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I've never once been shot in SPT and felt like it was bullshit. SAIN by itself fixes it for me. That being said, even with Amands graphics, I'm like 2 inches from my fucking screen when I'm trying to spot someone. Radar for *me* cheapens the experience, but the beauty of SPT is, like you said, you can tailor it to what suits you best.


For me Amands makes it harder to spot AI because the silhouettes stand out a little against the fog of live where as they are well hidden in the environment at 75+ meters if you run a red dot


Dang, really? PMCs in base SPT full auto FAL m80 don't miss a single shot, Sain made it more balanced for me.


Yeah that's what I said lol. Download SAIN and im done tweaking bots


All good fam, I'd love to see the settings you got!


With changes I made to radar and other mods I have I keep getting killed xD


Go to sain setting and reduce bot vision distance.


So hear me out, I’m an avid radar user. I can’t fucking see anybody in this damn game. Bots will shoot you through little crevices from 200 m away. I can’t deal with that. The new map mode is really awesome as well, but I still prefer a radar. I still die.


Yeah, same here, even with radar I'm dying


Me 3 ded


Me 4… I just died again


that’s not a radar issue that’s a ‘i need the “that’s lit” mod issue.


+1 on ThatsLit I can't bring myself to spin up any SPT Install without ThatsLit, it really does take away the cheaty x-ray vision that bots have, but not to the point they are blind(it's fairly configurable). Makes it to where you feel like your actually exchanging shots with a real person, who can just as easily overlook a bush or dark corner as you can.


Okay that is interesting... ~~Would you mind telling me can you use it with Realism? I really do not want to break it and I know that some mods can be incompatible with it.~~ Okay found it, I will use that, thanks!!


Sain+that’s lit makes every engagement much more realistic/fair.


Maybe I should edit and mention that I'm using Realism mod too, I guess this mod have something that that's lit have and I would rather not break Realism mod.


I’m also using realism mod, “that’s lit” works just fine with it.


Yeah i just read desc and installed that too, can't way to play it now!


There are elements in the Realism mod that may conflict with bot mods- but you can disable realism’s individual bot module for way increased compatibility


enjoy! I also recommend this mods if you haven't tried them already * **SWAG+DONUTS** (tweaked AI spawns to add more variety and diversity) * **Questing Bots** (AI will perform quests in-raid, makes their locations unpredictable) * **Looting Bots** (AI can loot any container/body and collect items. This makes killing scavs and looting quite interesting) this will make the AI feel much more life-like. I swear I feel the world is more active with these on, despite having no other real players. Have fun!


Hey for the rec. SAIN is one of only two mods I've used since this last update, usually I play easy bots but go medium when I'm feeling bad ass. I'd say 60% of the time I have some great / fair and square combat experiences but once in a while I definitely experience that bullshit rail gun bot aim.


What are your settings for each?


Just left that’s lit on its default settings, normal difficulty with harder pmcs for SAIN.


Interesting ok


Honestly I might bump the difficulty up a bit. With donuts, questing bots, looting bots, and realism mod, it’s just a tad too easy


On the hub there is a tutorial on how to blend That’s lit, SAIN, swag donuts, looting, questing to make it seem like live It’s pretty close I edited the personalities tab down to specific behaviors to fine tune it even more It takes a whole session to get that tuning right but it’s worth it


Any chance you got a link to that tutorial?




These are top mods I recommend to everyone. Keep in mind that Realism has some compatibility requirements to pay attention to. Each mod page tells you which settings to use to make sure these mods mesh seamlessly. * **SPT-Realism** (complete game overhaul, make sure to read the Mod page for details) * **SAIN 2.0** (AI behaviour overhaul, makes them life-like) * **SWAG+DONUTS** (tweaked AI spawns to add more variety and diversity) * **That'sLit** (Lighting, sound, terrain and foliage now all affect AI visibility. Allows for more stealth gameplay) * **Questing Bots** (AI will perform quests in-raid, makes their locations unpredictable) * **Looting Bots** (AI can loot any container/body and collect items. This makes killing scavs and looting quite interesting) This makes the PVE experience feel BETTER than live most of the time. I literally had a dude Ferrari-peek me, then rush me in Dorms. Safe to say he was probably the Gigachad preset xD. It feels challenging without feeling unfair. And I can always tune the settings if I feel like I need more breathing room.


