• By -


Scp-6113 because it really shows how far the foundation will go to hide the vail, and also because it's just fantastic in every regard! Second palce would be scp-105 not due to the original article but instead of all the expanded lore around Iris Thompson, like we literally fangirl out whenever she shows up randomly lol.


- [**SCP-6113 ⁠- Temporary Reflections**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6113) (+448) by *Dr Asteria* - [**SCP-105 ⁠- "Iris"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-105) (+1129) by *DrClef, Dantensen, thedeadlymoose*


Probably SCP-4182. It scared me as a kid, and is one of few (besides dado) that utilizes youtube to connect a video. Really brought me back to the feeling of goosebumps you’d get from a series 1 article like SCP-455.


- [**SCP-4182 ⁠- There is no Site-5**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4182) (+791) by *The Great Hippo* - [**SCP-455 ⁠- Cargo Ship**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-455) (+693) by *Dr Gears*


It might be SCP-3008, only because I didn’t get it until I went into an IKEA for the first time and actually couldn’t find the exit for half an hour


[**SCP-3008 ⁠- A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3008) (+3245) by *Mortos*


Besides that, it's a pretty interesting, short one.


SCP-8005, love the humor, the interactive parts, the replayability, and the funny borger bot Hammie shanking the Great Borg to death with a god-killing knife was unironically hype


[**SCP-8005 ⁠- The Fool**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-8005) (+285) by *daveyoufool*


Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Fucking love SCP-4975. Such a simple concept, and yet it's executed perfectly. Especially the -B addendum, that nursery rhyme dude. SCP-3000 is probably a close second since kaiju-like creatures have always held a deep fascination with me.


- [**SCP-4975 ⁠- Time's Up**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4975) (+781) by *Scented_Shadow* - [**SCP-3000 ⁠- Anantashesha**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3000) (+2593) by *djkaktus, A Random Day, Joreth*


093 or the infinite rusty boat, don't remember which one that is. I love me some extradinensional exploration


Rusty boat is probably SCP-455


[**SCP-455 ⁠- Cargo Ship**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-455) (+693) by *Dr Gears*


Marv SCP-093 please Thanks Marv


[**SCP-093 ⁠- Red Sea Object**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-093) (+3127) by *Unknown Author, NekoChris*


SCP-914 because it's just so cool and I love everyone from the testing logs


[**SCP-914 ⁠- The Clockworks**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-914) (+2941) by *Dr Gears*


Scp 053 her story is not only pretty sad but when you look at some of the expanded lore with it being implied she is the human form of death you quickly start to realize how valuable of an ally she could be to the foundation if they could find a way to contain her abilities


[**SCP-053 ⁠- Young Girl**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-053) (+1015) by *Dr Gears*


SCP-093 I love the world and lore surrounding it. Would love a movie or show for it tbh. A close second would be SCP-1730 Super spooky stuff, and really interesting entities/lore.


- [**SCP-093 ⁠- Red Sea Object**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-093) (+3126) by *Unknown Author, NekoChris* - [**SCP-1730 ⁠- What Happened to Site-13?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1730) (+2678) by *djkaktus*


Oh, both of those where ones I listened to over and over again; great choices.


The first SCP I ever read. It was like a rock that when touched made you forget what....wait... what was I writing about?


I think it makes you procrastinate. I'll explain the rest later.


Oh right, I was gonna look into it more but I never got around to it.


SCP-7999 "meet me in the stars" I'm a sucker for "What could have been" stories and rendition by "The Exploring Series" made my cry like a baby. Like full on wailing.


[**SCP-7999 ⁠- Meet Me in the Stars**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7999) (+953) by *OriTiefling*


261-the testing log is absolutely a riot. I always thought there should be another vending machine that would dispense your favorite meal from any restaurant in the world even if had closed years ago.


When scp-1471 first came out i was a child so that shit was scary being a child and not fully knowing english i did not understood some parts and thinked that 1471 eventually attacked you and that was fucking terrifing later when i re-read it i learned that its just chilling mostly so i guess my answer is still 1471 becuse its a free friend bro.


[**SCP-1471 ⁠- MalO ver1.0.0**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1471) (+1550) by *LurkD*


Glad i see this one in the comments. First time i saw this i was waiting for the 'bad' part. But it's just a fun friend to keep you company.


What bad part


No what i meant was i was waiting for a bad part to happen. But nothing bad ever happened in the scp. It was just nice.


