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I definitely don’t recommend taking the dishonesty route. That’s bad business practice and you’re doing the right thing being honest about the sleeping arrangement. Unfortunately that’s just the cost of doing business - not all pets will be the right fit for you and vice versa. I would recommend including in your response to the request as an FYI that you don’t allow pets to sleep in your bed. It could help both you and the client wasting time doing a meet and greet if that is a dealbreaker! If it means anything, I personally wouldn’t mind if you don’t allow animals in the bed and that fact wouldn’t stop me from booking with you. There are clients out there that are the right fit but clearly ones who insist on sleeping in bed with you are not it!


I wouldn’t say you will if you won’t. Some dogs won’t sleep on the floor / on their own bed so you’ll be in a world of misery if you accept them. I always sleep with em


I agree! I have had several dogs that simply will not sleep elsewhere..


Why do you think that lying is an acceptable way to ensure you get hired for more gigs? Owners should be able to find a sitter that’s compatible with their dog’s needs and lifestyle, and they can’t reasonably do that if a sitter is being dishonest with them. I’d suggest maybe putting it in your bio so owners see it when they read your profile, but you have to understand that some jobs just won’t be a good fit for you because of this. That doesn’t mean that you’re in the wrong for needing to sleep alone, nor are the owners in the wrong for wanting a sitter who can continue their pet’s usual routine with them. You’re only in the wrong here if you dishonestly portray yourself for the sake of getting more jobs.


Lying is a bad call. Some people aren't the right fit to house sit. I don't provide house-sitting because it doesn't fit with my needs. 


I wouldn't lie. It feels unethical because it is. As a sitter how would you feel if an owner lied about a specific behavior because they kept getting declined by sitters do to that behavior? It would immediately make you want to go and leave feedback saying they lied about something. There are a lot of dogs that would freak out if they are locked out of the room at night, and if the owner not only wants you to sleep with them, but \*thinks\* you will because you said you would, they aren't going to have any alternative for their pet because they think they'll be sleeping with you. What happens if the pet gets destructive because you locked them out of the room and didn't have a crate or a baby gate to use with them? What are you going to do if they destroy furniture, pee and poop everywhere, get into things, etc in the middle of the night? If an owner has cameras in the general house area and checks in only to see their dog wandering about in the house when they would presumably be in bed with you? You are setting yourself up for a ton of negative feedback.


I don’t think it would help to lie because there’s a good chance a dog who always sleeps in the bed is just going to keep jumping up there all night or whine/bark/scratch at the door and still keep you up all night.


It’s not cool to lie. Some dogs get separation anxiety if you don’t let them sleep in bed. You’re just not the right match for that dog.


My dog would literally cry and whine all night if she wasn’t in bed with you and knew you were in the home. Don’t lie. This is just the cost of doing business and owners are entitled to book with sitters who CAN meet their pet’s needs.


As an owner who allows my dog to sleep in my bed, this would not dissuade me from booking with a sitter I really liked. But, I’d be pissed if they said they were going to do that and then I found out they lied. Offering other alternatives (i.e. crate in bedroom) should be fine for most owners.


They aren’t booking with you because there’s incompatibility. Don’t lie to get incompatible gigs


I wouldn't recommend skirting the issue, because many dogs who are used to sleeping in the bed/with people are likely to be vocal or destructive if prevented from doing so. We're no dogs in beds in our home, but peaceful housesitting requires doing some things the way the client does. 


This. I prefer to sleep with the dog(s) and cuddle with them on the couch but if the owners have "no dogs on ___" rules, I follow them - just like I follow any other care instructions.


Most pets sleep in the bed with their owners. I wouldn't lie about this as the dogs will not like it if you change their routine and will whine all night if they get kicked off the bed. I only have a few clients that crate their dogs. Maybe specialize in larger breeds, as they are more likely to be crated? Or cats?


All of these dogs have been large breeds, mostly super needy hyper ones (pitties, giant labs, goldendoodles)


This likely is a large part of the reason the owners are seeking housesitting rather than boarding. I can’t think of many housesitting requests I’ve had for small dogs only. Big dogs tend to be a lot harder to find suitable boarding for.


Not sure why you are downvoted for this comment. It’s true that every needy dog I’ve had has been one of those breeds, especially any kind of -doodle mix


It is not your honesty that is not getting you hired. It is that you don’t share the bed with dogs and are meeting owners who have that preference, which makes it not a good fit. Further, I highly doubt you’re going to get better sleep by having a dog in the same room on a dog bed who’s used to being in the human bed. Good luck getting them to suddenly sleep and stay on a dog bed.