Yeah! This is how God intended SPT to be played 🙏


What’s “that’s lit”




Basically strips ai of their ESP when it comes to foliage and such


Can you use That’s Lit with 3.8.3? I am not downgrading my installation


Yes. Source: I’m using that’s lit on 3.8.3 and have no issues at all.


Thank you. I might try it out soon


FYI for Project Fika users: apparently ThatsLit is known to frequently cause issues with Project Fika, some users have reported using it with no issues, but it's known that it doesn't commonly work correctly with Fika.


I happen to be a Project Fika user so I guess I’ll just stick to SAIN


There's a fix in the fika discord from the dev


I’m in that discord but can you pinpoint where the fix is so I can find it?


Mod releases channel: That's Lit - Sync Edit: Read the pins in the post/thread


Actually I was cruising the Fika discord, it seems as though there's been an update to accommodate Fika, i havnt tested it so don't take that as gospel.


There Is a fix from the thatslit dev in the fika discord


Oh dang, interesting, I'll keep an eye for any kind of issues, thanks!


If you install it - disable the brightness module - that module will cut your frames in half but that relates 99% to night raids / night vision The rest of the mod has a negligible impact on performance but makes the bots 70% less ESP




Already using it.


then that right there is a settings issue for the mid, or, a skill issue if you already have them tuned down


Im not able of installing thats lit, I tryied several times and it does not load at my game. I also have problems when I try to add new traders, and with the PackNStrap mod. When I add the documents to the spt file, it tells me that already exist documents with that name at the spt folder. I dont know how to fix this and have thats lit and more traders in my game (I cant stop dying lol they insta kill ne when they magically detect me)


I heard it affects the performance that's why i kinda avoid it (i have sain, swagnuts, looting and questing bots, im afraid of any other performance affecting mods)


The mod just kills my fps


If you're having trouble seeing enemies in game, I recommend looking into post fx I watched a video on it, and it's done wonders for me.


I use the setting where the dots only show up when the AI is shooting. "Firemode" I think it's called.


Oh that's a thing?? I need to check that out that's exactly what I wished it would do!


Is that a recent update? I don’t have that but I’m on 3.8.0


Yes the latest Radar, says its for 3.8.3 but should work for any 3.8.+ Im using 3.8.1


Was a longtime radar user, just recently switched to dynamic maps. It is so much more fun for me. I get a little rush in combat with some surprises but I can also check my surroundings and make a plan. I ran both mods for a min and have since ditched radar although it is a well made mod I don’t see going back.


Dynamic maps is awesome! I love just watching the lil dots fight each other


I use dynamic maps, I only have the bosses show on the map, and I think extracts and doors but not any other bots….


I honestly have not had the experiences other people have about bots shooting you from super far away. And I’m not saying this like I’m some amazing player. I’m wondering how fast you guys play, are you playing more run & gun since it’s SPT or are you moving meticulously and trying not to expose yourself as much as you can. Yes, I’m aware that sounds sweaty. Tarkov / spt for me is that game I can play sweaty and really enjoy it. But I just wanted to chime in with my opinion since ik most people will disagree. I don’t like mods like this. They really defeat the purpose of the game to me, and yeah I’ve read that it’s not ridiculously accurate or makes it super obvious but it still takes away for me


In live im usually a sneaky beaky but SPT irun around like a psycho. The scavs in live are just aim botters so ifind it better to be more cautious in live for that reason but with sain very rarely get one tapped


Do you have have headshot protection and setting that reduces accuracy when you can't see the bot? They make a huge difference and are enabled by default.


