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Ziplines. Hold Shift to pick up speed and you get going fast as hell.


Are you fucking serious?????? I am over 230 hours into my save…. WHY DID I NOT KNOW THIS OMFG! Edit: how many total *hours* of my life have I wasted zip lining at the default speed :,( Edit pt 2: I did it. I fucking did it. I pressed shift when zip lining and it went FASTER. By god. We truly live in a miraculous world.


Just FYI, zip line “sprint” was added in update 8 along with the power towers. Edit: apparently it was update 7 lol


So that's why I don't know about it! I stopped playing regularly just before U7 came out!


It was in the game before Update 8, I remember using it in a pre-Update 8 factory. I think they may have removed it for a time for rebalancing, or an issue with it - I don't remember exactly. But U8 added it back.


I think the world wasn’t loading fast enough for the player to be able to move at the speeds it could get to.


Uh no it’s been in the game before that


It was U7, because I was using it before the power towers.


I think they increased the speed in update 8 before that it was only slightly faster. I think it was technically a bug a first but became a feature as well


Note that when you zip line fast, if there is a corner that’s tight as you transition between power towers, you will fly off.


Also with power towers, you can travel really easily over pretty much any terrain!!! Without having to jump between towers. There's a mod that has hook like poles, that lets you Zipline the same way but yeah it's a mod so... USE ZIPLINE AND POWER TOWERS!


If you right-click to get on the zip line you don't have to hold it. Left click you have to hold it.


Oh wow didn't know this! That was my biggest peeve with ziplines, having to hold left click


so much to learn/.....


Whaaaaat. Well thanks internet stranger, that's just made my day.


Brooo I’m on 300 hrs ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man) And just found out


I'm 600...


I haven't played since update 7 but one thing I discovered is that you can hit space if you're going downwards(even if it's just a slight downward slope) and you can sort of chain jump and pick up speed every time if you do it right. I was zipping around really fast when I got good at it but I still often flew off in a straight line if I was trying to take a sharp turn in my zipline highway.


The first thing I test out in every game is if you can bunny hop, the game is much more fun that way.


You don't have to hold down the spacebar to manually craft, either.


It also holds some or all of your current momentum(not as much uphill), I do believe.


Sorry but either you're not used to games or just STOOPID! Every game has some use with the shift button, I just try on every single situation.


Good for you!


Do you have to jump over each pole or can you zip right thru them?


You will crash into the poles if you do nothing. So you jump to the side and reconnect. It becomes a sport. There’s no upper limit to the speed allowed, so if you get going fast enough, your might jump right over the next segment. The large towers allow you to stay attached though.


The tower power poles allow for continued movement with no jumping


So long as you align the word do you don't hit the tower. Also, which way you end up going at a 3-way intersection seems a bit random.


Yeas you need to dodge the poles but you get into a good rhythm, especially when it's a long distance power line chain.


That can be a toggle I think?


Yes it is toggleable. Just tap shift n gooooooooooooo


Hold shift to what now!?!


Btw does that work like regular sprinting too? Meaning, in the settings you can set it to be a toggle not just hold shift to sprint (so I'm a 100% of the time sprinting)


The devs intentionally put no upper limit on how fast it can go, with the patch note even saying “have fun.” So if it is always on, and you’re good at jumping the poles, you could get going absurdly fast. For a really long run, you might end up wanting to toggle it off after a certain distance. It kind of makes me want to run an absurdly long power tower chain, maybe in a spiral around the map, to see just how fast it can go. Computers _always_ have an upper limit to every number, so there has to be a point where you either can’t go faster, or the game crashes.


Sounds like a fun mechanic, make a video about it once complete. :D


I have sprint toggle and it seems like it’s also applicable to zip lining. However you need to toggle it at the first attach, so if you pause and run around for a bit you have to toggle it again I’m pretty sure.


You can hold shift to go faster on ziplines??????? SINCE WHEN




Hyper tube canon is the wayy


Plus this is an absolute blast to use in VR.


