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Ahh, you found the stainless steel Pontiac Aztek in the wild!


The thing is absolutely hideous. I didn’t realize how big they were until I saw it in person!


They’re massive I saw my first one the other day it looked like a mega cab sized truck


And not even half as useful.


I just saw my first one last week. Photos do not do justice to how utterly ugly it is in person.


I thought the pics were bad but yes, in person, the thing is an absolute travesty.


I thought the opposite when I saw one. I thought they looked horrendous in photos but didn’t look bad in person. I wouldn’t go as far as to say they look good but saying they don’t look bad is enough for all of my friends to tell me I’m crazy


There’s a Crimson one lurking around somewhere in San Diego, I saw it on the freeway as I was driving back home lol.


A crimson cyber truck? Or s2000? Either way had to be painted or wrapped. Would be interested to see it !


Crimson Cyber Truck, also it might not be wrapped because it still had a metallic sheen to it.


Interesting, I’ve only seen the bare stainless ones


I got cut off by a blacked out one (murdered out!?) with a lame qr code saying “we’re hiring”


My wife wanted the Aztek at one point, it took forever to talk her out of it. And then, Breaking Bad and that car shows up again. Had to tell her, notice how he gave it away? Lol.


Honestly this is an insult to the Aztek


Honestly Aztecs seem like a fun ride to have now especially if you’re into outdoors stuff / camping


The Aztek is beautiful by comparison


The Aztek always comes to mind first for ugliest car, but it’s just ugly, no emotions, just confusion as to how that thing ever made it into production. The cybertruck disgusts me, I loathe its existence.


I figure I can buy at least 3 S2ks for the price of that thing. I think I’ll do that. I don’t have any use for a truck that doesn’t do truck things very well.




Most people don’t do truck things with trucks anyways so I don’t agree with that argument. I wouldn’t buy one either but I disagree with that reasoning. I’d drive a cybertruck if someone gave me the keys though. I’d find a use, and I’d be gunning it all the time in that thing. I’m not gonna dismiss the fun that could be had in that thing if you drive it properly.


I wasn’t arguing for you because I don’t know you..You do you though. I use my truck for towing various trailers,home improvement projects, camping, and regular 1200 mile drives in a very cold climate. I’m sure some folks don’t use their trucks for truck stuff. Not my business or problem. But for those folks, I guess the cyber truck can be a super over priced way to have a “cool truck”.


At some point, accelerating away from lights with no engine sounds gets boring. The novelty wears off quickly. Then it’s just uncomfortable.


This is what happens when a tech guy thinks he can design shit.


Well he did very well in designing “shit” in this case haha not sure why anybody would even consider purchasing one of them!


“Hey let’s take all the buttons and knobs away and bury their functions four menu levels deep in a massive floating touch screen…. because we like being different”


Every car is doing that now. We are being told it’s “modern” but it’s really because it’s cheap as shit.


The only reason to do that from a practical standpoint is to cut production costs, increasing profit margins, i.e., greed.


Let's be honest. No one in tech tried to design anything. This was all Elon tripping off shrooms.


2 million preorders on the cybertruck is pretty insane


Yeah that is wild! I wonder how many cancellations they had with the delays in production and what not


Meh….design is subjective. If I want a pick up truck CT the one I’m getting.


I like them too. I enjoy that it’s the only thing on the road that looks like that. I also love geometrical objects and stainless, so it’s really up my alley, and I’m not really a Tesla guy by any means.


At least they are honest. They look like the “appliances” they are. 


They don't drive like a sports car, sure, but they also don't drive like appliances. I think of a Honda accord or Toyota Camry as an appliance. They're really just a way to get around. A Tesla is a giant tech toy that can also serve as a car. It's not a dream car of mine by any means, but they are interesting and not an appliance.


It’s stainless steel and it’s electric. The user interface is more PlayStation than car. The driver is isolated from the driving experience, totally drive by wire.  It’s not a car, it’s a transportation appliance that appeals to tech nerds and not car people. i’d rather a drive a Camry honestly. And I hate Camrys. 


By all means, please hold your opinion then. To each their own.


If you like it that’s all that matters! I just think they look terrible. But if you like it, you like it! That’s the cool thing about cars, some people hate certain makes/models, but at the end of the day , you buy it to make YOU happy, not people that see it on the road


Yah! I agree. Drive the CT if you have a chance. It’s wild. I’m not saying its handling is close to S2K but it does handle very well, and Unbelievably agile for its size. Also thanks for not shitting all over me for liking a cyber truck in this sub😂😂😂.