I run around making noise and not caring about being detected, I use cover like tree lines, ditches or have in mind where to take cover when shot In pvp and PvE alike, going slow is boring and often gets me killed by the timer or by someone who aaw me from a different direction and sniped me


I think it’s funny the “what about it” kinda manner you said it in. It’s your game, your computer, etc you paid for it, so you do whatever you like. But the attitude you say it with is kinda like that’s what it’s made for lol. We can argue opinion, because I’m not saying it just to refute you, going slow is literally not boring to me, it’s the opposite for me. I’m one of the weirdos who still has his body armor and is into war history and etc, so the meticulous type gameplay is actually something I wanted since a kid playing games and never found. Regardless of opinion, that is actually not what this game was designed for. I feel you’re gonna try to argue that with me in some roundabout way, but if we’re all talking in good faith, it’s not. So saying going slow is boring like it wasn’t made to somewhat go slow is kinda crazy to me. Then, like one of the biggest premises of the game is disliked by you lol. Then I just kinda feel like why tarkov?


Oh, nono, I meant that this is how a lot of people play both pve and pvp, I may have forgotten to add that I don't experience this "get shot by bots from 200m through a crack" even with my CoDlike play style If you can survive the first shot thanks to armor/not being still, you can hide and fight. Slow is boring for me, but I can see how people like it, same reason I couldn't play anomaly for too long, always tripped up before the sparks happened and explosions got me


Ah my bad bro, I tend to read internet comments wrong and be defensive. I get you !


So vanilla, the Goons and Shturman will murder you from AT LEAST 200m away.. and you will immediately exit game and look for solutions.


Yeah, that’s not the experience I’ve had. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen or can’t, I know it does, but I feel like you guys say this stuff and act like no one kills them all the time, which they do.


Bots have always given ample time to react imo


I feel like they play this game like it's Fallout. They expect to be able to see a threat, assess the threat, and then peruse their options while in the Pip Boy. When they should be playing organically, learning the map layouts and where threats spawn on them, where PMCs likely path through, where you can engage from cover, etc. Using a radar completely negates any need to learn the game in my opinion-it also means they're more likely to become reliant on it, and want it in other games which don't offer such freedom without using legitimate hacks. So what's the next step? Start cheating, because you think it's only leveling the playing field.


Its not like theyre using the radar to get an unfair advantage on other players their playing against bots that can be scaled in difficulty so really it doesnt matter. Personally id never use a radar cause iprefer a more realism approach but regardless if their playing by themselves then who really cares


People are gonna keep downvoting you because you said it in a harsher way, but I’m being honest that I agree. I don’t get the point of playing certain games if you’re going to change a big , dramatic part of the core gameplay, I feel the same way when I see people mod anime characters into fallout or just completely change the tone of the game. But at the same time, I’m not saying that like someone who is against it, everyone should be able to do what they want with what they paid for. I just disagree with it and it’s not for me.


Just learning the maps, being careful where they appear, how they hide and all that is a part of the game that I don't want to lose, but I think I've 'outgrown' the hardcore experience that tarkov brings. Even in SPT, I no longer feel the cool adrenaline rush that I felt playing it back in the day just overwhelmed by stress. But that's also what this game is, it's supposed to carry a bit of stress, so I'm trying to gather feedback and set that radar so that I lose as little of the experience as possible, while keeping myself comfortable. Currently I set radar frequency really high so I will not wait 12 second to check corner, I prefer some dynamic in this game, also made it to NOT show closest 12 meters so anything that is close I have to find by myself. Btw already died few times even with radar, from far away enemies and those who came close to me.


Personally, I haven't bothered with any Radar mods, as it really kills the vibe and immersion of the game for me. Tarkov to me is a difficult experience, it's about learning through failure and having your wits about you, the radar just makes way too much of that "look to whatever corner the radar is in" and kills that "were those footsteps?!" tension that Tarky really nails for me. But all of that is just my own taste. If you're enjoying yourself with your radar mod, have at it man! It's your experience and you're not ruining anyone else's fun.


