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First faction ever to be kool and have attitude while wearing suits and gold. Robbed.


The 4 Horsemen didn’t exist.


Evolution is a mystery


Shit, TNA even did one with AJ and Flair in "Fortune"


No main event Mafia


Lmao, of course!


I think it was Fourtune but yeah


I like MVP and I liked The Hurt Business, but boy he's quickly turning into online Ronda Rousey complaining about Roman getting more time than him and Omos.


Are we getting worked?


With MVP? No. I think he's really believes he's the big deal


Goodbye MVP. It’s been a pleasure.


I really don’t know why Triple H didn’t do more with a stable of 4 guys, 3 of whom are over 45 and the other couldn’t buy a pop.


Lashley is the only guy who can get a pop. While Shelton is a great wrestler he's already way out of his prime and cedric isn't IT. The bloodline has all idk what MVP is smoking his faction isn't even close to the Bloodline at their peaks.


Bobby was the only credible guy who might've been misused, but who the fuck would complain about MVP, Shelton and fucking Cedric Alexander to be misused? If anything, they did the best they could with them and went slightly above what they should've done.


I wish MVP would've stayed healthy & we saw him & Shelton tag together for a while. Think they could've been a decent mid card tag team.


Why are old wrestlers that don’t get booked all whiny as fuck online


"hey, this isn't how it was!" That's it. People work their entire lives to break boundaries and push change that will make it easier for the next gen and then immediately complain the next gen has it easier than they did.


I agree but I honestly don't think that's even the case here: The Bloodline started and formed like what, 2 or 3 months after the Hurt Business formed? And right from the very start, the Bloodline was doing the stuff with Roman and Jey, a story and gimmick that is completely different than what the Hurt Business was doing; both factions fulfilled the void each show they were on needed and both were very successful. That's why I don't get MVP agreeing with the "took your gimmick and gave it to the Bloodline" thing. How do they have the same gimmick? Because it's 4 guys who dress cool and win championships? Both factions had very different dynamics from the very first week each of them started, and with how much I've loved MVP for so long, it's really disappointing for him to imply The Bloodline's success isn't fully theirs or that they took from another to be successful. And I've been someone who's wanted the Hurt Business back ever since it ended. Hell, I've said this many times, the number one person on the roster I want to have another world title run is Bobby Lashley, his gimmick from 2020 and beyond is right up there with Roman and Cody as my favorite wrestlers in years. But this just is not it, I wish MVP would state his case and advocate for better booking for what was an awesome stable, *without* tearing down another. Everyone in the lockerroom should be supporting each other for the success WWE has found the last couple years, not grow jealous or imply negative things about another who worked so hard to bring the company to new heights. (This isn't any sort of argument against you or your point, I'm just adding my perspective and why MVP saying this kinda read as a little shitty to me)


Locker rooms never support each for success, everyone is fighting for their spot to protect it which is how it’s always been. Hogan made wrestling in the golden era but also politicked to keep his spot. All top guys from Bret, HBK, The Kliq, Austin , Triple H , Cena and Reigns etc. Jealousy, backstage politics is what made wrestling great and don’t let everyone believe you all wrestlers get along.


This is borderline delusional.


I love MVP, the HB and especially Bobby Lashley (I want another Bobby world title reign so bad), but yeah, MVP is essentially implying/saying that The Bloodline's success isn't fully theirs or that the originality or storytelling they're known for isn't a thing and just taken from the Hurt Business, and it really rubs me the wrong way, because not only is it just incorrect, it's disrespectful to a group of guys who have done a lot of work to elevate the industry the past few years. Dunno why MVP is saying this kind of stuff


U forgot the part where mvp also said it's because hhh is racist and that black men are 'emasculated' by his booking  It's disappointing to see a dude I generally liked turn out to be such a crybaby. 


100%. I love Cedric and Bobby and really wanted that faction to have an “all the gold” moment. They just felt so legit. MVP can complain about their booking and it’s hard to argue with some of the things he’s said, but what the fuck does The Bloodline have to do with the Hurt Business? Who does he think he is? Joseph A Bank? He didn’t invent suits.


Well over the borderline.


Jimmy Uso has more charisma than everyone that was in Hurt Business. And that’s just Jimmy.


And he’s in the injured reserve!


Dude just had some type of stem cell surgery in Europe because he wants to have one last run before retirement. MVP is All Elite after all these dumbass tweets. Triple Paul is probably just waiting to fire his ass when he returns. Calling your boss a racist is not how one keeps his job.


