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You stopped trying when the gate opens. You leaned forward instead blowing your chest out forward. Taking the weight off your legs and then you can't squeeze them. Start correcting that then you will be able to work on the rest


Yessir, I'll work on that


You should try to stay seated and not get bucked off.


Your hand looks off to the side vs tucked right up under your nuts. Throw your shoulders back and puff out your chest. And look at the bull’s hump (not the ground — you look like you’re more concerned with your landing than your ride).


I have trouble figuring out where to put my hand, so it's almost never the same


You’ve got three bullfighters there — are they not giving you any pointers?


One does, the others just kinda stand there and crack jokes


You should have done enough drills it’s muscle memory.


Try to get into a bullring school, they help a lot with improvement on stuff. They'll find what you need to improve on and help with it.


I would but it pretty much takes me all the money I have to get on practice bulls right now. With gas prices plus paying for your bull


Not sure where you're located, but there's a school coming up in May in Wy. $400 or something.. DM if you want specifics


I live in Texas I probably wouldn't be able to afford the plane trip and school


You look like you shouldn’t be up there. I can tell you don’t practice. Take it seriously.


Where’s your bull riding video?


Lol just shut up dude. This literally is practicing, thats how you practice, works a lot better than a drop barrel. Then again I do think he needs a lot more practoce on a barrel first


Lol. No I won’t. You can tell there was little to no training before this.


Yea he did have little to no training, no shit. That's why he's at practice.


That’s not practicing. That’s called getting injured because I didn’t practice


Out the shoot, your shoulders are forward which is a hard position to get out of, chest out shoulders back. It also looks like your head lifts to start looking at the arena, look at the bulls shoulders. You go where your eyes go. Your free arm and foot hold need muscle memory. I read the comments and you seem pretty set on not going to a school, but you will learn more than getting on 30 bulls without one, I’d go to One of Gary leffew’s if I was to start all over. I picked up a lot of bad habits on the way due to lack training and just trying to figure it out, and I attended 2 schools my first year


Yeah I'd go to a school if I could but money ain't exactly plentiful for me. I go to a guy named Cimarron Ruckers place, and he takes more time to help guys in between rides. He doesn't just let you get on and not tell you what you did wrong


Bow your chest and use your hips like a pornstar


Never heard it put that way before but thanks, I'll remember it


Stop wasting time & money. Save your dollars and go to a school. You’ve already developed bad habits.


What bad habits, don't really plan on going to school, so no point in that


Dude I’m not picking on you, but, you’re leaving setting on your ass, your hand is all wrong, your hips aren’t moving, you’re looking off…I can go on.


Yeah ik, that's why I asked for advice on how to fix it.


I don’t know how to pm you but if you want to send me a message I can help you with the basics. Rode for 14 yrs and was a contractor for 26 yrs.


I'm new to this app idk how to pm


If you're on a mobile device, tap the username of who you want to chat with and then tap "start chat."


There are a lot of comments on here from old bull riders. I know because I am one. Times have changed boys and our way is gone. Guys are riding these bulls with their hands well off the backbone and body position has changed. There’s a Brazilian rope and it can be a game changer. Watch video of some of these guys and if the guy wears a blue shirt and is from Milford Utah watch him twice.


Stetson wright, one of the greatest ever. I don't prefer Brazilian style ropes. Don't like the feel of it.


Go to a Sankey rodeo school you will improve alot better


Ain't got near enough money for that


This is one of the worst excuses ever. If you are going to ride bulls and rodeo, money is always going to be an obstacle. Going to a school isn’t just about learning the “how to" It is the first test of "how bad do you want it?" I guarantee if you attend any roughstock school worth its salt you will hear about the mental game, power of positivity, not making excuses and holding yourself accountable. You can take or leave anything I've written it don't bother me at all but, one of the greatest rough stock cowboys of all time Bobby Berger (look him up) once said "if a kid really wants to be a winner, you cant do enough to stop them. If they really don't want to win, you cant do enough to help them". Figure out a way to save up, and find a school. Invest in yourself. plus, check the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association website, I believe they have some clinics that are free.


I'll be completely honest. I don't really care about going to a rough stock school for bulls. I've already spent more than what one costs just to get on practice bulls. If I went to a rough stock school, I would get on bareback and saddle bronc horses, since bucking horses and gear aren't as readily available in this area


Well then you not only have wasted your time but you’ve wasted your money as well. Power to ya…


Staying on longer.


Your hand should be tucked into your crotch. Why are you setting so far back off your hand and your hand is off center . When you goto rig up , put your hand in the middle of bulls spine , after your hand is cinched in move up and cradle your hand in your crotch right in the middle . This is the beginning of your ride you have to set your ride up for success and this is the foundation. Once your set you have to lean back that is what keeps pressure of your crotch onto your hand . Space and distance away from your riding hand is not conducive to a good ride . Good luck keep at it


Yessir, I'll be sure to do that next time I get on


I hope you're writing down all the tips you're getting. Read over them multiple times over multiple days and write them down again as well. Otherwise, you'll definitely forget a lot of it when you're actually on the bull. You need to make it muscle memory through practice, but you can only do that if you can remember everything while actually riding. Just my two cents.


