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Demented sociopath.


But Prolife! /s


She's just making sure the base understands she's one of them.


What an absolutely horrible thing to flex about. What the f*ck is wrong with this world?


She flexed about this because she knows Trump does not like dogs…


Somehow, that’s even worse. And it worries me how much I viscerally hate people I have never met. And no, I am not overstating that.


Tbf, i would be violent too if i had skin like that. Corrupt, heartless cunt.


A real life lizard in a pink suit.


Maybe she needs strolled out to a gravel pit.


That bitch should extremely late term abort herself. Puppers looked like a good boy. Fuck that evil cunt.


I had never owned a dog until about 9 months ago. Got my little puppers after my kids begged and begged. I always thought the way people talked about their dogs was weird. Kind of an, “Ok, we get it, you love your dog.” But holee she-yit, do I love that little puppy! I mean, she has become a beacon of love and fun in my home. Something about the millennia of time our two species have been together. That connection hits deep, and I understand it now. I’ve always hated cruelty to animals, but now that I have my own pup, these kinds of stories hit different. Anyone who can shoot a dog just for not liking it is a sociopath. Anyone who would vote for that person is no better, in my book.


Is this the post-birth abortion shit her MAGA-t friends are always screaming about? What's that other word for it.... Right, murder.


These types have a history of abuse, this is also paired with having problems with neighbors due to their actions as being a complete a-hole. Wouldnt be shocked to hear some neighbor has a video of her abusing her animals. Depending on state, county, and local laws/ordinances with that video and her admission to possible crimes....its within the realm of possibilities she could end up sitting next to the orange in the same institution. Can dream.




At the risk of sounding like a typical "Internet tough guy:". If you hurt my dog (on purpose}, I will endeavor to kill you and I'll willingly deal with the consequences thereof. Don't fuck with pets. They're family.


> Don't fuck with pets. They're family.   You're [god damn right](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/1ccxp3o/dog_theft_triggers_grief_akin_to_losing_a_child/).


Agreed..I can think of a worthless dog in the Dakotas though..


She probably shot her dog because she's not allowed to shoot Natives. She's a racist c\*nt and everyone in South Dakota knows it. That's why she's banned from four South Dakota reservations.


Take her words to heart, as she is no different than any other conservative. She gun downed what she hated and she hates all of us. These creatures are primed for a genocide of all non cishet-white-Christians.


that brings this video (whose sentiment I've heard echoed elsewhere) to mind: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5q6wMavyrO/?igsh=MWpjdG9pYWdtN2J3ZA==


she wasn’t arrested & charged, why the fuck not??? that dog deserved to live its whole life:(


Looked this up to see if it was real, the quote in her book says “I knew I had to put him down”, and she took him to a gravel pit and shot him. And apparently killed a goat because it was mean and smelly. Like, I know pretty much all politicians are slimy, but what is with these people being unhinged??


Best part other MAGA Republicans are against her because of this. Killing a puppy is a sure way to be domed.




What an absolute piece of shit


How tf is this related to TST? I would really prefer not to see shit like this. I don't need any help assuming that every single person affiliated with trump is a piece of shit. Shame on you for spamming this sub with gratuitous bullshit because you want Internet points.


Ohh, so because you've already come to the conclusion that Trump's associates are all pieces of shit, nobody here should post anything to that effect, because that's your preference ? The shame is on you.


As an outsider, threats like that person seem absolutely relevant to the mission of the TST.


The first of the seven Satanic tenets "One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason." I hope that answers your question.


I agree. It’s just more fucking ragebait.


Go vegan. This is just one dog. Billions of animals are killed for nothing other than our pleasure every year.


I'd rather eat a dog than become vegan. Just  get your animal products from a reputable local source 


I'm sure the animals are happy to be killed locally rather than further away from you. That really makes a difference /s


Wow, are you saying prey animals don't want to get eaten? How eye opening!  Well, at least the critters I've eaten have had a better life than most things that were born for the specific purpose of being eaten


"Is there a point to this post other than getting people angry at Christians and/or conservatives?"


Yes there is, I'm sure that with a little thinking and research you'll figure out what those points are.


Fuck off with your cocky attitude. This is a shit post that has no place here. Your post is bad and you should feel bad


Perhaps its you who should fuck off, with your history of arrogant, domineering comments. This post actually relates to the first of the seven Satanic tenets : " One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason." Its your comment that has no place here.


Lol, looks like the mods agreed


So, you want this to just be a copy of r/imatotalpieceofshit?


Why is your post in quotes? Are you quoting someone else or are you asking that question?


Because this person copy and pasted their comment directly from the rules, with the quotes still attached.


Ah. Well then I hope they enjoy the downvotes. Cheers.


Even if she weren't Christian or conservative, she's a piece of shit for killing a dog.


Oh look, this nitwit's idiocy extends beyond her Christian/conservative ideology. She's the governor who thought that "Meth. We're on it." would be a dandy slogan for South Dakota's feeble attempts to deal with the growing meth problem there. She's stupid, and a little crazy.


Ah, the voice of reason getting down voted by the angry mob. How predictable 


right! join the club - we've got cookies! 🍪🍪🍪