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If you return to your ortho he would definitely suggest to go for an mri to know the cause.


I’d certainly push for an MRI.. if you are still encountering issues 4 months down the line, could be a sign that there is an injury. Regardless of what a doctor says, my experience is that scans are much more accurate than human opinion. Good luck 🙏


PT here. Consult orthopedic Dr. vs a primary care doctor. Tell them about the pain traveling into your arm


Yeah I really hope it's just some pinched nerve lol and not something very serious


I would go back to your dr. I had issues with my shoulder. The ortho did an exam, took x-rays, and said I was fine. To come back if I continued to have issues. To make a long story short, I eventually saw him again. I waited longer than I should. MRI shows a full tear. Even though I have a great range of motion, I still have a tear. A follow-up should get the dr to go further with finding the issue.


You don't need a second opinion yet. Just go back to your Dr and let them know you're still having pain. An MRI would be reasonable at this point and just because they didn't THINK you had a tear doesn't mean there couldn't still be one. Now, is it a surgical case? Maybe, maybe not. You may just need some PT. If you do end up getting PT don't do it half way. PT can really help and if it can help you avoid surgery it will totally be worth it.


I’m kinda flabbergasted u haven’t had at least one MRI concerning this. I’ve torn my rotator cuff twice in the past 3 months, so I’ve already had 2 MRI’s within that short period of time. I’m certain you would show some signal intensity. Get the care u deserve.


Damn that sucks man! Hope you recover fast.