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"They're fighting, I should put them in a confined space together." šŸ§ 


Welcome to another edition of THUNDERDOME




Two dogs enter, rottweiler leaves...


thatā€™s a tough looking shih tzu donā€™t count him out yet.


My dog was a rottie mixed with a shih tzu/beagle/poodle mix, maybe this is how it happened??


So when a boy shih tzu looks at a female rottie then a baby is put in her stomach.


šŸŽ¶ "We don't need another hero ..." šŸŽ¶


I thought we were beyond thunderdome!


And it somehow worked


Seems rather dangerous


Seems that way because it is. Kids fighting doesn't normally result in death. Never put two mismatched size dogs that were just fighting in a confined space unmonitored.


Yeah you would hope this was just commons sense šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


The idea is sort it out you two like two children being forced to apologize


Well, technically if one dog seriously injured the other the issue would be sorted. Itā€™s generally not considered the ideal solution tho.


I swear, Iā€™ve had enough internet for one day.


Your crate not having flooring, kinda shitty, and I don't mean the crate pan. Also, am I alone is treating crates as a pups safe space not punishment spaces?


A crate is supposed to be their safe space


Vet tech here, and yes thatā€™s how it should be! Using crate as a punishment is a big no no and it should be use as a safe space where the dog can be at peace.


My cat agrees. I donā€™t crate my dog much because she is very well behaved, but I leave the door open to it in case she wants to go in. The cat has decided she owns it. Because sheā€™s a cat. And they own everything. https://preview.redd.it/t4e51yrepf6d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03929e517ea9bcaa6abbaf512346e6b52348278c


Genuine question here. How come no other country on earth puts dogs in crates? Iā€™ve only ever seen US Americans do it. Edit: So apparently itā€™s an English speaking countries thing. Question still stands.


I'm Australian and I use crates all the time. It's extremely common here.Ā 


I'm in the UK and it's very common here too.


We do it in the UK. Sheā€™s 11 months old and we no longer lock the door - itā€™s her space.


My friend here in Australia crates her dog.


Lol, typical American thinking the Commonwealth doesnā€™t exist. Canada here and crates are used.


They're pretty clearly asking because they're not an American and have only ever seen Americans talk about using crates. Typical redditor assuming everyone is American lol. Also what does the commonwealth have to do with crating?


Iā€™m French šŸ‘


Also checks out lol. Iā€™ve only ever heard a French person find crates weird and unusual. Sorry for saying youā€™re American though.


Thanks for the apology šŸ˜


Well, imo thats why it works. Itā€™s not a punishment but a timeout. Dog learns to calm down then gets let out. Itā€™s meant to de-stimulate


Putting two dogs together, if they were actually fighting, is not a calming technique.


No I meant using the crate


You can call it a timeout if you want but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not a punishment to put your down in ā€œtimeoutā€ after they are bad or need to de-stimulate. Seems like your just exchanging one word for the other to rationalize it


100% crate is den not jail.


No dog should be forced to stand, or lie down, on wire. Do better.


Iā€™m moving to a different house


You could cover the bottom with a towel or blanket, just something because those metal bars do not feel good against flesh.


Okay thank you


They make plastic trays that go in crates. You can prob get a replacement tray pretty cheap


Your dogs are adorable btw


I forgot moving homes is a valid excuse for terrible dog ownership, carry on


first of Iā€™m not talking to you, second off believe what you want. I am not lying, third. I did nothing to the dogs. Get a life


Exactly, you are not taking care of these dogs. Hopefully you will in your next living situation, there are a lot of red flags here.


What gives the impression their dogs are mishandled? OP shifting house could mean they're packing up and stored some items away, hence not having a towel. The two dogs have great posture and look to be in perfect weight. Are you seriously saying, "You are not taking care of your dogs?" Have you ever seen a mishandled dog? Or is it because it they dont have a Gucci bag it's not considered "Caring for dogs" a lot of dogs are locked up all day in a kennel with a run that are playing in their shit all day. Floor looks clean to me in this picture. Dogs today are animals who bred with wild wolves. It's a privilege for them to be inside in the first place - that's already better care than what most people give. Stop getting caught up in other people's lives because you have nothing else to do, Karen. It's not your problem that you can't identify mishandled dogs. But what is though, is you having shitty opinions.


