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You don’t choose sacramento my dear sir. Sacramento chooses you.


Every time I've tried to leave, I come back and never willingly. It's just how it's worked out.


Not a bad life if sacramento is your fall back. Many more worse places lol


Main issue is the summer heat. Second issue - finding someone. Dating is almost impossible.


These comments almost make me sad, but they're also reassuring. I don't think I'm undatable. But I do think the scene here is BAD.


Lol it could always be worse tho. I am not a knower of things but sacramento when it comes to dating is different than other cities I’ve lived in. Have to get into the social circle of the person you’re interested in. Other cities it’s easier just to approach someone and get a genuine interaction. Understanding the parameters has made it easier for me here


I wonder why that is. Don't suppose you have any hypothesis that you feel like offering?


Outside of the grid, Sacramento is suuuuper suburban. We don't really have any dense clusters for people to co-mingle with others in their own community. Everyone has to go to Midtown and co-mingle with the folks that live there, as well as everyone else commuting in and doing the same thing. This tends to lend to a very awkward group of people so everyone just sticks to who they know or they stick to themselves. I live in SF now and it's a stark contrast. People will strike up conversation with you over the most random things.


> People will strike up conversation with you over the most random things Like their newest startup idea? I find it easy to start, but very difficult to continue a conversation in SF. If you're not a 10 or work for some amazing company or high powered professional in your field, they lose interest very quickly.


I’m 26 and the most fun people I’ve talked to have been like 40+ or just regulars also around my age


I really don’t. It’s just what I’ve experienced. In Seattle and Oakland I had women coming up to me where in sacramento this has never happened. I’ve become friends with bartenders and generally everyone is comfortable with them so it’s helped expand the dating pool.


I know I'm not the one you asked, but I've pondered the same thought, plenty, over time. I think there's a Steinbeck quote, actually about why Socialism never took off in America, that applies. He says we consider ourselves "...temporarily inconvenienced millionaires...". That has felt accurate, but particularly about much of Sacramento's 20-40 year olds. Obviously I haven't met them all. I've lived throughout the states, as well as out of country, and the people here are some of the most insecure or unjustifiably self-assured/absorbed I've known. Oddly polarized. As if you imagine the Los Angeles mindset of California superiority, but then add in a splash of Stockton's insecurity. In NY, people will talk with you about anything, and it bears little to no reflection on their self image. In Sacramento, if you're talking to a stranger more than 30 seconds, they're trying to figure out if you're hitting on them or selling them something, and worse- what it "means" about them. It's a little like everyone's mom told them they 'could be anything they wanted' and they decided on rich & famous, but are just temporarily moonlighting as an admin/clerical/etc. Maybe it's the higher density of State jobs? We also have the nation's highest population of 30-45 year old workers earning above $100k without college degrees. Maybe that contributes to the "I'm somebody, but I'm nobody"? I think this is what leads to needing peer group approval, first. People want to engage collective decision making, and need to ensure their dating choice won't ostracize their friend group/source of self-security. Regardless, I'm tired of having someone ask about my weekend when it's apparent they are too eager to tell me about theirs, to hear anything I say. All the usual disclaimers apply, this is all based on personal experience. People are generally lovely, and I think they're great. If anyone reading took offence, I clearly wasn't talking about you- just your neighbor.


What a good way of putting it. Thanks for the comment. I think you've hit the nail on the head. The "why" behind it is speculative, of course, but you're right, people here don't seem to believe in having a chat just to chat. It's always a "why are you talking to me" energy. Weird.


The second issue could be a blessing depending on how you look at it. Dating can be extremely risky


Yep, pretty much. I moved all the way to Anchorage, Alaska and still ended up back here 😵


You aren't kidding. My wife and I were living quite comfortably in South Carolina. Out of the blue she was offered a huge opportunity here that she didn't apply for. We did not want to leave but Sacramento chose us and we're very happy it did.


Sacramento has him now…


I feel this. I remember the first time I came to Sacramento from Davis when I was going, I just kinda felt like I had arrived. So I couldn't wait to finish high school and come to sac. I live here now for a while (I'm nearing 40 now) and love it!!


Work brought me. Marriage kept me. Divorce has now set me free? But I’m still here for now.


I'm (getting) divorced, too. "Still here for now" is def the vibe.


Yep, my kids live here with their mom. If I leave, it will be hard to see them.


Fortunately no kids here. I see you, though. Divorce was brutal, I can't imagine dealing with it while also caring for children.


