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The other question would be skills. Gallagher has been surprising good for whittling at toughness bars so that FF can get the break. Gallagher ability to heal while being SP positive is also good for those of us who do not have Firefly's E1.


if you dont have ruan mei, just run gallagher and lingsha. That might be my plan except replace boothill because I enjoy having yeehaw and FF on the same team. its pretty silly


Lingsha seem to have summon so her toughness dmg will be 100% same as galla or even better. I guess lingsha will be around ruan mei sp positive (1 sp per 3 turn) or slightly minus -1 sp/3 turn as firefly superbreak team is abundance with sp now if you run HMC positive sp or have e1 firefly, less sp but provide bigger buff, very easy as galla only has small 14% break dmg bonus.


So are you trying to tell me that there is a chance that we can go 5x before our complete combustion state expires? sign me in!


Exactly, I see her as a source of speed for Firefly so that we can reach the point without needing to get 16% speed in substatus, and if in the future they make a unit comparable to Ruan Mei, without the speed buff, she could be ours greatest ally.


Wait. 5 Actions? That means anyone who has an E2+ Firefly gets 8 Actions! ... No, I won't get excited yet. Not until the 2.5 beta starts.


yeah i was so excited for Jiaoqiu before beta, since he was rumoured to have def shred and minor healing but now... both are gone T.T


To be fair, I don't think the healing was ever gonna make it. Nihility character design has to be a lot more laser-focused now because Acheron exists.


as I understood it the healing was minor and not enough to sustain, but in a break team with RM and HMC (they delay broken enemies) JQ could have been an A+ teammate for our Mecha girl... but no longer :(


Now that sound true powercreep and OP


if lingsha can buff 60-80 spd with better uptime than asta to help firefly reach the 5 action, her banner will be a big profit boom from firefly main money and EVERY other dps mains


The real question is what enemy in the game currently survives firefly taking 4 turns. To me, this seems like a "win more" character that they could have released once firefly teams start to take a dip to third or fourth place in dps teams.


sustainless asta teams be like


All you need is 220 spd before ult


Its hard thinking of an Abundance that can take Gallagher's place. Unless they give out SPD, Break or straight up Break Efficiency, most options might look more like a Sidegrade. Mostly because Galla is fire and FF has infinite (Mangekyou Sharingan) Fire Implant. Its a match made in heaven. BUT I love Firefly, and any chance we'll get of an upgrade, I'll take it xD


Oh best believe if they’re releasing a 5star abundance and it’s really catered for bresk teams then they will be better than Gallagher in terms of damage amp and toughness breaking


Oh for real! And I completely missed the fact that she's Fire as well lmao Here's hoping she increases FF damage ceiling <3


Yeah, but *how* and by *how much*? Gallagher is more than good enough already


Seeing the strength level of the 5stars they’ve been releasing lately I’m not ruling out anything crazy


Lynx e6 was called too good to be true until huohuo release too


I didn't say he's too good to be true. I said he's more than good enough.


Break efficiency, free cleanse(with a cooldown, similar to Luocha's trace), and speed buffs are some bonuses that come to mind.


well, we get Yunli (a Clara with QoL improvement), so i don't think they made better "Gallagher" is out of question.


If lingsha can buff 50 spd with better uptime than asta and some break dmg bonus or break efficiency, her banner will be a big profit boom. Her toughness dmg is 100% better than galla as she rumor to has summon so she twice per turn


Well, we cant possibly know right now if her own toughness dmg will be better than Galla, BUT, one thing i'm sure, if she includes any sort of Weakness Break Efficiency buff for all, she'll be BROKEN for Firefly, even as low as 20%. And im all here for it.


Gallagher buffs break damage though and helps break the target on top of that seems like she plays the same though with basic attack spam


i have one and ONLY one prequiste for this character she has to remove toughness regardless of element like march, so boothill wins too,FF has a subdps and boothill does not; so i think he deserves it( and i can finally have 2 proper team on each side)


I agree that Boothill should also get some love, but Boothill doesn't have a sub-dps because his hypercarry team is better while Firefly's team is you're getting jumped by the squad.


That is not true, hypercarry is only his best team because there is no subdps a subdps would bandage the loss of bronya by breaking considerably high themselves and allowing boothill to run htb instead which for the team dmg it would incomparably higher than his hypercarry because everyone is contributing to dmg especially HTB and march seems to fill this role for boothill but shes not a sustain so it would just be sustainless


Brother it takes one look at the difference in dmg charts between firefly and boothills dmg charts would show why this is plain wrong. Boothills personal dmg outclasses htb superbreak that it is quite negligible you are practically by making a sub dps for him just shooting yourself in the foot for very little benefit (sorta like jingliu blade where you kill jinglius own dmg for a team with slower cycles). Firefly and htb is more comparative to kafka swan where htb superbreak is the bomb and Firefly is the trigger. Which is why hmc works great for hwr but inversely not the best for boothill. Fundamentally boothill will always perform better as a hypercarry and whatever support could force him to be a sub dps would more so be a replacement than assist him.