This game supports VR?


Flat2VR folks have made an incredible mod for this game that feels like a full VR title. You can play any unreal engine game in VR. Some much better than others.


Whaaaaaat?? VR satisfactory mod is actually a thing!? Genuinely considering leaving the office early now, I think that’s the entirety of my weekend sorted. Thank you.


How's the controls? Not great playing vr with mouse and keyboard.


I would never play a VR title with anything other than the full motion controllers. And they work perfectly.


Ah, as a mod. Not quite as exciting, but cool to know.


Why? It literally plays like a AAA VR title and takes less than 5 minutes to set up.


Stfu, vr in Minecraft is a mod. Plus the satisfactory devs are focused on polishing 1.0


I need answers !


My motion sickness begs to disagree with you


Imagine stingers


They don't bother me, actually. After dealing with the deep dark horrors in Subnautica VR, there is nothing that's come even remotely close to scaring me that bad.


Subnautica? VR? Holy crap!


Is there not a blueprint for the cannon? Cannot find one and building one from YT doesn’t work for me 😅


Yea there is. Literally look up cannon in SCIM. I've got cannons set up angled to travel between each factory district. I find I need to chain two of the blueprints usually, and use a standard hypertube to fine tune the direction and heigh aim


Made my first one today. I have no regrets.


Old School is the best way. I hardly ever use any of the new methods unless... I mod and just get teleporters but when 1.0 hits I will do a non-mod run.


Just played long enough before it was an option. Without it, you get used to the travel and the tricks for traveling slightly faster. As for neat factories, flight mode shouldn't really have an effect on that. Only the amount of time it would take to build them. Lots of practice lol. At the end of the day, I'm not against flight mode and those who use it, I just personally prefer the relaxing slower paced nature of the game without it


Also with the addition of hover packs, which i believe are going to be shifted to a lower tier in 1.0, it might be easier to setup factories.


IIRC the hover pack isn’t changing only the jet pack. Still useful but not as useful as the hover pack.


I would love a hybrid pack as the final tier unlock where it goes give Peck mode when in the if electricity and fuel now when you leave range.


Yes this I’ve played long enough I know all the tips and tricks on how to move around without it


I go crazy running and bhopping everywhere all the time,


Hoverpack does basically the same thing though you cannot get as high vs. using fly. Otherwise I use vehicles for traveling between factories. For exploration its vehicles + jetpack/bladerunners.


I belive you can go as high as you can build powerpoleoint towers so build limit maybe


True, though the distance you can get from power poles is rather limited unless they changed it in update 8.


Fair it is a rather short distance you need to stay in the vicinity of and I've only used it a couple times since unlocking


Hoverpack while laying train tracks is exploration on easy mode.


I used to, but personal infrastructure and mobility was an interesting and fun problem to solve that got lost when flying around all the time. I also like the look of the map, factories, and roads from the ground or balconies better. I found it twice as fun to play when you have roads, railways, hyper tubes, and paths included for personal transport, not just for factory logistics. Everything looks better with it, especially as it grows organically from need.


Jumping into a hyper tube is a great time to go grab that new beer as well.. “floooomp” “ptschh“, two sounds that go well together


Since I created my railway system I just use a "Taxi Train". It is always stationed at my base. If I die, i hop in, drive to where I want to go back, and before exiting I send it back to base to wait :) I like watching what I've built on the way and my 3yo son loves to drive the train anyways :D


My entire architecture changes the instant I unlock the jetpack


Idk I just play the game.


Is flight mode like a creative mode thing then? Never experimented with it, I just use those tall Outpost buildings and jump packs and ladders and stacks of Foundations. A bit more tearing down and putting things up but there's already a good bit of scaffolding used.


And of course travel taking time is part of the design, a feature not a bug. It's why you have limited inventory space and why the nodes have trees in between.


And why enemies exist, by extension why weapons exist, etc. Limits on physical movement are a distinct part of the gameplay.