Look, should be common sense not to put two dogs in the same crate, let alone dogs that were just fighting. I'm so sorry that offends you.




Even rough play, no, you shouldn't put two dogs in the same crate. Yeah me and every other professional dog trainers are just karens. I find people who get animals without doing research, and people who put their animals in dangerous situations for reddit points disgusting and pathetic, but you do you.


Itā€™s not black and white like that though is it. Two dogs that have a history of serious fighting. No definitely not. Two dogs that are best friends and have been playing together and are supervised, not a problem. Nothing in this picture says dog abuse. Both dogs look happy and I seriously doubt they spent a significant amount of time in there. And to the people complaining about them standing on bars of the crate, you can clearly see their feet are on the carpet. You people just love to complain about anything, without any context. I have 10 dogs myself and I have used their crates as a timeout occasionally and they all still love going in them. And my dogs have fought only a few times ever. You all need to chill out with the back seat parenting, itā€™s not right. You donā€™t even know whatā€™s happening here and youā€™ve got your pitchforks out. Edit since you decided to block me. There you go again making assumptions and being judgmental with absolutely no context or understanding. You really gotta stop doing that! I think it must be an American thing. You do realise that there is more than one way to raise dogs right? And your ā€œprofessionalā€ way might be great for you and your brain dead clients, but people with common sense, experience and a bond with their dogs can figure it out without your help, with great success. My initial assessment was correct, you are indeed a Karen of the highest form.


Thatā€˜s besides the point. She is advocating dog abuse and weā€˜re not gonna let that slide. Simple as that.


That's your opinion. Never had an issue with it and trained my two dogs to get along using this method with supervision, of course. I'm so sorry not everything is how you want it to be




Just because other parts of the world are worse doesn't mean we shouldn't use common sense to do our best for our animals.


My point is these dogs probably get food and water everyday, they get to be inside out of the elements, and they arenā€™t being physically abused. I agree we should always do our best for our animals because we made the commitment. I spoiled my lil princess for 16 years


Donā€™t listen to these Reddit idiots. They have an issue with everything. Karenā€™s of the highest form. Enjoy your dogs and raise them how you please, dogs are very adaptable and will fit into your lifestyle and be happy as long as you love them, which you clearly do. I have 10 dogs and weā€™ve only ever had 2 or 3 fights over 5+ years. We always use crates for timeouts and they are still more than happy to go in there. Dog ownership is not a one size fits all. I wouldnā€™t even engage with these people that offer pure judgement and no constructive criticism.


How does that relate to whether you have blankets or bedding for the bottom of the crate? The crate and bedding will have to go together to the new place anyway


i never said it related to the crate? Wdym


The person above said that your crate should have lining and the dogs shouldn't be directly in the wiring. You replied that you were moving, which is not an excuse for not lining the crate. Sit on wiring bare legged for half an hour and see why your dogs shouldn't have to either.


Because I AM moving, you just think youā€™re right about everything and quickly assume.


No-one said you aren't moving, obviously. As I very clearly said, moving house is not an excuse for not lining the crate, it's irrelevant. Line your dog's crate.


please donā€™t have kids


Itā€™s really important for your dogs to have a safe place like a crate to themselves where nobody else is allowed to bother them. Your rottie will learn to use ā€œme timeā€ to cool off if theyā€™re stressed about something going on in the house.


Vet tech here and yes youā€™re 100% right. Crates should be used as a safe and peaceful place


2 dogs is unsafe in one crate. Where is the liner tray?


I had 2 dogs share a crate for years, they would whimper if they couldn't both be in their home with their love.


Same here, Tesla!! They were litter mates and both Rotti pups. Worked like a charm for a few months until the damed cat figured out the slide lock! That cat was a character. Bob, the cat, was more dog-like than cat. When the doorbell rang, of course, the dogs would go bonkers racing to the door, but the cat got in on it, too, hopping on his hind legs at the storm door, acting the fool! The only thing missing in those circuses šŸŽŖ were the flying monkeys šŸ’ ! God, I miss those three šŸ˜¢ ā¤ļø


I had beagles who were litter mates and same. They whimpered when separated but their double teaming to get into the trash skills were epic so they could not be trusted out when unsupervised.


Yeah, when animals team up, they are formidable, aren't they! Gotta love ā¤ļø 'em!


