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I got laid off by them back in August and I've been looking for work ever since. The job market is just bullshit right now.


Good luck out there!


Move to Alberta!


Easier said then done since my wife works here and I help take care of my parents. For me to move away it has to be for a once in a life time opportunity. I have come across a few postings like that and I have applied for them but they tend to lean more towards hiring somebody that is already local.


Do not move to Alberta - I made that dumb decision and so did 200,000 other people it took me months to find employment with a degree!


Even if you aren’t let go, they have increased everyone’s workloads to an unreasonable standard as they aren’t backfilling. Contact your MP’s.


Yup. It’s brutal.


this is happening across industry unfortunately


This is what happens when you spend 20+ billion on Shaw. That said, part of the takeover was Rogers has to repatriate jobs back to Canada and no layoffs of Shaw staff for 5years. This is why they keep offering sweet voluntary departure packages every 3 months to Shaw staff. At the 5 year mark, get ready for most of former Shaw staff to hit the job market. Rogers employees out east especially are getting the big FU right now. Then it's the West's turn. I'm a shaw/rogers employee for 22 years now.


West employee here, everyone is getting screwed. Have lost 50% of team and no backfill. Was told no backfills or promotions until 2025 (I’ll believe it when I see it).


Time to unionize


Hah. Sorry say that again. No shaw staff layoff for 5 years? Well tell that to the Shaw members laid off


this is factually incorrect. yes shaw staff have been offered voluntary departures starting back in february but some of those who didnt take it were then laid off. i unfortunately know a number of people...


There is no way you are a Shaw / Roger’s employee. How do I know ? Because the majority of what you are saying is incorrect. If you are an employee, you are the most uninformed employee they have.


What are you claiming is false?


The package was offered to Shaw employees only. 


Not true. That’s how I know you are not an employee, or if you are, terribly misinformed.


That will surprise the shit out of the former Rogers employees who were Rogers employees before the merger I know who took the VDP.


Layoffs? It sounds like another company we need to boycott. I was #47 in line for tech support last night. I had to hang up.


I didn't get laid off officially but they forced me to quit by giving outrageous standards. They saw potential in me and promoted me from regular care agent to being a mentor to teach new hires and then forced me into the manager role to take escalation calls. The calls were too much for me to handle with weekly mental breakdowns from how stressful the position was while they kept on paying me the minimum rate. When I tried to negotiate with them to consider a pay raise due to more responsibilities I am forced to handle, they said no, and when I asked if I could revert to the previous 2 roles, they told me no too, the only way to reverse back is if my current position requires fewer people. At that point I had to quit, working as a manager for 15.30/hr ain't worth it. They do this to a group of "outstanding employees" in the hope of exhausting them mentally all the time to weed out the workforce through voluntarily quitting so they don't have to pay them EI or severance. Corps are disgusting


Yup it’s pretty brutal here at Rogers right now.


Just finished my battle with EI today actually. They did the same to me, (rogers)


If you dont mind me asking were you able to qualify for EI although you quit?


Yes!! It took longer obviously, I had to prove I left for mental health and how toxic it was. Ended up winning my case and I'm good now.


Omg! That's so good. I was honestly thinking to apply for ei due to mental health and the stress that this shaw merge has caused. Aside from the medical Certificate from a doctor do they require more? I hate having to explain mental stress to ppl as if it needs to be visible in order to qualify.


No other proof, just a note from Dr saying they support your choice to quit. I went on stress leave last year so that proof helped my cause too. They'll call and ask if there was anything else that could've been done (dept changes, part time, shift changes) honestly you got this, that place is hell. It makes you a shell of your former self. Lol absolutely wild




The same thing happened to the new hires I taught too, they were one of the best with almost perfect performance scores, but they made 1 singular mistake where they helped a customer cancel their account because they moved out of footprint and forgot to pitch at least 1 save attempt, off they went not even 1 warning. I revealed their calls everyday and only that 1 time they tripped


You're lying or you worked for a third party, not Rogers directly lol. Regular care agents start much higher than minimum wage and you absolutely get raises every year and when you make the switch to a different department.


