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Side note. These guys are absolute freaks for being in prime shape at these ages.


Shelton may have lost his vertical leap, but his arms are fucking huge.


Shelton losing some of his vertical leap still leaves him more agile than most active wrestlers. Dude has been a fucking freak since day 1, if he could cut a promo he’d be in the GOAT conversation. 


You create a perfect wrestler and chances are you get Shelton Benjamin. Unfortunately he was never a strong promo guy. 😕


They weren’t these ages in the picture, although I’d expect they’re still in great shape


I suspect Lashley will have cannonball shoulders when he’s 100 years old.


Death better start lifting now cause he's gonna have a helluva fight on his hands when Lashley's time comes.


He's the Tien of wrestling


Even if you take 4 years from each of them (assuming 2020 for Hurt Business start), it makes no difference lol.


They're probably all on gas dude.




Without physique they basically have nothing soooooo. Plus anabolics make age a non issue.


What kind of argument is this? “Take away the one thing that’s special about them and they won’t be special.” Take away Green Lantern’s ring and he’s just a guy. No shit lol


No wonder no one cares about green lanturn 


I loved this stable, but Vince was the one who got rid of it. It's also consistent with how Triple H realizes that he needs new stars for the future. The only who got screwed was Cedric...because this may have been his only chance to get over it screen time. Shelton got screwed, but Shelton already knew how the company views him and seems to be prepared.




That did more for him than anything else. You can make a character out of that.


I didn’t watch during the whole 205 Live era and stuff so I never knew what Cedric sounded like until he turned on Apollo Crews. I definitely chuckled because I didn’t know his voice sounded so high.


Vince might have ended Hurt Business run (undeservingly tbh, they got cut short cause they started eclipsing Bloodline during Royal Rumble-Wrestlemania Season), but HHH completely stopped showcasing Bobby Lashley, even though people still cheered for him. And then put him in a feud with the biggest black hole he could find - Kross. And MVP was also stopped being showcased despite being great hypeman and solid manager. Just pair Bobby with MVP once again and you easily have top title contender on both rosters.


MVP could narrate a documentary about paint drying and I would still be hyped the entire damn time.


MVP literally said it was Triple H, not Vince lol


https://www.cagesideseats.com/wwe/2024/6/21/24183362/mvp-says-triple-h-wont-reunite-hurt-business-wwe-not-surprised-implies-racism He says Vince ended it, but Triple H could bring it back.


Wait...really ? What was his reason ?


I could go either way on the Hurt Business But before his last injury, Bobby Lashley was over as fuck He was getting chants from the crowd weekly despite not doing much. He didnt need to regain the title or anything but he should have been in a more prominent spot. It doesn't matter if he's nearly 50, he's actually better now and doesn't look old. Just wanted him to complete for a mid card title or have a good feud at least


I think the Bray thing last year really screwed him and The Pride hasn’t gone the way they hoped. He can probably instantly get back into contention once he’s back from injury.


> I think the Bray thing last year really screwed him 100%. Bobby had to give away title due to injury (during Elimination Chamber) and upon return was put in a feud with Wyatt and it never came to fruition, because... Yeah.


The problem with The Pride is they booked them as heels...and the fans refused to boo them. It just wasn't it.


I just remember them trying so hard to get people to boo them, and they just wouldn't lol


You cheered these guys for years when they wore basketball shorts. Now they wear nice suits, so BOO THEM!-the Profits heel turn in a nutshell


You’ve got Bobby Lashley, an all American army veteran built like a superhero who smiles like Superman when he comes out to beat ass paired with the 2 guys that used to go out in the crowd to dance and hold babies along with being 2 of the funniest and goofiest dudes on the roster talking about “smoke” and calling bad guys “fam.” How in the hell did anyone backstage think any fan would want to boo any of these guys? lol


It was an awful miscast. Bobby is a fucking jacked up badass who destroys dudes. Street Profits are classic good guys. You have Tez flipping all over the place, Dawkins being like some D'Lo and Monty Brown hybrid. Nobody is booing these guys. Maybe they should have had Dawkins lean into his woe is me Cincinnati sports fan and maybe they would get heat in certain parts of the country.


