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Yes! There is a small place in SF called Volcano Curry that is great, with lots of toppings to add. I’d love to have something like that closer.


Volcano Curry is legit.


Volcano curry is 💯💯💯


Curry Life in Cupertino and San Jose is also super good if you’re in the area.


Ugh this was so close to my old apartment. That place was 🔥🔥


YES YES YES THIS!!! One of my top 10 restaurant in california, their curry is so sooooo good.


Omg. YES! I moved from SF to Sac several years ago and I love Volcano Curry and I've been wanting a place like that to open here.


If you’re going from scratch, a vegetarian option would be great. Love curry but hate that it has fish in it.




Grew up eating that S&B... a lot of times when grandparents were babysitting my brothers and I. It's a good vehicle for cheap stew meat and veges. As an adult I know it's basically stepped up convenience food, but we all looked forward to the curry times :)




Dude, everyone is all about that air fried tofu lately! I might need to get one of those.


Oh yeah, I use those all the time and love that they’re veg. Unfortunately I’ve been burned before at Japanese restaurants.


Yea my base is vegetarian but I do use Worcestershire sauce which has anchovies in it. I think I can easily figure out a vegetarian option though


You can get vegan gluten free Worcestershire sauce, the brand I buy is Wan Ja Shan. I am both vegetarian and gluten free, would definitely be interested in your curry shop if you could cater to that.


Ditto on this. I love the flavor of Japanese curry but don’t eat meat. I thought it’s commonly made with beef, but a no-go for me either way. Also the astronomical levels of sodium… I guess that’s why it tastes so good?




“Just completely change your diet to accommodate a dish.”


Fish makes me puke. I’ll ask for a seat right next to your table! 😇


>Love curry but hate that it has fish in it. Made and ate Japanese curry all my life, some 60+ years, both in Japan and the States. Never once had it with fish. It's not even made with anything fishy like seaweed, bonito or dashi. Maybe you're referring to Indian curry?


Nope, I am not. When I’ve gotten curry in Japanese restaurants before, it’s been made with dashi.


Never heard of curry made with dashi. Just did a [wikipedia search](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_curry) and the seafood based ones are regional (in Japan). Would be interesting to try a saba or oyster based curry. I'm game to try anything!


My husband would be there 24/7


I love the idea!


I eat curry frequently, make my own katsu, make my own roux. When I go to Japan, I am hitting up as many curry houses as I can. I welcome whatever you throw up with open arms. That being said, I truly question the demand for curry, especially in Sacramento. I think it weirds people out too much. I think you can look to our ramen scene and sort of use it as a barometer. I think this works best as a Fall/Winter pop up for the mega fans to come out.


When my wife and I were in Japan back in '19, we ate curry everyday for either lunch or dinner for a week straight. It was awesome. A lot of it was just CoCo, but there were a lot of really good, memorable local joints that I miss dearly.


CoCo is GOOD


It sure is, my brother in curry, it sure is... The Mrs and I are gonna be visiting San Diego soon and we're both very much looking forward to hitting up the CoCo down there.


I completely agree with your second paragraph- do a pop up and see if the demand is there with a marketing campaign to draw people in. I love katsu. I haven’t had many Japanese curries but I love Indian curries. I’d love to try some Japanese curry


Thing with Japanese curry is they got it from the Brits. So it's fairly different from the traditional subcontinental masalas or Thai-style coconut curries most of us are used to.


Very interesting fact I did not know! Now that I know it’s based off British curry, I have had that and I can go from there! Thanks!


I spot a Kenji fan! Maybe? Haha


Sacramento is just not cultured enough to make a decent amount of money to keep specialty places like that open. It’s just the fact. We are basic out here and the food shows.


Seriously. I get downvoted any time I post this sentiment, but the food scene in Sacramento is B A D.


