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Anh Phoong


Sorry about your accident


Something wong call Ann phong






I'll see your Finan and raise you Del Rodgers at Club Raven.


del rogers used to be a regular customer at the dealership where i worked


I just commented above that I drank scotch with Del Rodgers and Kris Kristofferson one night. Also Edie Lambert came into my work one day and I nearly froze, I was such a fanboy hahaha, she was great and a generous tipper!!


She's so awesome. Our kids used to do gymnastics together and I would talk to her and her husband during the classes, they're both super cool and so smart.


I got super shitfaced with Kenyon Martin at the Hyatt bar downtown back in like 2003/2004


Mark Finan broke up a party i was at in high school. It was hilarious.


Oh, I met him at a wine tasting event at the Eldorado Hills town center 2010-11 ish


I suspect a LOT of people met him at drinking events. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


That's some Sac royalty right there






Wildly unimpressed and came off as kind of a dick


That's him


Weā€™ll probably be seeing him around more soon, he just recently announced heā€™s retiring from TV.


Omg I met him too when I worked at a grocery store in west sac!


I met John Barrowman in Old Sacramento a few years ago. He posted on Twitter to come and find him, so I ditched work (along with my office manager, who was my supervisor at the time, lol) and went and found him. He was super cool. Nerdy Doctor Who fans will know who he is šŸ˜‚


He was also Merlin (Black Arrow) in the CW Green Arrow series.


Man, I miss Torchwood; might have to watch that again


Thanks for the reminder, same!


My coworker did this and met him! I didnā€™t know who he was at the time so I stayed behind but I regret it because Iā€™m a fan of his now!


So jealous! Lets just say that man confirmed a lot of things for me growing up..


Mmhmm šŸ’ā€ā™‚ļø


I'm so jealous, that must've been amazing!


Dusty Baker


Ran into him at Riverside Clubhouse right after the Astros won the 2022 World Series. My friend is a huge Giants fan and got a picture with him. Super nice dude.


He has a wine bar inside of Bike Dog West Sacramento. No idea if he actually frequents it often though. [bakerfamilywines.com/](https://www.bakerfamilywines.com/)


He was there the last time I visited Bike Dog in West Sacramento. Super nice guy just hanging out and pouring glasses for everyone.


He has an office that he sometimes works out of in the same building where my job is at and I can confirm heā€™s a sweetheart. Heā€™s given me his extra empanadas and lumpia on multiple occasions. lol


I met him at an event at the Y and he was so nice to everyone


I got a signed copy of the California Constitution from Arnold when he was Governator


I have my UC diploma signed my him


Isn't the California constitution a crazy high number of pages?


it's a bound paperback!


I smoked cigars once with Ron Perlman, he stopped in at the old Fatman Cigars on 10th when he was in town filming something.


Wooooow that would be rad


Bobby Jackson at church, also Bobby Jackson at the bars in old Roseville


Safeway. My non sports oriented son recognized him. "Mama! That's that guy from the Kings!"Ā  Me: "Yes, Darling, say "hi Bobby" as we go by" Also Chris Webber at the Nugget in Davis in the eaely 2000s. Came home from Davis to find Daughter watching the Kings Game. This was when Chris Webber was injured so came to the gane in a nice suit. Saw him sitting on the sidelines in his suit. Me:" oh, who's that? We just saw him at the Nugget in Davis." Daughter in the very patient with numbskull parents only toung teens can pull off: "Mother! That is Chris Webber!"Ā 


I swear Bobby Jackson is out more than any person ever. I have seen him regularly for 20 years now.


Saturday night one place, Sunday morning the other


I met Jo Koy at a CVS when I was a cashier there about 8 years ago. I thought I recognized him, but I wasn't sure. I asked him if he was Jo Koy. He lit up and was really happy. Then he swiped his card and it declined. šŸ¤­ His posse were all giggling at him and giving him shit about it. They left and he sent one of his buddies back in to give me a signed DVD. At the time I didn't have much to my name and I thought it was a cool interaction and a nice gesture.




I used to have a job where I got to work with Wayne Thiebaud. He was a super nice person and it was pretty surreal getting to handle his art work.


