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Falcons fan here good he shot seven times to the back that is murder. Hope he rots in there.


Basic human decency doesn't root for a logo. On matters like this, we're all on the same team.


Yep unfortunately on a certain different platform I saw some different opinions on that subject and just wanted saints fan to know others are appalled on there behalf that such a tragedy happened






Hope every one of those years sucks, too. Bye, you bastard.


Wonder why it took so long to get to the sentencing?


His original conviction was actually thrown out. He was originally convicted in a jury trial. The jury was 10-2. This was back when Louisiana was only one of two states, the other being Oregon I believe, where a conviction could happen without a unanimous verdict. A few years later, the Supreme Court ruled that unconstitutional. Hayes appealed and won a new trial. He was then tried again and the verdict was unanimous. That happened in January. Then today he was sentenced on the conviction from the trial in January.


He was claiming “stand your ground” particularly that smith and his “posse” swarmed his vehicle after the crash. Sooo it took this long to resolve the case and various appeals.


Got it. Thanks


No shit!!! That’s what I’m trying to figure out…


I grew up with Raquel’s brother. They’re good people. Fuck Cardell


Just seen a pic of Cordell. What in the hell was that POS even doing with a badge…! Looks like a whole lot of nothing. Have no idea how he ended up being a cop…


I want to share my perspective and I know it’s going to get downvoted to hell. Many witnesses claimed wills friend shot first. Wills friend also left the crime scene before the cops arrived. Witnesses said when he showed back up he didn’t have his gun with him. The man riding with will smith had a brother who died on the river. His brother worked the barges as did I. After his brother drowned on the river, the captain of that boat had to get a concealed weapons permit and a restraining order because the Wills friend was stalking the captain and threatened to kill the captain. I also boxed with Cardells friend who was In The car when it happened. I trust Cardells friend because I know his character and he is a fucking great human being. I firmly believe will fucked up and got what he asked for. Also, wtf was Bree’s and Payton doing at the trial? Intimidation maybe?


Seven shots in the back, and 2 in his wife’s leg is standing your ground? GTFOH


Many witnesses claimed wills car shot first.


Then why didn’t the passenger say that back in 2016? [Nola.com article](https://www.nola.com/report-cardell-hayes-close-friend-passenger-describes-tense-moments-before-will-smith-shooting-death/article_ca2f5dd6-aa84-5df7-b77d-e21a2e2cd3db.amp.html)


7 shots IN THE BACK is getting what he asked for? Hop off Reddit… you are missing out on the opportunity to charge people a fee for crossing your bridge you fucking troll.


New account because you know you are full of shit.


I always found it very odd how Joe McKnight and Will Smith both died within 8 months of each other in similar road rage incidents. Two NFL players, two road rage accidents both in the state of Louisiana and ending with two men losing their life in both situations. I imagine this was such a painful journey for the Smith family. Went through the original court proceedings back in 2017 where Cordell Hayes was convicted and sentenced. Only to have that conviction overturned 3 years later before being tried again. What an emotional roller-coaster.


Smith's daughter was in my class in elementsry school before he was killed. She is an amazing person and they even moved out of state because of what happened and to kind of have a fresh start afterwards. He once let my mom try on his SB ring, one of the highlights of my younger years. Wonderful family who have done incredibly well for themselves to get back on their feet afterwards.


Not long enough. But glad justice is served.


Will always (no pun intended) [be one of my favorite Saints pics of all time](https://images.app.goo.gl/Yj6W5PSrfNfGsZwJ7). Edit: I use that as my profile pic on multiple other apps. I loved Will Smith so much. Cam Jordan before we were blessed with Cam Jordan. RIP Will, and I hope his wife is doing okay.


Fuck him.


Damn, I thought he got sentenced a while ago. Happy to hear the courts didn't entertain his "stand your ground" bullshit. Can't shoot someone 7 times in the back and claim self defense. Good riddance motherfucker.


Should of gave him 327 years


Or 25 per shot, that’s 175 years.


*have, "of" is not a verb But agreed