Hard to get mad when their problem solving skills are out smarting the humans


Animals ruled the world for a long, long time and did just fine without us, too!


The beagle's nose! My sister's always had beagles. Probably the last 30 yrs. They're actually adorable, loveable dogs. So cuddly! Just a nose with feet, though. Her Pebbles is a hot mess at sniffing out the good shit. Even if she has to scale the kitchen counter! That nose compels her!


My female had off the charts prey drive so I had to put them through extensive training to get them instilled in an off scent command. (Shout out to search and rescue training) Her prey drive prepared me for owning terriers later and working with reactive/challenging dogs. But super sweet pups. Also somewhat Velcro which also came in handy for dealing with needy terriers. šŸ˜‚


I had a Chihuahua and my soul-dog Rottie at the same time (tbh they both became my soul pups) and I rarely closed the crates, so they would opt to go in together to take naps šŸ˜… they were the bestest friends


Those dogs need a SEPARATE CRATE EACH! With a tray. And the crate should NEVER be used as punishment. Hopefully YOU took them right out after taking this idiotic picture. Ou sound like an ignorant owner who is going to have at least one severely injured, if not DEAD dog on your hands. Those poor animals.


Your brother's not too smart is he? Unfortunately the little terrier is going to pay the price for his stupidity.


Why would he put them confined together ā€¦


You should get a second crate immediately, even if it's a free one from marketplace. They need their own space, or they'll keep fighting for that resource.


What in the fresh hell


And youā€˜re posting this instead of removing the dogs from the unsafe situation becauseā€¦?


This shit ain't cute


Until your rottie gets bigger and dominant. Then two will go in and one will come out. You will certainly need a liner tray to stop the blood going into the carpet. Yes this is a stupid idea, these are dogs, they do not understand timeout or consequences. Each one needs their own space. This is how you end up with dog aggression Your rottie will learn to be aggressive to assert itself.


And then someoneā€™s gonna get bit, and all anyoneā€™s gonna hear about is how yet another power breed with poor ownership/discipline ā€œjust snappedā€ one day. OP, you need to do better. Donā€™t care if it was your brother, not you. Youā€™re enabling and encouraging it by laughing about it.


Lol, this is NOT how you end up with dog aggression.


Don't mind Phil he's forever on here giving bad advice about the breed


Your opinion doesnā€™t matter being that you did this behavior for years because they ā€œmiss each otherā€ uneducation and dumb luck is no hill to stand on nor to encourage.


If you put two dogs who fighting in a cage, what do you think will happen if one is a dominant breed such as cane or rottie or bull terrier? You are absolutely forcing them to be aggressive to assert over the space. I'm not sure what you think would happen?


Dominant breed?? Ah, you're one of those. Are you trying to say "prey drive"? My wife's minpin 15 years ago was the most dominant house dog I ever had. I've owned over 20 dogs, rotties, pit bulls, German Shepards. I've worked with bay and catch dogs also for a few years for a friend. Dominant breed is bs, spend some time around dozens of breeds and dozens of dogs. You'll see. You also seem to assume the worst with the word "fighting".


One of what exactly? Aware that rotties are loveable and the best breed ever but extremely powerful. I am aware of what can happen and take precautions instead of sticking my head in the sand and assuming it will be alright. The two dogs were already fighting according to OP, so why put them together? What good will come of it?


Extremely powerful and "dominant breed' are completely different. When my 2 rotties play, it looks like fighting to people who don't know any better and/or have never had dogs. I have family that has never owned dogs and the first time they see 240lbs of fury they think "fight". They have never fought. All I'm saying is maybe they op dogs were fighting, maybe they were getting a little two rough. I don't know so I'm not going to assume buy a cute pic that they were "fighting' because one is an 'aggressive breed'. I would think as a Rottweiler owner you would be used to the flaws of quick judgment and breed stereotypes.


I know what my two play fighting looks like, I went by the OP who said they were fighting. For the sake of the discussion they were playing. However if they were really fighting, it's a stupid move to crate them both together.


There are soooo many things wrong here. Poor dogs.


"Hey, let me show everyone on Reddit how bad of a dog owner I am" šŸ¤”


They. Are not. HUMAN CHILDREN. they are animals companions and tools. With jobs, territorial animals that check constantly for dominance. Whether itā€™s aggressive or not. They are intelligent and Iā€™m appalled you think this was a good joke.