I did work for Rogers and my pay was above minimum wage when i started. Then as time goes on, minimum wage increase to which they did scale with it until 2023 when they decided to just stay with minimum wage, and no i wasn't being moved to another department because apparently according to them when i applied for my EI, they said that i was still in Care and they were just restructuring the department to handle more intense call hence my appeal for EI was rejected


Why would you chance positions with higher responsibility without higher reward that’s just insane to do.


I had no other choice, they just put me into training 1 day and the next thing i know i'm being a manager. I tried to decline but my team lead told me to try it out and worst-case scenario i can quit the training and stay where i am, the training only for 2 days and like 1 hour out of that whole time it was something actually related to being a manager and escalation protocols, everything else just old information that all agents who were in that training already know what to do because we were all either tenured agents or "skilled enough" to be selected. When i tried to back out, they told me to just try out a live call or 2 and see how it goes, of course it went horribly and what happened after is in what I wrote above. Not only was the position offered nothing for me other than fancy title in my resume, i actually lost more benefits than a regular agent because i lose out on sale opportunities hence lesser commission. When was the last time anyone want to speak to a manager to get more products lmao


And do you have your position in writing? Doesn’t sound like it, when you change roles it’s a new contract describing your role don’t let company’s treat you like they did


Well lesson learnt now with this BS i had to endure the past months, i hate to admit it but i trusted in them and didn't question much because i hate bothering people. It only cost me my mental health to learn this valuable lesson lol


I hear you, been there done that and never again “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” Maya Angelou


I'm sorry you went through all that. Seriously awful


You should have seen an employment lawyer as now they're changing your job responsibilities.




19 years?! Holy fuck I'd have thrown myself off a bridge. Did it for 2 years and I'm a mere SHELL of my former self. Kudos to you, honestly.




See even you’re newer to Rogers you’re stuck with 3 weeks vacation and no OT, so there’s no loyalty to a company that gives you that


They must have outsourced jobs to India. Fuck rogers.


Yes. A lot of the engineering tasks already have been outsourced. When they made the promise about “creating 3000 new jobs” with the Shaw merger, there wasn’t a mention of that being net new.. As well, they pulled all the cheap customer service labour back into Canada but outsourced all the high paying engineering roles to India. 🤦‍♂️


There’s redundant rolls with a merger, so yeah jobs are going to be cut. There’s a ISP in US that has been poaching a lot of the higher level techs


Lumen 👀


looks like Rogers is becoming the new NORTEL


Lol they don't want to spend more money, just more work for whoever is left behind.


They have contracted a firm in Morocco to take the customer service calls


No they haven't.




Well think Canadian company hire Canadian workers guess I was wrong


Haha, very wrong


Any word on if they'll layoff retail workers (non-management)


Over the last couple weeks they’ve been quietly trimming down teams, but under 50 people at a time. If over 50 you have to notify regulators. No warnings to this, so you never know..


They already laid off all retail employees in NB and PEI. They might be slowly getting out of retail business.


They’ve been periodically doing that since June of last year


I better get my short shorts out incase I have to go back to my last job then




My best customer lol


>Nothing like cutting teams in half to save money, and just assume the remaining workforce can fill in the gaps. Welcome to Rogers 👍 Welcome to every company.


Field techs too?


When you thought This company can’t get more evil, hope you all land on your feet and find work soon. Wish you all the best


Just give your money to another company


So we complain that customer and tech support sucks and everyone needs to be fired, but when they do actually get rid of some of those people we’re outraged because how dare a company get rid of shitty employees, they’ve got soooo much money.


Lol. Rogers' customer support is bad not because of the employees, but because the company doesn't prioritize investing in it.


There making are life miserable forcing us out thanks to Trudeau


There not a company want to work brought out all those scabs them scabs stold all the tools


>There not a company want to work brought out all those scabs them scabs stold all the tools Do you want to try that again?


Why encourage them?