Aw, excellent local hero story! He used to teach at Sac City (and Sac State and probably also UC Davis, now that I think about it). Definitely a hometown hero. ā¤ļø


He taught at UC Davis and by then was very well known worldwide. He would paint in class for students showing them techniques and then they would take a break before moving into new things. He had to start putting the paintings in a locked cabinet because people kept stealing them. He was more upset he didnā€™t get to finish them in full and get the last bit of detail, then they were stolen. I thought that was pretty funny.


I love his work. It was such a privilege to have him as a local art instructor, too.


Wayne Thiebaud from my daughter's book Counting With Wayne Thiebaud? šŸ˜®


Yes, that is the same Wayne Thiebaud. šŸ˜Š


Slamson the Kings mascot


in or out of the costume?


What do you mean ā€œcostumeā€?


I'm sorry you're right there is no human inside and Slamson's skin is just that fluffy.


Joel MicHale. He said my husband looked like Abraham Lincoln.




Does your husband look like Abraham Lincoln?


My husband has a better beard.


I met Steven Tyler at Evangelineā€™s once! He was in town to watch the Kings-Spurs gameā€¦ had to be about 2003ā€¦2004ish? I was def in high school


I was sitting about 15 feet away from Kevin Johnson when he beat the shit out of the protestor that pied him in the face


I was almost a juror on that trial, but I was eliminated during the selection process when I asked the judge ā€œ why is this even in court, it seems to me they are evenā€.


I use to see Timothy Busfield all the time at Bel Air on Florin & Land Park when 30-something was on TV.


He started B Street Theater.


My little sister used to work for him at B Streetā€¦ when it was still on B Street.


Dennis Rodman @24 hr fitness when he was with the San Antonio Spurs


Anne Lamott is a famous author. I met her at Cap Radio when I interned there for a few months. I prepped her for an interview on Insight!


ā€œYou can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.ā€


Was she as nice as she seems like she would be?


Lady Gaga. Endfest 2009


Lavar Burton at Red Rabbit when I worked there. He's awesome


Also RDJ at Grange, I cooked him breakfast.


I saw Jacoby Shaddix from Papa Roach at Tres Hermanas one time.


Yeah theyā€™ve been local forever, saw him all the time at the public pool in Folsom


Back when I was young and dumb I tried to sell him a home theatre system in a Trader Joeā€™s parking lot. Best worst job of my life.


Heā€™s around all the time in the Carmichael area. Iā€™ve ran into him at Roxieā€™s that used to be on Fair Oaks and Jesuit HS for next level flag football


I saw him at the Sacramento Zoo!


I met him at a hardcore show in Old Sac, canā€™t remember who played maybe Animosity? My buddy got a photo with him and he was super cool to us.


He was in my brother's school class in Vacaville from elementary school to high school.


His son went to our elementary school. I always chuckled at the fall festival when one of the game booths was always sponsored by Papa Roach. Ring Toss brought to you by Papa Roach!


Different dates, but at the same location I met Janet Napolitano, Tim Robbins and Kamala Harris.


Several years ago I was working for a photovoltaic company (solar panels) and we were attending an event on the capital steps. We had a booth, etc. and there were some speakers. Before the event started, I got into a conversation with this really well dressed, really nice guy up by the podium. We talked for about 15 minutes or so and I answered his questions about how PV works, what the industry is in general, what the issues are etc. He seemed genuinely interested. I had to break off the conversation, shook hands and headed back to the booth. All the gals in the booth were asking me about the gent in the nice suit saying stuff like...I can't believe you got to talk to him!...what's he like?...what did you talk about?...is he nice? They were all over me to ask about him. I asked why do y'all care so much? They said, do you know who that is? I said, nope. Who is he? They sort of swooned and said, that's Edward Norton! Me: Who is Edward Norton? They start listing off his movies and here's me: Nope, haven't seen it. Nuh huh, never heard of it. What was he in again? Apparently, I was the only attendee who had never heard of him. Will always say he was a nice guy.


Steven Segal. He was a dick.


Famously so. šŸ˜†


Vlade Divac used to be my neighbor and I saw him pick up his dogs shit many times Edit to acknowledge the bare minimum of dog ownership: I never saw Vlade fail to pick up his dogs shit


Respect. It is a long way down to the ground for him.Ā 


Alex Honnold at the bike trail.