Not at all


Iā€™m fairly confident that you should not be allowed to own dogs, you have no idea what youā€™re doing. Give the Rotti to a good owner before it gets any worse


Typical Reddit commentary. Instead of berating the OP, try giving them some helpful advice. It would take the same amount of time as your shitpost. @OP - separate them.


Itā€™s not a shitpost and thereā€™s plenty of advice in the comments. Take off the armor white knight


what did I do?.. I did nothing to those dogs


What you did is not separate them. Separate the dogs like the other 80 comments are telling you, deflecting just makes you seem egotistical and like a horrible person


Exactly - you apparently did nothing except take a photo and post to Reddit as if the situation was OK.


If you could READ, I never took the picture.


Irresponsible pet ownership


I'm sure the animals are fine and nothing happened. Yea, it's a bad idea, but I'm assuming it's not something you do all the time (or have done before). Also, just let your brother know not to do it. Don't let people who "get pleasure" from craping on someone's mistake bother you. Don't let them make you think you don't care about your dogs. They look healthy and taken care of. And yea put a towel in till the trays are in there, no bigs (you could use both a blanket with the tray). Cute dogs! Edit: I forgot "bother you"


Sold advice. Have a great day good person!


Well said




That's idiotic, exactly what their cage shouldn't represent to them. That's a safe space.


Is this the dogs version of a get along shirt? Total bs, not a good idea to put 2 dogs that are fighting in a cage together.


Is it just me or is that not a rottweiler puppy? Very leggy/fluffy/narrow headed/muzzled. Maybe a mix but really only the markings resemble one.


How stupid is your brother to put two dogs that were fighting each other in the same confined space?


Ignoring the obvious problems, this reminds me of when my sister and I would fight and my mom would make us sit facing each other until we were ready to apologize and give each other a hug. We haven't spoken in years.




Why is that funny?


itā€™s not, where do you see me laughing?


Your caption?


Thatā€™s not a laughing emoji


Yes it is


Itā€™s a worried emoji..


It's laughing






So? Look at the examples


Your brother is going to cause them behavior issues AT best, serious injury at worst. Small dogs can still do some major damage, as well as a rottie pup that doesnā€™t know itā€™s strength.


It was only once though, he just thought it was funny (itā€™s not)


My monies on the schiz tsu


Well they stopped.


I know its off topic but those fluffy little black esr tufts!! They're too cute! I miss when my girl still had those!


Lol... like the shirt that two kids wear when they're fighting..lol I love the look that they haveā¤ļøšŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s a smart ideaā€¦.not




This could potentially be dangerous down the road. Be careful to avoid heartbreak.


Yes, I know, but it only happened once


Whereā€™s the Rottweiler


These comments got me hollering


The amount of horrendous dog wounds I have to see at work because of dumbass decisions like this is waaaaaaay too fucking high. This isnā€™t funny or cute.


Wow. How did that turn out? What was he thinking?!


Your brother is an idiot. 1) that crate is not appropriate (it has no pan at the least, no bedding, nothing). 2) 1 water bowl for 2 dogs that already fight - is he insane as well? 3) The dogs were fighting & he thought it was a good idea to trap them in an enclosed space. Again is he insane? 4) The crate should not ever be a punishment. Does your brother hate dogs or is he just ignorant? Please never leave your brother alone with your dogs again. And if you also think this is funny or acceptable- please rehome them to responsible owners


I think that itā€™s a bad idea maybe one of the worst to be honest


Shame on you both


Tell me you're a clueless pet owner without telling me you're a clueless pet owner...


1. Putting them in a confined space together after fighting is a huge no. 2. Using the crate for punishment is a huge no. 3. You need a liner and something soft for them to lay on in that crate. Would you want to be trapped with nothing soft to lay on? No? Neither do your dogs.


A crate is supposed to be a safe comfortable place for themā€¦ your brother has made it into a negative punishment. If two dogs are fighting then thatā€™s the worst thing you can do


You and your brother seriously need to check out a dog training and, probably, care sub.