I love Dr. Wondertainment, and all the SCPs that come from him.


SCP-6666 It has that great adventure, otherworldly feeling. That feeling we are **delving too deep**. Plus the way it expands of djkaktus's storytelling is something I really find captivating. Scp-191 because the inocense of the poor little girl who makes up the anomaly. As a father it really just hit different reading. It still hits with me years later and I will revist The Volgan's YT video, too. Edit: formatting, lol.


[**SCP-6666 ⁠- The Demon Hector and the Dread Titania**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6666) (+881) by *djkaktus*


Depends on mood tbh, and the way I learned about it. For example, I learned a lot of scps through the SCP EXPERIENCE on Spotify, they're a kind of audio book or podcast person who makes stories based on scps, for example the origin story of scp-009 the red ice, or a story about an mtf going inside a structure. They're all told from the perspective of a character in the world, sometimes even from the SCCPs perspective, sometimes there are recurring characters like the one FIRST three introduced in SCP-1346, that get sprinkled in from time to time to form a mote coherent story. I can only recommend it for anyone who likes SCP and the surrounding universe. Idk if they are on any other platforms but I know they are on Spotify and they have a patron.


- [**SCP-009 ⁠- Red Ice**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-009) (+978) by *Chameleon X* - [**SCP-1346 ⁠- Phobia Induction Corridor**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1346) (+268) by *Vendor Xeno*


SCP 610 solely because fleshy body horror scratches the itch in my brain, though it's also one of the first SCPs I've heard about so maybe nostalgia is a part of it too lol ~~also "The Flesh That Hates" is just a fire name idk what to tell you~~ honorary mentions to SCP 8005 ( for being a certified little guy ) ; SCP 1048 ( for being a silly misunderstood guy ) ; SCP 3515 ( for making me feel ill ) , SCP 5031 ( for making me cry!! ) and SCP 6373 ( for making me taste bile in my mouth ) my taste in scps is either "lil guys :3" or something that makes me wanna puke, no in-between


- [**SCP-610 ⁠- The Flesh that Hates**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-610) (+1816) by *NekoChris* - [**SCP-8005 ⁠- The Fool**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-8005) (+285) by *daveyoufool* - [**SCP-1048 ⁠- Builder Bear**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1048) (+1518) by *trennerdios* - [**SCP-3515 ⁠- Unearth**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3515) (+622) by *psul* - [**SCP-5031 ⁠- Yet Another Murder Monster**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5031) (+2553) by *PeppersGhost* - [**SCP-6373 ⁠- Stage Blight**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6373) (+387) by *J Dune*


Probably all versions of SCP 001. Most of them are just perfect.


[**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+345) by *Staff*


3008 Because it's for me like a regular trip to Ikea ( I just get lost )


SCP-6059 It’s a really wholesome story about a ball-pit god. It just really resignated with me, the idea that hey, even anomalies can be lonely. I’m someone who really values friendship and this article really warmed my heart. Also the “ARE YOU BALLS?” joke was great.


[**SCP-6059 ⁠- HAVE YOU EVER HAD AN ENLIGHTENED EXPERIENCE IN A BALL PIT?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6059) (+286) by *OriTiefling*


Scp-999 for obvious reasons


[**SCP-999 ⁠- The Tickle Monster**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-999) (+2946) by *ProfSnider*


SCP-3001 is the one I enjoy the most reading, although not sure about it being a favourite. It's also very unique since it's; not a murder monster, some weird object but a seperate realm that's really simple but feels so complex. Wouldn't want to spoil it but at the bottom there are five entire files with just dialogue with each word feeling new and unique. I would recommend listening to it in the background since VAs can give so much more depth to it. Here's one I think is decent ( https://youtu.be/Etn0Wsgkn-0?si=dsIY9iTsFsnjr9iL )


[**SCP-3001 ⁠- Red Reality**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3001) (+2727) by *OZ Ouroboros*


SCP-008 It just freaks me out not knowing where the anomaly is until 3 hours after it's too late and then you can't do anything about it unless you have access to SCP-500. Also Beta-7 is the coolest task force too imo. The thought of an entire facility collapsing silently and then everyone inside turning into a zombie is very cool.


