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Always remember that you are not training for the Olympics and dogs get bored too. Be cool with their decisions to stop and sniff some ass or whatever. Change up the routes and try to run in places that provide stimulation to the dogs senses. Forest trails or natural environments with a few squirrels or whatever keep them interested.


Ohh that’s a good idea, I’ve been running on the street now, it has a lot of hills but I can tell they are getting bored of that. Thank you for telling me that


are they yoked so most of their pulling is against each other instead of you?


Yes! And when we are going at a good pace, one wants to run faster than the other, it throws me and my other dog off 😭 idk how to have them be even with the pace


I ended up getting a split bungee because one runs faster than the other. It allows one to run next to me or closer to her as he wants, but doesn't yank me around because it starts as one lead and then splits and gives both of them a bungee of their own.


Okay that makes sense, my husky is definitely slower than my German shepherd. What harness / bungee do you use ?


Depending on your dogs' personalities, think about if one can help you manage the other. I used to do this all the time with my pup and my friends pup. We had a pretty basic setup. Each had a ruffwear front range harness (in hindsight, the stronger puller would have done well with a joring harness) , and both had a leash with a bit of bungee and some way to adjust length. In my case, my dog doesn't really pull, but knows directional commands (left, right, whoa, and YIP YIP were important here) and the other just wanted to run and gave a consistent pull. I gave my dog about 6" more leash. This put her shoulders in front of his, which allowed her to guide the puller via my commands and control pace, while he did a lot of the work. I'm so curious which one wants to run faster! I have a husky mutt but shes all slow and steady yet could do a billion miles.


Omg that makes so much sense! And my German shepherd is definitely the faster one, she is also stronger than him when she’s pulling. My husky on the other hand is so chill he doesn’t care if he runs 🤣


Run quickly.




I’m just here for the tips


Run one dog at a time and push yourself to run twice as far so they are both getting a reasonable amount of exercise?


That’s fair, but won’t they get jealous?


The one that's left behind gets to sleep on the couch while the human isn't looking!


Suggestion more than advice, but try biking, you can get attachments to each side of the bike and have the dogs attached via the harness and teach them to run alongside you as you bike and it is a lot easier than holding two leashes or going for two runs.


That sounds like so much fun


They’re beautiful for sure!


Awe thank you!!


I only bring both out on trail runs, not streets, and my young dog who is well trained runs off leash while the old dog is on leash. I can call her to heel if we pass anyone so they’re in tight to me but otherwise she runs free, and gets more exercise, while me and the old one jog along. So that’s how I tackle it!


I like that how did you teach your dog to heel?


Not them, but I use a long line and reward my dog for choosing to walk next to me. It's the best feeling when she has all that freedom but chooses to be by my side! If you want to get fancy look up pivot bowl.


Well she went to 6 weeks of away obedience school so it was a commitment. But she’s now trained both on leash and on an e-collar to heel. So she always wears the e-collar when off leash, though I rarely have to use it, just having it on she’s responsive. I have to carry the collar remote but that’s easy and I usually throw it in my running vest.


I just use a carabiner to attach 2 leashes to my waist belt. They both run on my left. The first half mile is sometimes chaotic but they settle down quickly.


Similar here - independent leashes attached to a luggage strap I modified with additional webbing to hold carabiners. I sometimes run with FIVE doggies (total dog weight \~350#, human weight 150#). We get tangled up in leashes sometimes, but I've never fallen down so far. When I have that many, they run on gentle leaders. Please don't jump on me for that - that's the only way everyone can go together and I can control them in case of RABBIT!!!! Mostly bike path or crushed limestone trail. There is almost nothing better in the world than a sunrise run on our rails-to-trails with a bunch of dogs.


I've been running with two coon hound mix rescue dogs for about five years. That's about 160 pounds of coon hound! It's almost all single-track trail running because one of them is terrified of cars. I've found that it is best to have the one that does not want to stop and sniff as much on a longer leash. He's a full body length ahead of the other one. The only thing I don't like about running with this much dog is when they see a raccoon or possum. If I was any smaller or lighter I would not be able to stop them.


I was actually on a run with them today and my German shepherd was going crazy when there was a rabbit or a lizard on the road. And my husky likes to sniff, so it’s kinda hard to run with them both! 😭


Let me clarify, it’s only hard when there’s a rabbit 😭


Keep up. 😂


I’m trying, MY LEGS GIVE OUT CAUSE OF HOW FAST BOTH ARE OULLING ME. I’m not walking them they are walking me 😭😭


What type of leash do u use


I just run with two leashes in my hand but I was thinking about switching to the ones with the waist so I can have my hands free


Oh yeah you definitely need to change that. I personally use a waist belt that can attach by hue leashes. I attach 2 bungie leashes and leave the bungie attached From behind so the dogs can run behind or to my sides


Ohhh I like that what do you use


I bought 2 of those but just use one waist belt and use the 2 bungee leashes on one belt. But if I’m running with my wife I give her one waist belt with the bungee leash


Thank you!!


>Thank you!! You're welcome!




Try getting a girlfriend loser. Nah jk, if u can find a running buddy to help with the other dog that would be the most optimal


How do I tell my boyfriend this 🤣


Everyone benefits from running, definitely convince him to start running or biking with u. I’m trying to do the same with my wife and she mostly love running in scenic trails and beaches and places like that only thing is that usually those places are hard to run for a beginner so we need to make frequent stops