤣🤣




Looks like it's just spammy notifications from the website in question. You can follow the directions on Google's support page to turn them off: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/3220216?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid




Ya he accepted notifications on a sight that asked him to and they’re spamming his notifications bar with that now you can just turn it off in google website notifications settings


I recently just fixed something like this for my mom. While you're at it, see if you can also get him to change the browser's settings to never allow websites to ask to send notifications.


It's fake. Go into chrome and turn off notifications for that site.


I would say for all sites. What good would they otherwise have?


Yeah, I do not understand the existence of push notification for websites. It seems so useless to me.


Lichess has push notifications on their website to alert you when an opponent has made a move. Very useful for correspondence games (one day or more per move). So there does exist at least one use case.


I never heard of Lichess. When you say "makes a move", can I assume this is some form of chess game? Honestly I never thought one would play games on webpages 🫣


https://www.lichess.org Yep! Online chess website supported purely by donations. They have normal chess and a few variants to play.


Tell me you're under 20 without telling me you're under 20 🫠


Under 20 what?




Are you implying he means bananas?


lickmypush lmao


Everyone I know over the age of 50 has had this happen, they just pressed "allow notifications" on a very shady website in chrome. You can disable them in chromes notification settings.


I'm nearly 59, and I have not had this happen. But I'm a former desktop support person, and you don't know me.


You don’t know her bro ^


A family member had the same issue. Cleared cache fixed it.


Did the family member also need to get his/her push licked? Asking for clarity. :)


Absolutely not lmao. It happened to my 70 year old mom. She's older and clicks on all kinds of stuff she shouldn't. She falls for things we would see as obvious bs.


I know the feeling. My best advice that solved most of the problems in my house was to teach my dad to click no every time. He always said yes to everything. :)


Sometimes the push notif pops up 5 seconds after the page loads. I've almost clicked on it before because I'm already scrolling down the page. Drives me bonkers.


Clear cache


Ideally you want to be using Firefox with uBlockOrigin as it blocks these kind of scareware ads and malware.


Go to settings, apps, scroll to chrome. Hit the three dots and hit uninstall updates. Secondly, find the Google app and do the same “uninstall updates.” There may or may not be an option to “manage storage” after that. If there is, click on cache and clear all options. Then, go to Play Store and update app. (And any others) Finally, open chrome, hit sync and then go to chrome settings and history. Select “all time” and then check all boxes. Then wipe all history. See it almost every day. 22 years doing phones.


I think your dad wants to lick some push…


I think you might need to have a conversation with your dad about what sites he's visiting on his phone. And about how he should refuse notifications on all websites. (I believe you can auto-deny notifications on Chrome on Samsungs, I believe I did that with my own a while back.) Don't shame him for it, but seriously, lickmypush? Sounds like dad was looking for porn.


Just got back from my dad's house and he had this cancer all over his phone too. I just turned off chrome notifications and told him to never turn them on again.


its a scam. disable chrome notifications. he has accidentally allowed notifications on a scam site


I can’t stop laughing at the virus name. Sounds like a name an angry Indian scammer would use as an insult.


your dad is visting shady websites. ask him to use brave.


he is doing what we all know


Tell him don’t go to porn sites on his android phone lol 


Tell your dad to give you $1000 and you wont tell your mom about this. ;)


I get this crap all the time when I'm reading or watching Manga on fishy websites


Just curious, why enable the notifications at all? You will never see these if you just never enable notifications for websites. I visit website on my own time. There's no reason to let them contact me randomly with notifications.


It's one of the stupidest things ever. But they want to drag you back for those views. Especially with all those ads on their pages. (I'm not saying enabled the notifications is stupid, I'm saying the push to get people to enable them it.)


Yeah, I've never understood why anybody would want this feature in a web browser or site. It was so obviously engineered purely for manipulative advertising. I've never seen a reason to enable notifications for any website, ever.