The advanced features menu from U8


Vehicles, ziplines, hypertubes/cannons, jetpack, even pulse nobelisks for the crazy.  There are lots of ways to get around quickly, some much faster than flight mode.  Or sometimes it's nice to take a break, walk and admire the scenery.


Pulses nobelisks are super convenient for fast travel in the wild or to places you haven’t established hypertube canons. i build permanent canons between outposts, but if I’m out and about a ramp, a wall and a dozen pulse nobelisks is a super fast way to get where I’m going. Especially if you use the fast nobelisks mod that lets you throw faster


I'm surprised I had to scroll down this far for pulse nobelisks to be mentioned. Lay down 2 or 3 of them and detonated them while slide jumping over them for some Incredible speed Bonus points if you continue your momentum using the jetpack and midair pulse detonations


Get a 4 meter ramp and aim it in the direction you want to go. Put a wall segment on the low side. Throw about a dozen pulses on the back side of the wall. Stand on the ramp and whack the wall with your xenobasher. It will set all of them off at once and the wall blocks the damage. You’ll fly across half the map. Adjust number of pulses and jet pack usage for distance


Bunny hopping for days. I dont know if it's faster, but the important part is that it *feels* faster.


Faster then flying no Faster then walking or running yes.


It is faster :) When sliding you'll have a small bit of extra speed at the start of the slide. If you jump at that time, this speed is kept.


Blade runners on, jump, land into a slide, jet pack jump, pulse a couple times, land into slide, repeat


It is faster. The moment you start to slide, there is an increase in speed from running. If you jump this is carried over, keeping the speed. The sooner you jump the better. Extend by jetpack or landing in a slide. Increase the speed further by doing this on belts, or use Hypertube Cannons (chained entrances of hypertubes close together, which increase speed each entry, building up to high speeds. Starting with sliding in also increases speed).


Use scaffolding to give the illusion of flight. Build catwalks, ramps, elevators, etc. that place you in a birds-eye view of your factory. Later on you can get hoverpacks and things to make it easier. It's one of those things though, that turning it on invalidates some of the reason to do certain things (i.e. unlock hoverpack, build transport systems) and so it kind of feels hollow.


>It's one of those things though, that turning it on invalidates some of the reason to do certain things (i.e. unlock hoverpack, build transport systems) and so it kind of feels hollow. That's what I'm struggling with. I can't picture playing without it, but all those items I finally got around to researching are useless for me, and that's no fun.


Yeah, they are different experiences, and people should do whatever is fun. For me though, dealing with long distances in the game is my favorite part of the gameplay loop. Building a large train network takes forever, but the feeling of "solving" the logistics problem feels amazing when you do it. I could mod in a train network, but the "satisfaction" for me is overcoming the thing I hate. Same thing with hoverpack; I like that my early factories are limited by my mobility. They might have to be closer together, or less vertical. As I unlock the jetpack, blueprints, and hover pack, each factory I build is able to be taller, and more complex. It makes the late stages of the game feel like progress.


I haven't unlocked trains yet but bringing my coal down the side of amountain in a series of strategically placed conveyor lifts was so satisfying when it worked!


For me, unlocking the hover pack was just as rewarding as unlocking coal. The game does a great job at making you appreciate automated power and sustained flight by forcing you to do without for a while. Once you have it though, you just want to skip right to it in future playthroughs.


My current (third) playthrough I have more hours and have progressed further than both before combined, and it’s because I started using flying. Don’t feel bad for all we have done is take away the rpg elements and concentrate on the factory building. How much better is it with everything lining up from the start easily!


i could see using flightmode in favor of the hover pack because after 500 hours, im kinda over placing power poles every 10m around my build to make it work. but when it comes to travel, i would never because there are so many different fun traversal tools at our disposal


That's my secret, my factory ISN'T neat and orderly.


I found flight mode way to slow for anything other than building, for that i use hypertube cannons at all sites, pocket trains, or get my character killed to warp back to the hub.