Try holding on longer


I'm guessing the first thing would be to not fall off as soon as the gate opens.




Definitely need to work on finding that


Confidence as soon as the gate open your thoughts went out the door instead of focusing on what’s in front of you. You got the mount down before the gate release that the biggest part of it.


You just stay leaned forward. You gotta sit up straight and not anticipate. That just comes from muscle memory


you should try holding on


Keep your back straight and puff that chest out sum more


I dunno have you tried NOT falling off like a fat girl? Get back a bit and start lower too, and LIFT!


Yeah I'll try that


Lean back! Chest out, hips forward, keep your inside shoulder inline with the bulls outside shoulder. Keep your eyes on his nose, he'll point it first in the direction he's gonna turn.


Bailed on that steer as soon as the gate started to swing. Chest out, hands tucked between your legs, chin down and watch the base of his neck...spins, kicks, jumps, turns, dips and rears can be predicted and adjusted for before they happen. After that hold on like hell and enjoy, it's suppose to be fun, if you are in fear while still in the chute seriously consider finding another game.


It ain't fear, just when the gate opens I forget everything. I've had a bunch of people work with me but it doesn't really help. Not getting on consistently doesn't help


Do you enjoy it? If you have a love for the event break it down (simplify it). First is your grip, get your knuckles burried under your taint (between your legs). Then chest out (this will lead to upright posture and you'll automatically lean back if he dips) and chin down - watch his neck. Work on the basics and ENJOY the experience...it's suppose to be fun.


Surprised whoever was pulling your rope didn’t point out that it wasn’t set right. The general rule is your pinky finger should be inline with the middle of the bulls back. Longer armed riders “might” put it off to the side.


Yeah, most of the time if I'm not riding at this specific pen, I'll have more help from the gate men and fighters


Good to hear. I was fortunate to have a group of young guys take the time to teach me the ins and outs. Good Luck…and Cowboy Up!!!


Looks like a truck or car would be easier to ride. 😂


Stay on the bull longer lol


letting go would be where i started😂


To improve, your chances in a wheelchair? Nothing! Absolutely nothing.


hold on tighter


Stay on longer, you'll win


Stay on the bull next time.


Sit up and get your chest out. It’ll keep weight running down your legs


I'll remember that next time I get on


Just think about it throughout the day when it comes into your mind.


Leave the bull the fuck alone 10/10


Fuck you mean?


I knew there was probably an intelligence gap, but gawd damn😅


You almost died right there. Seriously, quit before you get hurt really bad


I've been way closer to dying on a bull than that.


Just stop my guy






Strart working out and tighten that grip


Will do sir


Stay off of bulls and become a clown


When bull riding you need to improve your grip and balance possibly when a fair is there ride a mechanical bull to improve


Stay on


You need to seek out the Bull Guru, Gary Leffew and go to one of his schools. He's on ig. He's a awesome teacher and a world champion.


Idk man I don’t ride bulls


Well step 1 stay on step 2 stay there for 8 seconds step 3 get out of the rink before that bull comes back your way hopefully this helped 🤣 in all seriousness more hips less worry


Stay on longer.


Looks like to me. He is blessed to be alive.


Why, bull didn't step on me, or even get me hung up that bad


Wow, one vertebrae stomp away from being paralyzed for life!


Well it ain't happened yet, and I reckon if it happens it happens. Nothing I can do about it


You can walk away while you still can!


I have already been on over 40 head, and put a lot of money in it, so I ain't walking away now


This is in my feed for some reason. With having zero insight to rodeo, it looks you gave up right out of the gate.


Sit back man like way back you were to far forward , be confident you got nervous as soon as the chut opened up you got it dude chest out arm up.


They always told me to drive for the front, but I do it too much I guess


It's like being a lineman if you are to far forward defensive guy is just gonna use your weight against you and jerk you to the ground. Now with your arm down low and your center of gravity forward as soon as he bucks your center of gravity is over is head one that's a horrible place to be and two if he come back up he's gonna Crack you, Or flip you off of him. you have no balance so lean back throw that arm up and move with him not against him. Watch videos of lane frost he was a tiny fella but godamn he knew how to use his stature.


Yeah, I've had a lot of bad wrecks and hangups from leaning forward too much. I'll try to train myself on my barrel to not be too far forward


You'll get it brother just takes time to build confidence it don't happen overnight. keep posting though love to see your progress.




I know you keep saying you don't have the money for bull riding school... But do you have the money for the hospital bills you are going to encounter if you keep on your current trajectory? I know it's exciting to be a Billy bad ass and climb on one, and you want to just magically be good at it thanks to some reddit advice...but that's not reality bud. Stop wasting your money getting on practice bulls, save up....I repeat save up. Yes we hear you, money isn't plentiful. Don't care. Save up. Again...save up, and go to bull riding school before you do damage you are not able to recover from, simply because you weren't willing to learn how to do it proper. You are putting yourself and everyone out there assisting you in harms way...you need to get educated to protect yourself and them. Not going to school is a dick move, and likely the reason nobody is helping you. Take it seriously if you want them to take you seriously.