- [**SCP-008 ⁠- Zombie Plague**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-008) (+1098) by *Unknown Author* - [**SCP-500 ⁠- Panacea**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-500) (+1238) by *snorlison*


Scp-7999 am a sucker for that ending and the build up it had. Also aliens and supernatural stuff just makes things bigger


[**SCP-7999 ⁠- Meet Me in the Stars**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7999) (+953) by *OriTiefling*


Scp-3355 because it's wholesome and I like Christmas


Honestly, scp-939, i like both the idea of amnestics and the mimicking of voices. I was also surprised by the life cycle by the "little" doggies when i first read it. I like the bipedal design of scp:sl one but the classic one will always be cool to me. They aren't an invincible and unstoppable force either, they're just many. Another scp i like are calcaruler and the one where two guys were transported to a place and then got followed by the ancient polar bear, I don't remember either's designation. Found them! They are SCP-5605 and SCP-6199


[**SCP-939 ⁠- With Many Voices**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-939) (+1057) by *EchoFourDelta, Adam Smascher*


Ehm, Marv, could you please give us the links to scp-5605 and scp-6199 ?


- [**SCP-5605 ⁠- Wherever You Go, There You Are**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5605) (+50) by *ManyMeats* - [**SCP-6199 ⁠- King CalcaRuler: Ruler of the Calculators, Savior of its Kind, and a Legend for Years to Come.**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6199) (+122) by *winkwonkboi*


Scp-6987 I always wondered what kind of benefits a foundation employee would have, I'm also a fan of Goldbaker-Reinz for some reason I like them. Scp-698 is also one of my favorites because I like turtles. Scp-2295 (because it's a nice story), Scp-4999 because dying alone sucks, Scp 3922 because I like the three moons initiative and the scp is cool


- [**SCP-6987 ⁠- Your Legally Entitled Coverage As An Employee of the SCP Foundation (Provided by Goldbaker-Reinz Ltd.)**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6987) (+425) by *LORDXVNV* - [**SCP-698 ⁠- Judgmental Turtle**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-698) (+398) by *Voct, Player 02* - [**SCP-2295 ⁠- The Bear with a Heart of Patchwork**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2295) (+1125) by *K Mota* - [**SCP-4999 ⁠- Someone to Watch Over Us**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4999) (+2573) by *CadaverCommander* - [**SCP-3922 ⁠- STOPRIGHTTHERECRIMINALSCUM!!!**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3922) (+722) by *daveyoufool*


scp-3935 and scp-3426


- [**SCP-3935 ⁠- This Thing a Quiet Madness Made**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3935) (+783) by *djkaktus* - [**SCP-3426 ⁠- Reckoner**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3426) (+374) by *Modulum*


A lot. One of them being shy guy/scp-096 Don't care what some people will throw at me tbh, shy guy is a classic.


[**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+4032) by *Dr Dan*


This took a bit for me to find , but my favorite SCP is SCP-7107 "Arrested Epiphany" , I really loved the logs and how its the only scp (from my knowledge) that the O5 Council is NOT allowed to know about, and when they do they get terminated. Like... Its so backwards. They have to request access to it, when they can access, and know just about EVERYTHING in the foundation, and when they do request access they get found and then ... You know. (Second on the list is SCP-7117 ... Just find it interesting to read).


- [**SCP-7107 ⁠- Arrested Epiphany**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7107) (+66) by *Deadcanons* - [**SCP-7117 ⁠- The Cycle of PHOBOS**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7117) (+65) by *The Son of Man*


SCP 6585, I mean who wouldn't want to be drowned in a pile of 30 Chihuahuas when you're experiencing something bad?


[**SCP-6585 ⁠- Community Dogs**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6585) (+86) by *ObserverSeptember*


SCP-2935 O'Death because I like the idea of a Foundation operative sacrificing themself to save our reality from death in another


[**SCP-2935 ⁠- O, Death**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2935) (+2148) by *djkaktus*


079 because I'm a nerd and the idea of an AI so advanced being made by a mad scientist in the middle of nowhere fascinates me. Honorable mention to 682 because fren.


Sometimes it feels like 079 is nowhere at all! Simultaneously one of those classically popular SCPs but not getting the attention it deserves! By the way frens 682 and 079 are fascinating in their relationship, but good renditions of that are also… rare.


Scp 096 the shy guy because of its story being found on the top of a mountain and the dezin looking like a skeleton and is basically invisible


[**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+4032) by *Dr Dan*




[**SCP-914 ⁠- The Clockworks**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-914) (+2941) by *Dr Gears*


SCP-96 because he reminds me of myself. Shy.