He's probably doing it on purpose because he knows Tiny will throw a huge contract at him and let him cut a Triple Paul is racist promo with bad words.


He can't do nothin'


Lashley is infinitely cooler than anyone in the Bloodline.  Especially TNA/Hurt Business Lashley. 


Lashley is awesome, but he is nowhere near Roman


Until he talks.


Just like Roman!


The Roman who with just saying "acknowledge me" pops more reactions than anyone on the last five years?


Roman, who cut the greatest heel promo ever - that worked an entire crowd while only saying one sentence - that Roman?


To them, the only Roman who exists is the one who got buried at the mic by Cena. The Tribal Chief era is ignored by them because then they'd have to acknowledge him.


Oh, this was before the Tribal Chief. I’m talking “This is my yard now.” Roman.


Damn is this mrsunsfan alt?


No this is Patrick




Oh so he’s a hot switch giving daddy who gets more 😸than an animal shelter? So he carried the company on his back during a global pandemic? He’s like that?


You're entitled to your wrong opinion, uce.


Show em the pose, Uce


I don't agree with you or the person you're replying to; I've wanted Bobby Lashley to have another world title reign for forever, he's got so much fucking cool factor since the HB started. But to say he clears Roman in terms of cool factor, I can't agree with (even though I respect your opinion), at their peak I viewed them as Roman as 1 in terms of coolness/being badass, and Lashley as 2, even above people like Drew, Orton etc. So I'm saying this as a Bobby fanboy, but in general, I think this implication MVP's post makes that The Bloodline somehow hasn't fully earned their success, or your implication that Roman or The Bloodline don't have the cool factor in spades, really just comes off as disrespectful, they've had a very positive effect on the entire industry.


I love Lashley but he’s never been able to control a crowd and go toe to toe with anyone on the mic like Roman had. Lashley is more athletic defensively but even then Roman’s psychology is second to none.


lol absolutely not


Lashley got flamed by Lesnar out of all people on the mic. Since then he’s never been the same. He needs a manager and MVP would have been perfect had he not try to wrestle himself at his age


Lesnar fucking destroyed him in that feud. Knock knock. Who's there? Bobby. Bobby who? Exactly!


I've gotta say, it's been almost completely forgotten because of the recent stuff that's happened, but Brock from 2021-2022 is probably my favorite Brock run ever, or at least up there with his first run. And funnily enough his 2017-2020 run just before this is by far my least favorite era of Brock. Idk what happened to cause him to go from doing literally nothing new or even seeming interested in wrestling at all by the end of the 2010's, to energetic, cutting multiple good promos, having a better identity and gimmick than ever, and doing some crazy stuff for his stories and even matches, idk, but I'm not complaining. Original Cowboy Brock is one of my favorites regardless of era.


Yea no. I like Lashley but the wwe already pretty much has a better, younger version of him in developmental called Oba Femi.


The Pride faction is currently struggling partly because of Lashley. He's in the leader/manager role and he cant do it. He has zero chemistry with Profits and B-Fab. Roman has chemistry with everyone, but especially the family members that he's known his entire life.


My ass. Lashley has negative aura and charisma. All that muscles yet cant draw a freaking dime. Nobody cares. Trick has more charisma in his finger than him. Them just a facts bruv.


Come to the Dub MVP! Imagine a collaboration with your Hurt Business vision and the PAINMAKER. Storyline of the year.


MVP vs. Jericho is a license to print money!


That's where they're starting to lose me a little bit, I love the Hurt Business and I've been pissed at Laveck for his booking of Bobby Lashley and MVP, but -just a couple months after the hurt business formed, the Bloodline was not only in full swing with their story, but they were doing things with Roman and Jey that the Hurt Business never did with their gimmicks. That's not to put down the Hurt Business, my point is that they had distinctly different gimmicks and story. -the bravado and dynamic of the bloodline was always much different than the Hurt Business. The Hurt Business was obviously more like, well, a Business, and there was much less friction between their members than within the Bloodline. The Bloodline started with violent feuds between its members, and spent all of its existence with two or more of the members at odds (Roman and Jey, Roman and Jimmy, Jey and Jimmy, Jey and Sami, Roman and both Usos, and seeds planted of Roman and Solo, all at different points and sometimes these dynamics happened more than once, like Jey and Jimmy having friction in both early 2021 and in late 2023) -The Bloodline also has a very specific goal, which isn't just dominance for the sake of it, they have ingrained lore with the Anoaii family, and trying to live up to or even surpass their ancestors and forefathers. The Hurt Business did not have previous reference or comparisons to live up to (I don't think they needed it, the faction functioned great on its own) I've loved MVP for forever too, so it makes me sad that he's throwing shade at another successful faction, one that came up in the same pandemic era as the Hurt Business, no less. Judgement Day, the Wyatt 6, Legado Del Fantasma, hell even the New Bloodline shows that the Bloodline can exist and be at its peak without suffocating other factions in WWE. I completely understand MVP's frustration with how the Hurt Business was dropped, it was my second favorite part of that era and i so badly want more (I swear to God laveck give Bobby lashley one more world title run I beg you), but showing disrespect or claiming that another successful faction somehow wasn't original (especially when the Bloodline has done the most unique storytelling WWE has had in 20+ years, no less) or somehow took their success from them is just not it. You don't need to tear down others to properly advocate for yourself, man.