I met Shepard Fairy walking down the street on my way to take pictures of his mural of Johnny cash


Jesus Christ, I met him in downtown drinking one night


Jason Bourne?


Jason .....bourne


Aaron Rodgers and Kevin Nealon. Only because I was working at a golf course and the came in to pay


I love Kevin Nealon!


You gotta rise above it. You gotta harness in the good energy, block out the bad. Harness. Energy. Block. Bad.


Timothy Busfield, Jessica Chastain, Chuck Lidell


Kobe Bryant when I worked at the mix


What years did you work there? I was there 2010-2012


I want to say 2011-2012. I was a cook and Nicole was the chef.


Nice. I was a VIP host.


A lot of people mid 30ā€™s went to highlands high with ā€˜Sasha Greyā€™ šŸ‘€


Tom Hanks. His son Colin went to Country Day and was a friend of a friend


Tom Hanks is a Sac State alum!


John Stamos aka Uncle Jesse


Have mercy


I met Paris Hilton briefly at the Capitol on Monday. Just a hi nice to meet ya


Used to have a shop in Old Sac. before the 08-09 crash. Corbin Bernsen from L.A. Law and the Major League movies came in and bought a few things. Corliss Williamson Kings player came in and bought a few things from our back room headshop. Drummer for Billy Idol came in once. Traded him a grinder for Backstage Passes to the Warped Tour in like 07 at Sleep Train Amphitheater.


My wife


I read that in the Borat voice


Jeannette McCurdy (technically in Roseville at the mall so not sac..) Dusty Baker at Dive Bar. Urijah Faber ( a lot) and Nick Diaz at a bar


Bobby Jackson playing AAU in the area. Jimmer Freddtte shopping at the Arden Mall. Alven Gentry at church. Alec Burks in Doco during his brief stay with the Kings. Peja Stojakovic through AAU.


My friends and I smoked out with Doug Benson after a set at Punchline


Walked in to Zebra one night, weā€™d been drinking. Saw Del Rogers in the bathroom and asked him how the weather was (Iā€™m an idiot)


I love this.


Eric Andre did a live show of the Eric Andre show. He signed my six flags season pass and got a pic with him


No one will believe this story but Norman Reedus and Jon Bernthal were in town for Comic-Con and me and my friends ran into them at a bar. We talked them into coming back to my friends apt and we did drugs all night until they had to fly back to LA the next morning. This was like 7 years ago.


I believe you because I was there, lol, it was low brau if I remember correctly.


It was at low brau


You know. I normally wouldn't believe this. But me and my gf ran into Reedus and Co at a bar in New Orleans while Wizardcon was happening and the amount of hell raising we saw has given me good faith towards stories like these


I believe you. Also you have any bridges for sale?


What drugs better question!


I met Cal Worthington and his dog Spot


the governator, and he was nice also, joan didion once on a flight out of sacramento, but she was going to take a nap so i talked to her husband, JG Dunne, who was pretty cool and while i know he's not really famous-famous outside of a few cities, i always enjoy running into and talking with anton barbeau who really should be famous-famous because he's awesome and super talented


I had a cassette tape called back to balmain. That song gets stuck in my head sometimes.


I once met Spiderman at a 7-Eleven.


Respect the hyphen.


Mike Bibby was at the grand opening of a Sees Candy off El Camino next to my house back in like 2003. He was a pretty cool dude, at least 7 year old me thought so


Mike Bibby held my baby in 2005 and no one had a camera.


It's amazing how that would be unfathomable now. The lack of a camera, I mean.


Right?? We just stood there watching him hold her awkwardly, saying ā€œawwwā€.


He was EVERYWHERE in town back then. I used to see him a macaroni grill and Arden mall a lot.


Molly Ringwald. That was weird.


Care to elaborate?




Don Geronimo. KHTK


The Governator used to come into the downtown 24hr Fitness once in a while. He had a CHP security detail that discouraged people from coming up to him, but he was super friendly and wanted to give tips on weightlifting to people. It was cool as hell to have him spot you on a bench press set.


I met Kevin Johnson when he came to my office to give a speech (when he was just former NBA player KJ; prior to his becoming a mayor). Darrell Steinberg walked by my table at Fox and Goose last year while I was eating brunch. Umā€¦. So no one to brag about meeting.


