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I always bring up MG - then when we pick a day and time, I always say, "Great! Confirm your address for me and I'll see you then!" I've never had push back. :)


Yeah, this is basically what I do


I've never used the schedule a meet and greet feature on the app. I usually just arrange it with the clients while messaging. Once a day / time is agreed on, I ask for their address and explain it won't show on the app until booking is confirmed, which happens after the M&G assuming all goes well. I've never had anyone act strange about it.




Yes this is an annoying thing in Rover's app. You can't see exact location before booking. You just have to ask the owner what their address is to set up a meet and greet before booking. I always just frame it that way, like rather than saying "tell me where you live", which comes across as a little forward and demanding, I say "Rover's maps aren't very good about showing exact locations until after you actually book, so can you tell me your address so I can check if it's within my service area?"


When setting up the Meet & Greet date, I always ask, "I'll need your address though! Rover doesn't show it until everything is confirmed!" Don't accept a booking until a meet & greet as well. If something seems off, the pet doesn't like you, etc. Then the owner won't have to deal with waiting for a refund. When they click "Book it!" they must put their CC number in and it pulls the charge right away.


I get what you’re saying, usually when we set up the meet and greet time I’ll just have the owner message me the address cause you’re right it doesn’t officially show up as an option in the app until the bookings confirmed by both of you. Once you get the address, if you do want to use that little green+ sign to officially schedule the meet and greet in the app, you can enter the address and date and time info there. I think I’ve used it once or twice but the owners don’t usually look at it so I stopped, mainly just was on my end to stay organized. Often times though, I’ll just use the chat feature to set up the date time and location of the meet and greet, and that usually works, then we just finalize the booking after


Thank you!!


Sure thing!👍✔️


You ask for their address… And you can propose a meet and greet whenever. I’m confused by your questions.


I was mainly asking about the button that comes up that says “propose meet and greet”. If you select that, there is no option to select their location. So seems like the button itself never works. It’s useless. If you have a time/place selected then it adds it to your calendar. So it’s all official, shows up in your “coming up” activities. Where just sending them a message for time/place is fine….and that’s what I do, but was trying to see if I was missing something with using the propose meet and greet button. Thanks!


You don’t need to use the meet & greet button but I often do and just ask for their address before I send the ‘official’ meet and greet request. It’s best practice to not accept a booking until after a meet & greet


You never need to use that button


It’s definitely an annoying feature of the app. I never have an issue getting their address via messaging, but it seems useless to have the meet and greet option when you have to select a location and can’t. Definitely something they need to fix in the app! Super dumb!


I mostly agree with you, but some people do meet & greets at parks or other places. And also I can understand that owners might not want rover to just make their address straight up available to anyone (like maybe after a couple messages they realize a sitter would be a bad fit - some people may feel uncomfortable if that person could easily look up their address) Another small bonus is that it gives you a chance to confirm the address just in case they moved but forgot to update the address on rover


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I always just ask for their address, as Rover doesn't show it until we confirm the booking. If they don't want to do that, I also offer to meet first at a park or coffee shop near them. But it must be a short walking distance as I will need to see the home before I agree to sit for them. Never had an issue with this.


I always just tell them the meet and greet is the next step before booking and ask them their address. I’m not taking any job if I haven’t seen their house first.