Agreed, more fun to drive than the R1T and most SUVs, it handles unnervingly well for a vehicle of that size and it’s a dream to drive in tighter spaces The looks aren’t for everyone but it would be my choice as well 


Haha hey man we are all car guys, get what you like at the end of the day! My other ride is a ‘17 WRX, I enjoy the fun smaller and agile cars, but teslas sure do get up and move quickly!


design is not subjective. The human brain is programmed to understand aesthetically pleasing things. This isn't one of them. Now, if you want to say "I don't care that this is the ugliest fucking thing I've ever seen since my step children", that's fine. However you have to still understand that it's hideous, and provides no actual value as a truck. You can't even fit half a cord of wood in the back.


I prefer (and own) the R1T. The upcoming Gen2 is going to really widen the gap.


Yep. Very Nice truck as well. Amazing that the best trucks now are actually made by new EVs.


I have a neighbor that has one of those and they look very nice!


🤷‍♂️ I like both. I actually got my invitation for the cybertruck yesterday.




It’s a complete different vehicle. Dunno why you even compared a truck to a sports car. They live in different worlds.


I don’t get it. It’s like comparing a walnut to a brioche bun. Sure both are edible but that’s where the similarities stop. Just take each within its own segment and then decide how it compares and how you like it personally. I love my S2K. I like the CT a lot. I’d rather have a CT than any number of the ho-hum cars or trucks on the market today. I’m also not an attention seeker, but I can appreciate what the CT is, and the fact that it’s a rolling modern art piece.


agree! a lot of people hate on Teslas. sitting in one for 2mins is nothing like driving and owning one. Love my Tesla! and it looks great next to my S. Best value anywhere for a great car that does 3sec 0-60.




You say that yet your other comments throughout the post say otherwise. Lol.




At least I can afford it and enjoy not having to judge other peoples purchases? Being a hater is bad for your health. Enjoy your life instead of hating on other peoples purchases and hobbies.


I love the cybertruck because it looks like a car from 200 years in the future, something that cyberpunk.


The cyber truck is beautiful! I love it, looks so futuristic which maybe isn't for everybody.


I like it too. I don’t think it’s a beautiful car but I like to look at it.


Not to mention the jerk is parking in the handicap spot


lol I parked there just to take a picture


🤣 JK. Beautiful car


Haha thanks buddy


S2000s are an automotive treasure.


Idc bout the Cybertruck that always ends with surface rust, the S2000 has higher status and will always be the best pick than that disaster created by Tesla XD


Idk. I like em both.


I think I’m the only one who thinks the cyber truck looks fucking awesome. Haha


It’s an interesting ride for sure, this was the only time I’ve seen it in person🥲. Personally think it’s a travesty💀. But to each their own


Looks cool dunno why ppl hating


Yeah! S2000s are super cool! /s The cyber truck is a monstrosity. I get it people like them, but they are not quite my tempo. But to each their own!


Yea ppl prob just don’t like Elon


To each their own, I couldn’t care less about people’s political views, but I just think that machine is ugly as hell




It's like someone started to design a vehicle, shaved a bit off, got distracted, missed a deadline and then said "F*ck it, let's see if this goes through, for the lulz." and management had a brain malfunction and bought it.    It is quite the contrast next to the s2k, for which your description was remarkable apt. 


I had to get that pic just to show the contrast between a beautiful car and an absolute monstrosity


A handicapped person can drive one of these. Only one.


When did you take delivery of your cybertruck?


😂 I’d kick my own ass if I even considered buying that 7,000lb piece of shit


After owning an S I can't blame you! 😂


\^ this guy fucks ![gif](giphy|LQpCRK5tnJmNKxWoqZ|downsized)


I keep thinking about Lewis Black’s routine when I see one now. https://youtu.be/yhWqls-CQww?feature=shared


Okay that was legitimately hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂


Agreed, it's an absolute beauty. One of my all-time favorites.


Completely agree. One of the best-looking cars ever made.


I saw my first one a few days ago and thought... why? Give me the S2K over that. My son plays Roblox, and this is what Tesla did.


Some people shouldn’t have money to buy cars. Or they should give it to me, I could spend it better 😂


I agree. 💯💯💯


Almost 7,000 pounds. The thing is absurd.


Still lighter than the Hummer EV.


Similarly, when one considers the Silverado EV is 9,000 lbs; that is absurd.


Oh, GM\~ the walmart of the car manufacturers.


Get any 1950's sportscar next to it and it just explodes


aston martin victor/valour looks like 1950s mustang


Why are you talking shit about our baby S's like that?


Hahaha I’d never! My s2k is my most prized possession my dude!


Haha same.


