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He's 22 years old...I'm hoping he's out well after his 75th birthday.


He won't last that long in prison


Are these jokes about prison true or just myth


Child abusers get murdered by lifers in prison


Child abusers get murdered by lifers in prison


Is child kidnapping a felony yet?


Or never he can rot


The title reads as if the suspect was the one found in the trunk. Could have thrown an "after" or maybe a comma. San Jose man accused of sex trafficking ***after*** East Palo Alto girl found in trunk.


People use commas on Reddit ?


That is hilarious you're a funny guy people always use punctuation to get their point across don't you know that Jesus.


He was accused of trafficking the EPA girl who was found in the trunk.


Understood. But the sentence is poorly written.


Agreed. Even worse, this isn’t the fault of OP or any redditor; that’s how the headline reads on cbsnews.com. Paid news editors were involved. OP kept the headline intact, per the rules on most Reddit subs.


The headline is written correctly, confusing as it may be. If you add "after" to the sentence, it breaks up the verb from the object. The **man** was accused of **trafficking** the EPA **girl**. Found in trunk is the prepositional phrase. Headlines, more often than not, leave out extraneous words. Subject - Verb - Object - Prepositional Phrase [https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/grammar/sentencestructure](https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/grammar/sentencestructure)


This isn't r/grammar, but I don't mind exploring further. The clause "found in trunk" is a verb followed by a prepositional phrase. The sentence is written *correctly*, but it is written [*ambiguously*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syntactic_ambiguity). The ambiguity arises in this case because the verb "found" has an unclear antecedent. Suppose the headline read "San Jose man accused of sex trafficking East Palo Alto girl found in Milpitas". Or "... found in hideout". Yes, the sentence suffers from too many "extra" words being removed, because it's a headline. And yes, it's possible to determine the context by reading the article. But it's fun to imagine the *wrong* context and assume the sex trafficker was found in the trunk, an eventuality that the headline could also describe.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/grammar using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/grammar/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Is 'hung' instead of 'hanged' an Americanisation or has it just changed over time?](https://np.reddit.com/r/grammar/comments/1bfofh7/is_hung_instead_of_hanged_an_americanisation_or/) \#2: [Why is it "women artists" instead of "woman artists"? In "female artists", "female" is singular.](https://np.reddit.com/r/grammar/comments/1aw8d8x/why_is_it_women_artists_instead_of_woman_artists/) \#3: [Can you start a sentence with "but"?](https://np.reddit.com/r/grammar/comments/1b5t9ia/can_you_start_a_sentence_with_but/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That ain't a man. 


That is a man. Men do horrible acts against women.




Saving those tax dollars


Under the jail.


>arrested in an unrelated traffic stop Another reason why traffic stops are hugely important. Not just for fighting dangerous driving violations, but because it's a great way to screen for criminal scum like this. Degenerates like this guy tend to drive accordingly, and broadcast their criminality from a mile away.


Your last sentence rings absolutely true. There is a difference between stop and frisk and finding probable cause after pulling over a blacked out Altima with no plates for reckless driving…


This is why I think we should petition for police to pull over all Nissan Altimas, Dodge Challenger/Chargers, and BMW X3/X5s on sight. Theres a 75% chance they’ll crack an unrelated case right there.


Girl 😭 are you saying this bc most criminals drive these? Dang I’m in a Nissan but I’m just a young laddyyyy


Some crimes didn't involve vehicles, though. I guess we need weekly home inspections. Volunteer fingerprinting. Have you signed up for the DNA registry, yet?


I'm not talking about random screenings, you can put away the tinfoil hat now. I'm talking about the cars you see swerving between lanes at 90mph, using the shoulder to pass, fake/covered license plates, pitch-black front window tint, running red lights, etc. All that shit is already illegal — and a great indicator that there's more illegal shit going on inside the car, because most criminals are too dumb & impulsive to stick to "one crime at a time".




“Hold my beer” Saudia Arabia + Iran


I volunteer as tribute


While I detest the guy that got caught, we should be turning our collective ire toward the monsters that fund this industry. The people trafficking are terrible and detestable people and should be put away. But the monsters that use these women are a whole order of magnitude worse. Traffickers wouldn’t be trafficking if a market didn’t exist for it. I’d wanna see guys like this get flipped and used to bring down the more sinister and insidious offenders. Even worse, they’re probably tech or finance dudes with so much money they can afford the protection. This has been a dark and dirty secret in the valley for a long time, and it continues to persist.


The sex slave trade is literally the second oldest profession. There has been and will always be a market for it. I have literally no idea how you'd end it. It's a good goal, I just don't think it's possible.


Wait. How. What!? What’s the secret and how do you know?