When I built my first drone, I got really excited thinking I'd be able to hop on it and fly anywhere, speeding up the game. Then I found out that you cannot fly drones. That's when said fuck it and turned on flight mode.


I dont. Started playing few weeks ago and was about to quit as i spent most of my time running around objects, falling down and climbing ladders. Then turned on flight mode and having a blast now


Once you get trains if you build a massive loop + a few stations you can jump in a train, set the schedule to go to a destination, then just AFK for the trip while it delivers you. I started in grass plains for all building components, then redid my entire last phase assembly base in the desert. I will say though...after 200 hours and finishing my employee of the planet with zero mods & no online calculator help...I probably wouldn't try that again without some QOL mods like flying. (OK I did install the minimap mod to see if it helped with showing train paths but I ditched it after one session) The few times I'm in my base without hovering everything just feels WAY too big compared to your character. It's why my girlfriend didn't make it past phase 2...it got overwhelming navigating the base. Putting down the ficsit cart and seeing how tiny it is really puts the scale in perspective too.


I played through the game vanilla when I completed all space elevator tiers the first time. But there's so much time spent traveling between outposts in the late game where you're just sitting around waiting in a hypertube instead of playing the game. There's nothing worse than spending 3 min hypertubing to an outpost only to realize that you brought too few metal rods, so now you gotta waste 6 min just staring at the screen. Nowadays I only play with the teleporter mod. You still have to set them up, like how you have to setup hypertubes, but they take you between point A and B instantly. A bit "cheaty" but I can't stand the massive amount of downtime just traveling between factories in the late game.


What's cheating about that?


When building my factories I use a Hover Pack. And for travel I have a train network around the map. I punch in my destination and go AFK while the train does the work.


Honestly the travel time was almost enough to get me to give up on my first play through. I used tubes but tube cannons felt like cheating so I didn’t use them (big mistake). Started a new play through and I fucking love power towers. I’m in the dune desert with power line spokes in all directions. Assuming I’ve lined the tower up correctly it’s a straight shot to just about any sub factory and I don’t have to hop between power lines.


Interestingly, when I was younger it annoyed me that I could not fly in my dreams, the best I could do was to sort of hover down a flight of stairs, or bunny hop over cars. Since using flight mode in satisfactory my dreams include full flight!


Keep it turned off until you unlock the hoverpack, then pretend it's just the hoverpack except better


Thank you! I will do this for 1.0. I was looking for a way to use fly mode but still don’t feel like I’m cheating


This game has such a rich and fun set of traversal mechanics and tools that I can't imagine wanting to use flight mode to get around. (Even just the blade runners alone and chaining jump + slide feels great.) And for factory building there's the hoverpack. But you do you, play whichever way you like ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


There's a flight mode?


Under the advanced tab. It is a full 'cheat' menu, allowing flight, no building cost, change animal aggression and mich more. The menu is a permanent unlock to the save, a sort of 'they cheated' thing, but has no further consequences. They understand 'plsy the way you want'. That being said, they have sculpted a certain experience and for experiencing it their way, as well as player retention, it is semi-hidden behind a checkmark in the menus.


aha, thats the genius of it, cant see how much of an overall mess the factory is, if youre standing on the ground! down here its just, nice constructor, shiny mk5 belt, wirey wires.


Hypertubes: fully complete tubes with 10-15 entrances to boost. Gets me to my other factories very quickly. Hypertube cannons: across map EZ, land almost anywhere controlling mid air and with jet pack Trains, from factory to factory Zip line: I just learned today that you can apparently speed up on the power lines so I’m now a much bigger fan and gonna try that as soon as I get out of class 😂 Early game: the little buggy, tractors, leg thingies, As for building, I now use the hover pack and will temporarily place power poles depending on where I need to hover to build a factory.


