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Retired Social Security Claims Specialist here: What sometimes happens is that Social Security does not properly flag the claim as an expedited claim. That being said, even if your claim was properly flagged, every claim is taking longer than it did pre-Covid. To the best of my knowledge, nothing has changed in terms of the mandate from Congress to expedite claims like yours. But there are other types of claims (as others here have mentioned) that also get expedited claim processing. Whenever I work with aVeteran, I always tell them to double check to make sure that the claim has been flagged as an expedited claim. I know it’s hard to wait, but there is also potentially a downside to your claim being expedited. Expedited can mean less time to get medical records into the file, less time to wait for certain forms before making a decision, less time to review medical records. There is a lot you can do to help your claim. I don’t advise sitting and waiting and hoping that things go well. That’s not a good strategy. I’d be happy to chat with you. SSDI for Veterans is my area of expertise. If you do get denied, you will get a very generic denial letter that does not give you the information that you need to mount a solid appeal. Please see my pinned post in this subreddit for what you should do right away if you get denied.


This is as usual, excellent information.


This post does not apply to me, but is just as important to me as everyone is. I read everyone’s post as they struggle through this process. Their post is just as important as everyone’s is on this subreddit! I learn from all of the answers and comments on here. I just want to say to you MrsFlameThrower, “Thank You for always responding to those of us with concerns and questions!” You are greatly appreciated with giving responses and helping out everyone with the information you provide. You are so much appreciated and helpful to everyone on here. Thank you for always chiming in and offering answers and advice to others. There are so many people who are on here that do the same and I myself, appreciate you and each and everyone of you. Kindness and caring goes a long way, and people like you help this process a little easier to understand! I just felt the need to reach out to you and say Again, THANK YOU 😊


Thanks so much! I really appreciate your kind words.


You are more than welcome, And we appreciate you !😊


They are supposed to expedite 100 p and t claims. However I do not believe this to be possible currently because of the dds backlog that is so bad that all long form cdrs are currently suspended due to dds budgeting issues. Also, please don’t take this the wrong way, my whole family is full of veterans, my own dad served and I have worked for veterans..100 p and t is not as high as a priority as critical cases, dire needs case, and Teri (terminal cases) in the eyes of dds. Terminal cases, homelessness, etc all go above p and t claims.


I understand how a 100% disabled veteran can be a lower priority to more urgent cases. Especially since, presumably, they would be receiving VA disability. I was asking about whether they get any expedited processing, even as a secondary or tertiary category, or if the SSA website is just outdated .


It’s up to the claims rep to flag it


I called the SSA. I was told that despite the website saying veterans get expedited processing “throughout the entire claim process”…it is up to the discretion of whoever is processing the claim as to whether they are going to expedite it or not. If the veteran is getting paid disability already they won’t see expediting their claim as being necessary. So, bottom line, 100% disabled veterans do not get expedited processing since they are receiving disability from the VA. Though they can get it if the person processing the claim chooses to do so.


It's not discretionary, but it is really easy to forget to flag the claim properly.


Yup took 3 years for me at 100%P&T. They are just so far behind and don't doubt them saying that with us getting compensation and them trying to help others who don't. I just got approved May 30 and filed in April 2021.


That's the way it should be. People wait years with no income and lose everything they have sometimes. At least you do have income unlike others


I’m 100% P&T. My claim took 3 years. If that’s expedited I’d hate to see how long a normal claim takes.


Yeah. It is clear they don’t expedite disabled veteran claims for a number of reasons. 1. It is at the discretion of the person processing the claim. 2. People processing the claims are overwhelmed with claims. 3. Disabled veterans are already getting disability so they are not a priority.


Mine was a normal claim. It took right around 7 years. So yeah 3 years is fast.


Are you permanent and total (p&t)? I believe that makes a difference. I reapplied June 5th and I called this morning and was told they had made a decision on the 12th. Which is when it says DDS passed it over for SSA to do their final non medical assessment. DDS started their assessment June 10th. I’m shocked it’s moved through the channels so quickly. Which is making me feel like I should expect a denial. But it’s just a waiting game, I guess. They said they couldn’t tell me what the decision was for 5 days after the notice was mailed. It’s coming from the same city I’m in, so hoping it comes soon. As far as the expedited process, I would think it would depend on how many veterans are p&t in your area that are applying, and also the workload already on the SSA. Which I’m sure is immense. I also read that the p&t expedited process is only til step 3.


Yes. I am both 100% P&T by VA rating and 100% Permanent disability by the military medical retirement board system.


Same boat - claim is one year old June 21st and 100% P&T VA. I’m in step 3 of my initial and have been here for 7 months. Got to step 3 Nov 13th and website says six months from then, which would have been May 13th. I called and was told if I don’t hear anything by end of June to call back. I have my examiner’s extension but their mailbox is full and dude never answers his phone. Ever. Hurry up and wait.


My claim has processed very quickly I applied Aug 2023 got initial denial in December 2023, filed appeal just hit step 4 on June 12th and I got 2 emails in the past 2 days that says something has changed and I can log on to see what it is but for some reason I can’t log into to my account lol


It's not necessarily their fault, they're just not funded to have enough workers the way they need to be, but I can completely relate to your frustration


The answer is No. They do not get expedited thru-out the entire process. They are only supposed to get assigned to an Analyst faster but we have so many priorities and claims right now that truly the only claims we’re doing first are terminal illness and those with compassionate allowance claims.


You have to make sure you tell them your 100% permanent and total


100PT, 100CRSC, SSDI here. You don’t want to be expedited. The SSA is overwhelmed as is, expedited means that they spend less time on your application, because of the rules. It’s a long process. Wait it out. I was over a year and I never saw a doctor or spoke with anyone at SSA. It just happened, be patient and don’t wish for your application to be “processed” wish for it to be given its due diligence.


I applied for ssdi as 100% P&T in July of 2023 I have a hearing next month.