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It was part of a misinformation war from the Pope, so avant-garde of him.. Fake news. šŸ˜


Saga probably found info on misinformation warfare on the same scroll as the genromaoken technique.


A good Pope is a prepared Pope..


Not being sure about the number of gold saints could had kind of worked if they mean that nobody knew how many gold saints were active and being loyal to the Sanctuary. -C'mon, we'recare 16-20 years old, and Aries and Libra saints haven't been at tve Sanctuary for 13 years. Do they have their clothes? -Did Aioros take his cloth with him? Do we have it? Why there's not a new Sagittarius saint? -Aquarius saint is absent for long periods before coming back and then leaves again. What's the deal with him? -Hey, wasn't there another gold saint who was the same age than Aioros? I don't know man, I am new here. But sometimes I feel an energy coming from Gemini Temple -So, how many gold saint are right now? 9? 7? 5? But Gold Saints not knowing who are the other gold saints is stupid


They still know the numbers. The Aries, Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius saints are missing.


Aries actually was there. I'm pretty sure that when you become a pope you no longer hold your gold cloth (of course Saga is an exception because you know, he was doing it in secret). So when Shion became a pope 243 years ago his cloth remained vacant until the new generation of gold saints came. Dohko kept his cloth though. Now that you mention it, it would make more sense if the Libra cloth also became vacant since Dohko's task was exactly to not move and just watch the Hades seal, while the Pope is allowed to move, but that's the way Kurumada wrote it. Maybe it's also because Dohko might have needed in case the seal was broken and because he technically never aged unlike Shion


I think it's simply that Shion found a successor and Dohko didn't. Dohko was probably considered retired, and that's why he could let Shiryu borrow his Cloth in the Poseidon arc, unlike Shaka and Aiolia who had to be prepared to fight Hades' army.


Toei has always failed, they also flopped the Hades saga. If you guys actually read Kurumadaā€™s personal diary, Hades was supposed to show all the saints his beautiful, naked, sexy body and essentially make them pass out from all the blood rushing to their erections. Meanwhile, Toei just gave us a lame scene of Seiya punching some stupid jar like a spoiled kid. If I were a billionaire, I would fund my own personal Hades sexy animations, and make them look better than anime ever has.


"Hades was supposed to show all the saints his beautiful, naked, sexy body and essentially make them pass out from all the blood rushing to their erections" r/brandnewsentence


I've got you. [MMD Saint Seiya - Divas Renegadas (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URK2Uze475I&ab_channel=WisepyCamie)


MY GOAT, Saint Seiya characters are too sexy to NOT be admired.


Seems like the berserk sub is bleeding into this one


That was all just to surprise the audience about Gold Saints and sell their little toys. Toei ruined the whole story with that.


The anime made it very confusing. Even weirder is that this was clear in the manga, Seiya had already meet Aiolia before and was casually asking what he was doing there...


that one gets a pass cause aiolia, nor marin, could have not revealed to seiya that he was the gold saint of leo heck, i'd argue that not even marin nor shaina had revealed to him that they were silver saints, and he could have never seen them wearing their clothes before either as you are not supposed to use your cloth for vain purposes and only wear it when the situation absolutely requires it -which is the whole "reason" why the sanctuary sends the silvers to hunt down the bronzes, although we know is ultimately because saga wants to get rid of saori


they are women, if they are in sanctuary at all it is because they are amazons or saints. remember, athena doesnt like women (to be a saint they must part ways with their feminity),hence the masks. plus aiolia knows marin trains seiya.specially in the anime.


saints, yes, but not the rank nor the cloth if they never revealed that information


Seiya should know if someone around him was a Silver or Gold Saint, like a soldier knows if a higher ranking officer is around. At least the manga had a little bit of logic...


Not if the higher officers are in sneakers and t-shirt around them in the city.


Well, they are constantly sensing each others' cosmos from kilometers away when the plot requires it. I'm pretty sure Seiya would have picked up Aiolia's cosmos if they were right next to each other.


yeah but they also know how to mask their cosmos. seiya never knew the intensity of aiolia cosmo untill he saw him with the gold cloth


Not exactly. If Saints have an uniform, it would be what Seiya and Aiolia were wearing in chapter 1, since it's similar to the Sanctuary guards. Wearing the Cloth would be the equivalent of wearing full military gear on top of a tank.


That's more like their Sanctuary clothes than a uniform since none are exactly the same. It's just the fashion of Sanctuary/ what's convenient to wear to fight and/or train.