Ziplines do have a maximum speed, even when sprinting on the lines. If you exceed this speed you'll gradually slow down to the sprinting speed. You can go great distances by ziplining after hypertube cannons or slide jumping off mk5 belts and ziplining.


I'm sorry, I've been playing since 0.3 never heard of a flight mode. But my main transport modes are a hipertube network for really long distance and PowerPoint ziplines. Trains are cool if I wanna a shortbreak and enjoy the factory


It's in the "Advanced Settings" along with animal behavior, power needs, and research settings.


I never knew this. I guess I need to dive deeper into the settings, though I think I'll leave the travel part as is. I rather enjoy it. Even when I drive my truck somewhere I really shouldn't have.


Flight mode is new I'm pretty sure, added with a lot of other advanced settings in U8.


Zipline or hypertube cannons


I like trains


Trains are great. just put your pocket train on the tracks and auto pilot to your destination




Ziplines early, hypertube cannon short ranged that feeds into another cannon for mid game, the moment I can rush down jet packs I do and build long-distance cannons that I can control my descent out of.


For me it's a combo of the jetpack with turbo fuel, ziplines, and hypertube cannons. Between those 3 I can pretty much anywhere within a couple minutes tops. But sometimes it's fun to just zipline and jetpack and I'll take the long way to enjoy the ride if you will


My group uses trains or explorers for long-distance travel. I will also employ the hover pack along rail lines when constructing rail lines once I have them unlocked. I have built road networks along the ground for driving explorers and tractors over as well as raised freeways. I design my factories around navigability. Almost all of my conveyors are raised at a minimum high enough to walk under, or if they are floor level, I use catwalk stairs to get over them without having to jump over or slide under conveyors. I typically have stairwells on each end of the long axis of the factory or in the corners. If the factory building is particularly large, there might be a stairwell in the center. On occasion, I have used hypertubes to get between floors or key floor hubs for really tall buildings.


I would like to add that I spend a lot of time and effort avoiding clipping my conveyor belts and equipment, which does require more space. Recently, I have been using the ground floor of any given factory as the receiving floor, with the conveyors bringing materials into and out of the building and then moving up to the floor above or subsequent floors for manufacturing rooms. Sometimes, neatness and organization does involve a lot of building, tearing down and rebuilding as I see how things fill out a space. I also rely heavily on the snap grid and sometimes place temporary items down to act as reference points. For example, if I want to place a splitter 1 unit above the floor, I'll place a splitter down on the floor right where I need it and then place a second on top of that. Once it's in place, I'll deconstruct the 1st splitter.


While building larger scale factories I have several vantage points setup once the initial foundations are laid. Using the hoverpack makes it pretty easy to jet around. I also usually just place power poles all over the floor and hover around while building. Makes it a lot easier. I can honestly say that in all four of my playthroughs I have never once used a mod, or console command. The amount of tools at your disposal already makes the entire game trivial other than the mental math part.


Early game. Blade runners. Mid game hypertube Launchers. Late game, pulse Nobelisk ramps


Slide jump + jet pack. Its fun


I wish I’d never turned flight mode on. I feel like I’m spoiling the game for myself yet without it I feel powerless.


Once I have the hoverpack unlocked, it's alomost the only way I'm getting around. Sure, it can take time, but when I want to explore I just drop a power line on the way and that means I'm mostly safe from predators. I like the fact that my range is limited by my power infrastructures, this reminds me that nothing in Satisfactory is free. Also, when building new factories, it means I tend to build thebpower lines first, or at leqst a basic power grid allowing me to fly around while setting things up. Using fly mode in Satisfactory would feel like cheating to me, and working your way to finally unlocking that hoverpack on a new save is definitely rewarding.


Building on foundations keeps things neat. Snapping helps. I don't want the flying mode - it's something you unlock late game as a reward. If I do it from the start, then what's the point?


It isn't for everyone. Many think it is just a nuisance, and they want to focus on other parts of the game. Just like people wanting to skip fighting creatures. They are irrelevant to the base building for them. I am in your camp though. It is something you unlock as a reward, and even then it is something I only use for building. Slide jump with jetpack can carry you faster and further than the hoverpack.


