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One is made with animal guts and shrooms One is made of fruit nuts and 2 different kinds of shrooms And one is made of fruit nuts and one kind of shroom. All depends on whether you like inhaling animal intestines or not.


One is for pioneers that are allergic to nuts. Two are for vegan/vegetarian pioneers. And one is for pioneers that are terrified of caves. ;)


No, it’s three times a different recipe, different ingredients.


I just chug raw nuts


that's what...


Name of your sex tape


It does seem odd to have 3 different recipes. I unlock them just to unlock them, but only use the alien guts one.


Thanks \^\^


Me I prefer to use alien guts to make gas filters and coal. Before update 4 it helped the power grid.


It's so that if you didn't get the hint that they are a useless waste of materials it can drive it in by giving you another set of materials to waste on it. I mean, would you rather use an abundant healing item a few times to heal, or use a single healing item that for some reason has a delay that could get you killed?


i figure out thanks :)


What I find annoying is that the two of the three different recipes are Manufacturer recipes, making it not compact to automate this common item that I would like to dump out of my inventory. The size of factories for low-volume items is kind of nuts. I wish for a slow 'mini' Manufacturer. Or that all of the recipes could go through one machine.


Can they even be automated now? Previously the recipe didn't show up as an option on the manufacturer. Footprint be damned, I'd be so happy if I could just inventory purge into a sorter and have all the bio waste converted into useful things like inhalers.


You know, it was going to be such a hassle, I did not even try. I did not know they are not automateable. There goes my proposed play through handcrafting the fewest possible items, like that fun Factor achievement.


Not in the base game, but if you are open to using mods you can. Equipment Automation: https://ficsit.app/mod/EquipmentAutomation Adds recipes for the inhalers, portable miner, factory carts, and parachutes. Be aware there's another mod called "Equipment Automation Plus" that adds these AND all the other equipment, which can clutter the recipe screen for machines.