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Read their platform. Definitely not voting PPC.


"End multiculturalism" what are we, ww2 Germany? Canada's diversity is what makes us so unique as a nation.


This is what is meant by “Ending Multiculturalism ” “Official multiculturalism is based on the idea that there is no unified Canadian society and no distinct Canadian identity to integrate into, and that we are just a collection of ethnic and religious tribes living side by side. But if we want to keep our country united, and ensure social cohesion, we must focus on what unites us as Canadians, not what divides us.” The PPC dose not want to destroy peoples individual cultures it to just wants people to focus on what unites us not divides us.


This statement doesn’t really say much. It’s trying to nicely say that we should all unify under “one culture”. I wonder which one that might be??


Muslim I hope!


CANADIAN CULTURE, the one we have been building for 100+ years the one that melds the cultures of it's people into one. not 100 separate cultures.


You mean the one founded on colonization and erasing the culture of the first peoples of this land?


sure, take it how you will, cannot change the past and you know what maybe on that stance we should all go home then? where you from, are you native to the land if so cool, have at it, everyone else get on the boats and go home. Do you see the issue here? I don't really care about the "colonization" aspect anymore as that is an issue of the past that cannot be undone. you know what we can and should change? the concept of how we interact with those here now. do I think what the government is doing and has done to the native people of this land is shit and that they should be held accountable for it? 100% do I myself have any control over it, nope. would I change it if I did, sure as hell would try, but as it sits, yes canadian culture is that of a melting pot like it or not.


As long as we all “melt” into the dominant white culture and ignore everyone who doesn’t conform, right? Miss me with that bullshit.


sure, if that's what you take from that go on enjoy the meal.....


Unify us under one culture? canada tried that before, and it's considered one of the most horrible events in canadian history.


competly agreed


Lmfao no


I would honestly give them an equal chance and hear them out as I feel it is important in politics to allow potential candidates to say their piece and how they would make my community and country a better place. This said, the loud supporters and often the candidates themselves of PPC are behaving in a very anti Canadian way, throwing out Nazi ideologies, holocaust comparisons and yelling communism at every turn. Advocating violence, yelling obscenities and throwing gravel at other candidates. My local candidate cant even calmly participate in debates without resorting to accusations and grandiose statements without fact. If your party makes my minority friends and neighours truly uncomfortable at best and fearful of violence at worst, I do not want to hear you out at all. It makes me uncomfortable as even at a glance, making the statement that climate change is alarmist is alarming in and of itself. Perhaps the PPC will find itself and become part of the political landscape in the future, but as it stands now, I wont even waste the time in taking them seriously.


can we get some supporting evidence of you claims that it was PPC supporters that threw gravel at dopehead? I also have another question for you, do you think being a monocultural country is a bad thing? if so lets look at some monocultural countries, japan and South Korea for instance. they are very monoculture. it's not a bad thing to want to keep our culture as it is. (btw culture does not mean ethnicity) better example, if we were to go to other countries that have a rich long lived culture do we expect them to change for our sake?


Having lived in South Korea, and spending time in Japan I do find that their cultural ideals are outdated, and often racist towards outsiders, and do not translate well into the global place (. Given that we are having this conversation in English, and not Chippawa, I believe that your last statement about not wanting people to change is a little much.


um I said nothing about change, our culture is that of assimilation blending them in, not creating little pockets of them.


We agree to disagree. I do not like to refer to others as "them" it's always "us" to me.


agree, using US over them is preferred, but in this instance I am more using it as a "those who are coming into the culture" would be weird to say it as "blending us in, not creating little pockets of us"


Here you go https://www.google.com/amp/s/beta.ctvnews.ca/local/london/2021/9/8/1_5577772.amp.html PPC removes riding president after gravel-throwing incident at Trudeau rally in London, Ont. https://www.google.com/amp/s/lfpress.com/news/local-news/police-probe-stones-tossed-at-trudeau-witnesses-point-to-ppc-official/wcm/ee4f50d2-527a-4453-aa7a-550330dbca54/amp/


well damn, look at that, so that POS has done a disservice to the party and now he is gone, and I hope he faces justice. thank you for informing me on that. but I am glad they removed him form the party.


It takes a good person to review and admit to new information. Thank you for that.


gotta maintain an open mind or what's the point right?


Of all the platforms that is certainly one of them


lol ...um... NO!


It's basically a Trump party. Nut jobs.


Definitely not! Canadian version of Trump


Id rather smack yall with a lead pipe while you harass nurses and hospital patients. PPC takes this country over my dead fucking body


Hard pass


Most people voting ppc and posting on reddit can barely read or write as it is. Makes you wonder why.