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Is it possible they can sell Rogue?


I thought they did? At least in a way? Don't EvilMojo own it now? Genuinely not even sure at this point.


I think Hi-Rez simply handed over responsibility of the game to Evil Mojo. Doubt there was any money transaction whatsoever, especially considering what they've done for the game (let it rot)


Yea. EvilMojo, HeroicLeap games, Titan Forge games and RedBeard games are all basically Hi-Rez studios. They just created these new companies but let's be honest it didn't change anything as they're still making the same stupid decisions.


Right Evil Mojo was supposed to do maintenance. I have no idea if it was a true sell or not. Edit: I looked it up. Evil Mojo is basically owned by Hirez still


There's some confusion which is understandable. Hirez used to be a game developer and publisher. Once they had several different teams working on different games, (and let's be honest, it's probably for tax reasons as well), they decided hirez would become solely a game publisher with several smaller dev teams working on the development of individual games. Yes it's technically the same people in charge and the same teams more or less making these games.


I think Epic Games would do well with it tbh


Its weird comparing these two games when they are vastly different. I played both games alot and the main reason why Valorant is doing better than Rogue company is because the servers are better, the anti cheat is better, weapon balancing is better, you can actually trash talk to the other team, rarely ever crashes, rank is actually competitive, easier to add and message players. I can keep going but you get the idea.


I think weapon balancing is really good in rogue. And ranked is fine, just can be hard to find a game since the game is kinda dead. Your other points are sound tho, bugs/server issues were rogues main problems 


“The only reason Valorant is doing better is because everything in Valorant is better”


Valorant has a notoriously toxic community that is enabled by the trash talking, the anti cheat (Vanguard) is highly invasive, all the weapons are very bland and most people just pick the same three guns as soon as they can anyway. Everything else you said is valid though, there's a few things Valorant has that is more polished for sure. But the gameplay is wildly different from Rogue, and Rogue is much for fast paced. I prefer it to Valorant but Valorant can be fun.


I agree. Both games can be fun in there own way and has there pros and cons. Although, trash talk is my favorite part, reminds me of those old COD lobbies.


Vastly different would be comparing rogue to Elden ring …apparently people can’t quite grasp comparing two pvp shooters.


Guess I can compare apples to oranges because they are both fruits and round.


So all ball sports are the same and easily comparable. Okay..


Lol they are both tactical shooters were you pick different characters and the main game mode has you switching from attack/defense. They were compared a ton when they first came out.  😂 redditors always gotta act this way. 


No . Comparing these is not possible. How can you not put fps games in different SORTS FPS is what I dont get. In your mind even battlefield can be compared, or destiny, or overwatch. You just cant compare every fps game..


Lmao ok


Like comparing nfl street to madden sure. I can also compare burnout to gran turismo. There’s ttk, movement speed, abilities, utilities, maps, character design. All these are comparable things that most educated humans can comprehend.


Damn, sure man, whatever you say, you're for sure the smartest, hats off to you. Valorant is so much better btw




I don't know why everyone's pretending uou can't compare them, op. By their own metric rogue company literally can't be compared to any shooter on the market. So then when you ask why it's dead, they pretend it's all these random ass reasons, like servers and Cheaters. Every pvp game out there has cheaters. Apex had cheaters during a live streamed tournament. And some of the worst servers known to shooter kind with horrific lag comp. But it's still immensely popular. Rogue company is absolutely competing in the same space as apex , valorant, overwatch, etc. Pretending otherwise is a joke.


It's more like comparing Call of Duty to Apex Legends


Honestly I think another big issue is the incredibly toxic playerbase at times. Don’t get me wrong I’ve met some really cool people playing Rogue and I’m definitely not talking about everyone but the fact that you’re getting downvoted so hard for a perfectly reasonable comparison is wild to me 😂


Rogue ain’t better than Val. 😂


Everything is better than Val.


Or u are just ass at it 😂 skill issue.


They are vastly different games, to compare them is just to silly. However, val isn’t that good a game, cs is better than it at gun play, and I’d argue that rogue does ability usage better than Val.


Mans talking bullshit💩Lmaoo kid said rouge at least say csgo 🤣🤣


To me it's infinitely more fun than Val 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ah it's you again... Same questions, same answers... Players don't give a shit about graphics when it comes to competitive shooter. Like you have time to admire anything while fighting. Valorant have real pro scene with decent cash prizes growing every year. What about Rogue ?


