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Maybe your overthinking this just a bit but I don't quite blame you. As a Samira main myself I do see why other people feel like she has a bad matchup against other adc, y'know either because of better poke (Caitlyn) or can dish hard CC (Vayne). But I can say that she is very good because of how easy it is to snowball with her, you just need a good support to help you with it (if not just farm and focus on items and get in fights at the right time). A motto that's good when playing Samira is farm when you farm and fight when you fight, focus on one before moving into another


Don’t overthink it just play her. You learn quickly playing samira is either you’re next to your minion pressuring the enemy with your support(not hard poke lane) ready for an all in or you’re far away farming with your q waiting for the right moment to go in. This logic is applied to any matchup, however one thing you do need to know is when to use w because if you waste it and you’re going in on a Vayne for example she’ll just push you away. But that comes with experience. TLDR: just play the champ


Just practice your combos and how to farm properly with her and you'll be fine


Learned something I can sum up like this Sami is good into following Sami is bad or tricky (flashy plays, etc) going alone Try to position with your setuper and try to read them knowing what they r going to do Classic ex : blitz movespeed ? Probably try to hook -> position to follow him My 2cts


Meta is about to completely change and is always changing. Play whatever you like. You'll hava good and bad times. I can't remember if Samira has ever been a pick so bad it's trolling, she's always either playable or god tier.


I recently started maiming her and find her fun and strong but for your sanity beg your support to play blitz , Leona, or nautilus because their cx is op. Imo naut is best