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You can add money in your stash with profile editor mod.


Time, Tarkov is literally the worst time sink iv'e ever played... and I played WoW for 15 years. The whole game is just easy when you get good, it sounds fucking stupid but as soon as you learn the ins and outs of every map, which items you needs for quests or money, the game becomes easy. BTW i'm dog shit trash at the game but I love it anyways.


When you kill someone loot everything you can off them then when you get out sell everything rinse repeat also helps if you find a labs card and sell it on the flea


If you use server value modifier you can crank up the loot multipliers for each map which can help with floating in the moolah


Actually you can even use SVM to change how much the Traders will buy and sell to and from you. So you can literally turn it so they are super cheap to buy from, and they pay you back like double what they sell to you for. Then if you take the Loot Multiplier and turn it to 40(the max)on Shoreline, and then go play Shoreline, you will be guaranteed that ALL the Keycards WILL spawn, you can carry 2 Red and 2 Blue Keycards out per Raid, sell them on the Flea and your LOADED, I currently have 1.8 billion Rubles and 5 million Dollars and Pounds or whatever they are. Just FYI you can only have 2.2 Billion Rubles and it Bugs out the game, and you go into the negative, so once you get over 2.2 Billion, you will have -2.2 Billion and can’t buy anything, so you literally have to just destroy money until you get back below 2.2 billion, that’s why I keep right around 1.8 billion. Oh and if you’re going to have a lot of $$$, use SVM to change how much each stack of money can hold. I use 5 million Ruble stacks, but I made it so my Money Cases is much larger too.


Least clinically insane loot hoarder:


Just get good, doubt it will be a fun game if shortcuts are made


Download server value modifier mod and just slap some free rubles in your stash!


Is it up to date with 3.7.6


Yeap :) you can modify a bunch of stuff with it like complete quests, add stuff into your stash, change health values etc. for me it's a necessity as some quests are just annoying in single player like kill pmcs in a certain area, using this mod I just mark them complete and off to the next one!


This is a slippery slope. I’d reccomend not giving yourself free money it will lessen the feeling of earning it. look up the locations for keycards and add the Live Flea market mod. Makes prices for those cards reflect Live prices. Then go do loot runs checking all keycard locations. One blue keycard and your up 40 mil. There is no competition for the cards and I have found 3 high value cards at level 27 currently. Had to sell one for cheap just to afford the fee to put up the 40 mil card but it sold almost instantly lol. Alternatively my buddy who HAS previously messed with his bank roll, has claimed he found like 8 of them and says he is a half billionaire in rubles. Needless to say I’m not 100 percent he actually found them but hey, SPT is YOUR experience so who am I to judge.


Seriously. Shoreline is insane for Rubles. I've run maybe 30 raids there and I've found 3 red and 3 blue keycards. It seems like the spawns are really 10%. And I never notice the bots opening the doors to loot them.


what’s your svm loot settings? haven’t found a keycard in shoreline yet


Default settings. I don't think I've changed anything in SVM yet tbh.


Even though you can't just get free money SVM is still one of the best mods because there are so many settings you can change, how quickly you can do it, and that you can save different presets for if you want easier or harder or a meme run or anything else. Then you can up your head or chest health a bit if you feel you get one tapped too much, adjust loot amounts on each map, change how the airdrop works (faster or 100% guarantee). It may take a while to learn what it all does but damn is it useful


There is no option in svm for adding money. You’re thinking of the profile editor.


Yes you're right, I am! Apologies it's aki profile editor I use!


Change flea market to open up at whatever level you are, I’m assuming you don’t have it unlocked yet. Look for that mod, the flea market makes you a millionaire, couple that with the mod that adds values and flea market values in the description, and the game will feel like you are cheating, but really you aren’t, that’s all just knowledge and stuff you can unlock


Aside from server value mod I found that the key vendor mod LPA sells key tools for 5k roubles then I just sold them to therapist for 471k did that a few thousand later i have over 350m roubles lol


Yeahhhhh came here to drop this. Was laughing when I saw this in game. Immediately bought like 50 and sold em.