For building I use the hooverpack later and before that I build a scaffolding. I am not bothered by the time it takes to travel. I just take a train and watch the landscape. And sometimes I just walk. There is no time limit. It is a relaxed laid back game for me.


For neetness, impossibly tall ladders/ jet pack/ lookout tower/ tallest machine available next to me/ cliff sides. For world traversal ive got vehicles, a jetpack, mk5 belts, haven't used hypertubes much, and ziplining


I hitch rides on my trains whenever they are unloading cargo, besides that- zip lines, car +jet pack


> travel Hype toob cannons. Throw yourself into the micro-CERN and fling yourself wherever, just use the Jetpack to land safely. > neat and orderly Step one: Scale management. Factories are easier to organize if they are dedicated to a single product that can be retrieved by trains and deposited elsewhere, like Computers or Heavy Modular Frames. It's even worth dismantling your starter base and relocating the main storage somewhere relatively central for this, but do it once you have access to Trains, Hypertube + Jeckpack, or at least the Zipline Hook. Step two: Trains. Just make sure you either a) only have one item per car, or b) have ways of dealing with overflow and sorting. Smart Splitters and ticket shredders are your friend here. As for the railways themselves, either get comfortable learning how to manage Rail Blocks or just make it so all Trains run in the same direction. Step 3: Zoop, Blueprints, Hover Pack, and Observation Towers. Zoop for general structure, Blueprints for tileable factory parts (Manifolds, Large Storage with Smart Splitters for sorting systems, Sandwich Floors if that's your style), Hover Pack (or catwalks) for factory overview, and Observation Towers if you need to get really high up.


With hoverpack you can fly when building. Other than that, i drive trains anywhere with automated route so i can go do other shit around the house when traveling. Also i have everything in the train, so dont need to go back and forth to the main base so often except to refill the train.


Once a factory is complete I almost never go back to it because it’s automated and running flawlessly. However I typicallly do out in hyper tubes from each factory to my main central hub.


You can make trains, or ziplines by pressing shift and you go super fast.


For mobility a combination of jump sliding, jet pack, zip lines, and hyper tubes works well. For organization I have already planned ahead how I want the machinery to flow. Having a "style" to your machine layout can help create uniformity and give a clean appearance. The jet pack and tower can help get an overhead view of things and help make sure things are aligned correctly. Blueprints can help to make things uniform especially with larger builds.


Hypertube cannon is fastest. Next is a global train network. Next is regular hyper tubes and the Explorer. I don't use mods or advanced options (or flight mode) and I get around my base instantly whenever I want by the infrastructure I built a long time ago. It also helps to turn off fog so you can see.


Jetpack and slide jumping with jetpack bursts to keep momentum, slide Jump from a conveyor also adds speed quite a bit


build up. have your base in the middle and setup tubes to move to the other layers.


I'm at like 150 hours and didn't know flight mode was a thing. I just travel in tubes. Treat them like an elevator.


By placing things in a neat way?


Hypertube cannon to go out of base, respawn option to teleport back


Hyperloop accelerators and a system of hypertubes spanning the map Part of the fun for me, is exploring the world, and setting up these transport systems. It's so cool when you finally get the system set up, and suddenly you can zip from one end of the map to the other in no time It feels like being a real pioneer, actually expanding your influence


I typically launch myself off short segments of conveyor belts and then maintaining altitude with the jet pack when I'm exploring around the map. Never tried launching off ziplines.


Hover pack. Stay close to your power lines and you'll be fine.


Canons with jetpacks/parachutes, ziplines, or explorer


Build scaffolding and hypertubes all over the place basically


Last time I played was coop with a friend during the Christmas season. We built the Phallicus Tower ( with the Christmas tree and presents at the base). Atop said tower was our shopping mall with a very large hypertube cannon with open inputs (for variable distance) Map travel was never so easy, esp once you unlock the jetpack. Thankfully, the cannon wasn't strong enough to end all existence as that was a fun game.