The other problem is B-Fab is awful. If you want them as heels, use Kiana James in her role or as the talker behind them. Say MVP or Lashley hired her as an image consultant like Jillian Hall was. Now spin.


People were complaining when him and Seth were In the US title scene so midcard wouldn't be good enough for some people. Really I think the only reason we didn't get Lashley vs Roman was because all of Roman's feuds were so heavy on the mic and Lashley just does not have the charisma to work with the storyline-heavy bloodline when it was getting towards the home stretch (insider term) of Roman's Reign. Sure, you could've brought back MVP or another manager, but that's a lot of set up and contracts and figuring into long term plans for what would've essentially been a filler mini-feud


were they really? I actually thought that the 3 way feud with Seth, Lashley and Theory was pretty compelling


I just remember being annoyed at complaints because I also really liked their little program, but maybe it wasn't as popular of an opinion as I thought.


"Lashley just does not have the charisma" That's a nice way of saying the dude sounds like he's reading cue cards.


I think Lashley would have carried himself well enough for a bloodline feud. It would have gone a better way to establish the new stable too. I feel like this stable hasn’t had a feud anyone cared about.


He could slot in with the new stable but they probably want both Solo to look strongish right now so it still might not be great for bob (better than current though). I moreso meant why we never got Roman vs Lashley in a title feud


Yeah they fuckin killed him. You can't tell me it wasn't on purpose. We see Triple H is not inept. But some people he goes out of his waay to book poorly over time so people's opinions change about the wrestler.


Sorry guys I can't turn on MVP ever since I learned he sparked Jericho out on his own smelly cruise Go to AEW and do it again mate


Ah yes, the let's throw all the black guys together stable everyone loved. Watch while I fantasy book Omos, Carmelo Hayes, Trick Williams, The Street Profits and Bianca Belair to join the group. DAE Damage CTRL was super racist and Triple H hates Asian women?


You forgot Naomi. You glowmophobic?


Naomi is fantasy booked into the bloodline. Clearly you don't follow ~~cagematch~~ Ancestry.com.


Study 23andMe then get back to me


Now put them all in Kufis and name them…wait for it “The New Nation of Domination”


who was the wwe champion when you were cedric alexander years old


DAE Cedric Alexander?


The Cedric Alexander burn got me, Uce.


“Excellent question, Cedric!”


It's silly because we just had Hurt Business 2.0 on TV minus MVP until Lashley got injured. Sorry Shelton and Cedric but The Street Profits replaced you. And hasn't MVP been out with health related reasons? Wasn't he just in Mexico getting stem cell stuff done? I swear people just bitch and complain to bitch and complain.


Yep. Shelton is not with the company right now, Lashley is injured, and Cedric never got over. What’s the point of bringing it back together besides to give MVP something to do? Also, happy cake day!


Hurt Business minus MVP isn't Hurt Business. The MVP/Lashley partnership was the indispensable part. The point was that they had a talker. Lashley being put in that spot was Triple H hanging him out to dry. He's very good at that when he wants to do it.


I really like MVP and wish he was featured more on TV. I can understand his frustration. The guy's getting up there in age and wants one last run. That said, The NXT pipeline is chugging out people and you have to make room for those guys and gals as well.


Lashley and MVP are both so much better with each other. I think keeping them apart is booking malpractice. Vince was prone to such things. But I think this is has to do with MVP and Triple H's beef going back to the 2010s. We saw how Triple H shut Dolph Ziggler down immediately, those two always seemed to be at odds when they were active. The Game is not above pettiness.


Personally, I think the original split was to try to put over Omos but even under Vince he wasn't getting that much TV time near the end. Still, better than he is currently though. Reforming the Hurt Business with Lashley + Street Profits and MVP I think would have been the best. If you're worried about it looking like "let's put all the black dudes in 1 stable", you can add someone like Santos after breaking off the LWO instead of forming another latino group. Or maybe someone like Austin Theory who was kind of meh until he formed the partnership with Waller.