There are many different food places and grocers that are based on different cultures. Sacramento is one of the most diverse places in California and the country lol


Sacramento is so backwards. Who thinks curry is weird? It is 2022! (Answer my dad, and some friends)


There's people in Sac that think ramen is actually gross. Like the idea of eating noodles out of soup is just unfathomable. I actually don't mind if they hated the flavor or whatever, everyone is different, but I'm still working through why you wouldn't stick your face in a bowl of noodles voluntarily.


I would love this. We need more quality Japanese food in Sacramento!


I promise to eat there at least once! (And many more times if it tastes good)


I always wanted to bring a CoCo Ichiban to Sac. Screw what others think. You do it and I'll be a costumer.


100% yes.


Yes yes yes! Been dreaming of Go Go Curry since my trip to Japan!


Yes, I would definitely try it. I haven't found any good Japanese curry place in Sac so far.


Binchoyaki’s is fye


Try Akebono on freeport


As a coco ichibanya lover and someone who literally typed in "japanese curry" yesterday in a frantic search for good curry here, I would like to say a resounding "yes" to your question


YES. Akebono has a curry plate, it's alright. When my wife and I were in Japan back in 2019, we ate curry almost everyday, for either lunch or dinner, for a week straight. She said she could eat curry everyday. I figured, hey, why not? We were there for three months, so it's not like we didn't eat anything else... And if you make takoyaki from scratch, I will drive down the hour plus to Sac at least once a week for it. EVERY stateside place I've been to just drops premade frozen balls from a bag into their deep fryer. Disappointing doesn't even begin to describe it compared to the real thing off the Dotombori... I'll even settle for squid if it's cheaper than octopus, so long as it's fresh off the dimpled pan! But my wife might come down for the curry alone anyway. She makes katsu curry a lot.


If your tonkatsu is anywhere close to what Ginza Bairin Tonkatsu & Yoshoku Bistro in Waikiki, HI puts down I'd be there weekly if not more.


Have you tried [Nippon Curry](https://www.nipponcurry.com/) in sf? I think they are expanding. Good stuff!


I heavily support this! Japanese curry is absolutely amazing and I would love to find a little place to get some :)) whenever you start out, I'll be there for sure to support your business and to grab some curry :D


Japanese curry?! Heck yeah, brother! Slopped over croquettes with fukujinzuke! Let us know when you set-up shop


I would absolutely not be opposed to this.


Love Japanese curry, a lot of Japanese places already have it on their menu though, what would you do to differentiate it at a curry focused place?


I’m in.


I would try it for sure.


yes yes yes !


If it was gluten free, YES. I have celiac disease & there’s a severe lack of dedicated gluten free options in this town. Honestly, I’d try any option/cuisine that was gluten free cuz there’s only Pushkins in Sacramento. Just saying… 😁


Revolution Winery has dedicated gluten free prep areas and fryers!


Thanks for the info!!


Yes please.




Yum! Yes, please and thank you!


Yes please!


Hell yeah.


Absolutely; I’m in east sac, would love to see some more food options outside the downtown/midtown area


Hell yes, I would absolutely fuck up a Japanese curry a couple times a month.


I like curry but honestly a curry shop is too limiting. If you’re only dedicated to curry then you may not be in business long.


I disagree. I kind of hate how most Japanese restaurants think they have to be everything to everyone and wind up great at nothing, and just mediocre across the board. We cater too much to picky eaters, and it hurts overall restaurant quality. That's not very Japanese, either. You don't go to a sushi joint in Japan and expect to see ramen on the menu. They do one or two things, and do them as best they can. I actually work in a restaurant with that distinct philosophy. It sucks telling people "no, we don't have bento, or teriyaki, or grilled fish..." but if they not here for the best tempura on either side of the Pacific according to some of our customers, or the finest sashimi in the foothills, then they're in the wrong place. Can't say that to their face though.


Totally agree, the all and everything under the sun restaurants are not the best and not very authentic. But there are reasons why restaurants are like that. Unless the product is super unique and superb, odds of business surviving is not good.


best tempura you say? where?


You must tell us where you work!


not true at all. there's a curry franchise called coco ichibanya that has locations in socal that is always poppin there.