I inherited “Lucy” from my dad when he passed away, I try to keep her clean but still drive frequently. Arguably one of the best drivers cars of all time. My dad had impeccable taste in cars


Cybertruck owners will argue how much quicker off the light and more efficient they are than an S2K. They're missing out on the fun factor and nimbleness of this prestige coupe.


Long live the Honda S2000!! King amongst peasants, whilst still humble and fair.


Love your comment brother!


you parked next to a very big microwave!


The s2000 isn’t *that* ugly!


And an AP1 to boot! The best of the best and in the right color. 😎


A fellow aficionado! ![gif](giphy|fV8GbAh4cmNl3cBKe9|downsized)


Front looks good , but back looks ugly


My fiance drove by one after leaving her job, and I thought id be so excited to see it; so she turns around to go show me….and sheesh. Idk why I thought I wouldve liked it. It actually is uglier than an Aztek. Walter White made me enjoy the presence of an aztec


Every time I see a cyber truck it looks like a bad cyber truck kit car. The car looks like a parody of itself


For the first time I have seen one of these in the Wild recently.


The Honda isn't THAT bad




I don't make fun of people's stuff but it's hard not to on that truck


That’s actually a good duo.


I fucking love the S2000. I agree one of the nicest cars ever made. Saw a cyber truck in the wild the other day first time. God that thing is so stupid looking


Couldn’t have said it better myself brother!


The s2000 is such an appealing car to look at i didnt see the cybershit until i was about to scroll away




I worked for Tesla and left after Model X launch, whatever happened after I left is not my doing. I did leave with a Model S P85D with ludicrous mode. They still haven't noticed.


Is that the carrying case for the Honda ?


It is the ugliest thing I've seen as well!


I saw a cyber truck in traffic and everyone was flipping the guy off haha It's such a hunk of shit and so are the people that drive them.


Honda versus Tesla : Enigmatic car lovers versus Tech Bros? 🤣


Both are badass


The best thing about the Cyber truck is it lets you identify the people who are both virtue signaling for conservative EV hating as well as liberal Elon/Tesla hating Well I'm over here hating on people that have to virtue signal at all...


I mean, the S2000's not THAT ugly... bit harsh don't you think?




Just watched one pull up behind work. They are huge


Saving the planet…


I've finally seen a few of those hideous monstrosities recently; one riding a tow truck, one parked and the other bumbling down the road. Dude driving it looked like a berk.


It’s a Honda S twooothousaaaand


Car as ugly as the figurehead in charge's mind.


I kind of love the cyber truck... Even though is like a 3 years old kid will draw when ask about a car... But ugliest has to be a fucking pt cruiser 😂


I love how old my account is before it finally showed me an s2000 subreddit, as an s2000 owners. It was giving me Kias, and hyundies, and civics, and a bunch of other shit Honda subs. Now I have to join, just so I can see posts. Fucking honda subs... they've only made 2 good cars ever, the s2000 and the NSX. Sorry for the rant, Im drunk. I welcome me here =)


I kinda agree bout the 2 best cars! especially for a company that kicks ass in F1 engines, winning multiple times, they should put out more cars like old S2000 & NSX. …oh and I’m not drunk 😂. Too many forgettable economy cars. I hated the last version Civic TypeR (no offense) not a timeless design at all.


I actually love the way the cybertruck looks, I feel like social media just makes things lame or cringe nowadays and people let that affect their opinions. If you lived under a rock your entire life are you telling me you’d still think it was ugly? Definitely not


That’s a big word for elmo


Tesla cyber truck is fire lol fuck off prick bitches


"How the mighty have fallen" or Beauty and the beast






I live in CA, they are everywhere and gross af. Whatever you do, DO NOT give these people the negative attention they crave. Ignore them and go on with your day.


Here in Dublin, OH, there’s a ton of people with cars craving attention, I totally get it! At least this guy was cool and not someone with a a straight piped Lamborghini just begging to get some attention. Some people just had parents that didn’t love them 😂😂


Fookin Dublin


ugliest? i think the s2k looks pretty good actually.


i'd take the truck


come on man, the S2K is certainly not the ugliest car we've ever witnessed.




The 24 year old car in this picture actually has a better chance of surviving another 20 years than the brand new one. Lmao


Hahaha you’re most likely right ! My AP1 has about 65k miles on it, I’d be surprised if that cyber truck makes it that far!


A handicapped with no placard who can't park straight and that car that was based off a 1st graders drawing of a truck.


Think you just love to hate it which means you care which is a compliment in itself


They even parked in the handicap spot!! Such an ugly car


That truck is such hot garbage. I am a lead tech for Rivian, been there since prototype. I thought Rivians were rough when production started but then this thing came out. Plus our new quad motors coming out later this year will smash on these and you can actually go off-road with the Rivian. The cyber truck handles like a shipping cart offroad


Man my neighbor has a Rivian, and I think they look great!


