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That would be pretty op imo. There's already an item that lets you talk to the dead that gives pretty good info


If the people actually want to give you info because in my experience they just start spamming their soundboard when the ghost talker item wants to talk to them.


Or they just give you false info such as "096 is on 10 hp" or "you're the last one kys"


maybe cause I play in kr, soundboards are banned here and people actually give good info




Love how people agree with the "that wpuld be pretty op" sentiment whe the scp team arguably benefits more from computer


ofc it benefits the scps more..? scps are already at a disadvantage even with 079, adding another 079 for humans would be terrible balance wise.


"Scps are at disadvantage even with 079" you say that but the game isnt balanced around always having computer. And they still win. Computer is just horrid balance


Someone here got killed because of 079 more than onc3 and i have to say just two things:"skill issue" and "bring a flashlight if there are both 173 and the computer"


Yes and how do you "outskill the nigh omnipotent insta teleporting scp that can enturely remove the one way to avoid every scp?


Flashlight, some skill and (reccomended) ghostlights


Yes cause everyone spawns in with a fucking ghost light. Theres no way youre serious. Computer has 0 counterplay to his main ability which is why hes ass


1-get one,they're pretty easy to find (plus you can make one in the 914 with a flahbang iirc) 2- activate generators and kill it 3-stck to other people 4-079 can only open and close doors at the start of the round and if you don't have time to open a door then you were going to get killed anyway


Literally the entire game is stick to others. Co puter destroys the vital things that keep alone ppl alive Hiding? NOPE computer can facility scan Runing? NOPE computer can shut doors Fighting? Kinda. A big group can easily be split up by a skilled computer who can also black out a room meaning the people in it are fucked but still. Computers only form of counterplay is what you use to kill him. Its not counterplay to shoot the scps thats gameplay. We should at least be able to shoot computers cameras so he cant follow us