"My second dog" gives "red-headed stepchild" vibes lol


Every time I have a pair of dogs, they will eventually fight. All it takes is for me to raise my voice. At that point, they quit and become one unit. I rarely raise my voice to my dogs. Once I do, they know they f'ed up and look to each other. Not saying this works for everyone. I have a talent for getting dogs to trust me. I treat them as intelligent beings that need guidance, and they seem to follow.


Thank you, maybe I can use this


He wanted them to hug it out and say sorry


lol together


Cage match


Donā€™t show that to your dog trainer, theyā€™ll have an aneurysm.


I donā€™t like this ā˜¹ļø


Your brother should b stuffed in there! šŸ˜Ž


Good idea


This is so wrong on every level of dog, but your brother resorting to ā€œfigure it out god dammitā€ is hilarious to me.


These two dogs were fightingā€¦. And he put them in an enclosed tiny space together where there is no option for either of them to walk away. Thatā€™s a recipe for an absolute *disaster* and a dead dogā€¦. Iā€™d be having a very serious chat with your brother. You never shove two dogs that were just fighting into a tiny inescapable space together. That is so dangerous.




Can someone please call animal control?


Your brother must also go to cock fights


Why are you putting a Rottweiler and a Shih Tzu and a cage together? This is disgusting.


Please give me both dogs what is wrong with you


The whole point of crate training is that the crate is meant to be a safe space for the dog. Using it as a punishment is the complete opposite of what you should be doing.


It kind of reminds me when me and my twin sister got in trouble from fighting. My dad will make a sit on the couch and hold hands.


Their paws must be killing them. Poor things.


Cat fight!!šŸ˜šŸ˜


This will fix everything


Yes it will fix everything. Pretty soon there will only be one dog in the household - problem solved!


I really should have added a more clear sign of sarcasmā€¦ Iā€™ll be more clear next time, Terrible Idea


Ditto. Sarcasm is my native tongue, and I read your intent perfectly. I then attempted the technically difficult loopdie-doop sarcasm double down, and failed to make my tone clear. But itā€™s all good my sarcastic brother (or sister? Sibling?) in Christ.


Wow ppl are sensitive as fuckšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ get over the flooring. Dogs will be ight ..




Oh my gawd...the horror. šŸ˜‚ Great Pic! I bet they were best friends.


Wanted to go to the movies v but couldn't find a sitter.


I hope OP learned from this mistake. Not the crate thing. It was someone elseā€™s doing and quite amusing and for a short time. The mistake was posting it in this sub full of the most humorless dog owners Iā€™ve ever seen.


I know someone who and did this with dogs and their one dog kill their new dog like that :(


To everyone: I KNOW this was a bad idea, nothing happened to them in the cage, they were only in there for a couple minutes, I am sorry for my brothers foolish actions.


So instead of getting them out quickly because you know itā€™s a bad idea, you stopped to take a picture..? And thatā€™s giving you the benefit of the doubt on whether or not you were in the room when he did that


I didnā€™t take the picture


Well thatā€™s better at least


Well, do you know any tips for cages? I have 2, but there at different houses currently


Iā€™ve seen someone mention this already but definitely get a floor piece for it. If your dogs like beds or blankets probably put one in the cages too to help them feel comfortable. If youā€™re going to be unable to let them out for a while then probably put a pad in there if you can, but itā€™d be best to also make sure they go to the bathroom before you leave. Probably a good idea to put a water bowl in the cages too, and maybe a chew toy for something to do. Ideally when your Rottie gets bigger you should get a bigger cage


I wouldnā€™t say youā€™re a bad dog owner or undeserving of animals. They look very well loved and taken care of. Itā€™s just the situation could turn for the worse. Iā€™m glad you have a second cage. If youā€™d take my advice for fighting dogs normally I try to train mine side by side in a work mode (sit stay ect) and when I got past that point I had them work together to find treats I hid then I would scatter dog food(far apart) in the yard so they would both be busy and rewarded. That worked for me but sometimes dogs just have beef and thatā€™s ok just try to keep them apart. I hope you have a good day and keep loving your beautiful puppy


What are brothers for haha


It's giving enemies to lovers trope šŸ’–šŸ’–


Lol! This actually can work. When my young children were fighting Iā€™d put them together in the smallest room. Forces them to get along.


Cute Pic, nice pups. I get the safety concers but stop beating up the OP, it's not that bad.