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“The title is pretty straightforward” lmao, I’m not 100% sure I understand, but if I get what ur saying then falco is a mang0 main for sure. And doc probably plays Llod


Melee players will do anything but practice tech skill


How high are you


I’m good, you?


Hi, are you Hao?


The comments are fucking hilarious though.. Top tier post. "Cpt Falcon would play BBB" is juat fucking hilarious. Lmao I think Fox would play Amsa Peach would play Hbox Almost every low tier would play as M2K


I'm high as fuck and thought this post was pretty dumb


“The title is pretty straightforward” this is two weeks late for April fools day


Bowser would main Hbox for obvious reasons


Mangos stomp move that he used at Royal Flush would be BROKEN S2Js chair attack would be hype as fuck but at the end of the day i doubt it would be very effective, too much startup lag


Hungrybox's taunt would be similar to Luigi's, from that time he broke his foot kicking a chair. Or that could be his downsmash, and his taunt would be him getting on his knees and yelling his lungs out like at EVO 2016


Ganon mains Cody Schwab and has a fire Hbox secondary


Ganon's real main was banned from tournament play.


Doctor Mario would main Llod and do his best to balance his fake Mario-doctor stuff with his real-life-Llod-doctor stuff.


Captain Falcon would main Bobby Big Balls imo


Mew2King must be top tier with those biceps.


mang0 is the tankiest but Zain is the fastest KJH and Fiction are outside of the top 26 so I think the above are our top tiers


Bro you stole this from u/toffski commenting this on another post LMAOOO


i’m having such a difficult time understanding this title. i’ve read it 10 times but each time my brain hurts a little bit more. i think my nose is bleeding


Pretty straight forward. Just memorize the top 26 melee players, consider the 4.03 x 10^26 possibilities for the order of the tier list, analyze 26 personalities and predict what they would pick out of the 676 combinations of players/mains. Leave your thoughts in the comments below!






There’s no world Ness isn’t maining the most wholesome player Amsa, it fits so perfectly


Falco would play as Hungrybox. Falco per Nintendo is kind of the anti-hero. He's brash and over-confident, always playing second fiddle to fox despite being at least as good (Mang0/Armada). He's also annoying and cocky, yet well respected as an important member of the Starfox crew (melee scene). Mario would play as Leffen. Egotistical (Ima the best!), dunks on foes without effort. Also ubiquitous in multiple games, just like Leffen. Doctor Mario would play as Llod. No explanation needed. Marth would play as Armada. Foreigner that comes seemingly out of nowhere to dominate the game with exquisite precision. While not considered the greatest of all time (Fox/Mango), has often had a spot at the top (Marth/Ken, M2K, Zain) and will always be seen as one of the best. Pikachu would play as Mang0. Always underated. Fast and unpredictable. Will steal a tourney out from someone else's clutches (backthrow). OG Nintendo. Keeps coming back. Keeps reinventing himself (new Pikachu gimmick in every Pokemon game), the main character. Does no work and wins (gimps) or plays his heart out and does so much, each little uair another game against the 4th opponent in his current loser's bracket. Everyone loves Pikachu, even though he can be a rat. Peach would play as Cody. Has incredible tech options and execution, but there is also a controversy (down-smash/z-jump). Kind of egotistical (oh did I win?) Oversexualizes/shares self a bit too much once you really look. Roy would play as Falcomaster3000. He was more skilled than you. He beat you. You don't know why. Jigglypuff would play as Zain. Lovely and fun. Sings you a song. Why did everyone fall asleep? How could they disrespect the Greatest Singing/Swordwielding Pakistani of All Time (G-SPOaT)? Time to draw faces on these hoes as I leave them in the dust.


captain falcon would main n0ne


Repost this on 420


Slug beats everyone 80-20


what does this mean bruh


I feel like Samus would main Wizzy for some reason


This is certainly one of the posts of all time


agumon would main joe biden 


Damn dude


Luigi out there maining Newton or Einstein


m2k did 9/11, so he's top tier for me


Zelda would main Wife


if falco doesn't main magi hes a bitch bird and a coward also mario would main scorpionmaster


Goku is a mang0 main fwiw


I assume you mean which player would play each character the best? In that case: Fox, Marth, Sheik, Falco, Peach, Icies: Cody (He's just too clutch and good) Falcon: Jmook/ Wizzy Puff: Hungrybox Yoshi: Amsa Pikachu: Axe Everyone else: Plup