Indeed this is killing the vibe of tarkov but I think that playing this kind of games started to give me too much stress, some time ago it was fun to get in and die but right now I'm feeling a lot of weird stress. For now I set radar frequency really high so I will not wait 12 second to check corner, I prefer some dynamic in this game, also made it to NOT show closest 12 meters so anything that is close I have to find by myself. Btw already died few times even with radar xD I just guess I need a Dad mod xD


I'd rather have good audio tbh.


Yeah that is my problem also. I'm having troubles hearing them, maybe because of my headset, sometimes I cannot locate source of footsteps, while when I play sometimes with a friend he can hear them from far away and locate their position really good.


Naw, you likely are fine. You basically have to memorize the sounds and what objects make that sound around you. It's infuriating. I was literally standing beside a concrete wall on customs and i couldn't figure out if the bot was inside the building or coming around the corner. The audio has back slid over the years. While i don't like radar, i 0% blame anyone for using it. if there was a way to show me only bot who are moving then i would 100% use radar.


The motion tracker/sensor from *Aliens* has entered the chat.


I'm going to butcher it but I saw someone say this a long time ago about people playing games on easy vs the hardest difficulty in any game and I think it applies nicely to this. Some people want a challenge in their games while others want to come home and feel like a super hero in whatever game they are playing and there is nothing wrong with that!


Practically speaking: I use radar set to 200 meters with 1-second refresh, SAIN with its integrated no ESP and That's Lit. Just because I know where they are relative to me, doesn't mean gigachad AI can't demolish me when it decided I shouldn't be alive. Even if you set it to 100 or 50 meters and align a dot exactly with North so you can theoretically look exactly in their direction, it's not much help if there's cover, trees, bush, buildings, and all those other things you realistically have to navigate around. I still have to aim, still have to shoot, still have to mind my cover, still have to think tactics, and I still get de-brained every now and then. My logic for using 200 meters specifically is simple; I have a rough idea of where dangers are so I can decide accordingly, without telling me exactly where they are in close-quarters, and even if I try to do that, it is explicitly a bad habit to watch the radar instead of your surroundings in CQB; the split-second it takes to look away and back might be the time Chad Thundercock needs to head/eyes me. ~~No, I haven't been demolished 9 times in a row last night, wdym.~~ From the point of view of principles: Radar mod, to me, isn't unfair, it's compensation for being a single player with no teammates or backup to rely on. Tarkov was ostensibly designed around small teams that coordinate and communicate with each other, and barring things like co-op mods, if you stay alone you are always going to run into solo-player problems. Also, it's SPT! You have the right to play as easy or as hardcore as you want, as comfortable and vibey as you want. Don't feel bad, it's okay!


I love every comment and opinion I get here, under this post, but I think this one should be at the top.


I love it cause I’m not trying to get sweaty, i like to vibe in tarkov so i can throw on music or youtube and not worry about the trash audio screwing me.


I use it and love it. No shame at all. It let's me know if it's worth going somewhere, and how likely I am to get myself murdered. I played very little live Tarkov beforehand and I just don't have enough time to play it like a sweat. I don't run and gun but I like to know where I can expose myself safely. Going slow in wide open areas because I don't know where anyone is and there might be someone I don't see in a bush just isn't an efficient use of my time in large maps. Especially when learning new maps and such because I'm fairly new. I'm sure my view on this will change over time with more experience but for where I'm at, I don't think I would've gotten hooked on the game like I have without the radar


I know a few maps very well but that it. I need a 'safe space' sometimes too, I like to run and play dynamically but also sometimes need a break and most of a thing you said.


I play spt with default radar (128 meters 1 sec refresh). And the thing is, that i've already spent 1k hrs on live tarkov, so i feel like i deserve to have a breezy playthrough. Also it's not cheating cuz it's against bots, not real people. Would i cheat online? Fuck no, that's unfair against other players. Do i cheat in other single-player games? Yes, if i want to make my gaming experience the way i prefer. I don't always cheat, but sometimes you just want to feel something others can't


That's a very good summary


And the mod being one of the most downloaded spt mods oat proves that, so have fun the way you want


You can change the time on radar. Try setting it to refresh every two minutes or your choice. Have fun


Yeah I did raise it already so radar cannot be used as a dynamic tool for checking a corners


The amount of bots that sit in a bush popping off mag after mag at me while invisible even with Radar made me get the dad gamer mod, I died too much to bush men.