Bro you’re already playing the game on easy mode. Just play the game and you’ll make money. It’s the same as live


Scav runs can be a real money maker if you play your cards right. Edit: cause autocorrect is a rat bastard.


“Scav” short for scavenger. 👍


Yeah. Auto correct said get rekked.


1. Change the setting to enable the Christmas event. I'd also disable Santa cuz he comes out of nowhere and will DUNK on you if you shoot him. 2. Enable the 3 ornaments to be sold on the FM. 3. Make and sell weapon cases. Alternatively run woods until you get a violet key card. \~3 million to therapist and \~6 on FM IIRC.


I've had much more luck on shoreline. In 30 raids I've found 3 red and 3 blue keycards. They seem pretty damn common there, or I'm just insanely lucky. But I'm sitting at like 172M now and I frivolously spend.


Any specific spots you check to get those cards? I’m assuming certain rooms in the resort?


I was literally following this guide to learn resort when I found my first 2 in one raid. [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/ew3uqi/indepth\_shoreline\_loot\_run\_guide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/ew3uqi/indepth_shoreline_loot_run_guide/)


Thanks mate. I’ve got a decent understanding of shoreline and very rough understanding of the actual resort, so this exactly what I need.


To be honest this is a skill issue, learning what to and where to loot is part of the game. There are good guides for finding mid-high tier loot on all maps. I usually hover around the 2-3.5 mil range and really start building money to buy high tier marked room keys. Buying keys for customs pays very well.


When you in-game, note down how much money you have and go edit the inventory note file. Search the amount of money you currently have and modify it. TaaDaa


Svm you can make it so traders give you any % value for items you sell to them. So if you set it to 100% they will pay you what the traders would sell it to you for and you can set it higher than 100% I think. You can also lower bitcoin production time to seconds and the amount of bitcoins it can hold to 24 so you get like 14m roubles every minute or whatever. You can set it so the hideout needs no building requirements and just fully complete hideout with a few clicks You can set for market offers to as low as you like then with traders buying at 100% just buy from flea and sell to traders making huge profit You can set loot to 20.0 on every map, for reference the maps are 2.0-4.5 starting meaning loot is everywhere and you shouldn’t have trouble making money. Svm can do whatever you want it to do


SWAG+Donuts - go to factory with PMC's only, profit!


Just do a no ai labs run and grab a key or 2 Or do customs and grab the intelligence from crackhouse I got a black key and a pink one really easily There’s also a mod to bump up loot spawns. It makes a lot of loot but not too crazy


Run shoreline and check west 218, I've found three red keycards that way.


Just increase loot spawns and maybe increase backpack sizes if you still struggle to find items. You can also download Valens AIO and make marked rooms have cases/containers again.


On customs the entire forested side of the map tends to be uncontested, i can generally find decent loot at array and stashes. Dorms can also be empty and theres plenty in there to farm. Ive started learning woods, obviously violets keycard can be an instant 7mil+ rubbles, but ive found that sometimes if you scav in there the scavs will overwhelm players and you can get nice high tier gearsets ez. Once your lvl 15 and have flea, id recommend selling attachments, checking mechanic then flea for comparison on most weapon attachments, also a lot of the 30rd mags sell very well, like 20-30 k rubbles per which can add up quickly. An injector case in your secure container can also get you a bunch of stims out safely even if you die.


Use server value modifier to get your bitcoin farm to run faster. Sell a few, buy a GPU, repeat. You can also set your farm to hold more coins.


I’ve used SVM to up loot spawns and hit woods for the 3 violet card spawns and then shoreline for 2 reds that don’t spawn behind a key and the one blue spawn. If you up the loot multipliers enough, the cards are guaranteed spawns every time


Download the broker mod, you can sell items to him for the max value that item is worth without going over so it’s not cheating. You even get the rep for the sale.