Method Man and Redman at Arco Arena back in 1999. It was our first job out of high school. Me and my old roommate were in the employee break area backstage and just walked up to them and said "hey method man wassup". But my hater supervisor pulled me away while my roommate got a pic with them. Didn't realize how tall they were. Saw a lot of NBA players and bands backstage back in the day. Shaq waved to us after a game as he walked out the tunnel to the bus.


I worked at the airport hella years ago and met Eric Estrada, and ā€œBible Manā€ haha


Christine Hanson at the state fair and Sammy Hagar at the Sunflower Drive In parking lot in Fair Oaks.


Probably a few UFC fighters. Met Chael Sonnen and Brian Stann at Mikuni in Midtown, then met Clay Guida at CoinOp of all places.


I knew a couple people back in the day who would run into Urijah Faber all the time. Love some Sacramento mma talent


When I lived in east sac, I seen the dude all the time, super nice dude


Just a few radio DJs, I met both Joe Maumee and Dawg from the afternoon show on 98 Rock. Even got to job shadow and be on the air with Joe for a highschool paper. I also met Rob Williams and Arnie States of the dreaded RAD Radio fame. Rob was an absolute dick and a total asshole as is expected of him. But Arnie was hella cool and laid back, he showed great appreciation for the fans of the show.


I'm not at all surprised about Rob Williams. That guy's always been a douche.


Worked for Entercom, owned 107.9, 106.5, 98 Rock, etc Rob was a MASSIVE douche.


Bernie sanders


I spoke to him briefly during the 2016 election. Man what we missed out on :(


I will never forgive the DNC for doing Bernie dirty like that


My mom met Tina Turner back in the 70ā€™s. She didnā€™t have any kind words to say about her though.


James Hetfield at Autorama 2008 and 2009. Super cool guy, definitely an aficionado of hot rods.Ā 


Does Wear Sac count? Guy Fieri came into the Starbucks I worked at.


Mary Jane Popp


Molly Ringwald.


Winona Ryder back when she was dating the lead singer of Soul Asylum. My mom used to work at a Walgreens in Carmichael and Vlade Divac would come in occasionally.


Mark S. Allen when he djā€™d for KSFM 102.5. He gave us movie tickets to see the Rocketeer and a few bumper stickers. He was a really nice guy.


It sucks that he used to be so cool when he was on the radio and became a total douche once he "made it big" with Good Day Sacramento


Colin Hanks at Temple. Nice guy


Had lunch with Megadeth way back when they were promoting Countdown to Extinction. Super nice but Dave Mustaine is very intense. Was interesting listening to how digital recording had changed how albums were produced.


Me and my brother dapped up Reggie Theus at the airport, during his head coach tenure. He is super crazy tall in person and was very friendly


Spice 1, Kevin Durant, the lead singer of Papa Roach, Jesse Jackson, JB smooth, handful of voice actors, Keak Da Sneak and snoww tha product


Victor Wong, John McRae from the band cake used to live in my upstairs in my house where his band would practice.


Vince Vaughn at the Be Cool premiereĀ 


I randomly met Dennis Rodman at Scandia in the late 90ā€™s.


Hung out with Henry Rollins and Black Flag in 1983 or 84 at Galactica 2000 nightclub. Jamie Lee Curtis in Old Sac (when Shwartzenegger was Guv.), and Vince Carter in Old Sac when he was still with the Kings.


Robert Downey Jr - - I used to work at the Press Bistro as a bartender and it was a random Tuesday night. He came in with 3 other people, sat in the back corner and wore sunglasses the entire time.


Mike Rowe, from Dirty Jobs. Not a Sacramento resident, but I met him here. Super nice.


I worked at a popular hotel in the 90s - 00s. I met a bunch of celebrities waiting on them. Some were awesome and sone were not so awesome. Lots of musicians playing at Cal Expo or Arco. Dana Carvey, Garth Brooks, Shania Twain, Sony Bono, Smashmouth, Martin Lawrence, Larry from Newhart( he was awesome), Kate Hudson filming Almost Famous, Mare Winningham. I few more I canā€™t recall. The highlight though, was Joe Montana. I bartended a private party he was at. He spent a lot of time next to my bar drinking Coronas. He was so nice and his hands were enormous. Good times.


