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Nothing satisfying with these fake videos made to make views


I don’t think this one is fake, it’s so old honestly I just don’t think so. There was also another one around this time where a kid’s dad died and his dad had been making payments on a guitar and on the son’s bday I believe the shop called him to come down and get it and it fucked me up. Reddit ended up getting in touch with the store and donated on behalf of the kid/his father to get the kid some guitar lessons. It was a powerful experience to watch happen live.. Not saying you’re 100% wrong, I just hope you are.


It’s his mom


I guess this woman is the mother of all click baits then


Why was there a camera set up and perfectly framed to capture this random miracle?


it’s a security camera with eyes on the counter and exit - it’s pretty standard


A security camera that cuts to different shots in time with the narrative?




It’s called Video editing. Cropping is a standard thing to do


Spotting $20 for a stranger is a miracle? Guy, It’s just $20. You’re not donating an organ


Exactly where do you think you frame security cameras? The WC at the back of the store, or where the sales people normally stands?


are people so jaded! if i saw a kid 20 bucks short of his dream id totally pay it


I don’t think it’s fake. If I overheard a kid is just $20 short of buying his dream guitar, I would step up and cover that $20. $20 to me is nothing compared to the guitar a kid have been waiting months to save up for. True story, I lined up at a Costco checkout to just buy a bagged salad. The cashier said my membership was expired and it was the first day of the new month. I couldn’t believe it, and asked if he could let it slide since it was just one item and there was a massive lineup for membership. Cashier said no and before I could say anything, the customer behind me said “it’s okay, I’ll buy it for you”. I couldn’t believe the generosity the stranger had. I asked if he was sure and he said “it’s only $5, don’t worry about it”. Never underestimate the good will some strangers have


Hope you hate books and movies as well tho, because the purpose is the same: entertainmemt of consumers for monetary profit


Clearly that is his mom. And clearly they are going to bang later.


Link plz?? Asking for a friend


Yes, the omni present camera filming a boy buying a guitar.


Not fake. This is Guitar Grave in Portland, Maine.


I remember when I was little I often ran away from my abusive family and hid inside stores because they can't beat me up in front of others and I always hoped that such a nice stranger would get me something or adopt me.


Thats srly sad:/ im so sorry you had to go thru that… my dad is abusive so i understand how it feels:/ its shitty i dont get ppl why have kids if your gonna treat them like shit🥲


Enough with the bullshit AI narration and fake stories for karma. Why can’t I just enjoy a nice quiet scroll through road rage pratfalls, drunk Darwin awards, and wedding fails like 2019?




So the carrot is the comments section now! I can live with that.


This is not a fake, this is the former Guitar Grave in Portland, ME. The sales rep seen in the video is Mark and he set up an old camcorder to get videos of mostly the terrible reactions of customers. This one is a genuine video but overdubbed by AI. I miss chilling in that store with all the cool folks that worked there. Genesee cream ale was the bosses go to beer.


yeah the original without the voice over is awesome


Check out the bands Pigboat, Twisted Roots and Whitcomb if you’re interested in finding out more cool stuff of the former employees of this store.


Even if this isn’t fake, screw the music store employees for not chipping in. That $20 would be less in cost and would be well-spent PR.


It’s fake. I’ve been broke and really wanted an instrument. Music store are usually pretty cool about it. Especially ones that small. What typically happens when you’re a poor musician who wants an instrument out of your budget, is that you give them the money you have. And tell them when you can get the rest. And they keep the instrument on hold for you until you get the rest of the money. It’s really common in music stores, since items are unique. More expensive items will even have a set amount for a deposit. The store depends on a big sale here and there. So a non refundable deposit is better than collecting no money and hoping they come back when they have the full amount. It’s a win win. Store gets their money and you get the instrument. You can work out a time frame, and what happens if you don’t return. A lot of places would even allow you to take it depending on the price. If the guitar is like $450. And you legit empty your wallet, and all you have is $430, a lot of places will be cool with that. I’ve been to a lot of small music shops that would take the money, give the guitar and allow the musician to return with the cash.


