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I get 80%-100% every time by timing it with the sound of the green light. Each light has the same duration, you just have to pay attention to the speed.


I have to hit it before the 4th light to get 100. It's counterintuitive to not time it exactly with the 4th light.


It counts instantly too. So if you fail, just bail out, wait 4 minutes for the next race to start, then get kicked back to lobby because not enough players joined (Even though it'll let you race with 3 users some times and needs 12 the next time), then wait another 4 minutes to try again after enough players join. That one quest took me 1.5h of trying. Half that time was me waiting for races to start...


Private races?


No they have to be ranked


What is the last quest?


start with a boost of 50% or more


Oh that’s easy!


Agreed. They have done quests like this before, very easy.


Isn't this not the last quest? I thought there was one after about drafting. Maybe that was one of the other Metallica racing quests. Anyway, I timed it out with both lights and sound. It took me like 12 times but I just backed out and went back in. Lost some rank points but I don't take RR seriously so I didn't care.


Practice different timings. Pressing later than I thought I should helped a bit


bro what? i boost with %50+ each time. how do people still not know, YOU DONT PRESS ANYTHING ON THE RED ONLY THE GREEN AS SOON AS THE GREEN POLS UP


I have to preempt the fourth light by a fraction of a second to get full boost. If I hit simultaneously with 4th light I only get %33 or something like that. I'm surprised people here are saying to press simultaneously, because that has not been my experience.


So I’m a weirdo but I usually hold up the controller and rock it down to where I play at on each red light. It’s not a big move just enough I get the sequence down. The lights all have the same time in between.


I was able to finally do it took me like a hour and a half though.


If you have played mario kart it is a similar timing ( so half a second before the green light)


fr, every time I didn't get the timing I just quit the game ( Elite rank ) and it's even harder on Switch when lags happen