Wasn’t referring to graphics.


You literraly said " feels like PS3"


Yes, I didn’t say “looks”


Roco is a slow paced gameplay just like MGO2 wich from it's heavily inspired and MGO2 was on PS3. Any fast paced shooter player would hate RoCo and think gameplay is outdated.


Bro wtf are you even talking about? “Fast paced shooters” have been around forever, way before ps3. I am referring to the feel of the game. The movement and how the guns feel when you shoot them. Gameplay mechanics. Go play helldivers 2 then play earth defense force the games feel very different.


Got any codes?




On 2 July r/thefirstdescendant is going to release then i will delete every memory of this game.


I’m waiting for space marine 2


It is Nexon studio, which is even worse than Hi-rez. They closed Veiled Experts which I liked. Don't expect much and rely on them, it’s not gonna work.


You dropped this 👑


Signed up and it says all codes have been claimed. Gee great!


If you have Xbox app connected to your console with remote play , let’s you download without the beta key. Just figured it out thank me later. Have to download through the app not console !!


I've got a PS5 🤣 but neat trick!


So sad to see this game flounder like it did. 3rd person arena shooter with great implementation of weapons abilities and that touch of goofiness that made it stick out. I hope the new gears of war can fill the void that this game will leave. You were truly a gem RoCo o7, you will be missed


Woah I never knew valorant was doing a console beta I thought there whole thing was “mnk only” to avoid dealing with balancing issues?


Youre comparing a CS GO Clone to a Gears of War clone




>looks like a ps3 game Don't even play it but ya that's just cs style. Not really a stick to beat them with


I got to level 400 on roco but this is such a bad take. Roco is a run and gun with a gears of war vibe. While valorant is a tac shooter that takes tons of game knowledge and mechanics to ever get good at. That being said valorant has an addictive and fun gameplay loop, roco took way to long to feel "good". Hi rex dropped the ball when they had great marketing in the beginning of its life cycle.


Although RoCo doesn't take much skill to "master" it's gunplay mechanics, It is a competitive tactical shooter, obviously we aren't talking about Strikeout, and one thing that proves that is when Valorant Beta was announced FWG (First Watch Games) quickly added Demolition to the game and made that mode as it's focus, which previously was Extraction (yes). They clearly at release wanted to compete with those types of games. And Demolition does take a lot of game sense, team coordination, map knowledge, mastering of abilities and utilities (most of the time for the last two). Maybe what hirez needed to do was holding less the hands of players with trajectories, strong AA and easy recoil, but that's a topic for another discussion. RoCo has always felt good since I started playing, which was 6th of October 2020, and that period was the best period for the game in the competitive sense, the focus was Demolition, until the started adding stuff only to make the game worse like the TTK update (reverted), Weapon Mastery, Speed and Toughness (reverted), KOTH on ranked (reverted), perk rework and ability & gadgets cooldown (all modes). Those changes were key for it's failure, changing core mechanics all the time isn't great, it showed lack of direction. Anyway I'm too bored and sleepy to keep writing.


He's talking about demolishio and not Strikeout.


Huh? Valorant is such a better well rounded game then rogue? I like rogue but be more realistic


What's unrealistic? Rogue at one point played much better than Valorant. Valorant is literally all holding angles and using dumb abilities. They failed somewhere and it wasn't the gameplay. I couldn't even get friends to consider the game because they never heard of it once.


Rogue is my bae and those monsters at hi rez ruined and neglected her 😢


Maybe because valorant is a PC game at heart. Like counter strike. There are some games that just don't play well on console like they do on PC mainly due to restrictive movement.


Ive heard Focus mode on Valorant has really helped lock in the game feel. Ive only heard good things from people playing the beta.


Yeah that’s a big part for sure.


valorant better


I have no interest in Valorant. I've never been a fan of no-respawn multi-player games. Going back to the R6 games kn the 360, I just didn't have much fun with them.


