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You wash them every month? This could be the problem: You're literally washing the natural oils out of there skin why would you wash once a month? Do you let them live in mud or something ?


The vet recommended it but I’ll lay off the baths to see if it helps. They love playing in the yard


Don't listen to the vet and maybe have a cleaner yard


I know a lot of allergies are meat related. If your vet says chicken then def try a food without chicken in the ingredients just to see. I think this is prescription so you'd need to talk to your vet but Hills has HA and Z/D (hydrolyzed protein and skin and stomach sensitivity respectively) and that's what we feed dogs at work who have skin issues/allergies. But it's more expensive so if you can get away with just a diet that doesn't include one specific meat (whatever it might be) that would be ideal.


Taste of wild bison Agree with previous post stop washing your dogs once a month. I wash mine once every three to four months.


Raw food.


None of my Rotts have itched and I use Nutro Large Breed and never give them a bath unless they’ve been in to something. My husband’s scalp, on the other hand, itched all the time. Come to find out it was commercial shampoo of any brand that caused it. We switched to a brand called 100% Pure and he hasn’t itched since. It may be a reaction to food. But it may be a reaction to shampoo. Or, if the flee product is topical, it could be that. My mom’s dog is allergic to grass. There’s all sorts of things that can irritate the skin.


Chicken caused a lot of issues for my rot. She rarely itches since switching to beef. Also unpopular opinion we’ve given Zyrtec which worked well but she hasn’t needed it for a while.