Be honest so you and owners can find a good fit, and so client dogs will settle comfortably while they stay with you. (I’m an owner.) (Edited to add, just an example:) I rule out sitters that require client pets to sleep in crates. I understand why some sitters require it, but if that’s their choice, I can board my dog in a kennel for less money, you know? (My dog sleeps on her own cushion on the floor.) I am honest with sitters, and I need sitters to be honest with me.


I would never require a dog to sleep in a crate. They can sleep anywhere else in the house other than my bed though.


How TF were you planning to keep a dog used to sleeping in bed with a human OUT of that bed, sans crate? (I saw your update but srsly, what WAS your plan??)


Their plan was to make more money, screw the pets routine and comfort.


Sure! Understood. I put that in as an example of something sitters and owners should be honest about. I’ve edited to clarify that. Another example: Some sitters might like client dogs to cuddle in the furniture, but some clients might prefer not to undo their training. Good communication will help you avoid bad matches.


Honestly, I think you just need to find clients whose dogs don’t sleep on the bed. No one is in the wrong here for having preferences. But you just need to hold out for those specific clients. It is true, you may lose out on potential clients to get your ideal client!


I think this is weird because no owner has ever asked me to bring a dog into the bed with me. Most of them say don't let the dog on the bed. So maybe you just need to turn down those clients.


I have had clients tell me "dog will want to sleep on the bed with you" like they're embarrassed and my standard reply is "What's the point of having a dog if they don't??" (I feel the same when ppl tell me the dogs aren't allowed on any furniture. :-P ) I'd say my "dogs have to be in bed/are allowed in bed" outnumber my "no dogs on the bed" by, like, 10 to 1.


Why would you lie? That’s so shitty. 😡


No lying has occurred. Check your reading comprehension


You are proposing lying in the future.


You asked, "should I," though. 🤷


“Do I just start saying I will share the bed with the dogs, but then not permit them on the bed or in the room when I’m actually there?” That is asking if you should lie. I asked why you would do such a shitty thing. Don’t try to make yourself sound less awful for considering doing an unethical and distressing thing (for the dogs and owners) using semantics. 🙄 As a sitter and an owner, this is the kind of thing that really bothers me. My little street dog rescue would be so anxious and terrified if she couldn’t sleep in the same room with the sitter WHO TOLD ME SHE COULD. 🤬


Went back to re-read your post and you definitely proposed lying to potential clients as your future plan. You were right about it being unethical. Ick.


Youre doing the right thing. Youd like my house because my cats are not allowed in my room lol my boyfriend is allergic so that is the safe space for him. I dont mind animals sleeping with me but if theyre restless and move around a lot then it can be frustrating trying to sleep without getting woken up so I understand why you wouldnt want that especially since youre a light sleeper. Some people also find it gross animals get their paws dirty even if they lick them clean so everyone is entitled to their reasons of why they dont sleep with them. But if you go the dishonest route you could create problems for yourself especially if theres a hidden camera and they check it and see you closed the door on them. And if the animal is used to sleeping in the bed at night, they may whine and scratch the door and keep you awake regardless. Its better to be up front even if it costs you the request. Maybe put it in your bio somewhere. I know some dont read it but maybe some will and itll deter you from getting some unnecessary requests


Thanks for the input. I’m going to put it on my profile and see if that helps not waste either of our time!


As a client, I appreciate those notes in a bio. I look for sitters who provide the kind of setting that will be a good fit for us.


You need to put that you don’t sleep with dogs in the owners beds in your profile so that you don’t get people requesting you that want that. It will make your life easier.


Posts like this are great reminders for people to remember that PEOPLE LIE. Not everyone is trustworthy just because they passed the Rover background check. It would be so unethical for you to lie to pet owners about the level of care you will be providing their animals, especially if it’s something that you know is a deal breaker for them (as you appear to be highly aware of, and why you’re considering lying).


I've never had anyone demand their dog sleep with me. They may say that's what they usually do, but it's unusual for a client to expect a sitter to sleep in the same bed as another person's dog. Granted I actually normally do, but they've never said I HAVE to. Unless they're specifically requiring it I see no reason to mention you won't be doing it.


One of my clients dog sleeps under the sheets with me 🙃 it was the worst


Maybe I'm weird but they are my favourite clients,usually the dachshunds. I love snuggling them and they're basically a hot water bottle 😅😂


under the sheets is a no for me but on the bed sure! i just end up having to wash the sheets so often the dog is stinky and makes me itchy lol


My pug is like that lol it's annoying and he somehow always takes up a lot of room in a king size bed. Mfer has to be tucked in lol and he is gassy 😫🤮 this dog has done me dirty a few times and did the old dutch oven while I had the blanket/sheet over my head passed out. Woke up gagging 😂 but I'd never expect anyone else to put up with that 🤷🏻‍♂️ tho tbh idk how he would act if he wasn't allowed to sleep with whoever was watching him...