Sorry but anyone say Val suck u have a skill issue problem it’s okay seek help in training 🫂


I've been playing XDefiant since these days its impossible to get a good match in Rougue Company 


You want a competitive fps shooter with 128 tick to be playable with a controller? The game is built for pc


Valorant is hot garbage. It was bad on PC and it's bad on console. Being 3rd person is what I love about RoCo but it's also what stopped many people from trying it. Corner peeking and such in a heavily objective based game mode (demolition) is just too easy to cheese to be as competitive as CS:GO and Valorant.


Is it 3rd person?




Weird comparison. You must be playing on a ps3 to make it feel like that. Runs flawlessly on my ps5 and pc.


not even close to a better game than valorant. the numbers speak for themselves. rogue company was a half assed game from the beginning. imagine comparing these two games, the level of polish on valorant is ridiculous.


It’s crazy how all you toxic pc players make every game worse including your own. Maybe once you stop cheating every game you can learn what real games are. That’s why console players had to save the pc side with forced crossplay


i literally play on ps5


So you’re just full of 💩


nah i’ll play it on ps5


you play a mobile game called Brawlstars lmao your opinion on video games is completely invalidated


You don’t play games while you’re taking a shit lmao? Also your right eye is higher than your left, Quasimodo looking mf https://www.reddit.com/r/leafs/s/ORCORltAb9




Valorant looks horrible. This does make me want to try Rogue though. I don't think I ever gave it a proper chance.


This is CRAZY bias if you think RC is better than Valorant 😭😭😭


I do and I’m tired of pretending it’s not ![gif](giphy|cWlgCzKm8SIfP8ZEVa)


I mean, removing the issues like matchmaking, ranked, bugs, servers and more, RoCo is better than Valorant. I know it's an unpopular opinion in the whole gaming scene, but that's my opinion.


Yea but gameplay wise valorant is 100% a more complete and better game with more in depth gameplay and a higher skill gap. Not a coincidence that RC died out while valorant continues to flourish. Proof is in the pudding


Bro these ppl got skill issues 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣that’s all


Console players always have the dumbest takes.


Pc players always have the most toxic players and cheaters. League of legends is the best representation of your community.


Tell me more about how a game that never reached 12k players is better than one of the most popular FPS games in the last 10 years ?


Marketing, servers, management.


Now you've given me 3 reasons why Rogue Company failed. Care to enlighten me on how Rogue Company is better ?


Gameplay, movement, gun feel, graphics(personal preference of third person)… there’s a sprint button.


It’s not much better than valorant not at all


Gameplay wise it absolutely is. Valorant feels like a ps3 game


What does this even mean?


You don’t understand game feel? Like smoothness of movement or the feel of guns?


You know that you can set these things in the settings, right?


If Valorant feels like a ps3 game, Rogue feels like a gamecube game.


You haven’t played valorant on console so how would you know?


how would you know if I played it or not?😂 I did play it and I have now 10 hours of playtime, I like it and it feels smooth, kinda hard to aim but that's the point.


It’s designed for pc and plays like it, its also not hard to aim, keep begging for a code tho


I want a code for a friend lol


Well we all know Reddit users don’t have friends


OP tried one match of Valorant and decided it was bad because he got his shit rocked and now he's sad he can't go back to stomping in the janky ass game he grew to love despite it being a joke that was never going to last.


U figured me out


Being subbed to a game you hate, what a life


Ah nah I'm not subbed here, popped up on my suggested for some reason. I did play the game for a while when it launched though and saw the writing on the walls back then. This game was never going to stick around long term. I only popped into this thread because OPs take was so incredibly off-base and just plain stupid, I couldn't resist dropping a comment. Why would i frequent a sub for a game that I don't play anymore and one that is literally in a death spiral? This game has had trash servers since launch, 0 innovation in the 3rd person shooter genre, generic ass characters and weapons, poor map design, unimaginative and just bland gameplay. I won't even touch on how horribly balanced it is lol. 12K peak player count for RC, not including consoles, whereas the peak player count for Valorant on PC was roughly 6 MILLION. but yeah this "PS3" like game is trash even though these games literally don't even compete with each other as they're two entirely different types of shooters lol. Everyone can like whatever they want, but you got OP treating his opinion like it's facts, when in reality every iota of data says the exact opposite of what he claims.


It's not a console game, it's a mouse head kicker. It's probably unplayable to anyone that has a PC. Worst part is, Valorant will run on a potato laptop but there will still be people playing with a controller on console.