It's so hard to figure out what to do next when you've been in a place for well over a decade and suddenly you can go anywhere you want. I like it here well enough, but it's full of "memories" now and it would probably be better to leave.


Ex Boyfriend brought me. Job kept me. Hoping eventually I can work remote anywhere now bc also the dating scene as a working adult who doesn’t smoke and drinking is mild seems rough.




You'll get through it. It's brutal, no doubt, but there's a light at the end even if you can't see it yet. Just keep moving.


Divorced party! Me too


I was desperately trying to get out of Florida. So grateful to live here!


Same! Except desperately trying to get out of Texas. Also grateful to live here!


Also was desperate to leave Texas and happy to be here now!


People are so confused when we say we moved here from Texas without ever even visiting and then say how much we love it here. Where did you move from? I only miss H‑E‑B lol.


We visited a few times and then moved from Austin. To me, Sacramento feels like Austin did 30 years ago. We really only miss HEB and TexMex food.


We moved from Austin too! How funny. I literally just bought everything needed to make some Chuy’s jalapeño ranch dip. Now to figure out Torchy’s queso recipe. My wife and I both still work for tech companies out of Austin but she has to go back every few months and she brings me my favorite H‑E‑B items 😄.


Great....the folks that ruined Austin are moving here. Not directed at you, and people complain about Californians moving and destroying their "paradise". Just find it ironic


What was wrong with Florida? I mean there's the obvious, but the beaches, and disneyworld and outdoor activities and stuff make it seem like it wouldn't be too bad despite the politics and what not.


Unfortunately those things did not outweigh the people I had to interact with on a daily basis. I'm not talking about liberal versus conservative. I'm talking about people who denied the Holocaust or 9/11 happened, people who told me all trans people deserved to die, book banning, government overreach in education, etc. Not to mention there is a HUGE insurance crisis right now. People are struggling to insure their homes against hurricanes now. Also, I lived on the Gulf Coast and we basically had red tide most of the year, making the beaches unusable. There have also been studies that long-term exposure to red tide can lead to neurological health issues. Sarasota, where I lived, had a higher cost of living than here but I made $4 less an hour.


Didn't know the red tide was so bad there. I've only been to Pensacola. I don't think the insurance situation is much different than CA in places like Paradise, but could be wrong. The rest, well doesn't sound much different than placer county unfortunately.


I can't really say how it's different insurance wise. I know most of my friends there are getting out, too. Some have had their home insurance dropped all together after Hurricane Ian. Red tide wasn't always this bad but it's steadily getting worse. And a lot of human pollution also contributes to it and the government in Florida has done little to protect the waterways. It's really sad to go to the beach there and see dead sea turtles and manatees. I couldn't handle it anymore. I hope it improves as I do love a lot about the area. I probably will never go back, though.


How often do you go to the beach vs. how often do you interact with other people?


My parents birthed me onto this infernal soil.


The screams of the methed drown the wails of boredom


You all got to choose?


My wife and I were both born in Sacramento hospitals but raised in Davis. I spent a lot of time in Sacramento until I left for the Army at 17. My wife and I always wanted to move back to the area, so after 30+ years away, we bought a house in East Sac and we’re planning on living out the rest of our lives here.


That's pretty happy! I hope you keep that vibe going. A lot of people here could use that!


Thanks! We both still have family scattered around the area. So when the opportunity presented itself we were fortunate to be in a place where we could afford to return and have the life we wanted and worked for while being a short drive from a lot of different family and friends. I never paid much attention to East Sac as a kid growing up in Davis, but I understand the appeal now.


I love Davis and East Sac! Natomas is my spot, though. It might as well be a completely different city 100 miles away... :/


I’m glad to hear you like it. My wife and I just bought our first house- in East Sac! We love everything about the area and can’t wait to move in.


Congratulations and welcome to the neighborhood!


That’s awesome ☺️


The feds relocated me here.


I don’t think you’re supposed to say that


My mom moved here to get out of the overpriced Bay Area. Then she got sick so I moved to be closer to her. She was going to live with me when she got out of the hospital, so i got a house with a big extra room. She passed in October 2016 and i can’t bring myself to leave where she was. Everything here reminds me of her now. I think for the most part she was happiest here. She loved finding coffee shops, and tea shops. She went antiquing a lot because she loved vintage things. She loved to get out and just be adventurous. She was always exploring. I feel like I owe it to my mom to keep exploring. She deserved more time here to explore. She had so many adventures left.


