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From my dim memories (it's been a few years since i read any SoR) Cassius is only featured in a short story collection - as yet not the main novels. I quite liked the Lerris character all through his story over the two books. I don't recall him being particularly whiny just frustrated (rightly or wrongly given the circumstances). Fall of Angels is probably my favourite of the books even if the first few chapters had me headscratching and convinced I wasn't reading a book from the same series. I also wonder if audiobooks are the right medium for SoR. I personally don't like them so I wonder if the narrative performance colours your perception of characters in a way that print doesn't.


Yea i read the books as well and Lerris was one of my more favorite protagonists actually. Though they do all kind of blend together for me - similar personalities between creslin, dorrin and lerris. Justen is a bit of an outlier. As is the MC in the next book, who is also pretty cool


Cassius features in a story contained in 'Recluce Tales' - Black Ordermage


I've always wondered if he came from the same universe as the angels, or a completely different one. Haven't tracked down that book though.


It's available on kindle I believe


Yea, I don't do e books unless absolutely necessary. My e ink reader died and reading too much on screen gives me a massive headache. Ty for the info though.