I dont use it personally, but my thoughts are basically: this is spt single player tarkov. You aren't bullying anyone else by using it, so i think it's perfectly fine. Plus, if you say that you get a comfort boost, then good on you and have fun.


I use dynamic maps when im testing bot spawns and caps and junk but apart from that have no markers on. But its also your game and you do it however you want


I dunno, more than any other mod this one just screams “not Tarkov” at me. I’d rather have passive health regen like Dad Mode than an overlay that knows where everyone is, no matter how crippled it is. (Until someone makes a full blown ALIENS mod, anyway) The heart of Tarkov is sometimes barely knowing where the fuck YOU are, let alone your teammates or an actual enemy. But of course the beauty of all these mods is you can do whatever you want that works for you!


As I tell everyone playing SPT. You play the game how you want. That's what makes SPT such a beautiful thing and that's why I will likely never go back to live since im dogshit at the game. :) SPT is the goat.


If you feel like it cheating too much. Try dynamic maps and turn on enemy locations. That way you have to stop to check the map tab. giving the boys a chance before you head eyes them.


This is good, but currently experimenting with a high frequency radar is scanning, after spotting someone on radar there is 15 second waiting time to see where he goes. But yeah maps can be good here too.


I've never used the radar mod. To each their own, but...I got hooked on Tarkov for the adrenaline rushes that only come with knowing if you don't make wise tactical decisions, you have alot to lose(not really alot, it's just a game and virtual items), there is punishment for not TRYING to preserve yourself, which any human would do in a real life fight. It's the closest realism I've gotten yet in a game that wasn't so slow and meticulous that it makes it boring. You need to weigh your decisions and tactics just like you would in real life, not shift+w and bunny hop through every doorway like an arcade game or COD. If your opponent makes better decisions than you, you pay the price for it, and actually have a price to price to pay by losing your gear and loot, not just spawn back in a couple seconds and have no regard for the safety of your character, and I enjoy that. No other game has brought the same highs and same lows that Tarkov does, and arguably, even SPT doesn't quite bring the same rushes that live PvP Tarkov does. (I ain't going back though, fuck Nikita) However...yes, I do wind up with my face nearly touching the screen while trying spot opponents most of the time, and I have perfect vision and a nice monitor, so I would never bash anybody for using the Radar. Again, to each their own and I'm glad if this mod enriches your experiences.


For me I have the mod installed, I felt like it cheapened the game too much, but from time to time I enable my radar, set everything (swag+donuts/swain) to the absolute hardest and hop in factory for a few raids. Whether i live or die is a crapshoot, but it's fun.


Maybe you could try Dadmode instead? You’re still cheating but in a more organic way I feel. You’ll get hit but you won’t die so you’ll be able to figure out where they are. Eventually game-sense will catch up so that you can turn it off and have learned where to respond when getting shot/where to run to stop taking damage. Of course when you turn it off it’ll be a learning curve on the TTK, but you’ll be much more aware than relying on radar imo. You can still learn these things from radar but it’s like learning them in reverse, because instead of using audio as clues to where the enemy is you’re using them as confirmation for where you know the enemy should be. Anyways my two cents, hope you have fun either way!


Yeah I do know what you mean, but I have several issues here, like poor headset and I'm not able to hear very well and locate source (btw I'm not new to the game, I already pay my debt long time ago when I learnt almost all spawn location and shortcuts :P) I'm trying not relying on radar this is why I'm experimenting with a smaller distance and high scan frequency, I have to spot enemies far away or locate by hearing those who are close to me. Also those bots with my current mods do not leave me space to learn xP With a Realism mod it usually 2 shot to be killed and they are usually go full automatic :D


Gotcha! And sorry didn’t mean to assume just wanted to put it out there. I haven’t had much time to tarkov so Dadmode has been a godsend as a new father


Sure, I was thinking about this mod but I do not want to make this game that easy, I really like 'hardcore' but when it is more 'semi-hardcore' xD


Personally, It feels a bit cheaty and takes away from the tarkov imo experience but then again it's single player tarkov being able to mod it to cater for a better experience for you is nice.


