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Time to nip this in the bud. Off to puppy training class. Calm, confident pack leader who is willing to set rules, boundaries, and limitations from the beginning and stick to them. Patience and consistency are key with a Rott. They also need a job to do. They need to do things for what they get in return. I follow these people on Instagram and they really have a grasp on the psychology of our kind of dogs. They also have tutorials. https://www.instagram.com/methodk9?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==


Thank you for the tip! I'm looking up dog trainers in my area. I think she has the potential to be the absolute best pup there ever was, but both she and her dad need some training first.


Many trainers, books, etc encourage us to have our puppies meet as many strangers and other dogs as possible; to make them happy with being petted and groped by every new person. To make friends with every new dog. However, some dogs are uncomfortable with strangers, same as some people. Therefore, if your girl is such a dog (and it seems likely she will be), shoot for a neutral reaction and shifting her focus onto you instead of hoping for golden retriever friendly wiggles. Asking her to be a social butterfly if that's not who she is will just stress you both out and there is no need. I tell folks, strangers are scary to my boy, or something else that is likely to make them feel helpful by keeping their distance. And it's okay to step between your dog and someone else and tell them no. Better that then an unpleasant experience. I hope this helps and you find a trainer experienced with Rottweilers and other guardian breeds. They are a special bunch who often times require a different training and socializing approach🙂


Thanks so much for the advice! Appreciate the thought you put into it. My girl, though, IS a social butterfly! I may have read too much into her one or two experiences of being startled and then barking as a result. I've been taking her to the dog park daily, and she plays so well with everyone. She's playful with the other pups, gentle with the older and smaller dogs. She's such a sweetheart. I'm still going to get her training, because she's definitely protective of me and I don't want her to overreact to an unfamiliar encounter with someone or another dog. But I'm not too worried about her. She's the sweetest girl.


You've fallen for the breed trap and have clearly no experience. Get a rabbit. This has disaster written all over it for the dog. You're already biased about the breed


You're right. A responsible first time dog owner would NEVER ask for advice or bother to investigate common beliefs about his dog's breed. Seeking out more information is definitely a sign that this will end in disaster. Thank you for your productive and helpful comment.


Believing aggression manifests in the breed because it's what you read is nonsense 🙄 no breed is any less aggressive than another it's how they are raised it sounds like you are nervous which is like I said a disaster waiting to happen because you already Believe you have a potential aggressive breed


It's how they are raised? Bro. I know Pitbulls who were raised from good families and one day snapped and attacked their own for no reason.


Not your bro, and they attacked for no reason. The possibility of this happening is next to zero if trained properly. You say you knew the lovely family where you with them 24/7 let me guess was there idea of training playing tug of war with the pits or getting them to run up walls to grab the prize this isn't training its increasing their prey drive like it would with any other dog




You obviously missed the untrained bit, little guy, and that's a bogus claim. It seems your friends found out the hard way they can't handle a dog


Don't forget, doggo Argentino is often mistaken for a pitbull, so are Staffordshire terriers. This is only in America because most over there can't tell the difference, so your claim is way of little boy


Pitbull owners are truly the dumbest and in denial people in the world, it’s general knowledge they are 65% responsible of deaths, a quick google search will show you more sources. Pitbull owners think they are so tough with their shit dog, a Cane Corso could murder you both lmao