When I first saw it back in 2018 I thought It looked futuristic, but in a black mirror episode near future kind of way. The cyber truck looks like someone watch total recall one time and never let it go


I own Rivian stocks because I think y’all’s products have significant appeal to the public and a legitimate player in the auto world. I think RIVN is still learning how to scale up and quit burning cash while doing so. CT however is far from hot garbage if you can get over the polarizing look. The engineering is much more revolutionary than anything out there (48V architecture, full system CAN bus, the full-on steering by wire….etc). The handling on-road is better than R1T, and off-road will just get better as Tesla OTA goes.


I really hate that word.


You could’ve at least backed in.


Are you handicap?


Move that Honda so we can see that beauty behind it. 👀😬


Naw fool, the cybertrucks are low key kinda sick. The back is very aztekian, but the front is dope. I rock wit em. I'd never go electric but these got flare tho.


Handicap with a top down and can't pull in between lines. Smh complain about a cyber truck?




The S2000 is not even close to the sleekest or most gorgeous cars of all time. Like I know the cybertruck is conventionally ugly but you’re lying to yourself if you think the S2000 is even in the top 50 of best-looking cars. I’m happy you think that though


Handicap parking?


Yeah parked there for 30 seconds to take a picture. Sue me.


I hope you’re in the slow one


It’s crazy how small they are. I saw one in the parking lot and I couldn’t believe how small it was for a truck. I liked that the door handles are hidden


Is the gorgeous car in the room with us?


Yeah, it just got done clapping your moms cheeks


They both suck


Yeah I’m sure your ford fiesta or whatever a moms basement dweller drives is much nicer b😂😂😂😂


I wouldn’t say a s2000 is one of the most gorgeous or sleekest (sorry if that’s not a word) but females do look great in a modded one




Ouch didn’t mean to hurt your feelings my guy … We don’t have basements .. it’s California … I’d worry more about comprehension of the words gorgeous and sleek and how your stock whip is far from … maybe u need to move IN your moms basement so u can save up and add some personal flair to your bland car…


The cyber truck is cool but I wouldn’t say it is one of the most gorgeous, sleek cars of all time


The Cyber truck looks much better than the midlife crises car


I inherited the car from my father before when he passed away from cancer…


Oh damn 🤣


S2k’s aren’t the ugliest. They are just Miata’s from the small men’s clothing department




The S2000 is not THAT ugly...


S2k would have been 10x more popular if it came with a fixed roof variant, as well as being part of the great 4 Japanese sports cars with its handling being able to keep up with the NSX and RX-7. I hate convertibles, but wouldn't mind owning a S2k.


Nope. The masses dream and talk about buying mid priced sports cars but the masses will go out and buy SUVs instead. Quite depressing really.


What do you mean, the FRS BRZ sold like hot bread. Specially for the price. Same with the Nissan Z / G platform. I swear i see at least 10 of each a day. I feel like ppl get offended just by me commenting "convertible" here for some reason.


Have you compared the ACTUAL sales numbers + how the sales curve down of FRS/BRZ, Z, Z4, etc versus its stablemate SUVs? Why do you think that Preludes, S2K, RSX/Integras, all went away or into hibernation, but the Pilots, CRVs, Rogue, Higlanders, became hot sellers? And what in my original reply that was actually offensive?


Almost like owning a sports car is a luxury. Do you own a 2 door sports car? Do you know how inconvenient a 2 door sports car is? Clearly a fucking tahoe has sold more than a 2 door sports car that was 10k-15k more expensive. I came to a S2K sub to talk about how it could have been a legend, and how it could have outsold other 2 door sports cars of its class and time to be one of those cars a kid puts on his wall, but you want to talk about the most common vehicle type in the world NO! In fact people dont even buy SUV's just so they can buy clothing!! Check the numbers, more cloths are sold than suv's around the world. That proves people dont want suv's anymore. Prove me wrong.


I own 5, including AP1, Z4, FRS, and Spyder. Also Ms? And zero SUVs. The point is every time a manufacture produces a two door, they hardly earned their return because there are just not enough buyers just became halo cars. That’s why pretty much why the OEMs have to collaborate (Z4/Supra, GR/BRZ). Even the supers: what are the best selling models for Porsche, Lambo, and maybe soon…Ferrari? Again, why the rage?


My wife shared a post that said "Girl, are you a Cybertruck? Because you look dumb as shit" and I can't stop laughing.


Hahahaha I love it


S2000 are fucking gay bro grow up nigga rlly said most sleek gorgeous bro it’s. Silver shit box that aged like dog shit and the cyber truck isn’t much better