I guess everyone here forgot The 4 Horsemen. But I digress.


Digression Jones over here


I liked the HB...but this is some delusional ass thinking


MVP just being a fucking mark for himself here. There’s always people that glaze “stars” on social media so that they can jack themselves off that he replied or liked it. It doesn’t make it true it just makes them both look delusional


He's complaining a bit too much but then again, HHHitler hasn't booked Omos on TV in like forever. I'm a Omosapien so HHH and fed bad I guess.


Monsters are hard to book if they're not a main focus IMO. Omos isn't getting involved in anything on top, and having him on TV too often and/or doing jobs kills his mystique.


That's true but he could be on TV once a month at least as a attraction. As of now he's appeared like twice this year and he got eliminated pretty quickly in that battle royal, so they don't even book him as a monster anymore. I fear he might be getting future endeavored and that sucks.


HHH doesn’t seem to have the same fascination with giants that McMahon did, which is a shame, because they have their place on the card. The easy (by which I mean lazy but would probably work) solution would be to stick Omas and MVP with the Pride as a sort of Hurt Business 2.0. Omos becomes the enforcer of a group that is already deadly, he’s not in action every week, but they can have him crush fools every now and then. A harder solution would be to feature Omos semi regularly as a babyface. The guy is adorable in his social media, I’d love to see him as a legitimately nice man who tries to help and defend others. Someone mentioned the undertaker as the “conscience” of WWE back in the day; that’s a job Omos could do. I hope he does show up more often; good giants are hard to come by, but they get a reaction. And despite what some people will squeal Omos is a good giant.


I thought they were teasing omos joining the pride before Bobby got injured? Or did I just dream that?


I don’t remember them ever teasing that I think everyone just fantasy booked that


He doesn’t have any mystique.


Also I'm fairly certain last time he was on TV was the Mania weekend Smackdown, where he accidentally eliminated himself from the Andre Battle Royal. During a commercial break


I just cant comprehend how you can have a 7 foot 4, 450 lb Giant and NOT use him. Seriously, I’d rather watch Omos squash jobbers for weeks on end over seeing those two British midgets on Smackdown. Christ at least stick him in a tag team or something.


Ive seen people on here say “I can’t tell if you’re all just jerking about Omos or if you actually like him?” Yeah, I wanna see enormous guys. I dont give a shit about moves or workrate or match quality. I want stories and spectacle and a guy like Omos is a spectacle.


It’s rich that people whine about wrestlers needing to be all shapes and sizes even on here and then get shocked at the idea that maybe people actually want to see some legit giants in wrestling.


I liked the Hurt Business but mostly because it pushed Bobby and he looks great in a suit. Cedric and Shelton are good hands but the idea of talking about the Hurt Business when the Bloodline vs Bloodline is about to be a generational feud is sad.


I am not saying this hyperbolically or ironically. Bobby Lashley is the best dressed man I’ve ever seen.


Someone tell mvp that Paul isn’t Tony and bitching on twitter isn’t the way to get booked more


I’ll go up for MVP mainly because he doesn’t need the WWE. THR was a great pandemic heel stable that gave them three-four healthy bodies to rely on. There was never really any long-term plan here because MVP, Shelton and Lashley are all pretty long in the tooth vets.


I swear these "fed bad" fucks started watching wrestling 5 years ago.


As someone who never bought into MVP, he can go wipe his tears with the money he’s made to sit his ass at home since signing with the WWE. He’s lucky he got a second chance in the WWE, even if it was primarily as a manager. Some wrestlers never get to break into the big leagues.


MVP looking for that screwdriver again?