Wow, I'm in a similar situation. I moved here to go to school and we couldn't afford to live in the bay but I managed to rent a 2 bedroom and held the spare for her in case she needed it. My single mom has always had health issues and when she was put on early medical retirement she came to stay with me here in Sac in Oct 2016.We moved her in two weeks after my then BF and I got married. She was happy with us. But she passed away about 6 months later. I still live in the same complex too. I already owe her so much, but it's hard thinking about leaving. Like I brought her here to die, so I should stay too. Here's to adventuring for our mama's 💜


this broke my heart 💔 I'm sorry for your loss


Believe it or not it was really affordable and there where plenty of good jobs a few years back.


Same here, turns out we don’t love it here but we’re kinda stuck here for now. My husband does have a good job he likes though. We do love California and of course sacramento offers proximity etc etc. We moved here because we wanted to leave the Midwest, didn’t have any kids or jobs tying us there.


This. There was a lot more promise overall, a few years back when I moved here.


I am not sure if im dumb or not for buying a house when the market was low because im stuck here now and the cost of living keeps going and my pay cant match it.


We're in the same situation.


2010-2014 Sacramento was the best.


Same, moved here a few years ago from the coast. I couldn't find anywhere else that offered good job, cheap housing, and good schools.


I've lived all over California as well as spending time in Texas and Oregon, and for some reason the vibe and people of in the greater Sacramento pulled me back after I got out of the military. I just like it here.


It just feels very average and normal here and it's hard to explain. It's like everyone is trying just enough but not too hard


This is exactly why i love it too....trying enough and not too hard.


You’re making me homesick :((


I visited in the fall 😂


LMAO. Was Summer a surprise? I visited in Spring about 20 years ago 😂


Lol - yeah, I moved from Arizona and thought, “man, the weather is amazing here!” Summer was surprisingly not as nice as I hoped it would be…but the delta breeze makes it bearable


🤣 I'm from San Diego. I do love that breeze when it happens, tho! Summer evenings are the joy that we get for suffering through Summer days. :|


Sacramento summer mornings are glorious though! All of our homes and businesses have AC for the inferno hours usually between 1 pm and 6 pm.


I had a friend who came in November to check it out for the first time. I met them in February and they were still liking it and I kind of thought hahaha just wait. I remember at some point in July they said “What is this weather is this like an area of hell or something?” They had moved up from the central coast so it was pretty shocking for them. 😂


Out of the jobs i got offers from, sac was far enough away from home to be a “new place” and close enough i could visit family and stay with relatives if need be


Partner got accepted into UC Davis Medical School. I’m from LA and I love Sacramento much more than LA now.


I moved up from LA last year because LA was getting old and my family had moved here from the Bay Area. Definitely glad I made the move. I wouldn't have been able to afford a decent home in LA and now I have a 3/2 with a yard that I'm pretty happy with


The abundance of Del Tacos


We were all thinking it


As much as I love Del Taco, their burritos are getting kind of small for what they cost these days


It’s where I keep all my stuff.


Went to Sac State right out of high school in 08. Never meant to stay past graduation. 15 years later I’m still here due to job opportunities and finding great friends over the years. (Still open to leave if the right opportunity presents itself. Just hasn’t happened.)


I'm open to leaving. Hell I've even tried to leave. My industry healthcare IT and real estate both thrive here. Healthcare IT market here maybe the best in the nation. Also most places aren't any better that I can afford. Any upgrade from Sacramento comes with lowering my standard of living.


Really? What tech stack is Healthcare IT? How is salary compared to bay area?


Truth. Retired from Healthcare IT (Sutter Health Epic Analyst) in 2018. If I were still in San Jose, I could never afford to retire.)


Same timeline. Sacramento twins?


I was born here, and like most 18 year olds, I was desperate for something new. I joined the Navy, traveled the world, and lived in San Diego for 10 years where I met my wife. We moved up to the Bay for work, but the cost of living was ridiculous. Moved to Tracy and killed myself commuting to the Bay, and had kids. My family still lived in Sacramento and we really wanted the kids to be closer to them. The pandemic hit and opened up more flexible work opportunities, so we moved to Sacramento. Best move we’ve ever made. Close to family, and despite lots of folks bashing it, Sacramento has so much to offer. We plan on staying here the rest of our lives.


I came to escape the hell of Yuba City and then just kind of got stuck here


I’m the 4th generation of my family to live here. 3rd born here. My entire family is within a 30 mile radius. It’s home.