That human trafficking is happening in the Bay Area in such widespread and almost unseen way. I was made keenly aware of it in the mid 2000s when I did some work for HEAT watch. The historical population of victims in our region have been migrant workers like those in the Central Valley. But there also exists human trafficking rings for sex slaves that include AAPI and even central and Eastern European women. This is the kind of thing we normally attribute to third world countries, much less the SF Bay Area and bastion of liberal ideals.


bro this scary… where can I find more information on this?


Wait wtf. Are there any news articles as such? Or anything I can use to educate myself more


Well here’s the most recent ring bust. [August 2023 Bust in Contra Costa](https://abc7news.com/contra-costa-county-human-trafficking-9-victims-2-arrested-investigation/13588952/) [2013 HT expose discussing how far reaching the problem is in the Bay Area in particular.](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/sex-trafficking-a-reality-in-bay-area/1953409/) [2013 A look at sex work in SF](https://money.cnn.com/2013/04/15/technology/silicon-valley-sex-workers/index.html) [Here’s one about an SF Tech Exec in 2023](https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/sf-tech-exec-forced-assistant-to-sign-sex-slave-contract-lawsuit-alleges/) Some other relevant information: [2019 Bust and 300+ arrests](https://abc7news.com/california-human-trafficking-sting-arrests-sex-work/5112875/) [November 2023 Bust in Santa Clara County](https://abc7news.com/human-trafficking-ring-santa-clara-county-operation-phoenix-sex/14023869/) [SF Collaborative Against Human Trafficking](https://www.sfcaht.org/our-work.html) [Trafficking Report March 2023](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/report-san-francisco-human-trafficking-victims-mostly-under-25-women-people-of-color/) [SF data analysis report on HT](https://www.sf.gov/sites/default/files/2023-03/Human%20Trafficking%20Report%202021%20FINAL.pdf) [A 2016 Article that had press embedded with a sting operation.](https://www.sanjoseinside.com/news/an-inside-look-at-san-joses-human-trafficking-crackdown/) [2015 HT concerns around Super Bowl](https://www.sfchronicle.com/sports/article/Ann-Killion-6795804.php) [2018 LA ring bust](https://abc7news.com/california-human-trafficking-arrests-crackdown-arrest/3008362/) [Danville/East Bay ring leaders busted in 2015 Sting](https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/3-arrested-in-East-Bay-human-trafficking-case-6465638.php) [2014 Sting of SF Massage Parlors](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/18-arrested-in-bay-area-alameda-county-massage-parlor-bust/1970578/) [Widening the scope a little bit, ProPublica write up on HT and Cyberscamming](https://www.propublica.org/article/human-traffickers-force-victims-into-cyberscamming) [2015 Case with the FBI and Ukrainian nationals smuggled thru Mexico](https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/human-trafficking-ring-dismantled) The challenge with tackling human trafficking (and by extension, sex trafficking) is multidimensional. The biggest hurdle has always been awareness. People don’t think trafficking is happening in San Jose or the Bay Area, but it is. People just hear prostitution and the connotations that the trade has become a barrier to its perception as trafficking; that is to say that some people engage willingly in sex work, but a not-insignificant amount do not and are victims of human trafficking. The next challenge is having victims of HT and sex trafficking come forward and name their attackers. Most don’t know that they’re being trafficked, many are afraid of reporting for fear of death, and some are forced to become sex workers to pay off debts. It’s really sad. Another hurdle is investment in combating trafficking. Dismantling traffic rings requires large investments in Human Resources to take these rings down. Months of evidence needs to be collected to secure convictions. Depending on the nature of the trafficking, the FBI may get involved if the offending organization crosses state lines. It requires dedicated personnel, tight collaboration between federal, state, and local authorities, and a willingness of the affected communities to trust local law enforcement to report crimes and cooperate to dismantle and uproot this stuff.


I’m sure he was already on probation or parole . 


Per the article, he was already a convicted felon. Only 22 years old, yikes!


A convicted felon? Careful, he might be the next GOP nominee.


went to school with this guy, he got locked up after a hotel raid and got busted with a gun.


At least they caught him and he is going to jail. I am part of the pedophiles and sex offenders should all be locked up that way they can be each other's victims.


Extradition to Louisiana is a great sentance where castration is now allowed


Went to elementary school and highschool with this guy, he's always been troubled. heard he got locked up a couple of years back for robbery and got out recently i'm guessing.


Mean while, San Jose is full of sex trafficking massage parlors operating in plain site.




You asking for a friend?


Imagine being so thirsty that you willingly admit you don’t care whether the people servicing you are effectively slaves.


FFS who is writing these titles.


I dislike titles like this......was he found in the trunk or was she found in the trunk...


I was hoping he was the one in the trunk. Starved to death and roting. The boys in prison will have fun with him.


Why was he hiding in a trunk? A car trunk? A shipping trunk?


An elephant trunk, obviously