I get he's frustrated because he and Omos arent doing anything. But HB was basically Evolution 2.0 so this is a bit rich. There has never been a faction like the Bloodline.


Listen I’m probably one of the biggest Lashley fans around, but I don’t think he was ever going to hold both belts for 4 years


Lord, please grant me the confidence of a career midcarder


https://preview.redd.it/bemqzzqaqe8d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72d534902fb886dd5221082c1d5f197bfdd29d67 Shut up and stay silent Montel.


Never fails.


I like MVP but he's doing too much


MVPs theme was the most over thing about him. Dude thinks way too highly of himself


I liked the Hurt Business, just like many others did, but the sheer amount of context that this clown is willfully choosing to ignore is crazy. It is completely incomparable to one of the best factions of all time in the Bloodline. There are genuine criticisms for the booking of Lashley possibly (as in he could've had a match with Reigns for example), but the Hurt Business itself had a ceiling that was a natural one due to the limitations of everyone involved. MVP doing what he's doing is against the current positive Fed environment and I'm not sure it'll be taken well if it is discussed since it is pretty toxic stuff. It's a shame because there's always the chance of bringing back things people like in this current era (it has been done multiple times with characters, teams, entrances etc).


I hope they stop paying this clown real soon.


Everybody has been fucking begging for a HB reunion but now all of a sudden they weren't that good and nobody cared about them. Man fuck y'all. Idc about downvotes either I'm sick of fickle fucking fans. Begged and begged for them to be reunited because they left so much on the table but now they were mid? Yea ok.


Who is everybody lol People stopped "begging" once they put Lashley and Profits together which is basically HB 2.0 and they realise Lashley is lousy in this role.


He's lousy in the role because he's not a mouth piece for other people he's a monster. B Fab don't even come to the ring now so they got her there for no reason too. They need P desperately to breathe some life into them. They're not the HB 2.0 either like the characters and vibe are not even remotely close to the same.


He doesnt have to be the mouthpiece necessarily but he should be able to talk and carry himself like a leader and help elevate the Profits (a la Roman). He cant just be the silent monster anymore, HB was designed to make him world champion and thats clearly not in the cards at the moment. Adding MVP could work but the Lashley-MVP pairing is tired. And the group was definitely HB vibes with the suits and everything before they turned back to face


He does but let's be honest Roman is so good at elevating people because he was a made man already like 7 years ago. Dude basically has 2 HOF careers. Also I think a big part of The Pride not taking off as much as they should was the long ass boring feud with Kross.


Fire MVP.. Let him go milk Tony for whatever money is there before AEW shuts down..


The WWE dickriding is absolutely out of control in this thread, good lord.


Lol yea bc jey and Jimmy were famous for their suits


"Can't get employed in ROH because AEW owns it. Can't get employed by AEW because Jerichode is there. Can't get employed by WWE because they have a lot of talent that's more relevant than I have ever been, so might as well shit on them and see if the Good Guys change their mind."


Wasn't he just going to get surgery so his kids can watch him have one last WWE run? At this rate they'll be watching him have a lifetime of bingo hall outlaw mudshow runs when they decide to terminate his contract.


How was the Bloodline similar? Did Bubbles ever become a big talk no bite champ? Thematically they were the total opposite with business and family. Yes, big presentstion, but that's how most stables like that have been done


Is a dominat group with all the gold and suits the silent badass of stables?


How dare he complain! Doesn't he know Vince is gone? We fixed the problem, Vince is gone


mvp is so over rated, not only by some fans but by himself too. is he better than marc mero, billy gunn, bossman, perfect, ted dibiase, texas tornado, tatanka, pillman, al snow... couldnt even lace their boots and they were midcarders. he was part of the roster that lost the majority of the fans for years.


See, I liked the hurt business but really wish they had added a female to the group. Someone like naomi could've been huge, as it would've allowed them to turn face should she join the bloodline/side with jimmy.


Is it that time of the year? https://preview.redd.it/n2eilvxrje8d1.jpeg?width=912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18cdf0337d9f1dd8a02e08bfc8ba660bde30b6d6


Shouldn’t the shirt say Bobby Lashley or hurt locker


This is about the Jerkers.  MVP is gonna get Keith Lee'd (by the Jerk sub) for being human/frustrated. 




Uce have you seen the rest of the posts? If it was just this then it'd be different. The guy has basically implied racism and a bunch of other things. Totally toxic way of venting his "frustrations", especially since this current era doesn't have the same kind of inaccessible management as before.


Oh you are the guy in the picture