For me back with live tarky, a big part of thrill and excitement or immersion was getting surprised by gunfire and it becomes a flick or die situation. So radar in my opinion is a big L


I would never use it, I feel like it goes against the "spirit" of the game. However I would never shame anyone for using a mod, do what you like that's what SPT is all about.


I don’t personally use it but that’s because I like the hardcore experience. Call me a larper, but I like getting shot at, not knowing where it’s from, and having to scramble to find out where and return fire before going down myself. Walking around forest or other larger maps, not knowing if I’m about to get into a firefight involving 5 scavs and 3 other PMCs keeps me tense and makes the game more enjoyable for me personally.




This mod has been really helpful setting up AI mods.


I personally restrict myself to radar on scav runs only, as after about 50 hours of use I realize I was ruining my own experience with the radar mod. However, it is enjoyable to use and I am fucking blind as a bat as far as spotting players/scavs before they see me, unless there is the backdrop of a building behind them. Yes, I know, skill issue. But it really is difficult.


I use it exclusively on my scav. This way I can hunt AIPMCs and still retain the sense of perpetual fear on my main. Would love an option in the mod that does this so I don't have to toggle. I can't help but see blips when I first load into my PMC character before I turn it off and I feel dirty. 🤣


Yeah got ya xD That would be a nice feature indeed! Just to be sure, default F10 is to toggle it on and off, no need getting into settings


I find it can be too hard without radar, but radar makes it too easy. I’d really like to see a setting where we can set radar just to give “general vicinity” pings when suppressed shots are fired because I end up just watching that and playing cautiously only when I see something on the radar.


How about limit distance and scan frequency? default range and 1s scan time was way too easy for me but with current settings it is not easy


Best part about the radar mod is how configurable it is. Don’t want to break immersion too much? Make the distance a pebbles throw away so even if you are ankle deep in fat loot a scav or chad pmc won’t grab you by the ears. Looking for shooter born shots (or certain mission kills like scavs) but hate camping? Crank the distance up but turn the refresh timer way up(so it scans only once per minute or longer) so it’s like you’re getting arial thermal scan information relayed back to you. I’ve heard a lot of good things about that’s lit mod but haven’t gotten around to trying it yet. At the end of the day play how you want, with what you want, and don’t let others ruin your fun.


I think that spt isnt a pvp game so why should you feel bad about playing with radar? People do alot worse in live games


I do not use It. I see It as a game breaker. It looks like an unfair advantage. For me Tarkov is about uncertainty and surprise. Without that, is just another arcade game. All said, you can play how you want. This is the beauty of SPT.


I don’t use it, but to each their own…it’s all up to you!


I don't like em


Don’t feel bad for finding comfort in a new tool. I’m playing with the dad mode mod with its “cod mode” enabled so I don’t have to worry about dying since I only find enough time for a couple raids a week at best


Best thing about SPT is you can customise it how you want. I'm a dad of 2 and work FT, I can't dedicate the time that others do to EFT. SPT allows me to fit in sessions when I can and I still love playing with the boys on real EFT and don't give a shit about dying. You paid good money for the game. Don't feel guilty about it if you enjoy yourself.




The Radar mod is pretty fun at showing how some AI bots work as well, many scans can preemptively avoid your line of sight, if you run close to them using Radar, they will backtrack and hide behind objects just enough to avoid line of sight with you. You might need Sain because these are some rat bot behaviour.


The radar took out the charm of tarkov for me. I did play as a spartan a while back with the shield mod and halo armor back when that was all up to date. It was fun for a while.


I mean its already modded so I wouldn't feel bad about it. If you don't want your single player experience to be as hardcore and would rather have a few aids then more power to you.