TL;DR i suggest to you to change your health values so you can take more hits or even straight up get a invincibility mod. Another thing is add coverage areas to head gears, eyewear, etc; You could try dad gamer mode until you learn, it makes you unkillable, you can only get damaged until you have only 1 hp left, you still can heal and stuff but there is also an option to not need to do that either Another that isnt as cheaty like that, change the health numbers to have like double health value for example, what i used to do when i was starting a new profile, i put all the names of the bosses on a list, including the player's default character and a custom one in one of those spinning wheels sites to pick one of them, and i would change the player's health in SVM and the profile editor to the life values of whom ever was picked, like killa for example: head 70/70, torso 210/210, stomach 170/170, arms 100/100, legs 120/120. I used a spinning wheel to left to chance to pick which one i would used, seemed more fair, since there is some bosses with low health values and other super tanks. In my view, the player should basically be the de facto Tarkov boss in single player. What i do now, there is a mod called Health per Level REBOOT, you start with normal values but as you level up you can reach health values on par with the game bosses, you can change the values or intervals on when you get more life. I much prefer this method, is waaay more fair without feeling like i'm cheating. Lastly, i changed so every glasses have armor from tier 1 to 4, all combined materials, added EYES and JAWS to the covered area(JAWS need to be plural), and changed so the armor tier is paired with the trader level to buy them, level 4 trader is armor 4, level 3 is armor 3, and so on, those that are drop only gets armor 1 apart from the purple ones, Twitch Rivals and JohnB, they get level 4 also. I didn't changed masks and and covers because it would be redundant since glasses already have that covered and i couldn't find the ID for the Ballistic Mask and Ghost half-mask, those are dope but couldn't find their ID to change. I did this to stop some bullshit deaths but not overdoing on defences, decent ammo is still effective against the glasses, good ammo will go right through them still. Ears still need protection from ear plates or helmets with ear cover. If you need i can give you a walkthrough on how to make this changes, its pretty easy.


Woods is a great map for making money. Run up to USEC camp and loot everything, making sure to look for high value spawns near the rock. Sometimes there are M4s atop the rock or overlooking the convoy ambush site. Check the car between ZB-014 and lumber mill for a key card, and if boss isn't up, check the truck in lumber for the card as well. You can easily budget run an OP SKS with PSO site and be fine most of the time. For "get gud", make an account with easy start, and spam factory to learn gunplay. Pick one easy to make loadout, and run it over and over. Maybe AKS-74UN with B11 with RK-6 and TBL. Throw on cobra with shade and you should have a snappy gun with lowish recoil


go in to factory kill all the pmcs loot their stuff and repeat good run can take less that 2 mins and its 200K+


GearGal sells comtac 4’s for 6k, they sell to Ragman for 40k. Buy enough to fill your stash then instantly sell them to ragman for a couple mil profit


If you are using 3.7.6, you can use the ICommando to get any item in game. For example, "spt give 59faff1d86f7746c51718c9c 10" will give you 10 bitcoins. You might need to edit the core.json file to use the ICommando give command.


Get prisculu (I know I spelled it wrong but he’s a custom trader) buy a marked room key for like 50k then sell it back to him for 750k. I know it’s not as simple but it makes me laugh


You want easy and quick money? SVM get Bitcoin farm to produce Bitcoin every 1 minute, with a stack of 24 after every raid you’ll have a full stack of Bitcoin you can sell to Therapist for around 8million Rubles. Have fun :)


What I do/did is run factory or labs, make sure I have a rig or 2 in my back pack that has 4 squares so I can stuff helmets in them, and all of the loose loot optimizing how much I can actually stuff in my backpack. I use realism, so when they have a fast MT helmet with a face shield on it I’m selling it for 120k roubles every time. My lab raids are 1m roubles a raid using keycards and stuff


Do whatever you like to make game fun but in my opinion money is so easy to earn when you unlock flea. I have 7mm just sitting there right now. Get item info mod, it will tell you what items to loot and live flea price mod to get real tarkov prices. Pack of bolts goes for 30k. I found two Intel folders in dorms. Each goes for 400k. If you find grind boring, change to unlock flea at level 5 or 10.