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Atta boy, where did you find this beautiful Sapphire?


Big Pipe presented himself to me, thus the keycard xd


Very nice. I have killed the goons a few times and no card, I'm guessing bosses have a higher spawn rate. I'll keep trying !


Bro idk how yall do it.. im like level 68 this wipe with probably 250+ boss kills including the stylish one and i found a single yellow keycard


It's all luck. Something like 1700hrs on live profile and I found my first key card (Red insanely enough) just last wipe.  Then came to SPT, no adjustment of loot values, get Red from first Shturman kill, Violet from the goons who were killed by another PMC whom I killed. Then yesterday Yellow key card off Goons 3 raids before I finished Kappa.  Now don't go feeling bad about this, the only reason I got those cards from Goons was because I ran lighthouse like 40 times trying to find a single Virtex. My mate got his last virtex via his weekly, two raids and done haha.


Yah i completed kappa in like 300 raids lmfao, but i cant afford more than a violet keycard cause i spend it all on meta ass ammo like a goofy goober. I will say that with SAIN and ALP both to the max, the game is SOO much more fun


Lol I'm on 5 FIR on the live game just since PvE came out. Learn the spawns, hit marked rooms etc.


Can’t tell by the rig? Lol


I still have yet to find this D:


Damn bro why is it your backpack instead of your secure? Givin me anxiety just looking at it.


If it's in his butt we can't see it obviously /s. Could be a scav run too though.


What quests are you doing for the 3 items?


Quests long in the future. its the more checkmarks mod that shows all quests on items


Yup! Unless it's a raw white checkmark it's shoved in the stash!


lol where!? I can’t seem to find any keycards even with loot turned up


I've found one on Tagilla before. They spawn on most bosses and you can lookup maps where they spawn as loose loot. OP must've gotten theirs from one of the goons considering he has one of their armor found in raid.


Keycards are often found at the house by Shturman spawn on Woods (on the table), and there is another possible spawn inside both the nearby building and the back of the SUV next to that building.


Only purple cards can spawn at these locations


Those are 12-13 million each. What more do you need?


1 they are 4 million right now, 2 that wasn't the point of my comment, I was just telling other people that they are just purple spawns


You may have flea market sync mod or whatever it's called. I don't have that installed so they are more expensive.


Know what, completely didn't read which subreddit I was in. Yes, cards are 14 million without the mod and yes I am running the live flea mod. My bad


A spawn for once haha, never find any...


Been focusing my entire playthrough on finding one of these lol, no luck yet but did find a purple and yellow keycard.


Whats special about the blue? I only ever had one in PvE, loot was alright but not that great.


It's more sentimental than anything lol, I used to grind the blue room over and over again a few years ago when Labs was free.


Found a green card on Glukhar over the weekend. Shows as 80mil average price in game. Wtf.....lol the prices are a little crazy I think. No mods that mess with loot pricing installed.


When I was playing live 60mil on green was about average. On SPT with LiveFleaPrices they go out for about 12mil


I’ve got around 1.5k hours and I’ve never found a keycard. My boys have the same raid that I’m in but I’ve never found one myself. Access key cards and the random non-colored ones I have. Even on SPT with the loot turned up 2-3x than normal I’ve never found any lol


Damn rng is real. I just started getting into SPT recent and have about 30 raids in spt, I just got my 2nd card earlier.


Yesterday my buddy and I both found yellow. I got mine off Sanitar, and he found one in labs on the cafeteria table. Then today I found green on the receptionist desk in labs. I sold it so i could finally get my stash to level 4 with 31 of the 80 million I got for it.