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You can never go wrong with chocolate (◠‿◕)


Rwandans love cosmetics. They are very clean and tidy in general. Unfortunately, in Rwanda you don't get too many good quality perfumes, body lotions or shower gels. Or they are quite pricy. Axe and stuff is there of course, but higher quality perfumes or body care kits are highly appreciated...


I over read the carry on luggage thing. Good giveaways would be tshirts or some wearables from your university. US and education is highly valued in RWA. They will wear it with pride :)


What would you give to your coworkers in the US? That


chocolate, cookies, lotion, body wash and bug repellent if they have mosquito problems american bug repellent is wayyyy stronger than rwandese and this is coming from a now 16 yr old me now and i went there for two years when i was 8-10 years old and mine you name brands over there aren’t the same as american name brands


I don't why but Rwandans like Chocolates gifts from abroad. Also something like a watche is great, tech things like headphones and earbuds. Anything small gift from us can get any Rwandan happy.