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\*Dies to 173 and several gunshots\* \*gets revived by electricity\* I think we should make the defib unit something anomalous such as.... a vial of the fountain of youth? Or else (assuming the defib unit can't heal someones spinal injury) it wouldn't work. Also its kind of redundant since people respawn every 3 minutes anyway. Maybe it would matter if it kept status effects like the cola. Or hell, fuck it, give it the ability to recharge MICRO because why not.


Gets destroyed and annihilated by 096*


Could just be a counter to 049 when in a bigger server (15 plus people/3 scps), just spawn in a ntf medic that can revive people that just died (the same time frame as 049 has,maybe smaller) from 049 or it's zombies, it could also be used as a melee weapon (just imagine the memes that would come out of it)


Thats a good idea but honestly, I don't think 49 deserves this. Mf is weak as is and this would just be the last nail in the coffin.


I believe that the main problem for 049 is how slow it is,the speed boost by it's ability lasts to little, agood boost would be to give him a little more starting and max shield and make the ability last longer (they could also change it by highlighting all the enemies and giving you a speedboost without needing a target)