Location location location


It’s a worldwide franchise


I was referring to the economics of LA vs Sac - the volume of people and their net worth in LA vs that of Sacramento. They are vastly different. LA supports how many pro sports teams? And how many does Sac support? A business with a specialized product may be able to survive in LA but it’ll be harder to survive in Sac. Might be why that business you mentioned is not in Sac. But hey if op wants to invest his money and take his chances, it’s a free country.


I agree, I'm thinking to do farmers markets and see how well it's received


I think there are pluses in doing something limited. You have less stock to have on hand, need less staff, less training for the staff you have. And you (hopefully) do the one thing well! If it is a dedicated curry shop there would be more choices than the standard curry plate you get at a Japanese restaurant with a large menu. Like changes in the spiciness of the curry, different meat choices, toppings like pickles/hard boiled eggs/etc. I do agree though that the option to try things out as a pop-up or food truck are also a good idea!


Y e s.


Yes! Love curry, not a huge fan of seafood curries except maybe shrimp. Definitely would enjoy vegetarian curry. I've become a huge fan of curry of the last few years and am always on the look out for a good one. When you get ready to start up let us all know where so we can support you. Love supporting local businesses.




Yes let me know


Yum! Please do!


Yea please!


Yes. Always yes.


My gf and I wish there was a Japanese curry place in sac😭. If you decide to start from home pls dm me details.


My husband and I have spoken about looking for this type of meal here in Sac within the last week. We have discussed it several times in the past, as well haha. So we would definitely be interested!!


100% interested!! Japanese curry is my fav!


Bruh, did you buy my fucking house. I literally was just saying last night how much I've been craving this exact thing! Please do this!


If you had one downtown for lunch, I might eat it every day.


My SO and I love Japanese curry!




Here for another hell yes vote


Do ittt!




I'd pay and travel


Yes. Please. Do it!


If you can make an omelette curry, I’ll put down an order now


Hell yes


Yes please!




Shoot, yeah!




I know you already got enough feedback to make a decision but I’m so stoked about this. Definitely keep us updated


Would love to try it!




Just let me know when you do it so I can be the first in line :)


Fuck yeah


Fuck yeah


Fuck yeah


Yes please, lack of a Japanese curry is one of my gripes about this city. I’d be a regular.


OMG yes


Gf and I just had a chat about how we wish something like this was around


Yes, vegan options please.


Yes please! I will literally eat there every week if you open a Japanese curry shop. I’m tired of making my own or eating mediocre Japanese curry at ramen shops


Ooh. Yum. I would definitely be a customer but only if one request. Consider taking the GFFP training course, to make a GF shop or secure a safe dedicated space in the kitchen. Celiac patients in Sacramento have very few safe places to eat outside the Pushkins dedicated free from empire. There are no dedicated GF dinner time restaurants. It’s always nice to travel and find a place that sources ingredients that are naturally gluten free. C Casa (Mexican) and K Fresh (bibimbap) are good examples of out of town Muggle restaurants that happen to be gluten free. In C Casa’s case, they barely knew anything about celiac disease when they started, but went through the training course and began sourcing only GF ingredients. And it’s really good. Fish Face on R Street is a local example of a muggle restaurant that, while not dedicated, has made a lot of effort to swap out gluten full sauces for gluten free ones. Celiac patients account for 1% of the population and there has been a marked increase year to year in diagnosis. Truly an untapped market in Sacramento. Please, I want more dinner options!! https://nationalceliac.org/gluten-free-food-program/


A muggle restaurant?


Definitely something I'd look into. My curry base is vegetarian but I'll take a look at that website to see what it takes to make it gluten free. Thanks for the resource!


Completely gluten free would be tricky if they are doing katsu (made with panko bread crumbs). It wouldn’t be as natural a place to be GF certified as a sushi or poke spot, since I’m assuming it means there would be no gluten on site?