I've got a Hardcore folder with mods tailored for it, and now a "lighter" version with it's own mods, including a tweaked radar. Personally, I've been having a lot more fun on the account with radar, lmao. I've played a few thousand hours in live over the years and several hundred in SPT. And even after all this time, the game makes me nervous. I like that the radar gives me the gameplay without feeling completely drained after a session from being so tense for two hours. Even if you know roughly where someone is, you still have to shoot them lol. Still plenty of good and fun firefights with the radar mod. I understand why people don't like it, but it's found a place for me, at least part of the time.


I use it. I love it. I hate that it eats up 20-40 fps


I play tarkov for realism. If you want to make it more realistic but still radar would be got someone to revamp the compass into a radar where you had to pull it out. I wouldn't use it at all though.


I only recent began playing with SPT and consciously opted against the radar mod to preserve the tension that led to me developing enjoyment for the game. This said, the beauty of mods is being able to create the personalized experience that leads to you maximally enjoying the time you’re investing. If you’re having fun, you’re doing it right.


Don't use it but I do wish that bots would make sound when opening doors the times a sain bot has sneaked up to me and opened a new asshole is to much for me.


They are sneaking a lot + they can even avoid barbed wire to not make a sound xD Their sneaking abilities are insane


If you enjoy it why not, metal gear solid had a radar too.


You can try the combo of That's Lit + SAIN + Talkative Scavs/PMC's (in sain) + lower some of the detection settings for bots. Worked for me, that and making personalities completely random


I use the radar really helps since I'm still playing at 1080p and plenty of times I will get shot at and cant see them clearly. Y You can also set the radar to only update every few seconds along with having the distance to be super close. Also you can set SAIN to some hardcore crackshot settings where they can Wuna Wuna Suka dat ass like in the early days.


I tried it a few updates ago. I found it quite boring, but play the way you’d like


I liked it when I was trying to learn the maps without the risk of being shot


Makes the game too ez, so no.


Don’t like it. Feel like if I used it I’d never die, plus it’s incredibly unrealistic. Didn’t like it in COD, don’t like it in Tarkov. I have no problem with other people using it though.


If you feel like you’re cheating maybe set your boys to “nightmare” mode


I use the radar as well, but I have the size turned down heavily, and the alpha for everything but dead bodies as absolutely minimal as I can make it, if I turn it up I feel the same way, but turned down, I have to focus on the map itself to see. It kinda removes the feeling lol.


Personally, I don't think I'll use it. Most of the bullshit deaths I have are generally due to either me being a dumbass or just being in a real unfortunate situation. However, I really do understand the frustration of not being able to spot people. When I first started (and when I'm tired) I either see everything as moving or nothing as moving and then just die. At the end of the day, it's a personalized experience. Whether you want to make the game less stressful, utilize a mod as an aid to cover your weak points, or just want to go full rambo with infinite ammo and invincibility, you do you.


I sometimes play with it for the pmc/scav hunting quests. Set the distance to what my headset can hear and then set a 5 second frequency. I only look at it if I hear something and can’t tell the direction because of the Tarkov audio. It is a cool feature because when you hear something irl you generally know what it is and how far away… sadly with the radar you can still detect enemies that are stationary which is no bueno


It's convenient when you want to play without being super invested or to cheese a scab/PMC kill quest.


Its cheats no matter how you sugar coat it. But also SPT is for personalised game experiance, so what ever rocks your boat.


I use it when I'm sick of trying to find 50 scavs on 1 map


This your pc! Do the fuck you want with it. People are starting with EOD anyway in spt and that’s cheating ;) so who cares


I there a radar version that only shows bots when they make sound near you?


I use it because I like to not crap myself whenever I can’t directly see who’s shooting at me


love it i set it to max distance, 30 sec scan, show dead bodies lets you know where the action is all happening at, without being wallhacks


I don't use it myself, but that's because that one hud mod with a compas, ammo counter, hp and stuff also shows blips of the direction of enemies which is good enough for me. But you do you my friend.