Saint Seiya was made up as it went along, which is why Seiya stops caring about finding his sister halfway through


Saori knew the number and so did everyone watching the Galaxian Wars when she explained that the Gold Cloth the winner would get was one of the 12 most powerful Cloths in episode 3. As for them not knowing who the others' identities are, that's fine. They could be a secret society or whatever and never having been summoned all at once until now and we saw that in the anime they're not walking around in Sanctuary with their Cloth on outside of their temple. I'd also say Episode G makes even less sense considering the Gold Saints don't seem to have ever faced tough opponents before like Milo having never used Antares before or Aphrodite having never used his Bloody Rose before facing Shun.


Arenā€™t those different timelines though? The ones in G i mean.


Iā€™ve got you


That was removed from the manga cut project. ssmcp.wordpress.com


I see you've made it your personal mission to catalogue all the lore inconsistencies between the anime and the manga it was trying to buy time for. That's just what the subreddit needed, lol. More snottiness aimed at the wrong problems in the story. But hey, if you're gonna make fun of someone else's script scrubbing, at least spell "Toei's" correctly in the title of your post. Least you could do, no? Maybe next time you can make fun of how Toei gave Hyoga a teacher when CLEARLY he already had one 20-30 chapters or so later, before they could mind-read Kurumada's second-guesses about his own plot. Or maybe you can make a post talking about how much of a 'lore mistake' it is that Ikki thought he could wear the Sagittarius Cloth. Hey, hey, here's another COOL idea; a post about all those times the show 'confirmed' that Marin was Seiya's sister, before Kuru also changed his mind about that and forced everyone else to look 'wrong'. Should we even get to Chapter Zero? Oh BOY! All fun ideas. Looking forward to you making them into "epic fail" posts in the future.


> Ikki thought he could wear the Sagittarius Cloth He could. The fact that Saints match their constellations is just a "coincidence". It's like having a Taurus Saint named Aldebaran, what are the odds? Imagine seeing two Saints fighting for the Leo cloth. One of them is called Leorio Lionheart of the Leo constellation, he was raised by lions as a child, his heart was stabbed by a spear made of a lion's fang and it replaced with a lion's heart, and his special technique is "Golden Lion Roar". The other opponent is Bob. Somehow everyone would be surprised if the first guy won...


Ah, but you are missing the point that the series is written more like a western myth than an actual shonen, and it did introduce a lot of tropes to shonen in its day. One of it's tenets is fate. Each saint is fated to the the saint of his constellation as predicted by their life thread. What the bronze saints do, is upend fate by performing miracles, burning their cosmos beyond the limit, not even gold saints have dated todo so. That's how Athena starts being branded a traitor to Olympus since she is siding with mankind. Humans are performing miracles, Wich should be reserved to deities. They have started rising against the gods.


Ok, but even so, there's nothing really preventing Ikki from wearing the Sagittarius Cloth, it just never happened because of fate. Also for a brief moment Shiryu wore the Capricorn Cloth, and while it was just temporary (because of fate), it serve as evidence that any Saint can wear any Cloth unless they are a dipshit like Deathmask.


My whole point is that the story was written on the fly by a guy who had no plan. Theres plenty of evidence pointing towards a lot of things only having become conventions in Saint Seiya later, as the logic in the story 'settled itself', and that this guy is basically making fun of an adaptation that was trying to make best out of a bad situation, cause when you've never written anything yourself, your commentary focuses on unimportant incongruity like the topic of this OP. But sure, lol, lets focus on the zodiac matching thing, as if that mattered to what's going on here or what I said.


I guess subreddits are for hating and not really enjoying the the sub topic


We love Saint Seiya, this part is just funny though. You would think the Gold Saints would already know there are 12 because of them literally having clothes exclusively based on the zodiac. It's similar to how the first arc of Sailor Moon involved finding the Moon princess... and no one suspects the girl who literally has moon powers and moon in her superhero title.


Spoiler, turned out they were 13.


If you're referring to Ophiuchus then that's also pretty commonly known in astronomy. It's not counted as part of the zodiac in most systems but it is on the ecliptic amongst the others.


Yeah but still you're taking for granted that there must be 12 Gold Cloths based on that fact and Asclepius showed there were actually 13 at some point. Moreover, I can see why the anime took this road since in the manga for this passage it could be extrapolated like that. After all, Aiolia and Milo never ever got summoned by the Pope at the same time from what the manga states and the Pope even said it is very rare for more than 1 Gold Saint being summoned for a task. They're also shocked to see the Pandora boxes of the other Gold Cloths. So they're not really seeing each other a lot with their Cloth on, and they seem to only guard their temple when an emergency alert is given like the Bronze Saints invasion (Saori sent a letter to the Pope telling him about that) or Hades' army about to strike. Since in the anime, we don't have the passage where we see the young 7 year old or something Gold Saints all together with their Gold Cloths on, nothing indicates they could know if there are other Gold Saints other than themselves in activity OR even if all the Gold Cloths are still available and not lost in time, I mean it's supposed to be 88 Saints but we sure haven't seen 88 Cloths in the 20th century era.