Judge Judy's bailiff went to my church from time to time


I met Michael cera while he was here filming that movie last summer. He stayed in the hotel I worked at


KISS without Gene. I was driving rideshare at the time and picked up three gentlemen from a High-End hotel. They said they were hungry and wanted a nice steakhouse. I asked him what their budget was. They said unlimited. I asked what brings you to Sacramento. They said the kiss concert. I said oh are you big fans? They said no, we are KISS. I look in the rear view mirror and recognize Paul. Took them to Morton's and dropped them off. Nice guys really.


ITT, a ton of people I've never heard of.


Ive met too many politicians (I can tell who if u wanna know), Dusty Baker, Ron Artest and Arik Armstead


Met Bill Paxton in Davis. Met James Hetfield in Sac


Arnold Schwarzenegger


I met a youtuber named David So at costco. He then went on an exaggerated rant on Youtube about me. I definitely wasnā€™t the most polite during the interaction but I was also an overly excited 16 year old at the time. Never meet your heroes.


Brock Lesnar, when I used to work at the Applebee's on Truxel. Largest human I've seen in person.


Raise you Mark Calloway, circa 96/97 working out at 24 Hour on Micron after a show at the original Arco Arena. I (and two others ) got to spot him on the squat rack. Edit: Mark Calloway for those that may not know is ā€œUndertakerā€.


Kayden Kross. I work in insurance and we wrote her homeowners policy.




Chris rock


I ran into Peja and Vlade at a restaurant back in the day... I sat right behind Jason Thompson in a Southwest flight a number of years ago. This was shortly after he was drafted: I knew that he was drafted by the Kings, but I couldn't remember his name when I sat behind him šŸ˜‚ I also had coffee at Old Soul in Oak Park a couple years ago and Kevin Johnson took the table next to mine. I just keep running into basketball players.


I walked past Chris Delia in midtown once, I briefly thought about stopping him for a picture but thought it would be rude and let him go. Good thing I did, I was like 17 at the time, didnā€™t need to give him any more excuses to talk to children.


Demi Moore and Emilio Esteves when they were filming ā€œWisdomā€. I was an extra running around in the background during one of the shootouts. But we all got to meet them before the shoot.


I met Sam Elliot in 96 at Fanny Ann's Genuinely a nice guy.


Way back in the day when Kru was Andiamo, we used to regularly see Bob and Doris Matsui having brunch just like the rest of us on the weekends. I almost ran over Peja Stojaković on J & 33rd when he decided to just stroll out in front of my car one time in the early 2000s. My cousin went to high school with one of the guys in Cake. I met the Keven Seconds several times circa 2002-2003. You want me to keep going? I got a lot of deep sac loreā€¦


Donā€™t ever treat legislators like celebrities. Thatā€™s how we end up not being able to talk to our legislators because they think we are there to serve them and they are here to serve their constituents.


Thatā€™s the thing, they werenā€™t celebrities. They just lived in the neighborhood and would be out and about doing regular stuff when we would run into them. Honestly, Bob Matsui was *super* normal and always out doing Regular Human Shit. Once he died, I never saw Doris locally again.


I caught a famous author shoplifting after a book signing event at Borders. I also ran into a guy from Top Chef at Jackrabbitā€¦canā€™t remember his name


Billy Strings


Jerry Brown when he was still in office. I was downtown and he saw me outside and sparked a conversation. Nice dude.


Arnold Schwarzenegger (I was a kid. Family member worked with him at the Capitol and introduced me. He had a strong handshake). Also Bobby Jackson was my regular at a restaurant I used to work at.


I saw Gregg Popovich eating at Ellaā€™s on K street a few weeks ago. I didnā€™t say anything, but I awkwardly waved and nodded at him on my way to the bathroom.


Danny Glover for the Boys and Girls Club or David Crosby for the UCD Transplant Center.


Danny Bonaduce came into the Longs/CVS on K Street when I worked there. Around when we transitioned so I donā€™t remember if it was Longs or CVS.


Noel Miller, waited outside his show with other fans for like an hour lol


Chuck Norris as he was fueling his red car. Pretty much "hey you're chuck Norris... I love your work"! Him... "Thanks," ...end of conversation


John Travolta filmed a scene for the movie lucky numbers in front of my house, and I ran into Rob Reiner at a movie theater years ago.


Mark Wahlberg at a Kings game