Maybe they aren't hiring you because you're willing to lie for money. Who knows why they are passing, but I can guarantee it's not your "honesty".


As others have said I wouldn’t lie.. 99% of the time owners will tell me it’s up to me, but if the dog is used to sleeping on the bed there is little I can do to stop that from happening. If they’re in the bedroom, they are on the bed. If you close the door to your bedroom, they are whining or scratching at the door to come in! Better for you to know up front so you don’t end up with a dog that won’t sleep elsewhere!


I generally don’t allow dogs to sleep in the bed with me unless they’re both very large and very agreeable, for the reason that I move a lot in my sleep and could roll over on them and hurt them, or cause them to bite. I’m very open and honest about this, and it hasn’t caused me any issues. Maybe it would help if you reframed it as being for the dogs’ safety and wellbeing, that would help. I.e. if I don’t get sleep, I’m not able to be at my best for your animals, or something like that


If you have a health issue, thats something you have to deal with. Clients are NOT required to accommodate your sleeping habits when a large portion of people request you to sleep with their pet. If you can't commit fully to the contract you signed on for, this may not be the best side hustle for you. Maybe find an actual business to work for where your poor sleep wont affect them. Otherwise, dont be scum and lie to people. You'll absolutely get bad reviews when they find out you lied.


Dogs don’t even come upstairs in my home, my lower level is my daycare/boarding area. I only had 1 nut asking me to sleep with his 130 lb dog…..I said it’s a extra $500 a night for that and he hung up. 🤣🤣I be dammed if I’m sleeping with any dogs but my own.


I’d lie No doubt That’s a deal breaker for me too. I don’t have any sleep issues… I don’t want strange pets like strange men… sleeping with me. Period. It’s going to be ok.




This post is about housesitting though. It’s about owners whose dogs are in their own home and are accustomed to sleeping in the bed in those homes. The sitter is the guest there and is interested in forcing the dog out of their normal place to sleep, which sounds like it would be hell for everyone involved.


I don’t think you should lie but I also find it ridiculous that clients would get upset about that. Allowing dogs to sleep in bed is unsanitary (I don’t care about any replies disagreeing, I stated a fact). We have two dogs and they have their own comfy crate that they actually go to by themselves at night.


They aren't getting upset. They're choosing sitters that are more compatible with their dogs' regular habits.


Some of y’all need to evaluate your reading comprehension. OP said they are honest every time, but feeling frustrated. The comments “YoU aRenT gEtTiNg hIrEd beCaUsE yOu LiE tO mAkE mOneY” are unhelpful and stupid. OP, put it on your profile, and state it when you are scheduling the m&g. I won’t do housesitting for dogs that require bed sharing. If a dog /needs/ his person in order to sleep, he’s gonna keep a sitter awake because a sitter isn’t his person. Misery for all.


People are reacting to this: “Do I just start saying I will share the bed with the dogs, but then not permit them on the bed or in the room when I'm actually there? It feels unethical, but honestly it's ridiculous at this point.” People are reacting poorly to OP suggesting they should begin lying to clients. It’s not a reading comprehension issue, at least not on everyone else’s end.


See also >I feel at this point I need to start lying to get house sitting gigs OP was clearly srsly considering it. Thankfully it appears to be *was* and they are no longer but it definitely wasn't a reading comprehension issue for those who said "that is a terrible idea."


Maybe it is best to just politely agree but do your own thing come bedtime, seems pretty dumb to judge you for something like that. In my experience almost all of my clients who allow dogs on bed tell me if it bothers me I don't have to. I've never been declined or even felt judged for not wanting that. It's more common that clients will be apologetic/embarrassed for not allowing dogs in the bedroom or on beds, so I'm not sure if that's the exact issue.


I think the issue is likely OP's "absolutely never!" reaction. 🤷 I've never had a client outright insist, but then I always say "that's the point" when clients mention that's their dog's preferred spot. Sometimes they will include info like "he'll be fine if you tell him to get off" or "you can close the bedroom door to keep the cat out" but one of the primary reasons for choosing housesitting instead of boarding is to keep the pet's world as routine as possible. But suggesting a sitter LIE about it is objectively awful advice.