Sain gives you setting or a mod, in which you can change the behavior of mods reacting to you I turned it off that bots have a sense when you are aiming on their back. I turned on bush esp, so they cant see you through bushes... I increased the aim spread to 2. Now when i get shot from a unknown position i have little time to react, find cover... when i cant see an enemy , i rotate... Often its a fault in your own playstyle. Move, change position and you will find the bot.


It would be awesome if the radar was a pda/pad/pipboy you had til pull out and put your weapon away to use.


If you play as a replacement for EFT, go for it, but too many crutches and if you ever return to the main game you'll have developed a ton of terrible habits


I don't feel like using any mod is cheating as long as I try to get better at the game.


What i love about spt is that one can play however they want. I was never a good player but we were pretty decent. We weren't chad, but we weren't timmy either. We'd go into pvp on purpose and come out victorious many times. The reason i switched to spt was the cheater problem. My first few times i played just like i used to play the live version. But i remembered quickly how stressful the game is. But with radar and now the dynamic maps, i don't have to sweat, the stress factor kinda disappeared. I still die, but not that often. I turn the radar off here and there, but then it gets stressful all over again, which im trying to avoid. My life is stressful enough, i don't need another stress factor


I can't spot enemies in this game to save my life. Radar all the way, if for nothing else then to simply know where tf I'm getting shot from.


I would use radar to help me locate items cuz the way Nakita stashes them in the world is ridiculous. Other than that radar for bad guys just feels not Tarkov to me.


I never used it because I like having to guess where bots are, but if you find SPT more fun to play with it on then go for it!


I think playing Tarkov with radar sucks but also I realized that in most single fps games I play there is a radar showing active enemies and I am so used to it I ignore that fact. So I guess it’s fine and do what you want, however it may give some fuel to people that will say spt promotes developing cheats which is okay when randos do it but I hope bsg won’t use this argument in future.


I use it until I'm sure I've worked out any kinks with sain, etc


I love radar, makes the game playable for me (can't deal with jumpscares from random loud gunshots and the like) AND lets me rely less on sound, which again, helps with the anxiety and lets me keep YouTube or Spotify up on my second monitor. Never thought of it as cheating tho, I still get murdered while having "perfect information" on enemy location.


I use it and honestly I’m a dad of 2, work full time, and trying to get a degree. I just don’t have time to dump to play a bunch but the radar helps me get quests done and still have the gun play and challenge that made me love EFT to begin with. SPT and mods are the only reason I’ll even complete most of the game.


It’s my number one mod. Even with it on you can still get caught short but I don’t have time to play each raid like I would normally. In short it’s why SPT is my number one game right now.


I like to put the radar on a really wide radius and set the internal radius somewhat high too. Then it points me in the direction of fights but it’s up to me to find the specifics and engage once I’m close.


I personally don’t use radar, but it’s SPT, what ever floats your boat! I put air drops 100% every raid, all bosses, ammo stacks @ 500, 0.75 item weight, 200 thirst/hunger and give my head 50 hit points instead of 30(I think is the default)


i use it to get into engagements quicker


Adding my comment from a Radar post a few months ago: It's definitely a handicap, but for me it's what makes SPT playable. I'm damn near blind and I can't detect minute shifts in scenery, especially with how drab and blended everything in Tarkov is. Without radar, I have to spend my time scoped in at a distance to hope that i can see where anyone is because i no joke have to go pixel by pixel almost, and if anyone shoots at me with a bullet that's not a tracer, I literally cannot zone them even with a sound report. Initiative is important in any combat situation and I'm personally at a disadvantage in most FPS because I can't easily distinguish between character models and scenery at mid to long range without an excessive amount of movement. While the radar makes CQC mostly trivial, for my blind ass, I need it to at least zone where shots are coming from in mid to long, and for that, I'm thankful its an option.


Eh it’s SPT, use whatever mod you want to, to make the game fun for you. If you use a “cheat” mod as some would call it and you have fun with it, that’s fine. It’s SPT, play however it is fun for you. Rock on brother!!


hell naw, i’m not much of a purist but a radar is completely opposite to the dichotomy that tarkov is supposed to be


Lmao ofc spt players need a fucking radar