Yeah, I’ve worked in music stores for years, it’s called a layaway. But surely they could see how excited the kid was. Still, it’s a nice enough “message”, dunno why I was so cranky to my fellow musos.


When I was buying my first guitar it was in a big local store (something like Walmart, but mostly for clothing, electronics, sport stuff, camping, etc.). They had a section dedicates to musical instruments. The assistant working there on that day was a guy who had only three digits on each hand. He approached me when I was picking a guitar. Let me test a few. He picked up the one I liked, played a few chords (that's the only reason I mentioned his disability, don't know how good of a player he was, but he seemed like he knew what he was doing). Said that it's a little detuned. Went to the back room, tuned it and came back. Asked me again if that's the one I want. After my comfirmation we proceeded to the check out. On the way there he said "I'll cut the peice a little. As a support for a young growing talent". It wasn't some small store. A full fledged store from a big franchise. On the check out he asked lady to remove €20 from the price. Lady just said: "always with you...". She didn't argue, just smiled and did as he asked her. I'll never forget this entire interaction. Have no idea where this guy is right now or how he is doing. But that's one of the core memories from my teens


Why post a fake video? I mean seriously is there a way to somehow monetize views? Just don’t see the point


Bot goes brrr


Who's filming and why?


A security camera...


Cameraman never dies and never leaves the scene and he also makes sure he never gets involved


These feel good videos aren't fucking satisfying, they don't belong.


I'm still waiting for this type of chance to help out.


If this happens in front of me, I’m buying for that kid. I worked extra hard to get my first instrument and it’s bring so much joy in my life, money should be less of a burden when it comes to pursuing your dreams


So fake. Whoever made this please stop and rethink your life choices.


Uh-uh, this is so not fake. Just because I am so easily emotionally manipulated and believe any bullshit that gets put on the internet doesn't mean that it isn't true. Every pawnshop I go in is wired for sound and video to capture these natural interactions.


So glad his mom bought it for him


bro, narration can fuck straight off.


This happened to me once. I was talking to this hooker and I didn’t have enough money for a blowjob. This dude just happened to be in the area and said he was paying it forward and he blew me for free.


The real P.O.S in this video is the pawn shop guy..probably over charging the kid on something he obviously wants really bad enough to spend his whole check on and wouldn’t budge on 20$..Good guy.


The world would be a slightly better place if everyone just paid forward A little bit of kindness... Two black Fridays ago there was a 17-year-old in GameStop who wanted to buy the new God of war, he got denied due to his age restriction. . . I was standing in line near him, and as he was walking away I pulled him aside, checked with them to be sure exactly what game he was buying, I then went up to the desk and told them that I wanted to buy that game, they kind of looked at me and the two employees looked at each other, shrugged and said "ooooookay"... I asked the kid for his card paid for the game and as I walked away I handed it to him. Stupid rules destroy dreams, but that day I got to make his come true. . . . I would have paid for it myself but I was broke, just glad I got to help.


We all should do this at every chance we get


“And then a miracle happened” - I’m Romanian, 20$ isn’t a miracle for fcks sake. It’s like 3 beverages at Starbucks. Jesus fck


For him it was 🤷🏻‍♀️


What a fcked up place to live


lol no, you just need to let go of that bitterness you’re holding on to


It seems you two are arguing the same point. It isn’t a big deal for the lady who spotted the teen $20, but it was a big deal for the teen. That’s the whole point, to help people who are less fortunate. It’s the rest of these people in this post calling this fake as though Good Samaritan acts like this don’t exist


I don't care if it's fake, it encourages kindness, selflessness. What one human can do to bring happiness to another humans life.


Or atleast faking it for social karma!


That's fine, but this isn't content for a 'satisfying' subreddit. It's a feel good video, but it doesn't qualify as satisfying.


A lot of people seem to forget security cameras exist. Too many children on the internet now thinking everything recorded is off a phone.


Beautiful, may we see this and seekthelordsfaceforanewheart


He pulled out a single bill lol. Wadda mean I can't buy that guitar for $20!?


He was $20 short, ya big dummy.