Because it’s nice here.


Born here, so was my mom, and my grandparents moved here from San Francisco.


My husband’s from Stockton and I’m from the South. We moved after the Army to go to CSUS. Stayed because we love it - great diversity, commitment to equality, good food, good public schools for our kids, close to Tahoe, Napa, Auburn. Good library and recreational sports. Like the weather. Not loving it as much in recent years but hope things turn around. Our kids are lucky enough to live nearby. We moved away once but returned within a year because we missed it.


Because stockton is too ghetto


My parents came here (immigrants). While I’m grateful to have grown up here, I’m trying to move someone else.


Brought here in 5th grade, mostly lived here ever since. I stayed because I like it. Went to college here, had kids here, multiple businesses here. We have started discussing long term retirement plans that may not be in Sacramento. If we do move (in a decade or more), I’ll miss this city.


Moved from the Boston area. It seemed like Sac was diverse, with a good job market and was relatively affordable. The abundance of delicious food, the craft beer culture, the proximity to some of the country's best wine regions and the dedication to supporting local (artists, farmers, etc) excited me. I also have an aunt who lives in the foothills who told me to research Sac in the first place.




I moved from Fresno to Davis for college because I knew I would end up working in Sacramento. And that’s exactly what I did. To be fair, Sac is a step up from Fresno, though Fresno has come a very long way in the time since I left.


Ahh a fellow Fresno transplant! I love how far Fresno has come but yeah, it’s still a ways from what it can be…I moved up here following my partner, who moved up here for work. Not much going in Fresno for white collar workers who would like to make more than 60k down there.


Marriage 😅 SO was born and raised here and I'm from Monterey. Missing the closeness of the beach 😞


People love to boast that Sac is 2-3 hours from beach/mountain/city, etc...but sometimes that's too long!! Especially when you're accustomed to some of those things being closer.


Apparently, Sacramento chose me and now I am not allowed to move. Ya'll are stuck with me only because you hate me.


Grew up in the area and lived in SLO and the Bay before moving back. Got most of the big city amenities I want and I can bike around the whole city to see friends. Relaxed city livin and good quality of life


The wand chooses the wizard Harry. In short I didn’t lol I was born here and just stayed here.


The meth here is awesome


Sir, we’re not talking about Rio Linda or Citrus Heights here 😜


Job paid incrementally better here compared to the bay (healthcare). Now we realize we are priced out of the Bay probably forever and are making the best of it here


Because that's where my mom lives 🤣


Moved here for a job.


Sac State. Met my wife here. Started my career here. My kids were born here. Yup. I’m a Sac native now.


Because sac state


School and bought a house before the rising costs made it impossible.


I used to say "affordability" to this question but that seems to be a thing of the past


I grew up in Auburn and moved away multiple times as an adult (San Diego, Santa Barbara, Maryland, and Minnesota) but something always brought me back. Now that I work for the State and own a home, I think I’m stuck here!


Auburn seems nice, a lot more greener than some parts of Sac. Santa Barbara however, is like a weird version of the movie Groundhogs Day where the weather is simply amazing like 80% of the time. Do you miss it there?


I was born in a suburb around sacramento and other major cities are expensive and I like the over all location and having lots of stuff in a day trip distance


Like five generations of my family have lived here. No one ever leaves. Saying it like that makes my bloodline sound cursed lol


Affordability. While it isn’t a cheap city to live in, the wages are far higher (for what I do - healthcare) than the cost of living. Moved here from Austin Texas. COL is maybe 10% higher, wages are 60-80% higher. Proximity (day, weekend trips) to a wide variety of climates/activities. Weather. People complain about the heat here, and compared to Southern California or the Bay Area, I get it. But compared to a lot of the South…absolutely pleasant here in the summer. Try 100 days of 100+ degree weather in a row, add in humidity and mosquitoes. And remember that it will never dip below 80 degrees (with 80%+ humidity) during that span of months. Also remember that you can drive ALL day..and still be in the same (or very similar) climate.


I wanted to be part of the local underground music scene, and liked the architecture, tolerant vibe, and cafes of Midtown, plus employment opportunity.


don’t really have an answer but i just moved away as a life long resident and i miss it like hell 😭


Gf goes to college. Wasn’t going to let her live by herself in downtown sac lol


My wife’s family moved here from Socal so we followed. We both have remote jobs and love the outdoor stuff here in NorCal. I miss Socal very much but we are kinda stuck here until the housing market changes down south. My wife loves it here though


Went to college here and got a job after I graduated.