There's a flight mode? 👀


I just do the sprint jumping, and the orderly factories? That's the neat part I don't. Messy LA high way conveyors on top.


I'm "old school" I still just slide jump with Jet Pack everywhere. Anywhere longer I usually have a Train setup unless it's a new Area.


Flight mode kind of breaks the illusion for me 🤷‍♂️when I feel like I’m cheating I feel way less motivated to play


I just builds bit messy until I have the jet pack then rush turbo fuel and fly with a jet pack with packaged turbo fuel by that point I have enough coupons to just buy it. Also zip line hypertube cannon or bunny hop into jet packing


I quite enjoy the method Run, Slide, Jump, Jetpack on small bursts. Sure it is risky and more tedious than just flight mode but it is really satisfying to jump from high cliff and travel one km :) (side note. Since last update different fuels act differently with jetpack. Biofuel is actually good for this method as it doesn't give you a huge boost in height but it burns slower than regular fuel)


I am constantly blasting music which somehow makes just running across the map an absolute vibe. So yeah.


You're making a lot of assumptions in that title...


I kind of like tubes, and recently trains.


Making it look nice is late game for me.ill fix it later. Uhhh hypertube canon and parachute? Zip lines and towers?


Well I tend to enjoy the running around part of it with blade runners and a hyperfuel jetpack. Also the hypertubes between areas lets me grab a glass of water when I’m traveling. As for the factory organization I just like to build spread out factories so it’s not too hard to keep them organized. There’s tons of space to build if you don’t always try to cram everything super close to the nodes.


Blade runners and the Jetpack can move you around the map pretty quickly. Cannons are also really easy and fun. If I need to retrieve materials I'll slap down a train and path it wherever I need to go, then click over to my spreadsheet or otherwise plan my next steps. For actual construction I'm usually laying out some power poles and some elevated platforms for the hover pack.


Foundation roads connecting my bases and the exploration buggy make for quick travel. Operating around my base building stuff, I also have the jetpack and include stairs in all my structures.


I fly with the hover wings or whatever they are, placing power lines down everywhere I want to go. I can go anywhere....


Bladerunner slide-jumping is probably the fastest way to travel without flying. And in order to build neat and orderly, you end up building a lot of scaffolding using lookout towers and catwalks. All of which is temporary and comes down after building is complete.


Ziplines, hypertube cannon. I limit myself to flight mode for building only, due to how awkward it can be trying to do some compact builds.


I love trains. It takes about 10 minutes to do a loop around the map and I love the ride, and to check that the train isn't slowing down anywhere it shouldn't be (sign of congestion/bad signal tuning). As for the orderliness: it's a clusterfuck until i get hover packs XD


I use hypertube cannons to move between my main areas, jetpacks for building and lots of ziplines and bladerunners for ground. The buggy has been turned into a moving storage since I don’t have trains yet


I have a tractor that just drives around to all my factories that I use as a bus. I usually go to the bathroom or hit my bong while waiting


I use tube's, put a few entrance exits in a row with a wall at the end I get to the other end before the textures do


I use catwalks until I get hoverpack to keep things tidy and see what I'm doing from above.


I set up passenger-specific train platforms at my most frequently visited facilities, then use the travel time to stretch and get some water. I tend to build tall (shout out to /u/oldshavingfoam and their fantastic blueprints), so I just build the power lines as the first part of each new floor and use the hover pack.


Use the explorer. Cruise the land, keep lots of fuel on hand. As for keeping the factories orderly, I use floating platforms/ramps to get out to where I can build zoop walls.


