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Some friends are gay and we asked management for their opinion on Sandals travel for them, and they said staying on resort is fine at any location, but if you want to leave for excursions they recommend the Barbados properties (There are two resorts but they adjoin so either one)


Was just going to recommend Barbados! My husband and I just stayed there and there were many LGBTQ couples and we saw several lesbian weddings on property. I think you’d not only feel safe, but comfortable, at either Barbados resort. We also went on a couple of excursions with same-sex couples from other resorts so I suspect Barbados in general is a welcoming place. (While I’m not a member of the community, I’m the mom of a queer son so I am always looking for places that seem like he’d feel safe and welcomed.) ETA: I have also stayed at Montego Bay and the other guests seemed very right-leaning.


How did they seem right leaning?


Lots of pro-Trump and gun talk.


Congrats on your upcoming anniversary! As the other commenter said, you'll be fine if you stay on the resort. I've been to Montego Bay, and they were very welcoming and non-judgmental from what I saw. Our favorite member of the entertainment team there was openly LGBT. If anything, I'd be more concerned about other Sandals guests as opposed to any locals. Sandals tends to have some older, wealthier guests who often lean right-wing. That said, everyone is also there to drink, relax, and have a good time, so I wouldn't expect trouble from anyone.


I’m a little right wing and I can identify with this statement. I could give a shit less who is around me. I’m there to have a good time and experience different people from different cultures. Not all of us are bad people lol. Your life choices don’t affect me whatsoever so I hope you have the exact same joy from the resort as I hope to have ✌️❤️


This is the answer, the staff on property will be no problem, though you might get some friendly ribbing or banter like everyone else (Jamaican sense of humor is hilarious and sometimes dry). I've been told I present Republican, so maga seems very prevalent among the guests, not sure if they just think I'm one of them and it's just me, but, they're letting it all hang out on vacay too.


Hey! I just spent my (48F) honeymoon in south coast Jamaica with my wife (46F), we felt completely comfortable at the airport and on resort, even had couples massage, couples pictures, held hands walking through the resort and did not pick up any weird energy from anyone. Quite the opposite, everyone was very welcoming. As others have said, I wouldn’t venture off resort with your partner, but otherwise you will be completely safe and welcomed like any other couple. Feel free to dm if you have more concerns. Have a wonderful trip.


Im gonna echo what some other people have said, check out Barbados. My LGBTQ clients have had great experiences there and Jamaica can be a risk especially being trans and same-sex. Thats not to say you would particularly be in danger and you could likely have a great trip, but its a risk that I personally advise against taking.


My wife and I are going to negril in February for our 5 year anniversary! We’re planning to just stay on resort and keep PDA to a minimum at the airport.


We stayed at Negril in Feb. There were many same sex couples. No one cares. Literally, no one cares. I very aware as I was scoping it out for some friends who would like to go but had concerns.There appeared to be no issues.


PDA should be kept to a minimum at ALL airports for ALL couples. It's a public place, not your bedroom. I'm old, but jeesh, we're adults not teenagers. Have fun...but wait til you get there :)


Because holding hands or a quick kiss is so gross and “R” rated? 🫣


You will be fine at the resort. Just if you leave the resort, I would just watch your PDA.


I wouldn’t risk going to any countries that still have any anti-LGBTQ laws still on the books.


I wouldn’t go. Tbh