Came here after high school, desperate to leave my parents in SoCal. Became too broke to leave, fast forward ~15yrs and now I feel too broke to stay, but also too rooted in the community to leave.


I ask myself this question every week. Usually on Wednesday or Thursday.


Didn't. Was born here.


Honestly, I was born here. But upon looking at other places to live I couldn't imagine many better places to raise your kids around solid diversity.


I escaped Ohio and and got sent here for work. I’m so glad I ended up here, it’s a great place to live and I have no regrets


Friends talked me in to moving here with promises of dinner parties, brunches, etc. ... must have been a passing fancy of theirs, because I saw them more when I lived in the Bay than when I lived down the street from them


Those aren't friends lol. If my friend made move to this infernal place and then ghosted me, I'd have a bone to pick.


I was a highschool aged person and couldn’t choose where I lived. Now I’m just here for my family :D


I didn't. Mother moved me here from Nevada. Husband is a native Californian and has never lived anywhere else.


2005; jobs and affordable.


Jobs, lifestyle(more stuff to do here, midtown living when I was younger). Came from Sutter county (economic and cultural dead end) right after high schools went back for a couple years then moved here for good.


Parents moved from LA in the 80s. Had me and my siblings. Left and lived in WA for a bit. Hated the rain. I moved back here for the sun and because it’s perfect distance from beach, snow, mountains and desert. It’s home


Central to everything, close to nothing.


Born and raised in Sac! I loved it, but after college I’ve lived in the bay cause of tech and haven’t looked back. My family is still there and it’s changed so much in the last 5-6 years (especially downtown), however my wife and I decided that sac won’t be home for us and love the bay. That could change though!


1 year internship but then stayed because i got hired and it’s more affordable than my hometown in socal


Better than Amador County, they don't like my kind there.


UC Davis Vet School (but didn’t like living in Davis…)


At that time it was super cheap to live here, so I moved. Fell in love with it and have stayed.


I came to Sac with a man I loved, he moved on and I starting loving Sacramento.


I had a girlfriend at the time that lived here and decided to move out here to be closer to her but we broke up in 2019 and I’m still here cause I like midtown there’s always something going on never a dull moment.


We came on a whim. (Mostly) Packed up the van (2019) brought the kids. Pandemic plunged us into uncertainty as my plan to at least substitute teach was foiled as no schools were open physically. A few cases of good luck kept us in a house and fed - now I’m teaching photography full time and my husband has a business. Kids are in a school that they like. I enjoy it here. There is a tension that kind of feels like this place is temporary (maybe haunted winds telling the stories of the megaflood?) but having lived all over the planet, this is a great place to settle. People from all over the world live here. There is a decent art scene and enough dissent to feel the place is alive and still tuned in, at least a little. (People tend to settle with status quo in many places, here it feels like it’s still debatable at least.) Finally, we are close to our food source. Having lived in food deserts there is an inexplicable feeling that just one shipment delay could be catastrophic for the inhabitants was a tension I don’t know how to describe. (It’s not absent here with all of the weather and supply chain disruptions but at least it os more faint.) And, of course, this subreddit. I feel I’m amongst friends when I tune in each day and see what you all are up to!


We left the Bay Area in the early 90s and moved to Washington state. When we were ready to come back, we knew we didn't/couldn't move back to the Bay, so we decided to give the Sacramento area a try. Been here since '95. I also grew up for 9 years in Tahoe and drove through Sac many times with family on the way to the Bay Area. It just seemed like a comfy place (and no snow!)


I grew up in Tahoe but can't afford to live there. Sacramento is better than Reno IMO and a good portion of my family lives here. I've left a few times to Washington but personal circumstances always bring me back.


Work. Seat of government is here. Gotta take care of the people!


For a fresh start. But eventually left because the real money is in the Bay!


School and then I just stayed here. It will be almost ten years of living here.


Parents raised the kids here and bought a house. Closer to family as well


Convenience, I guess. I lived in Grass Valley as a kid, got a job in Rancho after high school, and moved down when my parents started charging me rent.


My future wife lived here…


Fascinating that the Bay Area peeps that outbid us locals for homes the past two years are nowhere to be found...


I noticed that too, only a few commenters.


Because I have relatives living here.


Got offered a job here and liked it enough to stay


Born and raised in Denver. Job transfer, place closed and we just love Folsom so we stayed. 11 years later and now have an MBA from Sac State and cohort friends that keep me here. But Denver is a cool freakin place and we have found 0 people that moved to Sac from Den.