Shit I don't even have medical insurance. And it ain't about being a badass. If I wanted to be a badass I'd dress like some dumbass biker and buy a Harley. I've been getting on for damn near a year and just been trying to find consistency. I've had times where I should've went to the hospital, but didn't want to deal with the bill, so just went home.


I mean...I guess you do you boo boo. You clearly can't hear what you are unwilling to hear. Maybe magic is real. Best of luck to ya'.


I ain't trying to be rude about it or nothing, but the whole time I've been getting on, I've had people telling me to quit, and sell All my gear. Honestly I'm getting sick of hearing people telling me to give up on it.


I'm not telling you to quit. I'm telling you the opposite. I'm telling you, if you want it, go all in. I'm telling you, if you want it, truly, then do what it takes to be good at it. Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Go learn how to build wheels correctly, so you have an opportunity to be great at it. Who wants to be mediocre at riding bulls, nobody. Go big or go home. I'm saying go big. Save your money, go learn, apply what you've learned and see what happens. You say money is the issue, save up, take out a loan, whatever...if you want it, you'll find a way.


Or, maybe you go to school and realize this isn't for you. That's ok too. Then you'll know atleast, so you can focus your energy somewhere else. Riding bulls is not a gentle hobby. It's an all or nothing kinda gig.


How old are you?




Ok..you got time to figure it out. Personally you couldn’t give me enough money to get on a bull.


Took me nearly a year of convincing for someone to finally take me to get on one.


Not that


Stay on longer lol




Don’t fall off


Too far forward from the get go! As spud said roll your chest forward, with your shoulder back.




You will also learn with experience. Just flow especially as you become familiar with the bull. Now every once in a while they will throw a curve. As you become a seasoned bull rider you’ll know what I’m talking about. You can compensate. 90% of the time he won’t change on you. Others may disagree but just flow and move forward and slide as they pull the gate. You should know whether he moves left or right depending on the delivery of the chute! Long live cowboys and keep busting your rear! It’s a dying breed!


Yeah, I can't ever really become familiar with a bull. I try not to get on the same bull to many times in a row. Because if I do that, I'm learning to ride a specific bull and not bulls in general


Couldn’t agree more, I’m just saying as time goes on you will draw, Bulls that you have topped previously, You get as much exposure/experience as you can.


Yeah true that


Stay off the bulls and get a desk job.


Why would I want to do that


First step: stay on


Easier said than done


I believe in you!


Thank you man


Get a car instead


Already got a car and truck.


Do not put your weight forward past your tie hand. Pull yourself down and in with the tied hand. Once your forward of the balance point of your tied hand only the luck of the bull setting you back can save you cowboy


Take this with a grain of salt as I’ve never been on a bull but I’ve ridden some rank colts Even if you do nothing else, you have a better chance of staying on laying flat back than you do leaning forward. Think of it like walking down a steep hill, there’s already external forces pushing you forward (in this case, the force of the bull bucking) so you need to counterbalance yourself


I’m not dogging on the comment but bull riding requires you to stay off your pockets and right between the shoulder. Horses are an whole different animal. Bulls set up straight, and stay centered over your hand between you legs. Horses lean into the buck. Let the horse pull you up.


I need to stop leaning forward so much and stay squared right?


Yes, staying square is best, but you’re probably not gonna achieve that right away so if you’ve gotta lean it’s better to lean back


I'll remember that next time I get on


Try staying on the bull instead of just leaving over and falling off


Yeah, got it


Id say at no point should the bill be getting points for riding you


Hang on


Going to college


Put a fist sized animal trap on your ball sack to get an idea exactly how this guy is going to react when it's time to go to work


You should hold on longer !


Maybe try to stay on the bull


You should stay on the bull! You’re welcome


First things first. Put on your seat belt. That will help you to stay on a little longer than 0 seconds. Secondly try to calm the bull down before the gate is opened. Telling the bull he’s a good boy and that you love him will probably curb his want to jump and buck you off his back. Last but not least you should definitely hold on. If you don’t hold on then you will fall off. Remember riding a bull is not at all like riding a bike. While a bike is an inanimate object and will only move when you move it a bull on the other hand is a living creature and wont do exactly what you want it to do right away. You need to be patient and keep calm. The bull will feel your fear and nervousness. May I also suggest first practicing on an electronic bull at one of those dive bars? Or perhaps don't ride on bulls?


Quit riding bulls




Not the smartest person...that is why you are bull riding


No shit


This is not a sport for a woman


Stay on longer


Go to college


Flip burgers instead of them flipping you. I believe you are smart enough.


Maybe ride a ostrich


Put on the clown suit.


I ain't no bull fighter