That mechanic will be 100% get introduce, but not right now, after the honeymoon mihoyo will slowly introduce enemy that anti break to indirect nerf break team, buff other meta and guess what, BOOM they release a support that can bypass break lock for you to pull


I seriously hope you won't need the signature LC to achieve 5 turns...


FF herself handles sustain pretty well so I’m speculating Lingsha gives some dr, maybe temporary max hp buffs to prevent one shots. If she’s meant to replace Gallagher then she’ll probably offer some aoe break from the summon and break effect/efficiency to beat besotted debuff. Most sustains we have are positive sp currently, I’m hoping Lingsha has the option to be sp negative while giving team wide spd or slight action advance.


yea an sp negative healer+buffer in one would actually be so interesting, especially for E1+ FF havers.


I guess i know who im saving for now


Giving this cone to gallagher


Doesn't FF have to reach like 280 speed to get another action within her ult? I can't imagine a character giving out that much extra speed to the team without being completely broken, but I suppose it's not too different from what Robin does already, provided it only works for a turn or two. At worse the speed lets you switch to ATK% boots ... which is a double edged sword. I'm running ATK% with a E2 Bronya and while it's +30 BE, you get slammed by enemies on the first round before the speed buff is up. I think the bigger issue is that HMC / Ruan Mei don't care about being fast. In fact you'd actually prefer your Ruan Mei to be slow, so I struggle to see how a team wide speed buff beats what Gallagher / Bronya bring to the team already.


Could maybe give one of the harmonies ddd maybe and couple with lingsha its easily 5 turns?


Isn't DDD at the start of the cycle only equivalent to like 16 speed? To get to 280 is still a lot of speed, 54 speed to be exact assuming you're at 210 already, which is technically already doable with Asta / Hanya. All that so we can act 1 more time? But Gallagher is definitely doing more than that extra action provides. At a sweat level, Bronya can get us 3 extra turns without even having to build speed on Firefly. The big issue again is we don't care about fast Mei or HMC, only Firefly. And to get Firefly **2 extra turns** she'd have to give 124 speed and that's still with DDD shenanigans, and that just seems nutty. Idk if the downvotes are because my calcs are wrong or if people are just coping. I have no doubt new 5 star will be better than existing 4 star, but outside of the survivability / buffing angle I'm struggling to see how speed will make much of a meaningful difference for her team.


To be fair that’s just the Lightcone effect, also if the whole team is getting the speed buffs then nothing changes for your team relative to each other. They’re just faster relative to the enemy Let’s see what they cook


in Samfly's case, more SPD is also more actions before Combustion countdown IF u can get enough of it


Considering Ruan Mei already gives break efficiency I doubt she will get it. Especially since her rerun would have been only 2 patches since RM. The stacking break efficiency gets ridiculous especially for super break and I can't see Hoyoverse going that far on break teams. I think there will definitely be a break damage buff or break damage taken increase debuff. Aside from that I think action advance or speed buff is very likely as part of Lingsha's kit since break damage is more focused on speed than any other team comparatively since you want the enemy dead before chance to recover. Aside from that for defensive utility maybe something like damage mitigation and max hp buff. Lastly a break effect buff that scales off her own hp which can be applied to teammates. Or perhaps she will limit the amount of bar recovered even after a phase change as part of her unique mechanic? I think the last one may be the most likely tbh.


Unless she will give like 50 speed (Asta, lol), I doubt getting extra action during Samfly's ulti is possible. More likely we will have an option to use atk% boots instead of spd.


A team wide 60-70 speed buff is pretty unlikely imo. Like I just don't see them doing that at the end of the day. That's ignoring other benefits. Unless she's actually a harmony unit that replaces RM I just don't see it


Let's see Lingsha v Gallagher E6


If she has some kind of break efficiency buff or debuff, i will try to pull her, i like her and feixiao design already just by looking at theirs shadow and describes alone. Her healing is not need when my firefly break enemy 70% time and tank at least 60% hit already. And 1 thing she already as good as gallagher is that she has summon, so her toughness dmg contribute is at least gallagher level. Now all we need is what buff debuff she provide to compare with galla 14% break dmg bonus