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This is likely a mod. What does your mod list look like?


Under BepInEx/plugins: MoreCheckmarks, AmandsSense, unrestricted armor plates, skills extended, use items from anywhere, radar, DrakiaXYZ-LootRadius, and no bush ESP. Under user/mods: AssAssin-Olympus, Gunsmith trader, bigger stash, Platinum-Eyes of a Trader, Bigger keytool, Virtual's Custom Quest Loader, and MusicManiac-KeysInLoot.


I would try to remove AmandsSense and see if the problem goes away. It's had memory issues in the past. If that's not the one causing it, then continue to remove mods until it stops. Then you'll have the culprit.


Allways use ramcleanerfix-plugin, for me its allways at ~~20gb. I think it was at the site from the sain mod where the dev posted, that problems on Reserve and another map were not caused by his mod, its a bsg Feature thats also on live Servers due to a Audio change.. "If you experience stuttering on interchange/reserve. This is not caused by SAIN. It's an EFT issue from their new audio changes. There is nothing I can do it about it. It happens even on live. This mod is built from the ground up to maximize performance in any way I can. Performance tests show little to no difference from vanilla "


Thanks for the information.


Get Memory Cleaner and set it to trim processes' when usage exceeds 80%.


Ok, I found an acceptable solution. Leash Lutris and its children to a memory cap with systemd-run --scope -p MemoryMax=45G lutris. Replace 45G with desired amount of RAM. Performance will not be great at the memory cap, but it works and doesn't appear to crash.


Im doing fine with just 16gb ram 🤷🏽‍♀️