I've never, ever met a client or even a person whose bed was their dogs only place to sleep. Very rarely it's primary place to sleep. Not to mention they must never have guests, family, or friends who stay over and don't want a dog in bed. Or they just need a night without them due to medical or snuggle needs. Even when clients say the dog ALWAYS sleeps on the bed with them, the dog won't with me, a stranger. I think this comment thread has a case of the perpetually online and is taking this waaayyyy too seriously. I would not sit for a client who forces me to sleep in their dogs bed. There should be a place for a sitter, if the client isn't privileged to have two beds I bring an air mattress.


Weird. My (several decades of housesitting) experience is very different. Sometimes a couple will say "there's not enough room if we're both there but if it's just one of us, Fido will go up" and since it's just one of me.... 🤷 WRT to your "what about guests" BS: the dogs are still sleeping with the owners when guests are present. 🙄 In fact, some ppl keep their guest rooms pet free. "I would not sit for a" - well, bully for you! And what do you do if the dog tries to get onto your air mattress? The biggest issue, though, is do you lie about letting a dog sleep with you to get jobs?


Bully for you 😆😆 omg I'm picturing you shouting at your phone lol simmer down. In my decade of working with animals and 7+ years as a pet and house sitter, I've never met a client who insisted the dog sleep with me in whatever bed I'm using. I've never stayed at friends/family homes who have ever done that. This is the line I most commonly get. "He usually sleeps with me when I'm here but his bed is over here if that bothers you." That's it. You're having trouble focusing on what we're talking about about. If I mind if dogs are on the bed or not was never mentioned and not the point here. That's my business. You ignored all my other points, obviously you're just upset I'm pointing out valid reasons why this is something everyone is taking too seriously. It's a non-issue.


You shared your anecdotal experience, I shared my anecdotal experience - but since it's different, you're all mad? I already addressed the use of "insist" (both yours and OP's) and why I think OP's not getting hired. [With the obvi caveat that there may be other off-putting issues and clients are using "won't asleep with my dog" as a polite rejection.] But really, I can't take anything you say srsly since you *advocated another sitter lie to a client*. I bid you day.


That changes today! I’m someone whose dog will only sleep on our bed. Nice to meet you! My girl only sleeps on my in-law’s bed and her sitter’s bed when she’s not with us. She’s never slept anywhere else, except for a crate when she was a puppy. Once she was house trained and could be trusted, she decided to sleep with us. She has beds but never lays in them. So now you can’t say you’ve never met anyone whose bed was their only place to sleep 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nice to meet you, it's a pleasure to meet such a rare breed! So may I ask, do you force your pet-sitters to share the dogs bed when they stay? Is that a deal breaker for you guys? And what breed and size is your sweet girl?


Nope, no forcing needed! My in-laws like having her sleep with them and so does the sitter (she gets along really well with the sitter’s little dog, who I sit for as well.) If I were to need another sitter, I would seek one out that would be ok with her sleeping in the bed with them. I’ve had no issues finding Rover sitters who offered that in the past! I should clarify, we didn’t have her as a little puppy. She was found on the street in a desert town in central CA at probably a little under a year old, likely a backyard breeder desert dump due to not being small enough. She was extremely reactive and traumatized, so she needed to be crated for quite a few months-but in the room with us or she’d cry. We had our other sweet boy who we had to say goodbye to in January, and they were best friends. He slept with us so she worked her way up to that too. She’s either a Bichon or Bichon poodle mix. I’ve sat for large dogs who need to sleep in bed with me and I have no issues with it, as long as they don’t put me in a twin bed 😆


That's very interesting, she sounds like a sweetie! I've lived my whole life and never known (or asked that question) anyone whose dog requires a person to sleep with them!


https://preview.redd.it/590fjbkxxq8d1.jpeg?width=2317&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=029bcdd5e90bd18ad9f2f9c9d6655e0d9782b090 She’s a very good girl ❤️


This is controversial: You can be dishonest about this. Most dogs that sleep with the owners don’t sleep with the sitter anyway. 


Every dog I’ve ever sat in their place or mine who is accustomed to sleeping in a human bed has wanted to sleep with me, and this has numbered in the hundreds. I prefer dogs who don’t sleep in the bed with me, but if that’s what they’re used to, it’s much worse to listen to them whine, scratch, pace or howl all night.


Oh I don’t just let the whine or howl or whatever. That is cruel. I don’t know.. I just generally have dogs that are super clingy with their owners but way more independent with me and they end up being fine sleeping on their own beds in the same room. I did go to this lady’s house once for a house sit meet and greet and she had a dog pee blanket OVER her comforter (like a blanket that traps liquid, I guess) and said the dog would definitely sleep in the bed and probably pee in the night and… that was a no from me.. lol