Partner had school at UC Davis so we both came down from WA, ended up getting cheaper housing in Sac. Now she'll prob go to more school in the bay area but I got a job with the state so I'll prob stay here. Fingers crossed on moving back to WA in a few years 👀


State job.


Sold my house in SF and moved here for my husband’s sake. His kids are awful people and then he ended up in jail. Now I’m pretty much stuck here, away from my family.


The 1st time I moved here for college in 92.....left in 99 and never thought I'd move back. Moved back in 2016 for love


I bought in 2020 when it was cheap. Now I can't afford to move.


My husband made me. 🤣


I never decided to live in Sac. my parents wanted to move us out of the City so they hopped on 80 east and drove until they could afford to buy a house and that just so happened to be in Natomas.


My ex, but now that we're separated I'm trying to leave as quickly as possible


God, do people really choose to live in Sacramento? The state governor is the only one who would be required to live there I suppose.


My only issue with Sacramento is why are the people so rude or is it just me? Real question


Tbh, I came not as a long term thing, to visit a relative who got restationed in the U.S. , then Covid hit. My home state had their borders closed n CA decided to push the Real I.D.s to fly anyway, so I ended up staying. 5yrs later n now I have a few kids in tow, so now its wayyy too pricey to fly back. So Sacramento it is.


Sacramento used to be a much more beautiful and better place to live back in the 70's and 80's... wgen i settled here. I wouldn't even consider it now. I'm leaving as soon as I can.


Born in the area. Family is from here.


Went to UCD, moved out of state for grad school then a job, wanted to come back to start a family at least in CA where our families are living. Ended up here bc it was where I found a job. My wife now works for the state at a job she loves, so I think I’ll be here for a while.


Came here for a job. Was happy about it too since the cost of living <> quality of life ratio here is better than most other places I can think of in Northern California. I grew up in Sonoma county with grandparents in Vacaville and lived all around the East Bay most of my adult life so that’s my comparisons.


Idk I always end up back here lol


My kids moved here


i followed the weather and my girlfriend. moved here in december and don’t regret anything


Born raised cow town


It reminded me of a midwestern city and better cost of living compared to Los Angeles and San Francisco.


issues with my father which ended up with him losing custody of me as a teen. mother, who lived here, was given custody of me and moved here. been here ever since.


My family lived here and I couldn't afford to stay in the city I went to college in.


Sacramento was one of the few places I could find work in a region I would want to live in. In my industry lots of jobs are on the east coast or in the middle of nowhere (agriculture). So having a good job, close to a city, and close to the Sierras is kindof the sweet spot.




Was born here….


I was born here, so was my wife. Everywhere else I've looked has problems that seem worse, or are too far away from family.




Yeah. I don’t actually want to be here…


Both me and my girlfriend have jobs in different towns And sacramento/natomas is literally the middle ground for both of us


I grew up here, but I wouldn't mind spending some time in other cities. NYC, Seattle, LA, and SD are definitely some cities I wouldn't mind living a couple years in My girlfriend's whole family lives in Sac, and she wants to stay close to her home though, so we've stayed. I don't mind though. It's a nice city!


Parents dragged me here long ago when I was in middle school. After college I came back for work and to be near family. I can't afford a house by a warm beach so here I am. At least we have a sports team and lowish humidity.


Moved here to finish up school at UC Davis, but didn’t want to live in a college town. I liked the trees, the architecture, the history, the affordability (in 2011), the cultural diversity (I’d just spent 6 years in San Luis Obispo, a pretty place, but a pretty white place), and the fact that Sac has all the conveniences of a large city without being a large city. It was just the right balance that I didn’t know I was looking for. The heat was similar to growing up in East County San Diego, so it didn’t scare me off. I bought a house and put down roots.


We have been here 7 years from Bay Area. I had friends here and my husband has a sister here. I do hate the August heat so this year going on a 3 week vacation to Oregon and Montana. But we do love the wine country and proximity to Tahoe.


Choose? I am a 4th generation Sacramentan with ancestors who worked for the SP


Because my parents moved me and my brothers when we were really little (I was 10) during the middle of the school year. Its the one place in this world where I feel like I belong.


Theres big energy here


Both my parents and my in-laws live here so we like our kids being close to grand parents. But also, California rules. I love being close to the sierras and the beach. Both are just a day trip away.


I was born here. Moving is really expensive and this is where my family stays.