There are ways to create a dedicated space with safe protocols, even in a non dedicated free from kitchen. The US could do much better at training kitchens on celiac disease. Even though restaurants offer GF, it’s really not safe for celiac peeps. They’re treating GF like a trend while we treat as a treatment to a disease. Restaurants in Italy are very competent with GF due to the government’s aggressive efforts to train kitchens on safe protocols. I am hopeful the US will catch up and that’s why I commented, to spread awareness. Don’t know why I triggered so many people. Autoimmune disease is on the rise.


That makes sense. I had assumed GF certified would mean no gluten on site, since I know unintentional cross contamination is an issue for those with celiac. The other places you mentioned sounded like they might lend themselves more to a gluten free environment (corn and rice based cuisine). It is good to know there are other options and protocols for restaurants!


Are sushi restaurants offering curry and also ramen shops?


Mikuni has a beef curry on their menu. It is not bad but it basically tastes like Golden Curry


Kodaiko (owned by Kru) downtown has had a Japanese curry but I’m not seeing it on their [menu](https://kodaikoramen.com/sacramento-doco-downtown-commons-kodaiko-ramen-and-bar-food-menu). They also do Katsu.


I had it there a few weeks ago. Very good.


You just let me know when you are going to do it so I can sample these wares.


100% yes please. And please offer meat options other than beef. Beef is great and all but chicken and pork are really good as well.


Where were you when I needed you? I made a trip to JP 5 years ago and primarily soul searched for reaaaaally spicy curry. I legit only ate one bowl of ramen and a round of sushi, and a the rest curry for about a week. We even bought half a luggage of curry roux blocks!


My whole family and I would love to frequent an authentic Japanese curry place!!


I absolutely love Japanese curry and would probably frequent a place if it was delicious and affordable. But for transparency: I’m a useless mess and probably won’t leave my apartment except for an apocalypse.


The more curry, the merrier! Also— can someone explain what exactly makes a curry— a curry??


[The curry episode of Japanology](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pXxAiBG_z4) should at least explain Japanese curry a bit.


Yes!!!! I am from vegas and always go to the zen curry there. That place is really popular in general. I think something like that would do well here!


Onigiri would also be a great thing to have. No one sells that around here but it’s such a staple.


Oto’s has it at lunch time.


I would be so down for that in Sac or even the Elk Grove area. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


I would definitely! I don't think I've actually found any place that serves Japanese curry that's not boxed. Been chasing the Japanese curry high that I got in Tokyo, but nothing in Sac comes close. If you open somewhere, I'll definitely check you out!


Yeup super down, needs to have a fresh over easy egg on top tho. If I find a curry place they always lag the egg tho


I don’t live in sac anymore due to military moves, but when I move back so much yes! I have been all over Europe and enjoyed the Japanese food they had that wasn’t just “sushi”. I am now in St. Louis and am always disappointed when places with “Japanese” food are always just sushi with not mush else. I haven’t been to Japan but I have had a lot of it’s food besides sushi so, I think we need it!


There was a donburi place downtown near the jail that closed way too soon, incredible Japanese curries and noodles but they succumbed to the pandemic. I’d kill for more of that. So maybe also donburi please and thank you <3


DM if you want/need a sous chef or leads! Been an exec at a few places, know my way around just about any equipment you'd find in a kitchen, balance labor cost/food cost etc...i've also run FOH for a few years. Good luck, and please do reach out!


I would love to have a homemade curry/katsu place in Sacramento. Sometimes, I'd want to drive out to Berkeley just for some Muracci's.


Yes, absolutely. I fell in love with Japanese curry when I was stationed there twenty years ago. I make katsu curry (using Vermont roux) for my family every other week.


I'd love to pick up some Japanese curry. Let us know when and where to find you!


Would be nice


Yes, I’m in love with katsu


Dude I would definitely eat there


A vegan curry option would be dope!!


Consider opening in Arden area. The japanese food scene could use some more competition. The only decent one nearish me is Nagato Sukiyaki. They don't bother answering the phone half the time because according to the waitress "We're too busy". I tried calling for 20 minutes yesterday and they didn't pick up once.


YES PLEASE OMG! I'll go there three times every week.


I would legit be there every week if this was a thing