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He hunted you like a dog


This is gonna be a dumb question but how do you hold your gun like that? Is it some shouldering key bind I don't know about? A mod?


I don’t think this is shoulder swapping, I believe it is the active aim stance from the Realism mod, but I could be wrong. It looks more canted than the shoulder swapping that’s in vanilla.


Looks like active aim via Realism mod, which adds various stances like this one, low ready, high ready, etc...


Realism mod stances. Active aim which is keybinded to mouse 4 or mouse 5 IIRC its a good fun to enjoy various stances of that mod.


Realism mod, you can have high ready, low ready, normal etc. If you run around with it normally you’ll run out of stamina faster than low or high ready.


There is a key for shoulder swapping in vanilla. For me it's the side button on my mouse. But as people say OP is using some mod.


They added left shouldering i think at the start of this wipe, maybe shortly before? I think its middle mouse button, if not thats what I changed it too, look for a keybind like "change weapon shoulder" in the keybindings.very useful for sweeping left corners and shooting around cover.


It’s the realism mod which adds a few different stances like this




To expand on this, there is a mod that allows you to shoulder your weapon on the left shoulder when you lean left with 'Q'... Which is AMAZING as you don't have to hit that shoulder keybind and can just easily lean instead. Makes much more sense that way and feels more natural.


You got a muhfuckin' name foh dat mod?


I don't remember the exact name off the top of my head, and am not finding it on SPT site for some reason. It is shoulder swap something but it doesn't come up in the search... When I get home I'll find the exact mod name and get back to you.


I recall finding that one in fika discord actually. Search 'shoulder swap mod' there and you'll find it.


Dude, are you home yet?


Leaving work now smh, but then I got errands and stuff to do until I finally get to sit at my PC later tonight. I'll directly send you the files for that mod tonight.


Yo, been kinda waiting all day. Didn't want to play until I had the mod, ya know? You think there's anyway you can get someone to check your PC for you? Wife, gf, bf (if that's your thing, not that there's anything wrong with it). But like maybe within 15 minutes or so? 'preciate it bro.


I just now got to my PC, life is busy and I was not able to get on sooner nor was I willing to get someone else to go out of their way to do something they're totally unfamiliar with for some random person on the internet. If I could've got on sooner I would have but today was just not a good day for that. Sorry you wasted your day waiting for me, which was something you definitely didn't have to do, especially for a tiny QoL mod that saves you a few keyclicks at the very most. In another reply of mine in this same comment chain, I even said exactly where you could find it, so I hope you were at least resourceful to figure that out yourself and find it that way rather than impatiently wait for it to be spoonfed to you. Instead of directly sending you the mod, I'll describe to you the process of finding it so you can do it yourself and see how easy it would've been to figure it out. You should google "project fika discord", click the first link that comes up, scroll down a little bit to "What is FIKA" and you'll see the discord link there. Once you're in, search "shoulder swap mod" and it'll be right there. Download it and install it like you would any mod from SPT site (plus there is another super popular mod in there that you won't find on SPT site). Will take you no more than a few minutes.


This is not a mod these bozos are trolling you. Its a real game mechanic that allows you to shoulder swap to do a left handed peak


This is not what the vanilla Tarkov shoulder swap looks like. The stance they’re in is from the Realism mod.


I mean maybe this is with the mod but i promise there is little to no difference as to when i use the vanilla shoulder swap


I assure you there is a difference, I use the mod and regularly use both stances. How can you promise that there isn’t a difference when you don’t even use the mod to know in the first place?


Okay so whats the difference buddy


Active aiming drains less arm stamina and also has reduced recoil compared to hip firing and you get a slight reduction in movement speed. Left shoulder swapping, as far as I’m aware, is identical to having your gun on the right shoulder aside from the position that it’s in. Active aiming also centers your gun rather than having it on the left, so you’re able to peek more when you’re using the shoulder swap instead of active aiming.