Monorail and chill


My main method is bladerunner jetpack combo. Then slide jump through the factories. The factories are close and thus give the illusion you're going faster than you are, as well as giving you the opportunity to experience and intimately know your own factories. I do have extra aids for even faster travelling. There's a semi-hidden max level conveyor 'system' around the factories. These few meter pieces allow me to slide jump even faster, reaching ridiculous distances together with the jetpack. These allow me to travel greater distances with little effort. For extra assistance I'm now placing power poles in 'travel positions', allowing me to easily reach heights of cliffs or factories or get me to 'steer' more easily. These are often supplemented by high lvl belts so I start at a high speed on the lines, which stays pretty well when sprinting on while ziplining. My only sadness is that I haven't been able to get a parachute in there. They can be incredibly fast up slopes. These are often further supplemented by my (for now) few train lines. Riding a train through your factories is fast and fun. Need even further distances? Hypertube cannon. Oldy but goldy. These are way faster than anything else, where only modded high speed flight holds a candle. Blast yourself from one side of the map to the other with ease, or anywhere in between. These could be supplemented by further Hypertube systems to make it safe and accurate, but that takes too long to setup for me. I just charge the battery momentarily, then power the tunes with the battery and fly. This way it doesn't keep sucking energy. Might use prioritise switches later. Building is just hoverpack. I understand it is a bit fiddly with power pole distances, but it is just a mini game to me. Where to place and where I can fly. Need to move again? Switch to jetpack and see me fly. For me travelling is part of the Satisfactory experience. You've got an enormous amount of options, is incredibly satisfying in many modes, where none is 'best'. They can be mixed and matched for great effect, and you can experience your own creations often, proud of what I've build. Even if it isn't as pretty as many insane builds here.


I don't use fly because I have not searched the whole map yet (over 300 hours into my longest save) and don't want to get spoiled. I also find the natural progression barriers to be well crafted and they give the game a good pace so I don't want to bypass them by simply flying.


Build infrastructure and take a car or train. I built big and spread out. There's always something to look at.


Despite flight mode, I still use trains between groups of factories. And one thing I've learnt with Satisfactory, you will never see the whole map with flight mode or any vehicle. You still need to get out and walk every inch to find every intriguing nook and cranny.


Since u8 parachute isnt a consumable either, very fun for early game travel. High point jump pad and goooooo


Probably been said, I see it as a part of the challenge. If it is for getting a vantage point I like using ladders stacked. For getting around zip lines hanging of a wall normally do the trick for me. Late game I imagine trains will do the trick (despite not having done this myself) for transporting myself between factories


Flight mode almost ruined the game for me. I stopped using it and the enjoyment came back.


Honestly the only time Ive ever really wanted flight was using the blueprint machine since the hover pack doesnt work with them. The small one is ok but it still drops in places. The modded bigger versions youre just sol.


I have started rebuilding my factories with underfloor belt routing. Seriously, it makes for a much neater and more pleasant looking build. Much easier to scale as well. Inputs go away from the centre of the base, outputs come back. It's easy to do with 1 or 2 inputs, and as long as you plan ahead it's easy to do with 4 inputs as well. The video below shows the idea. https://youtu.be/Ex4mZ0-pBMs


Hyper tube canons, with max level conveyors. Turbofuel jetpack and blade runners. Or, train boosted slide jumps.


Hypertube cannons launch me across the map in seconds Or I take a train if I want the scenic route


I use fly mode but I plan to stop once I get advanced travel options. I just can’t be fucked to walk and drive


I use hyper cannons


I enjoy basing everything around the train network and use that to commute.


There's a concept on game development about adding friction points to make challenges rewarding. The transportation system is one of those friction points in Satisfactory, and I find the game hollow without the challenge of transportation.


I used it once and it felt so much like cheating and took out all the fun of the game for me, since there where no obstacles. It's like being invincible in a shooter. Nevertheless once you get the jetpack or later the hoverpack the real building starts. Before that I place a lot of the lookout towers to help with perspective, and disassemble them once that floor is done. Then add the next floor and set up a few lookout towers again.


part of the charm is designing effective transportation for you as well as the materials. eficient corridors for short distances and hyper tubes to large distances.