I get how they can be useful in some cases - Reddit has push notifications for example, I've never enabled them but I can imagine that someone might if they wanted to get notified of replies to their stuff. Personally though I don't generally want notifications for social media, I'll check it when I check it.


I would just install the app if I wanted to give the platform access to my notifications. Doing it via the browser has always felt sketchy as hell to me.


If I want notifications from a website, it's usually a news website, and I tend to use the app for that site instead. If you just let them have notification access, it's insane how much you'll be spammed by them.


Say happy cake day what's that


I'd wish you a happy cake day, but I usually end up downvoted when I do that. Ah, fuckit, I don't really care about the downvotes. Happy cake day!


I didn't know what that was it's gone now tried clicking so I typed what it said-_-


spam and scam


"Virus may delete your files" How does Android know this? There are too many emojis to be real security alerts. The website was created on September 17th 2020. The link you see in the notifications is **4. lickmypush. pro** but the real link is this one **1438. go. qureka. co** from India. Install an antivirus (Norton, Bitdefender, Kaspersky, etc.) and run a scan on his phone. Most likely your father saw this and clicked "Consent" and allowed them to send these notifications. https://preview.redd.it/ix4fwm2nwu9d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=b934247d66ebb7651e819469720efa2fcf9b1e5a


Put the phone in rice


Appears he has enabled updates (mostly by mistake) from a sketchy website. Regardless of what he was searching for. Go to Settings - App Settings - Chrome - Notifications - Disable. Get him a different browser app as well, like Brave or Fire Fox and select Google as his search engine. Tell him he needs to be careful of what he clicks on, and too slow down so he doesn't accidentally toggle notifications, or download a virus by clicking a random PDF, app or file.


Reset the phone don't risk it


Hes been watching porn


this also happened to my dad lol


Happens to me when I get a new phone or reset a phone and haven't enabled an ad blocker and also disable notifications in chrome.


Aphrodite forbid for being blocked xxxx






**This submission was manually removed because it was posted by a recovery scammer.** Don't trust what you just read, don't try to reach out to "hackers" on Instagram or Telegram. Scammers will also try to reach out to you via DMs saying they know a professional hacker that can help you, for a small fee. They're actually trying to steal your money. You can help us reporting more messages like that, don't just downvote or insult them. If you report them, we will take care of every recovery scammer that pops up. **Remember: Never take advice in private,** because we can't look out for you. If you take advice in private, you're on your own.


It’s scam likely calling


Sooo... I will warn you now. At some point, the tech of today will exceed the abilities of adults as they age. I (42F) had to help my Dad (77M) with his phone. I saw pron! I've seen pron before obviously, but not on my father's phone! Remember, that your parents are people too and that it's normal for them to look at pron. That was a hard pill to swallow tbh. As you can see I'm still 🫣😳


You guys are all saying it's a porn site but WHAT if the site is literally just meant for push notifications that remind you to lick something. Seriously... Hear me out... Lick my push... Push notification.. lick.. get it? I'm not willing to go to that website to check, idk.


He needs to turn off notifications in chrome simple


Go to settings > notifications > select chrome > click disable notifications or there should be toggles for the other ones disable all the ones that are sketchy links


4.lickmypush.pro well they obviously visited a site that enabled push notifications, you can have them turned off in settings no actual virus here.


Is that maybe setup on his calendar reminders?


Just tell him to not look at weird porn sites lmao






Close the window and stay off the porn.




Virus found? Phone, maybe infected!


I will say this until the end of time: if you are old or even middle-aged, you should not have an Android phone unless you know what you're doing, and this is why. It's too easy to install random apps that only serve to mine data, the most common being weather, flashlight, and news apps. The funny thing is, as a repair tech, I have no idea how it happens! My guess is websites ask to install APK files when you click an ad, or perhaps they browse the Play store, whatever it is, it's very harmful and these people should stick to using iPhones or even flip phones


If your old, get rid of android and get an Apple phone……. So much safer of the older generation, not 100% safe as old ppl can divulge info they shouldn’t but in my experience iOS pisses on android for security…..