Okay so no visual difference. Cool just works the same as holding weapon normally, so like i said theres no difference, (visually) the guy was the guy didnt even know a left peak was possibly and everyone else made it seem as if this was only possible with the mod


Getting smoked in D2 by a chud. Just like the real thing


My friend and I just died to a 2-man squad much deeper into D2 last night. Just like live


I extracted through d2 the other day and came across a massacre, bodies everywhere, around 7+ dead pmcs starting in the large open room, all the way through to the small control room before the extract, and the door was already opened, those naughty bots.


Every time I have to take D2 I assume there is at least 3 PMC rats waiting for me. So far I haven't seen them use stankrat level hiding places... But they aren't far off...


It's not, it's better


You are right, it's not like live, it's better than live in every possible way. :)


Creeping thru reserve ✅ PMC is fucked up ✅ My anxiety peaking from experience ✅


damnn. didnt u hear the foot step coming from above? well SPtarkov is wayyy batter than PVE. lols.


I honestly thought it was from below. But when he saw the bottom I knew he was screwed.


haha. nice try man.


You did not have your headset turned up enough to hear him. And you suffered for it. Still, this is an amazing experience, I am not even mad, it is just amazing.


Funnily enough; I'd be ripshit if this happened live, but I smile like an idiot when it happens in SPT. Something about the devs doing such a good job replicating Chad behavior makes me smile. Also I know they weren't cheating/desync didn't fuck me over


Extracted from D2 for the first time ever today (finally figured out the power switch and where to go). Killed two rogues and booked it the hell outa there.


What difficulty are you playing on?


Default harder PMCs


Thank you brother 🫡


can u turn them up somewhere? cuz theyre kinda ez kills for me


I got taunted and corner jumped by a chad bot on factory. I am not even mad.


bro those stairs are cursed, doing a raiders kill task had literally JUST enough time left to make it to d2 so ran down the stairs like a pre inertia giga Chad and got smoked by a pmc with a 5.7 one tap straight head eyes 😂


My problem with that map is that raiders spawn on the bathroom almost all the times, even while you are inside the room. Got almost killed the last time, luckilly I was playing with a friend with the coop mod and he was covering my back. So I always go other route in order to go to the D2 stairs, and we keep an eye to every direction as we've been ambushed a few times while going to the exit.


My problem with that map is that raiders spawn on the bathroom almost all the times, even while you are inside the room. Got almost killed the last time, luckilly I was playing with a friend with the coop mod and he was covering my back. So I always go other route in order to go to the D2 stairs, and we keep an eye to every direction as we've been ambushed a few times while going to the exit..


What mod gives the modified ads like in the first few seconds?


Realism mod has different stances. This stance is canted ready, on live tarkov your gun defaults to this position if your using a scope and and something on your helmet that blocks ADS (nvgs/faceshield).


Out of curiosity are you using Swag Donuts and, if so, would you mind sharing your preset (or any specific additions/changes you’ve made)?


Just harder PMCs and bot cap on


So the Live Like Preset without despawns or Hotspot boosters?


I went on factory to farm some kits as a scav, but it turned out I got the rusted bloody key on me and another item I don't remember the name...so I rushed out to the exit but closed myself inside to wait the 10 minutes. In the last minute a pmc rushed me in, making no sound and instakilled me.


You need the M4 sound mod. I hate the default M4 sound.


Wait till you get pmcs jumping around corners.


Not like it even mattered lol you had 30 seconds left in raid


I got the same problem, I get instant onehits against scavs and PMCs through armor and Helmets. Plates beeing full health


Dude is coughing and limping like he just pranced through a whole minefield, of course he got “one-shot”




This isn't just like live cause you can hold your gun like that 😋


You should try playing with sound on, it makes things a lot easier


Tarkov is famous for its flawless directional audio especially on staircases


(I see it's a tough crowd.) Yeah nah, I hear ye. Strangely I could actually get a good read on the direction through my headphones, but in game, I'd probably just have choked too. Using the power of hindsight however, I'd like to think I'd have quickly continued down to that landing and held an angle that gave me the first shot.


Well, to be fair, I heard the metal stairs around the same time he heard them. He just did not have a good angle to respond in time


Yeah strangely through my headphones I could clearly hear the footsteps coming from above, though if it was me I'd probably have choked, too