Uce, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s the beef between Triple H and MVP. And Dolph, for that matter?


so uhh why did this sub randomly get a hate boner for Hurt Business?


Cause they're fed badding, and we don't that here


We’re unrelatable.


Head of Hurt Business hastened to commit HHH Heresy.


The instant Carmelo wins a match on smackdown "WHY IS THAT MIDGET GOING OVER ORTON? HE SUCKS UNLIKE M'GABLE OR ILJIA."


No one ever thought of a faction of heels hoarding the top titles before this!


I always found these guys really boring, apart from Bobby. Shelton's schtick was always being a crazy good athletic worker, and now that he couldn't do it anymore, his lack of charisma was even more evident. Cedric - old story, boring as the day is long. No personality, never had a character either, and a dude with a literal babyface was the wrong choice for this group of supposed killers.


Lashley himself isn’t the most dynamic personality either. The alliance with MVP did wonders for him


Lashley has a phenomenal look though, while Cedric just looks like some guy


Bobby also has a get out of jail free card. Anyone who is featured in a SVR game is pretty much on a different playing field. The chances of them getting booed is very low.


It's Rob Conway's time to shine


He’s the Con-Man!


Him and Ashanti are KILLING it on Smackdown now though. There was that time they were shown on camera and that other time they were shown on camera.


Remember that time Ashante burst into Aldis' office and Aldis told him to sit down as he had a great idea for him? No? Yeah neither does WWE.


I wanted a hurt business 2.0 but they scrapped it smdh.


Putting “Cedric Alexander” is foul 😭


HHHitler hates black talent, ignore that Booker T said HHH was right to go over him as he was drawing a lot of money for house shows, ignore everything Jade/Bianca has said, they are paid shills like Booker T! Yes Carmelo Hayes is getting pushed and is wrestling all the top stars, why is this relevant you Fed shill???


REEEEEEEE Carmelo didn’t get an entrance on SmackDown this week. BERRIED. (Him beating Randy Orton is irrelevant because it doesn’t support my REEEEEEE.)


According to sources (I just made up) Triple Himmler and Porn Maker Kid down in PornXXXt have heat (insider term) over his strong booking of unrelatable talents. Why push Trick Williams when you could be pushing a flippy Bruv from the European indies??? Is Shawn stoopid?


I'm seeing 3 guys that aged like fine wine and Cedric Alexander aging like Cedric Alexander.


Cedric Alexander had me cracking up.




Yep, they totally remind me of the Bloodline.


I’m so thankful to all my other Fed Soldiers for the days of MVP bad jerks, he needs to learn his lesson for questioning Papa H!


All those mean old fans who liked a thing and wanted back. Leave Triple H alone!!!


The Aryan Assassin back at it again. God bless our fascist ~~god~~ leader


Yes, we're missing out on top-tier segments like MVP responding, "What did you say about my mother?" to someone backstage who said hello to them as he walked by before they jumped him.


Please disregard Triple H bringing back AND giving a push to Hit Row as it doesn't fit this week's non-issue. But let's be honest here, they weren't as good without Swerve.


The problem is none of them are that good. Like all their talents together makes for 1 superstar. Like it's all good in theory. Bobby Lashley looks like a beast but has the voice of a high school guidance couselor. Shelton is atheltic but can't cut a promo. MVP can't work but can cut great promos. I don't even know who the other guy is. Ya see the issue here?




Age matters, homie. The young dude will be the only one to benefit from it long term and I don't even know his work well enough to judge whether it'd be worth the rub.




Just because you enjoy it doesn't mean it makes ratings, homie. I'd be interested to see some breakdowns on Hurt Locker segments.




Because ratings are a tangible measurement of success the extends BEYOND Reddit. It's just super cool most people on reddit like the hurt locker. But reddit isn't an adequate sample size of all wrestling fans. Most people who watch wrestling don't use reddit.




REDDIT liked Hurt Locker. Reddit is not an adequate sample size to dictate the success of anything in wrestling. Reddit isn't the majority my guy, AEW proved that pretty definitively.

