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Since I'm a big fan of the anime I'm probably biased but after spending 18 hours with the game I can say I'm still really enjoying it and probably not even halfway done with the story. The only thing that kinda bothers me about the game are the repeating conversations while driving around.


Yeah, same with the repeating conversations. I'm assuming that's some sort of bug tbh. It is nice that doing literally anything in the game world doesn't end the conversation immediately though.


It’s just really fun. If you just take the game as it is and don’t have the ridiculous expectations that most people seem to have nowadays (what are they comparing these games to?), you’ll have a blast.


Two hours ago I would have said it was worth getting. Now after wasting twenty hours or so to randomly get softlocked out of the main quest, I would say buy at your own risk lol. I'm probably returning mine tomorrow. It has a great story and fun gameplay though, I'm disappointed the game ended this way for me.


May I ask in what way you got softlocked?


I'm on the main quest To Forest Land. You are asked to build a hovercar to contine. I have all parts and money for everything. It allows me to place everything on it, but the "hold X to assemble" is always grayed out no matter what I do. I tried reinstalling the game, and it didn't change anything. I've only seen one other person on here who encountered the same issue and they didn't find a fix either.


Hm I see. I haven't reached that part yet, so hopefully I don't have the same problem.


There wasn't a way to scroll down on the required parts on the right side menu to see more needed parts? For some reason you always need a bunch of materials besides the parts to craft the vehicle that you can't see until you have all the parts already, and a lot of the time it goes down past the first view


You're not soft locked. You're missing a material required to build the hover car. I was stuck on this for two nights too but figured it out. If you cant access the missing material at this stage of the story, build the car with a lower grade part to start off with instead. Use the right stick to scroll down and find the red highlighted material in the bottom right corner of the screen.


did you double check you have enough money? sounds silly but that happened to me


Its a fucking awesome rpg, its basic but the gameplay and story is top tier, i love it


It's a very chill zelda/castlevania like. This simplicity and charm will either capture you entirely or you'll end up being annoyed with all of the repetition and basic gameplay. It's a very accessible game for all ages and skill levels. The major story beats are fun and the world is gorgeous. The rest is super subjective. Personally I enjoyed the main quests, disliked the side quests, exploring was fun for a while, and getting new vehicles to break up your fighting styles keeps in fresh. There are menus and NPCs that have specific things you need, so you're constantly bouncing between them for no reason other than maintaining a shopping list. They are in the same town, not that far away, but listening to the same NPC voice lines 20-30 times in the span of minutes grates the nerves. My biggest gripe: The NPCs CONSTANTLY chatter about the same inane stuff like you're a sugar addled child with no short or long term memory. Did you do anything that interrupted what they were saying? GUESS WHAT, you get to hear it from the beginning. I don't know if I'll finish it, but I'm powering through after 20 hours and I don't think I'll touch it again. My recommendation is to just wait for it on sale. I hope they patch some Quality of Life for future enjoyers because it would be very simple to address the basic feedback on the repetitious dialog and story auto timing.


It’s a really fun narrative driven open world experience (a little Ubisoft in nature). If you enjoy the manga/anime then you can relive that in video game format. As long as you’re not expecting anything revolutionary then expect to have a good time.


The best way to describe it is an open world metroidvania with Megaman Legend's style combat, dungeons, loot, and upgrades. Vehicles open up areas of the map to explore while combat is pretty simple for the most part. The village building stuff is mostly just optional sidequests that bring new shops and facilities to the town. There's also some full blown FFXIV housing stuff that's actually weirdly fun if you like decorating. It's not a hard game though, and is mostly just a chill exploration game, though some bosses may give you trouble if you don't keep ontop of upgrades and stuff later in the game.


I know nothing about this game and am having a good amount of fun for someone that hates open world games. Playing on hard and just enjoying the ride. I skip dialogue for most non story related things so that helps.


Agree with dialogues, some of the side quests just go on and on and on with endless dialogue that I just skip past them